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Nov 14, 2002

A dark black past
is my most valued

Gr31lly posted:

Fans of power metal should Probably check out the new Satan's Host.
This rules


Oct 17, 2006

And it's just a little bit of Cretaceous Castle Magic
Yeah, agreed. It's been a while since I got really hooked by a new power metal band, but I'm really digging this. Reminds me a bit of a ballsier Jag Panzer.

edit: ah, Harry Conklin is the vocalist for Satan's Host. That's probably where I'm getting those vibes.

Aug 21, 2003

Oozing machismo
I need recommendations for bands that sound like either Crucifier or pre-chants de bataille Belenos.

And I guess something similar to Decieverion's selftitled release. sample:

Gorilla Radio
May 10, 2007
On behalf of the Serbs, we're very sorry for the Hillary Clinton sniper incident. Next time, we'll aim better.

het posted:

This rules

If you like this, you might like Kiuas. More Kiuas

Efilnikufesin posted:

As an aside though Alestorm was the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Can we execute every pirate metal band by firing squad? (Or hanging, I'm not sure which the navies used more to kill them.)

Gorilla Radio fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Aug 29, 2011

Nov 14, 2002

A dark black past
is my most valued

Gorilla Radio posted:

If you like this, you might like Kiuas. More Kiuas
I've listened before and they didn't really grab me, though my more-into-power-metal friend really loves them.

Apr 19, 2008


Gorilla Radio posted:

Can we execute every pirate metal band by firing squad? (Or hanging, I'm not sure which the navies used more to kill them.)

Either make them walk the plank or maroon them.

The Clit Avoider
Aug 11, 2002

El Profesional
Things I am looking forward to: new Demoncy, Revenge, Arghoslent, Ingnivomous. Anything that might come out the Gospel camp.

MrBling: Sathanas I guess.

Mar 3, 2004

President of
the Brendan Fraser
Fan Club

There is this loving sound effect played on Entombed's Clandestine between the first track, Living Dead & Sinners Bleed that I just cannot get enough of. I wish it was on all their loving songs.

Some loving wicked bell sound, check it out and you'll love it too.

The Clit Avoider
Aug 11, 2002

El Profesional
I always preferred these bells.

Dec 23, 2009

Even Death Metal Monsters Love Cookies

Gaggins posted: -like this kind of cheesiness is good, and -this kind of cheesiness is good too but not at all what I'm looking for.

I kind of love Cradle's From the Cradle to Enslaved video. I think it's fun, even though everyone hates Cradle now. I also think Singapore's Rudra has epic cheesy videos, like Immortal, but about Hindu myths.

Stay Safe
Sep 1, 2008

by FactsAreUseless
Traditional Finnish folk music
More oldies (the original is still awesome)
Workout music
For any folk metal people out there that are interested in Kanteles with fuzzy electric guitars and some hairy guy chanting in moonspeak. Honestly I don't know if this belongs in the metal thread yet, but it has potential if Nostatus is revived.

Gr31lly posted:

Fans of power metal should Probably check out the new Satan's Host.

Never heard of this band before. I really like it

Stay Safe fucked around with this message at 03:59 on Aug 30, 2011

May 25, 2009

Gr31lly posted:

Fans of power metal should Probably check out the new Satan's Host.

Wow, thank you so much for this. Amazing.

Radio Paranoia
Jun 27, 2010

It is now safe to turn off your computer.

thepitgoddess posted:

I kind of love Cradle's From the Cradle to Enslaved video. I think it's fun, even though everyone hates Cradle now. I also think Singapore's Rudra has epic cheesy videos, like Immortal, but about Hindu myths.

As hokey as they are, Cradle have always had good production values for their videos. Dimmu Borgir too.

Emperor's clip for "Empty" was pretty solid, and most of Swallow the Sun's videos, while confusing as hell, are beautifully shot.

I also enjoyed Finntroll's "Under Bergens Rot" video, cos it was... umm... cute?

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat
I just caught wind of Ataraxy, an old school death metal band from Spain. Very cool stuff.

Morbid Florist
Oct 21, 2002

and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.
Gr31lly, want to thank you for more classic poo poo. Big fan of Buffalo and Dust. I had no idea Marky Ramone was in a band before he became Marky Ramone.

Dr. Notadoctor
Aug 26, 2008

Gorilla Radio posted:

If you like this, you might like Kiuas. More Kiuas

Can we execute every pirate metal band by firing squad? (Or hanging, I'm not sure which the navies used more to kill them.)

Why the hatred for pirate metal?

Roasted Donut
Aug 24, 2007


Gr31lly posted:

MrBling: Sathanas I guess.

