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Jan 7, 2007

Serephina posted:

Amusingly, that article starts with stuff about how poast is part of an anti-ads community, and after I scrolled down a bit of course the article fades to pop up some advert thing. The context of a ad/nag-infused site disparaging an anti-ad one was not lost on me.

Thanks for letting us know who the true baddies are in this situation. Let me guess, you're also a long-time poster on Slashdot.


May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

ShoeFly posted:

Just a heads up, poast[.]org is a Nazi site

so you're saying i should definitely use because neonazis have to pay for the bandwidth? thanks

Aug 3, 2007

GBS Pledge Week
Didn't poast die a month ago?

edit: oh that was lmao how many alt-right twitters are there?

Klyith fucked around with this message at 22:26 on Jun 13, 2024

Nov 6, 2007

ShoeFly posted:

Just a heads up, poast[.]org is a Nazi site

that's unfortunate

good thing there's other instances though most aren't working

zetamind2000 fucked around with this message at 22:00 on Jun 13, 2024

Mar 17, 2011

Serephina posted:

Amusingly, that article starts with stuff about how poast is part of an anti-ads community, and after I scrolled down a bit of course the article fades to pop up some advert thing. The context of a ad/nag-infused site disparaging an anti-ad one was not lost on me.

It amuses me how it decides some, but not all, slurs are worth censoring. Can’t see the n-word but derogatory terms for trans folks are fine!

Apr 5, 2010

ShoeFly posted:

Just a heads up, poast[.]org is a Nazi site

So it's just like Twitter then?

Oct 6, 2012

Installed Floorp, just in case I need to ditch Vivaldi eventually due to it being chromium based. Seems to work so far, and Firefox's extension store has the same extensions I use with Vivaldi.

E: I wish I knew how to add a titlebar to Floorp's window though.

E2: Menu -> More Tools -> Customize Toolbar, then Check the box in the lower left corner.

E3: Now to figure out if it is possible to disable this stupid hamburger menu and use a normal File/Edit/View etc menu layout..

E4: Heh, same customize toolbar page has it too. Welp. This might actually be usable now :v:

Ihmemies fucked around with this message at 10:23 on Jun 15, 2024

Nov 6, 2007

Tamba posted:

Use to replace the first two (and get redirects for a bunch of other sites)

thanks! this appeals to my particular brainworms

Nov 4, 2010

Setting browser.privateWindowSeparation.enabled to false doesn't seem to be working anymore.
Anybody happen to know a workaround?

Nov 11, 2001

Geemer posted:

Setting browser.privateWindowSeparation.enabled to false doesn't seem to be working anymore.
Anybody happen to know a workaround?
Looks like it's a bug.


On Windows, the Private Window icon is displayed in the taskbar even though browser.privateWindowSeparation.enabled is set to false. This will be fixed in the next release (bug 1901840).

Nov 4, 2010

Thanks for letting me know. I tried searching bugzilla for it and everything, but it wouldn't show up.

And good to see the YouTube thing mentioned there is getting fixed. I could've sworn that was some measure Google had taken to annoy adblock users.

E: looks like they intentionally removed the preference and in that bug report scramble to re-add it after getting enough negative comments.
Mine would've been in there as well if Google had shown the Mozilla connect page when I was searching, instead of 50 listicles or "optimizer" software pages.

Geemer fucked around with this message at 06:12 on Jun 20, 2024

Megillah Gorilla
Sep 22, 2003

If only all of life's problems could be solved by smoking a professor of ancient evil texts.

Bread Liar
It's been a while since an update has borked something for me, but the last one brought back screen tearing when I scrolled. Haven't seem that one for a while.

Went to about:config, "layers.acceleration.force-enabled" and set it to "true" then restarted and that did the trick.

Jun 28, 2010
Just started using Iceraven on my phone, after moving from Chrome to Floorp on the desktop... and I'm in love.

All my extensions are there (ublock Origin, Sponsorblock and Tampermonkey), custom filter lists in ubo, like I-dont-care-about-cookies work, and I could even get my userscripts running in Tampermonkey.

Browsing on the phone finally feels right again. Even with Vivaldi, pages haven't looked as clean as with ubo.

Jan 5, 2008

Xenthalon posted:

Just started using Iceraven on my phone, after moving from Chrome to Floorp on the desktop... and I'm in love.

All my extensions are there (ublock Origin, Sponsorblock and Tampermonkey), custom filter lists in ubo, like I-dont-care-about-cookies work, and I could even get my userscripts running in Tampermonkey.

Browsing on the phone finally feels right again. Even with Vivaldi, pages haven't looked as clean as with ubo.

Why not Firefox?

