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Feb 14, 2014

Still only GbE? In 2023? For prosumer hardware? Hard pass.


Zero VGS
Aug 16, 2002
Lipstick Apathy
I want to try out a straight-up powered amplifier for my wifi to help reach a far-off hotspot. Not a repeater, just injecting some juice into my antenna cable. Everything I'm seeing on Amazon is either $30, or $300. Is there like midrange version of one of these?

Binary Badger
Oct 11, 2005

Trolling Link for a decade

Kinda looks like their version of the Airport Express with the audio jack yanked out.

They don't list CPU specs but it's most likely some ARM branch dual core running at around 1.4 GHz

Definitely more a SOHO kinda deal, other than that you can manage it with the UI Network app which still requires Java ITYOOL 2023..

Apr 6, 2005

People don't appreciate the substance of things...
objects in space.

Oven Wrangler

SwissArmyDruid posted:

Still only GbE? In 2023? For prosumer hardware? Hard pass.

It's only 2x2 and doesn't support 6E so 99% of users won't use 160MHz channels with it (if they're even supported). If you want more than 1G over WiFi you're buying a beefier AP anyway. I guess you could wish for more to share with the wired connection as well, but realistically the point of this seems to be more having a bunch of functions packed into one device than getting top performance at all those functions.

e: Funny - if you look at the Deployment tab, neither of the two example scenarios is even using the LAN port.

Eletriarnation fucked around with this message at 00:25 on Nov 30, 2023

Jun 10, 2001

Fun Shoe

Eletriarnation posted:

It's only 2x2 and doesn't support 6E so 99% of users won't use 160MHz channels with it. If you want more than 1G over WiFi you're buying a beefier AP anyway. I guess you could wish for more to share with the wired connection as well, but realistically the point of this seems to be more having a bunch of functions packed into one device than getting top performance at all those functions.

I'm not worried about my wifi use saturating GbE, I want to be future proofed for >1gbps WAN!

Apr 6, 2005

People don't appreciate the substance of things...
objects in space.

Oven Wrangler

LRADIKAL posted:

I'm not worried about my wifi use saturating GbE, I want to be future proofed for >1gbps WAN!

You should probably buy a gateway that isn't also a wireless AP (for $150, not even that bad!) or build one yourself, a jack of all trades is a master of none :shrug:

Oct 31, 2011

Stand back I'm going to try science!
I would bought one it’s cheaper than lite gateway plus cloud key and claims to have better wan throughput than the dream router.

Mar 17, 2008

The trenches of IT can scar a muppet for life
Why didn’t they announce that a week ago when they launched the uxg-lite.

But yeah I’ve been waiting on this product. I have a need for like 20 of them for projects that UDM-pro was overkill but the UDR is too awkward.

Mar 13, 2009

LRADIKAL posted:

I'm not worried about my wifi use saturating GbE, I want to be future proofed for >1gbps WAN!
Don't worry, by the time you get >1Gbps WAN, the 5GHz ISM spectrum will be just as stuffed as the 2.4GHz ISM spectrum, and you won't have airtime enough to saturate your internet via WiFi anyhow.

Oct 21, 2008

Acguy Supremacy
Anyone know of an easy way to test if my ISP is blocking a port? I am trying to setup an IPsec VPN on my router and it apparently uses a default port that is often blocked by ISPs and the instructions to change the default port on the router aren't the best:

Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon

If i'm reading the scale right a single U6+ will be plenty to get good signal throughout the entire house. A UDR on its own could probably cover everything. I'm a cloud avoider so i've got a UXG-Pro and a standalone NVR, and 90days of recording is more than I ever really need.

How into this do you want to integrate? Pricewise? Expect another $50 of incidental cables, fasteners, etc, true for any project really.

Don't tie yourself to Ubiquiti if you don't want to, its similar to being an Apple product user. There are plenty of other better, sometimes cheaper options outside the ecosystem.

