Ziir posted:Are any of you experiencing memory leaks in Safari in Lion? I cringe when I go to activity monitor and see Safari Web Contents (just going by memory right now) taking 800+ MB of RAM. Makes my 4 GB seem not enough. I'm seeing 736 MB of RAM being used by Safari Web Content. In comparison, Firefox is using 248 MB. Edit: I'm on a Mid-2011 27" Intel Core i5 iMac with 12 GB of RAM so I'm not too concerned, but still confirming that it's not just you. StainlessBanner fucked around with this message at 05:54 on Jul 20, 2011 |
# ? Jul 20, 2011 05:29 |
# ? Oct 4, 2024 10:38 |
Browsing the web with Chrome and listening to songs in iTunes consumes 20% more memory on average in Lion than in Snow Leopard. Any ideas why? This phenomenon doesn't really make sense to me. I'm on a 2.8 GHz C2D iMac with 4 GB of RAM for some context.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 05:42 |
Is anyone else having problems with the back button in firefox since the last update? It doesn't work unless I hit it twice. It feels like I'm using a cheap walkman.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:05 |
For any of you who use Chronosync for backups, they released 4.2.2 tonight with "Lion compatibility" Yay!
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:07 |
Abel Wingnut posted:Browsing the web with Chrome and listening to songs in iTunes consumes 20% more memory on average in Lion than in Snow Leopard. Any ideas why? This phenomenon doesn't really make sense to me. 64-bit iTunes? Just a guess.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:09 |
echobucket posted:64-bit iTunes? Just a guess. I'm using 10.3.1.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:12 |
echobucket posted:64-bit iTunes? Just a guess.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:13 |
Small White Dragon posted:Isn't that only in iTunes 10.5 betas? I guess so, I said it was just a guess
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:16 |
NESguerilla posted:Is anyone else having problems with the back button in firefox since the last update? It doesn't work unless I hit it twice. It feels like I'm using a cheap walkman. Yes
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:22 |
Xee should be on the list of apps. It does but one thing, but it does it well.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:24 |
Since we can now talk about Lion, I'll list out my favorite things about it, and stuff I don't like about it. Favorite things: * Resuming of apps. This is killer. Especially when you restart your mac. It logs in so fast and resumes all those silly menubar applications you have running in the background * Launchpad. I know some won't like it, but I've been using my Applications Folder in the dock since forever so this is a welcome improvement on that idea. Also, I love that you put them into iOS style folders and it's not represented by folders on the disk (because sometimes moving apps into real folders on the disk makes upgrades or other things not work quite right). * Mission Control. I use Expose and spaces constantly, and often I use one and then the other. Now this is one butan for both. Things I don't like * The Lozenge button is gone! I used this constantly to unmount windows created by mounting a DMG. I would click the lozenge, and then click eject in the sidebar, unmounting the DMG and closing the window in the process. Now I have to open a regular finder window, eject the DMG, then close that finder window.. It's just more steps that it used to be... * I can't believe reverse scrolling is the default. Glad you can switch it, but until you get it switched, man I'm confused for a bit. Especially since I have a mouse with an actual scroll wheel.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:29 |
Right-click the "background" of the window and there will be an eject option.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:44 |
Is there any reason I should worry about running Lion on my January 2008 white Macbook? There doesn't seem to be anything graphically intense but I'm still kind of worried.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:46 |
I was on the fence about full screen apps but terminal in full screen on a 13" Macbook Pro owns so hard. Slide over to that huge terminal with a three finger and then switch between the tabs with the two finger. Get some things going and slide back over to my IDE to write some code. Slide over again to look at Mail.app and back again. Lion is the poo poo for laptops with small screens.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:46 |
~Coxy posted:Right-click the "background" of the window and there will be an eject option. Or if you use Alfred, just start typing "eject" and press enter! I love Alfred.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:55 |
~Coxy posted:Right-click the "background" of the window and there will be an eject option. my god, thank you for this.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 06:59 |
I have two computers but only one iTunes account. Can I buy Lion once and install it on both computers, or is that breaking the rules? Assuming it is against the rules, how would I even get two licenses considering I only have one account?
# ? Jul 20, 2011 07:18 |
MAS rules permit up to five installations per purchase, I believe. Besides that fact, the Lion install specifically does not have any receipt/account checking and can be installed on any number of machines.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 07:27 |
echobucket posted:Favorite things: Eh, I feel completely opposite about these ones. When I reboot my machine, I'm rebooting specifically for a reason—to start everything over in a clean state. I don't want left over programs running when I turn it back on. On a related note, I really don't like this new save state feature. Sometimes I open up TextEdit to write down a few notes real quick and then close the program when I'm note with the notes (don't need them anymore). Two days later when I open TextEdit again I don't want my unsaved scratchpad to pop up. This just has the potential to be really embarrassing or whatever. On yet another related note, save states are kind of buggy still, I think. Right now my Preview app shows 10 PDFs minimized. I can expose down and select them and they maximize, but I can't close them. They just reminimize. I've tried delete my save states folder in ~/Library. I already have save states disabled in system settings because I hate it so much. I've rebooted. Nope, Preview still shows 10 PDFs just minimized there, hanging out. Launchpad—I start all my apps from Spotlight so I've never even as much as looked at Launchpad. I think I disabled the mouse gesture to get to it too. Mission Control—I used Expose and Spaces a lot in SL, but I just don't like Mission Control. Worse yet, they've completely neutered Expose. When I try to use Expose now, it only shows me the windows of the currently focused app which is completely stupid. Right now I have Safari open, and two Terminal windows behind it. In SL, I would just Expose, and then click on the Terminal window I want. Now, in Lion, when I use Expose, it only shows me the current Safari window I have that's already taking up most of my screen. Ah, but I can just use Mission Control you say. OK, I bring up MC and I don't see the Terminal window I'm looking for. I know it's there, but where is it? Oh, I minimized it, and MC doesn't show minimized windows. I just want my old Expose functionality back. I've also noticed that sometimes (like in Preview), when I do cmd+w to close a PDF, if it's the only PDF I have open then the entire program just quits as if I did cmd+q. It's inconsistent and random and I don't like it either.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 07:40 |
Here are my notes regarding FileVault in Lion. For reference, Legacy FileVault is the Leopard/Snow Leopard implementation.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 08:05 |
Can you use full disk encryption on any Mac or do you need one of the CPUs that have accelerated encryption support (or whatever it's called)?