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

In the past few months Firefox started to slow wayyyy down when using Youtube. I like to have dozens of tabs open and it slowed to a crawl. I even added extra RAM to get 32 gigs total and it was still happening. The only way to fix it was to restart Firefox and it was fine for a little while before it started bogging down again. On a whim I tried Chrome and everything is zippy fast with zero issues. I'm using the exact same extensions on both browsers - ublock origin and bitwarden. Anyone know how to unfuck Firefox or is this normal?

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

I'd imagine that's Google pulling a fast one.

Nettle Soup
Jan 30, 2010

Oh, and Jones was there too.

Yeah that's just how YT is for me now. Works fine once the video loads, but takes a good 20-30 seconds to go between pages.

I find it does get a bit (edit: a lot) quicker if I install UserAgentSwitcher and then tell it I'm Chrome, and then try not to open stuff in new tabs. Staying in the same tab with the agent switcher on keeps it quick.

Nettle Soup fucked around with this message at 23:41 on Jun 29, 2024

Aug 6, 2019

Try running a personal invidious docker instance to get around what ever shenanigans Google tries to do with you on the youtube website.

Or for the supreme method - put all your yt subscriptions in an rss reader and script yt-dlp to grab them for you and watch it all locally.

Nov 6, 2007

I've found that using piped as a frontend with the sage-like extension for rss feeds works pretty well

Jun 28, 2010

CatHorse posted:

Why not Firefox?
Good call, I thought only Iceraven supported all the extensions, but seems like Firefox for Android also supports the few extensions I use. I think I'll switch, thanks!

Inceltown posted:

Or for the supreme method - put all your yt subscriptions in an rss reader and script yt-dlp to grab them for you and watch it all locally.
If you are already fiddling with an RSS Reader and yt-dlp scripting, might as well setup ytdl-sub. It does basically the same thing, you throw your channels in a config file, can even add conditions for how long to keep the episodes, and Regexes and stuff to filter titles and it does its thing on a schedule.

The kicker is though: it generates video metadata from the youtube descriptions for home-streaming servers, like Plex, Emby or Jellyfin, so your streaming server can pick up the videos, and they display beautifully in your home library.

Xenthalon fucked around with this message at 06:06 on Jun 30, 2024

Sep 29, 2007

Hair Elf
Mozilla opened up addon support for mobile sometime around last December. If the extension author marks their addon as Android supported, it can be installed on an Android device. There isn't any gate keeping beyond that anymore.

Megillah Gorilla
Sep 22, 2003

If only all of life's problems could be solved by smoking a professor of ancient evil texts.

Bread Liar
Anyone who uses Snap Links Plus, it's currently causing problems on youtube. Right clicking anywhere on the site has somehow been turned into page down, which is a nuisance if you're trying to copy a timestamp.

Given that the last update for the extension was three years ago :sigh:

If only we could limit the sites an extension worked on, it wouldn't be a problem. I'd just set it to exclude youtube and allow everything else.

Now I have to wait for the next youtube update to hopefully unfuck things.

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

Nettle Soup posted:

Yeah that's just how YT is for me now. Works fine once the video loads, but takes a good 20-30 seconds to go between pages.

I find it does get a bit (edit: a lot) quicker if I install UserAgentSwitcher and then tell it I'm Chrome, and then try not to open stuff in new tabs. Staying in the same tab with the agent switcher on keeps it quick.

i've finally resorted to just pasting youtube links into mpv now, the website keeps getting more broken by the day, and sponsorblock buffering just straight up stopping playback lmao

e: also

Truga fucked around with this message at 19:18 on Jul 3, 2024

Bertha the Toaster
Jan 11, 2009

Megillah Gorilla posted:

Anyone who uses Snap Links Plus, it's currently causing problems on youtube.

Never heard of it, although from the look of it it is still being worked on;

I guess you could try building it yourself or even fixing the issue yourself.
You know, if you're a masochist.

Megillah Gorilla
Sep 22, 2003

If only all of life's problems could be solved by smoking a professor of ancient evil texts.

Bread Liar
Given it's only on youtube and I rarely actually need to right click there, I'm going to go ahead with the incredibly advanced technique of opening the video in chrome any time I need to copy a timestamp.

Brave of me, I know.

Bertha the Toaster
Jan 11, 2009
I was reading the issues on the GitHub page and apparently there's a couple of "fixes". One is to use something like Stylus to set a custom CSS that changes the height of the page from 0 to literally anything else, for example "body { height: 1000px; }". The other is to zoom in. In some magnifications zooming in fixes the issue.

Megillah Gorilla
Sep 22, 2003

If only all of life's problems could be solved by smoking a professor of ancient evil texts.