Seconding. I love Thy Dark Heavens.

Jan 27, 2004

Here's to ya, JACKASS

Efilnikufesin posted:

Why the hatred for pirate metal?

In my opinion, it is all boring gimmicky poo poo. The novelty wears off very quick and becomes annoying. When the aesthetic becomes more important than the music being played, there's a problem.

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat

Efilnikufesin posted:

Why the hatred for pirate metal?

Because it's a tired old gimmick where fat nerds who think pirates are cool get to listen to generic accordions layered over cock-rock guitar riffs while pretending they are living in a year where electric guitars never existed. It's like gangster rap about proofs by induction or 80's synth-pop about heterosexual relationships. It doesn't go together and everyone involved in those scenes are laughing at you constantly while you dress up like a tool thinking you're awesome.

Basically we're better than you.

Dec 23, 2009

Even Death Metal Monsters Love Cookies

Efilnikufesin posted:

Why the hatred for pirate metal?

If you have to ask...well basically what everyone else said. It's good that most of those dudes have a sense of humor about what they do (please tell me this is true for more than just Alestorm!) but they could just...write/do poo poo that's less gimmicky.

Mar 27, 2009

Efilnikufesin posted:

Why the hatred for pirate metal?

If you like pirate metal then listen to pirate metal. Who gives a poo poo if some people hate it.

Oct 27, 2005
happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy
Running Wild released The Privateer in 1994 and there was really nowhere for pirate metal to go but down after that.

Bruce Boxliker
Mar 24, 2010
I think Swashbuckle has some decent riffs, but musically they've always seemed more rooted in thrash than the accordion-gimmicks of some other bands.

Jan 25, 2008

Who made you God to say
"I'll take your sheep from you?"

First track released from Myrath's new album Tales of the Sands!


Edit: Oh hey would you look at that, new Redemption this September as well. This year loving owns, 2011 year of metal :black101:

Durendal fucked around with this message at 06:16 on Aug 31, 2011

Sep 12, 2004
Polymer Records
time for some real metal. My favorite thing about Metal was the singers.....ya know, people that actually sing....oh, and the guitar solos \m/ \m/

Rock on Mr. glorious bastard

Mar 27, 2009

FrankenVader posted:

time for some real metal. My favorite thing about Metal was the singers.....ya know, people that actually sing....oh, and the guitar solos \m/ \m/

Rock on Mr. glorious bastard

Honestly, I wish more modern metal bands did clean vocals, especially in thrash. Charred Walls of the Damned aren't great, but it's fun to hear me some Ripper Owens over thrashy riffs and extreme metal drumming. Plus I just love Richard Christy.

Nov 19, 2004

My hand wields the might

Gr31lly posted:

New Deceased is great. Pretty much the flipside of As the Weird Travel On... in that it's death/thrash with heavy metal influences, and it's still got that oldschool heavy metal guitar tone going through all the riffs.

And well it's hardly the "last few weeks", but I recommend Venenum (everyone from Excoriate except the singer), Stench of Decay, Corpsessed, Vanhelgd, Morbus Chron, Gorephilia, Bone Sickness, Disma, Desolate Shrine.

That should cover you for death metal, aside from the obvious stuff like Autopsy and of course, if you dig NC, you've got to check Sonne Adam.

Fans of power metal should Probably check out the new Satan's Host.

Morbus Chron and the Vanhelgd were both releases I meant to pick up and forgot, thanks for the mention! New Satan's Host sounded cool, shame Jag Panzer are no more though. :(

That new Autopsy was pretty drat solid, a slow burner though as the first few tracks weren't that interesting until a few listens.

The description of the new Deceased is boner inducing!

Not sure if anyone cares, but the new Anubis Gate is also out soon.

Mar 24, 2005

*hic* Gotta finish thish . . .
Doctor Rope

thepitgoddess posted:

If you have to ask...well basically what everyone else said. It's good that most of those dudes have a sense of humor about what they do (please tell me this is true for more than just Alestorm!) but they could just...write/do poo poo that's less gimmicky.

Speaking of Alestorm, I was going to see them last night but a ticket on the same day of the show was like $42 and I was like, fuuuuuuuck that. I still haven't (been sober enough to remember having) seen Swashbuckle yet, but I've met all of the guys from it and they're pretty cool.

FrankenVader posted:

time for some real metal. My favorite thing about Metal was the singers.....ya know, people that actually sing....oh, and the guitar solos \m/ \m/

Rock on Mr. glorious bastard

Eh, I've made my peace with Iron Maiden and their fans, though I do get your point about singing. As far as clean vocals go, I tend to like weird over "good" (Dave Mustaine, for example), and I like both over Bruce "Cat Being Murdered" Dickinson.