Option A - $430
Router/AP Combo - UDR $200
1x Access Point - U6+ $130
Extra Switch - USW-Lite-8-POE $100

minimalist, not much room for expansion and the NVR is a standalone addon.

Adding on the Cameras to A - $790 (++ depending on how many cameras and how much storage.)
UNVR - $300
HDDs your choice, the 4TB Purples are pretty good for this. You can start with one or go straight to four, dealers choice. I think 4TB are ~$100 rn. Having two drives will be Raid 1 so its a straight 1:1 backup. Jump straight to four drive if you want more and Raid 5, three drive is a weird inbetween. Surveillance rated drives are slightly different than regular NAS versions, for the continuous writing and also the playback scrubbing through huge video files. A regular drive will work, but theres a chance it will bite you after a few years.
G5 Bullets - $130/ea. Call it 3x for $390. I've got a single G5 Pro in my setup looking down my long driveway and it is nice to have the zoom and better night vision but I wouldn't say its ever necessary.

Option B - $610
Router/NVR/Switch - UDM-Pro $380
Extra Switch - USW-Lite-8-POE $100
1x Access Point - U6+ $130 (The U6-Pro upgrades you to the 4x4 antenna for $30 more, which is nice)

NVR in the UDM with an independent switch, slight cost savings later since you don't need an independent NVR.

Adding on the Cameras to B - $490
4TB WD Purple drive - $100 (I'd recommend spending the $300 for the 14-18TB range drives, and going with such a big single drive because you only have the one slot with the UDM.)
G5 Bullets - $130/ea. Again quoting for 3x. The G5 Domes are also a viable option depending on how you want to mount things.

Option C - $630
Drop the $100 PoE Switch, and instead spend the Extra $120 on the UDM-SE with the integrated PoE - Assuming your need for PoE ports is more than your need for overall ports. Otherwise the same as B

There are also a bunch of other PoE and non-PoE switch options. I've got three flex mini's $30 in odd places where I needed to break out a wall jack to a few devices at a desk or a TV stand.

Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon
As for gigabit wifi, as yet another local idiot with 10g networking and multiple 4x4 6e's for funsies - I still remain adamant that its not actually a useful feature to pay the premium for. The real utility is getting reliable connections in dense offices with 100's of devices roaming.

Could I switch to 80Mhz or 160Mhz channels? Yes, but not every devices supports that. And nothing mobile needs that sort of bandwidth. You're not putting your Linux ISO seedbox over wifi.

Dec 28, 2006

LRADIKAL posted:

I'm not worried about my wifi use saturating GbE, I want to be future proofed for >1gbps WAN!

Do you think your home internet is going to go beyond 1gbps in the useful life of the device? If not, who cares. Often that's about 5-7 years.

Even if it did, why pay for it? (sorry I only went 50 to 100 to 500 due to that being the only way to lower my bill. 50 to 100 was the only bump I noticed.)

Jun 10, 2001

Fun Shoe
I could upgrade to 2gbps right now, it would be a total luxury, but it would make some steam downloads and torrents go faster. Of course I would need to increase my internal network speed as well. It's a fact that I gently caress with my network as a hobby

LRADIKAL fucked around with this message at 00:17 on Dec 1, 2023

Jun 26, 2004
Lipstick Apathy
I have 3gb right now and it’s pretty cool for usenet, takes longer to extract than download now.

Aug 20, 2000
I am a slimey vat of concentrated stupidity

Fun Shoe
Samesies. I could get 5gig, but then I'd have to upgrade my core to 10g. And all it would do is make the occasional download faster, but few things max out my current 1g internet or setup. My desktop is the one machine for the household, everything else is laptops.

I do 80mhz on my U6 lites all alone in the 100s and can easily get 500mb anywhere in the house.

The MORE temptation to upgrade is always there but I just can't justify it. .... yet

Mar 3, 2009
For me the decision was made by the ISP (loving Bell). 1Gbps - $130/month, 3Gbps - $150$/month .

Yes, 3Gbps required getting some hardware to make use of it, but yeah ... when the price is so close, what can you do.