Bread Liar

Bertha the Toaster posted:

I was reading the issues on the GitHub page and apparently there's a couple of "fixes". One is to use something like Stylus to set a custom CSS that changes the height of the page from 0 to literally anything else, for example "body { height: 1000px; }". The other is to zoom in. In some magnifications zooming in fixes the issue.

First off, thank you very much for this. Setting zoom to 110% completely fixed my issues. I hadn't actually checked out github yet, I was going to give it another week for things to percolate and someone to offer a solution, so you going there saved me a week of bother. Again, thanks.

This is exactly what exasperates (and amuses) me about programming. You have some issue where right clicking suddenly gets treated like pressing the page down key and the working solution is to increase the zoom.

Of course, there are very good reasons for why it works, it's just that on the face of it, it's so drat stupid.

Sep 29, 2007

Hair Elf
Well, this is weird. I got Firefox 129.0b1 today. On my Windows 11 PC running Firefox Beta, I get a new tab preview popup, but on my Win 10 work PC running Firefox Developer, I get the old style.

Is this something specific to Windows 11, is it a difference in configuration somewhere, or does Firefox Developer not have all the patches that Firefox Beta has?

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Apr 26, 2004

Check your about:config; I just searched 'preview' and a couple of relevant-looking ones pop up.

Mar 21, 2003

Heads up: Firefox 128 includes the Privacy Preserving Attribution API, which is a tracking API for advertisers that defaults to enabled and does not actually preserve privacy.

To opt out of this nonsense, do the following:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select "Privacy & Security".
  3. Scroll down to "Website Advertising Preferences".
  4. Uncheck "Allow websites to perform privacy-preserving ad measurement".
  5. Send email to Mozilla encouraging them to stop this garbage. Profanity optional, but encouraged.
This comment thread on LWN discusses the problems with this "feature" and why it does not actually preserve privacy.

Mar 14, 2007


MrPablo posted:

[*]Uncheck "Allow websites to perform privacy-preserving ad measurement".

lmao gently caress off Mozilla

Jun 14, 2003

MrPablo posted:

Heads up: Firefox 128 includes the Privacy Preserving Attribution API, which is a tracking API for advertisers that defaults to enabled and does not actually preserve privacy.

To opt out of this nonsense, do the following:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select "Privacy & Security".
  3. Scroll down to "Website Advertising Preferences".
  4. Uncheck "Allow websites to perform privacy-preserving ad measurement".
  5. Send email to Mozilla encouraging them to stop this garbage. Profanity optional, but encouraged.
This comment thread on LWN discusses the problems with this "feature" and why it does not actually preserve privacy.

Asswipes. Thanks for the heads-up.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

I made a thread about this on their suggestion forum.

Aug 3, 2007

GBS Pledge Week
Just so everyone can get their tinfoil hats on straight, PPA is not a google-originated thing. It's from Apple, and is already in Safari.

IMO if you're using ublock, you don't really need to care about this. If you don't see any ads in the first place they'll never ask for the attribution API.

Mar 13, 2009

It was proposed a month ago, which contains a lenghty explainer.

I understand that people who're using effective adblocking (ie. at the network level, combined with cosmetic filters, and aren't leaving themselves open to fingerprinting, et cetera ad nauseum) see it as an invasion of privacy - but it's intended to be less invasive than the amount of tracking that regular people are subjected to, not a way to block tracking completely.

If you want to complain about this, you'll need to reach out to W3C.

BlankSystemDaemon fucked around with this message at 13:07 on Jul 10, 2024

Jan 13, 2007

What is up with the extension store? I'm trying to find two things: something that gives me a lot of options for customizing tabs (multiple rows, groups, etc. - like the old tab mix plus in 2.x-3.x) and something to give me a force unload tab button without closing the tab. Yet no matter what I search for, I get a (different each time) set of completely unrelated results. I search for 'tab manager' and get VPN plugins. I search for 'unload tab' and get a bunch of download managers.

Also if anyone has suggestions for those, since the search seems to be broken, I'm all ears.

Sep 29, 2007

Hair Elf
Unload Tabs:

Sep 29, 2007

Hair Elf
For stuff like multiple tab rows, you'll have to use unofficial addons as they usually require additional APIs and stuff to be installed and are less safe than normal addons. They also have more complicated installation steps and can break on updates.

Tab Mix Plus:

Oct 17, 2003

yeah, galo sengen
I use Auto Tab Discard for the second thing, which is the most popular extension for it. It sounds like the search is second guessing you and correcting "unload" to "download". The name of the api for unloading tabs is "discard", so searching "discard" gives the best search results.


Nettle Soup
Jan 30, 2010

Oh, and Jones was there too.

I use AutoTabDiscard but also OneTab, which lets you just throw all tabs away into a list.

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