# ? Jul 20, 2011 08:17 |
I'm sure any Mac with Lion installed can use FileVault WDE. Of course it won't be readable by older OS X versions. Encrypted partitions aren't visible to Windows when using Boot Camp, even with Boot Camp 4.0 software.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 08:24 |
Ziir posted:
This has been my greatest fear, and I didn't want to find out that it might be true. gently caress.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 08:36 |
I saw that in an earlier build and it seemed like such an obvious omission that thought that would just be a temporary thing
# ? Jul 20, 2011 08:47 |
NESguerilla posted:It feels like I'm using a cheap walkman. Well, it is Firefox. Before I get told to go back to YOSPOS, that's actually a pretty apt analogy. Firefox is not a "native" OS X application in the same way that Safari or Chrome (or Finder, etc.) is, in that it uses what's basically a theming engine (XUL) to describe the way a "real" OS X program looks and feels. It happens to be very good and actually does use native UI elements to draw the interface, but (and I'm grossly oversimplifying this) since it's not described to the system the same way that apps developed specifically for OS X are, it's always going to feel a bit off. This is, incidentally, why you need to use Mac OS X and XCode to develop for iOS: a cross-platform interface might look just fine, but it almost always just feels a little weird.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 09:01 |
Hmm. OK so any tips on importing a keychain into Lion from a 10.6 disk? - Keychain Access / File / Import Items... - Navigate to /Users/olduser/Library/Keychains - Can't select login.keychain because it's grayed out This might be my cue to start using 1Passwd.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 09:22 |
Star War Sex Parrot posted:Welcome to the brave new world of sandboxing. StainlessBanner posted:I'm seeing 736 MB of RAM being used by Safari Web Content. In comparison, Firefox is using 248 MB. I still don't get why the increase is so dramatic from SL though. Right now with Safari running just three tabs, Safari + Safari Web Content takes up a combined 970 MB of RAM. I imagine people with 12 GB of RAM don't care but I don't have 12 GB of RAM .
# ? Jul 20, 2011 09:47 |
I need some input. I have a new iMac which I just finished setting up. Besides my OSX applications, I also have bootcamp running Win7. I would like to do a clean install as everyone seems to be recommending, but I don't want to screwup my Windows installation. Will a clean install have any impact on my bootcamp partition?
# ? Jul 20, 2011 10:54 |
Martytoof posted:Hmm. OK so any tips on importing a keychain into Lion from a 10.6 disk?
# ? Jul 20, 2011 11:05 |
Just to confirm - I can't download Lion yet can I? When it's available I guess it'll be the featured app on the App Store?
# ? Jul 20, 2011 11:12 |
I thought about that, but I'm a little concerned that I'd be adding a second login keychain. Will it give me the chance to rename it or something? I guess I could just try, but this is the kind of thing where I'd rather err on the side of caution. I've basically been importing or otherwise copying that keychain since like 10.3 I think, so it's amassed quite a collection of garbage. It won't be the end of the world if I have to start over with a clean keychain. DBFT posted:Just to confirm - I can't download Lion yet can I? When it's available I guess it'll be the featured app on the App Store? Correct. Apple store itself is down right now, so it'll likely come up with Lion ready to go. some kinda jackal fucked around with this message at 11:15 on Jul 20, 2011 |
# ? Jul 20, 2011 11:12 |
Martytoof posted:I thought about that, but I'm a little concerned that I'd be adding a second login keychain. Will it give me the chance to rename it or something? I guess I could just try, but this is the kind of thing where I'd rather err on the side of caution.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 11:16 |
wolffenstein posted:You can rename it in Finder. Yes it is adding a second keychain, but the stuff you want can be dragged and dropped into your current keychain. Awesome, thanks! My only concern was that it would somehow confuse the system with regards to which the actual login keychain would be. I'll go ahead and add this as a second user keychain then.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 11:20 |
Also, my internet keeps dropping every few hours for 5-10 seconds. It's really annoying and has never happened prior to 10.7. I'm really hoping these are all bugs that get fixed when Lion officially comes out.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 11:52 |
Ziir posted:I'm really hoping these are all bugs that get fixed when Lion officially comes out.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 12:11 |
OP, the link for "App Cleaner" is 404. "OnyX" is also down.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 12:37 |
I hope someone makes some UI patches for color Finder sidebar icons quick. One of the only things I really dislike about Lion are the iTunes-esque finder icons. Also, why the hell did they move the mounted volumes/HD stuff to the bottom of the sidebar?
# ? Jul 20, 2011 13:02 |
~Coxy posted:Right-click the "background" of the window and there will be an eject option.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 13:03 |
Supposedly 15 minutes until launch. I'm so excited, I might pee myself.
# ? Jul 20, 2011 13:15 |
# ? Oct 4, 2024 10:38 |
LIon's up!
# ? Jul 20, 2011 13:37 |