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  • Locked thread
Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Performing thread necromancy due to Mr. Ford's new character on Archer a few weeks back. My head just about exploded.

NoEyedSquareGuy posted:

Send a postcard to Strunk and White!
Oh, I just hate it when people do that! I-I just want to throw acid in their face, do you know what I mean?


Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Jose posted:

Muffintop X is my favourite thing I noticed on like my 5th watch
I'll have you know, this armor does not protect my feelings.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Quit nagging me, silver-haired woman!

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Talking 'bout a large vagina!

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Went to the shooting range today, and was talking about all the different types of guns I had with a friend of mine. Then this exchange came to mind.


Val: Cruisington Arms 1100 Auto-loader...
Mr. Ford: Anything else?
Val: Phased plasma pulse laser in the 40 watt range...
Mr. Ford: Just what you see here, lady. Anything else?
Val: Your clothes, give them to me.
Mr. Ford: What the gently caress are you doing?
Val: Terminator? No? Nothing?
Mr. Ford: Look here lady, I'm tired of talking to you, get the gently caress outta my store.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Holy poo poo, there is NO WAY they got that without watching Frisky Dingo. Nun with an RPG?
And why does it says Welcome to You Are Mother .com?

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

haljordan posted:

I don't have to explain my art to you!
Too harsh? I don't want to get flagged by a moderator.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

404GoonNotFound posted:

You point at it! You celebrate yourself!
I mean, I'm sure it doesn't *fill* a tallboy?

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

L33t_Kefka posted:

I don't even have any coins you btich!
Oh, I have about fifty.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

There are two Frisky quotes that I'm guessing are references, but I never figured them out.

1. Torpedo Vegas says he's the cashier in a candy store with a handlebar mustache. Killface even says he doesn't get the reference, thinks it's about "Little House" [on the Prairie?]

2. Ronnie asking if Johnny Carson is "violin man with slave."

Any idea where these come from?

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

bunnyofdoom posted:

Man I want a Tom Collins now
And the learning of your name.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Worst Case Ontario posted:

I like to call it Lost Wages!
It all just looks like a giant litterbox.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Crowetron posted:

What's with this slideshow everybody's doin'?
You know, I am a racist, but you have won me over. At least in this instance.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

kami posted:

This thread is like a bad penny.
I don't even have any coins, you bitch!

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Ror posted:


Just, uh, went ahead and put it out there.
Turns out Muslims aren't the only ones who still throw stones.
News Ticker: Come on, we're doing everybody.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Slamhound posted:

Aren't you Jewish?
I don't know... did monkeys build the pyramids?

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Ror posted:

... ribbit.

Literally starving to death over here.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.


Barnaby, that wasn't pants!
That... isn't a pickle.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

L33t_Kefka posted:

Ohh!! We were supposed to get pickles!
"Your clothes. Give them to me." Terminator? No?

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Cloud Potato posted:

Did not see that coming.
Oh my God, a missile! We've been hit!

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Worst Case Ontario posted:

...You are like a bad penny.
Think of all the sympathy cooz I could get.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

L33t_Kefka posted:

This is the wrong suit!
Too bad Haggar doesn't make shoes!

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.


Just get me two of everything that ever played video, and then the Hunter, and then format won't matter.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

JethroMcB posted:

Look, I don't know what kinda...Boys From Brazil thing you got going on in there, but I'm still the boss in here.
And if you don't like it, there's the big-rear end door.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

JethroMcB posted:

Heyohhhhh, "Naughty, naughty, naughty!"

That's a lil' voice I do. Call him "Dago Frank."
What about "Cody II"? It's evocative...

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

MrL_JaKiri posted:

Do we still have enough to pay for Train Island?
Got change for a .38??!?

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Chexoid posted:

So... crashed on my planet didn't ya?

You're gonna have to pay for that space lady.
Slideshow, she's in it.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

JethroMcB posted:

Why do you think Kelly LeBrock left him?

'Cause he's Taliban!
Then utilize your superhero abilities to turn Wendell X into an unstoppable fighting machine!

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

404GoonNotFound posted:

Sound it out Mister Ford! E-ne-ma!
Sound like you from Iraq.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

LobsterMobster posted:

I don't even have any coins, you bitch!
Maybe you should lay off the platinum-infused highballs.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

That DICK! posted:

He's like a kid in a candy shop, and that candy is... success. And I'm that friendly man at this cash register with a handle bar mustache
If he always throws his food on the floor, why is he so fat?

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Ror posted:

Shhh. You smell that? I smell crickets.
It was a hit... and they ran.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

And I think that's a very good idea

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

STOP. I pick the ant computer.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Ror posted:


Cover your mouth.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

So what do you think we're making? I think, it is telephones.

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

JethroMcB posted:

God put 'em here for us to eat, and he chocked 'em full of folic acid and magnesium, and that's real good for your colon.

But I eat 'em cause they taste good. Like America used to.
This is my wife. :nyoron:

Ooh! I was supposed to get pickles. For a party. Wanna come? There's gonna be pickles! If I get 'em!

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

He doesn't have a penis! As far as I can tell...

Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Oh yeah, Ol' Wendell's dragged the old pineapple through quite a number of ladies.


Jan 7, 2001

I found this image on the Internet, perhaps you've heard of it? It's been around for a while I hear.

Is this a bank, or, you know, a house?

  • Locked thread