Oct 31, 2011

Stand back I'm going to try science!

Volguus posted:

For me the decision was made by the ISP (loving Bell). 1Gbps - $130/month, 3Gbps - $150$/month .

Yes, 3Gbps required getting some hardware to make use of it, but yeah ... when the price is so close, what can you do.

Spend $20 a month on beer?

Apr 6, 2005

People don't appreciate the substance of things...
objects in space.

Oven Wrangler
Yeah, it's funny how that works... I stay with 1G because it costs me $80/month from AT&T, and my employer allows me to expense up to $90. The cost difference for me to go up to 2.5G would probably be similar, but I think I'd only notice when downloading Steam games so it feels pointless.

May 8, 2006

SwissArmyDruid posted:

Still only GbE? In 2023? For prosumer hardware? Hard pass.
It's not prosumer hardware though, it's basically designed for techie people to set up for their non-techie family/friends who can barely be convinced to ditch the ISP shitware. For that purpose where I could stick it in my grandparents' house and troubleshoot/manage their poo poo from multiple states away it seems like a brilliant little device.

Binary Badger posted:

Definitely more a SOHO kinda deal, other than that you can manage it with the UI Network app which still requires Java ITYOOL 2023..
This one is like the Dream product line in that it runs its own controller and can't be managed externally. The UXG-Lite is more or less the same thing but managed by a separate controller and lacking integrated WiFi.

Zero VGS posted:

I want to try out a straight-up powered amplifier for my wifi to help reach a far-off hotspot. Not a repeater, just injecting some juice into my antenna cable. Everything I'm seeing on Amazon is either $30, or $300. Is there like midrange version of one of these?
Something like that could potentially be useful in a point to point link if connected to a directional antenna but almost certainly not otherwise, and you'll of course be limited to 2.4GHz 20 MHz 1x1 modes.

Perplx posted:

I have 3gb right now and it’s pretty cool for usenet, takes longer to extract than download now.
Same, it's been the better part of two decades since I last saw an extract queue but when I finally got a 2.5/10G switch so my server could actually make use of my 2 gig connection that apparently found the limits of my array of shucked WD drives.

Mar 3, 2009

Calidus posted:

Spend $20 a month on beer?

Eh, that or get a dopamine rush when the download speed reaches 200MB/s or more.

Jun 10, 2003
Outrageous Lumpwad

tuyop posted:

Trying this now and it’s been really tricky getting reliable signal, actually. Do you have any more details that might be key?

My flooring appears to be softwood on top of subfloor. I have an AP at the SW (Bell “gigahub” router) and NW (ASUS ax86u in AP mode with Ethernet to the Bell) corners. They’re either screwed to the joist or sitting on ducting. I can’t seem to get consistent wireless throughput on the network above 200 megabits.

Wired devices get the speed of the switch and cord so the network is fine otherwise

Isolate components to narrow the problem down.
If you plug a PC into that drop for your AP, do you get gigabit speeds as expected? Eliminates the cable.
If you're in the basement, do you get higher speeds than in on the first floor? Eliminates interference from metallic objects.
Are you seeing this with multiple, fairly modern client devices? Eliminates a client issue.

Likely it'll come down to spectrum. You should see 300mbits per 20mhz channel width on a relatively unutilized channel, so if you eliminate the easy stuff above you can start looking at wifi channel width and how clear the airspace is around you. When I say I'm getting gigabit+, it definitely helps that I live well away from neighbors and have the 3 good 80mhz frequency sets in the 5ghz band more or less to myself. I'm also using really good APs.

Twerk from Home
Jan 17, 2009

This avatar brought to you by the 'save our dead gay forums' foundation.

Volguus posted:

Eh, that or get a dopamine rush when the download speed reaches 200MB/s or more.

I do wonder how oversold these connections are. Is this the thread to ask how GPON works and why AT&T is able to deliver symmetric 5gbps over it but Google cannot offer me more than 1gbps up no matter what?