Anyhow, clean vocal-ed metal ahoy (going to see these guys in a little under 23 hours, dying of excitement):


Gorilla Radio posted:

If you like this, you might like Kiuas. More Kiuas

Kiuas is awesome. Here is an extremely cheesy tribute song to Dimebag Darrell by them that occasionally gets stuck in my head for days at a time.

If you like Kiuas, might I suggest Falconer?

Radio Paranoia posted:

I also enjoyed Finntroll's "Under Bergens Rot" video, cos it was... umm... cute?

That song is only good when I'm in an advanced state of drunkenness, which I'm pretty sure means that I don't ACTUALLY like it. Den Frusna Munnen is probably my favorite song on Nifelvind.

Anyone here like Equilibrium? They're like Finntroll, but a little heavier and are consistently less gimmicky (don't listen to "Met" though).

Man, I am just full of recommendations this morning. :)

YeahTubaMike fucked around with this message at 11:52 on Aug 31, 2011

Dr. Notadoctor
Aug 26, 2008
For those talking about clean vocals, you might like Colossus:

edit: Alestorm is pretty much the only pirate metal band I know so it's not really "done to death" for me yet.

Apr 19, 2008


Ugh I am tired of seeing Mike Portnoy's constant advertising of Adrenaline Mob! The band isn't even that great...

Sep 9, 2001



Because it's a tired old gimmick where fat nerds who think pirates are cool get to listen to generic accordions layered over cock-rock guitar riffs while pretending they are living in a year where electric guitars never existed. It's like gangster rap about proofs by induction or 80's synth-pop about heterosexual relationships. It doesn't go together and everyone involved in those scenes are laughing at you constantly while you dress up like a tool thinking you're awesome.

Basically we're better than you.

The problem with this statement is that you could do a few word replacements and it would fit basically every metal subgenre.

Get over yourself.

Jul 10, 2003
I OWE OZZ-FACTOR MY LIFE (read:account lol)

Efilnikufesin posted:

For those talking about clean vocals, you might like Colossus:

Literally the coolest band, great guys.

Their epic about Willow rules.

me your dad
Jul 25, 2006

Gr31lly posted:

Fans of power metal should Probably check out the new Satan's Host.

Thanks for this - I really like this.

Can anyone recommend similar stuff? The only other power metal act I ever got into was Iron Maiden.

Weaponized Cum
Aug 31, 2004

This post brought to you by the finest Miami cocaine money can buy ----->

Efilnikufesin posted:

Why the hatred for pirate metal?

Because it loving blows.

Dec 15, 2007

by Reene

IRQ posted:

The problem with this statement is that you could do a few word replacements and it would fit basically every metal subgenre.

Get over yourself.

It's a slippery slope, but it's part of the trend of cramming genre's together in some stupid goddamn mishmash instead taking a natural development of sound.

The Clit Avoider
Aug 11, 2002

El Profesional
The issue with power metal is it has many different facets. I pretty much detest 95% of it, and just about all of what could reasonably be termed "modern power metal" is tripe. But there was an undeniable heyday in the 80s where the genre was still in its formulative state and influences ranged from thrash/speed to NWOBHM (which is where Maiden come in) and classic heavy metal.

I mean, early Helloween is quite different to what they put out later.Helstar pretty much define US power metal on their first 4 albums.

Oh and of course given the last few posts i'm not missing the chance to point out that this is power metal (albeit with a dose of speed).

Cheeze Kuyeh
Jul 5, 2008

i am monocle
Theres not really a lot you can do with power metal. Where other bands are broadening genres power metal stays the same.

Power metal, power metal never changes.

Riot Bimbo
Dec 28, 2006

I'm glad for that. To me, power metal is perfect at what it does, and for the most part it seems largely above the race to the bottom many other subgenres of metal suffer from. It's not my favorite kind of metal, but I like how consistent it has been over the years.

I like new ideas, but I have a hard time appreciating change for the sake of change. Making your music harder, darker, and tuning down the guitars another whole-step while making your lyrics even more incomprehensible -all for the sake of being different- is not exactly brilliant or interesting, and I can think of a few bands where that sort of philosophy has ruined perfectly good music.

Power metal has a decent range of quality and sound, but it's consistent, and the formula doesn't seemed to get messed with that much, which I see as a good thing.

Mar 3, 2004

President of
the Brendan Fraser
Fan Club

It's perfect at keeping the pansies out of the pit so they can sing like falsetto tards.


Feb 5, 2009

Someone should make an Opeth thread because I want to talk about how pretty I think The Night and The Silent Water is.

fake edit: it is very pretty.

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