May 7, 2003

She was rubbing her ass all over my hands. They don't just do that for everyone.
Grimey Drawer

Twerk from Home posted:

Is this the thread to ask how GPON works and why AT&T is able to deliver symmetric 5gbps over it but Google cannot offer me more than 1gbps up no matter what?

How it works:

Basically you've got a bunch of devices all using the same fiber run back to the central office and/or some network cabinet somewhere, be it on the curb or in a building. It uses passive beam splitters to split the light from the central office out to each end user. Uses different light wavelengths on the fiber for upstream/downstream, and TDM to separate out each end user's datastream.

As to why AT&T is offering 5gig and Google is only offering 1gig, it's likely that AT&T is running newer equipment at the ends of the fiber, and Google either doesn't want to or hasn't gotten around to upgrading their equipment, which can be quite pricy.

Fozzy The Bear
Dec 11, 1999

Nothing much, watching the game, drinking a bud
Thinking about buying a mini rack on casters, 8-12U. To hold storage server, router/switch, audio equipment. What should I look for? Should I buy something larger? I've never bought a rack before, what are common mistakes when buying?

e: this is going to be in the back corner of a large family room, so it can't be too ugly. I might build some type of loose enclosure around it to keep the sound down.

something like this
or should I get one that locks?

Fozzy The Bear fucked around with this message at 23:13 on Dec 2, 2023

Twerk from Home
Jan 17, 2009

This avatar brought to you by the 'save our dead gay forums' foundation.

Fozzy The Bear posted:

Thinking about buying a mini rack on casters, 8-12U. To hold storage server, router/switch, audio equipment. What should I look for? Should I buy something larger? I've never bought a rack before, what are common mistakes when buying?

e: this is going to be in the back corner of a large family room, so it can't be too ugly. I might build some type of loose enclosure around it to keep the sound down.

something like this
or should I get one that locks?

My first thought to reduce noise in a home environment is to avoid anything at all with a 40mm or even 80mm fan. Stick to 4U or larger real computers with big fans, and fanless switches, if you can possibly get away with that.

For the stuff that you're talking about you don't really need rackmount and might consider just getting some general purpose shelving, unless you have a reason to stuff it all close together.

Fozzy The Bear
Dec 11, 1999

Nothing much, watching the game, drinking a bud

Twerk from Home posted:

My first thought to reduce noise in a home environment is to avoid anything at all with a 40mm or even 80mm fan. Stick to 4U or larger real computers with big fans, and fanless switches, if you can possibly get away with that.

For the stuff that you're talking about you don't really need rackmount and might consider just getting some general purpose shelving, unless you have a reason to stuff it all close together.

Good point, I guess metal shelves from a big box store would do just as well.

Raymond T. Racing
Jun 11, 2019

If you’re gonna get something, the startech 12u open is very nice

May 1, 2010

Dis is amazing!
I gotta try dis!

It won't contain sound much, but if you're DIYing stuff there's always the Ikea Lack Rack. Their Lack tables have the dimensions to fit rackmount devices so it's popular to buy them and mount stuff in there as a cheap way to mount rackmount equipment. Some folks will stack a couple up and you can put non-rackmount stuff in the stack as well since each table has a top.

Jul 29, 2011

oh, my, god. Becky, look at her bitrate.
the legs are hollow cardboard and won’t hold up anything screwed to them at all

Jun 1, 2009

Wild EEPROM posted:

the legs are hollow cardboard and won’t hold up anything screwed to them at all

They used to be solid, but cheapified the design quite a while ago.

Arson Daily
Aug 11, 2003

So this is probably a really dumb question but I'd like to sanity check this thing I'd like to do. I'd like an AP in my garage and would like to hang it off a MOCA adapter and connect it to the coax that runs from the cable box outside and through my garage to my cable modem in my office. Will the adapter interfere with the signal running through the coax to my modem? I'd be running the signal "backwards" I guess from the jack in my office that connects to the modem and then back to the MOCA adapter in the garage. If this would work anyone have a MOCA they like?

Jun 27, 2003

ken park is my favorite movie

Cybernetic Crumb

Fozzy The Bear posted:

Thinking about buying a mini rack on casters, 8-12U. To hold storage server, router/switch, audio equipment. What should I look for? Should I buy something larger? I've never bought a rack before, what are common mistakes when buying?

e: this is going to be in the back corner of a large family room, so it can't be too ugly. I might build some type of loose enclosure around it to keep the sound down.

something like this
or should I get one that locks?

If sound is a concern, definitely go for larger chassis and larger, quieter fans. Sound proofing it with an enclosure will be problematic because it will then be a nice little even for your equipment to cook inside of. I have this rack and I was happy with the quality of it: (it's heavy!)

Arson Daily posted:

So this is probably a really dumb question but I'd like to sanity check this thing I'd like to do. I'd like an AP in my garage and would like to hang it off a MOCA adapter and connect it to the coax that runs from the cable box outside and through my garage to my cable modem in my office. Will the adapter interfere with the signal running through the coax to my modem? I'd be running the signal "backwards" I guess from the jack in my office that connects to the modem and then back to the MOCA adapter in the garage. If this would work anyone have a MOCA they like?

If I understand you correctly, it shouldn't interfere. It sounds similar to how I had mine set up:

I use these Actiontec Moca adapters (now ScreenBeam) and they work great, pushing 1 Gbps no problem:

Make sure you get a moca filter so that you don't broadcast your moca network to the neighbors coax:

Feb 14, 2014

nielsm posted:

They used to be solid, but cheapified the design quite a while ago.

Right, which is why the current meta is to source a second top (from their offcuts department if they have them) , and then make a cube with two tops and four legs, and just slide them in on top of eachother.

Fozzy The Bear
Dec 11, 1999

Nothing much, watching the game, drinking a bud

fletcher posted:

If sound is a concern, definitely go for larger chassis and larger, quieter fans. Sound proofing it with an enclosure will be problematic because it will then be a nice little even for your equipment to cook inside of. I have this rack and I was happy with the quality of it: (it's heavy!)

That looks great, but way more than I wanted to spend. I searched craigslist and there are no deals to be had, I'll just use regular shelves or a table or something.

I'm not mining for bitcoin or anything, just thinking of one or two servers with a router. I guess I don't need a whole rack for that.

Oct 31, 2011

Stand back I'm going to try science!
I got my Unifi equipment setup initially, I think I might want a 3rd AP. The general coverage is good but a couple of rooms are sub 50 mbps due to the layout of the house. I really like the U6-IW, the built in switch makes it perfect for a home office or media center.

Sep 30, 2013

Amazon currently has 57% off the eero (2017 model) routers.

Would you guys recommend this considering they're not wifi 6? I believe they're AX4200

That's ~USD$210.

kiwid fucked around with this message at 16:06 on Dec 6, 2023

Apr 21, 2008

Would only consider something like that if you are in an apartment or something and cant run cables for a proper AP setup

Frank Dillinger
May 16, 2007
Jawohl mein herr!
I’m looking at fiber media converters and some fibre cable to link my garage to the home network via an existing conduit. Is there any meaningful difference between the various ones on Amazon or any particular one I should get? It’s going to run a unifi AP and one or two cameras, no heavy duty usage but it does get real cold and hot out there (-35c to 40c)


Apr 6, 2005

People don't appreciate the substance of things...
objects in space.

Oven Wrangler

kiwid posted:

Amazon currently has 57% off the eero (2017 model) routers.

Would you guys recommend this considering they're not wifi 6? I believe they're AX4200

That's ~USD$210.

AX is WiFi 6 but I'm having a hard time figuring out what SKU that is to double check since they all look pretty similar and I can't find any at that price.

e: just noticed the .ca, but even checking there I can't figure it out. Can you link what you're looking at?

Eletriarnation fucked around with this message at 16:26 on Dec 6, 2023

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