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Apr 30, 2010

Geno posted:

since when did gmail chat start showing desktop notifications when you get an IM? i can't find a way to disable it and i currently have it set to "Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications"

using 17.0.963.12 dev-m

That's been around for about a year. If you can't disable it through Chrome's settings, you can disable it in Gmail's settings.


Aug 14, 2000

I've got the worst fucking attorneys

kri kri posted:

Anyone know of a way to preserve the chrome window between reboot and sleeps?

Ganon posted:

Speaking of preserving, a while back the dev release started remembering what you had open after closing the browser. But it only lasted a few days and then went back to starting fresh after closing/reopening. Strange.
Are you guys talking about re-opening the last tabs you had open when you close and re-open Chrome? Because, if so, that's in Preferences/Options->"On Startup: Reopen the pages that were open last" (under the "Basics" heading, first page.) Been there since near day 1.

Unless I'm completely misunderstanding you.

Jun 15, 2001

Pickle: Inspected.

Dogen posted:

There is a lot of delicious nerd anguish behind that link. Why are people so crazy?


I'm pretty sure google tracks how people use chrome preeetty heavily...
It's not surprising that not many people use an option when it's hidden away in obscure settings. As for myself, until Chrome gets something as good as Tree Style Tabs, I'm going to stick to Firefox, regardless of how much of a system hog it is.

Fuschia tude
Dec 26, 2004


ShardPhoenix posted:

until Chrome gets something as good as Tree Style Tabs
Something like this?

Oct 17, 2011
I am on the stable channel (version 16), and it looks like they've changed the bookmark/app/preferences sync behaviour. Previously, Chrome sync and logging into the web interface for a google service (eg. Gmail, Calendar etc.) were separate. With this version, they've merged the two and are calling the sync service "Chrome log-in". If I log out of Gmail, Calendar etc. it also logs me out of Chrome sync.

I much prefer the old behaviour. :(

Jan 2, 2012

Grimey Drawer

telperion posted:

I am on the stable channel (version 16), and it looks like they've changed the bookmark/app/preferences sync behaviour. Previously, Chrome sync and logging into the web interface for a google service (eg. Gmail, Calendar etc.) were separate. With this version, they've merged the two and are calling the sync service "Chrome log-in". If I log out of Gmail, Calendar etc. it also logs me out of Chrome sync.

I much prefer the old behaviour. :(

I kind of like the idea that signing into chrome is the same as signing into google, and this way you can have multiple accounts using the same instance of chrome, but it is way way way too much of a stretch to making signing out of google on the web also sign you out in the browser.

kri kri
Jul 18, 2007

Magicmat posted:

Are you guys talking about re-opening the last tabs you had open when you close and re-open Chrome? Because, if so, that's in Preferences/Options->"On Startup: Reopen the pages that were open last" (under the "Basics" heading, first page.) Been there since near day 1.

Unless I'm completely misunderstanding you.

No I meant the actual chrome window, its never exactly right.

Oct 17, 2011

The Devil Tesla posted:

I kind of like the idea that signing into chrome is the same as signing into google, and this way you can have multiple accounts using the same instance of chrome, but it is way way way too much of a stretch to making signing out of google on the web also sign you out in the browser.

Yea, I can definitely see the rationale behind chrome sign-in and I too like the idea of having multiple chrome 'profiles'. I just hope they're going to improve on the implementation, because I don't like it the way it is right now.

I've even gone as far as not having bookmark/preference sync for now because having the ability to sign off the web interface on this current computer is more important to me.

Bob Morales
Aug 18, 2006

Just wear the fucking mask, Bob

I don't care how many people I probably infected with COVID-19 while refusing to wear a mask, my comfort is far more important than the health and safety of everyone around me!

I took a look at the Chrome app store (I was installing Office 2010 on someones computer and I wanted to play Angry Birds to pass the time), why would I want to use the eBay web app instead of just going to eBay's website? Apps make sense on a tablet/phone but inside a web browser?

Mar 27, 2004

Grimey Drawer
It's probably just a bookmark that shoots you straight to eBay.

Dec 17, 2002

Hello, Ladies

grilldos posted:

It's probably just a bookmark that shoots you straight to eBay.

This is what a lot of the "apps" in the chrome store are. It's really retarded.

Question Mark Mound
Jun 14, 2006

Tokyo Crystal Mew
Dancing Godzilla
Speaking of Apps, how do I disable pop-up notifications in TweetDeck? The checkbox for popups is off in all my columns but they still come up. If I could do it on a per-machine basis that'd be even better, since I'd like them at home but not in work!

edit: Never mind, found it! Although it seems like TweetDeck randomly ignores some of the items in my Facebook news feed so I'll not be using it any more. :(

Question Mark Mound fucked around with this message at 18:54 on Jan 11, 2012

Apr 9, 2003


Grimey Drawer

MrHyde posted:

This is what a lot of the "apps" in the chrome store are. It's really retarded.

To be fair, a lot of early smartphone apps were really just portals for mobile websites.

I bet most devs/companies are waiting to see if the Chrome store really takes off, then might put some effort into their apps.

But as Bob Morales said, apps for websites make less sense in Chrome than apps on smartphones (where the platform has a disadvantage using the web).

Feb 24, 2009

Had a couple of drinks.
Saw a couple of things.
Is there a Chrome equivalent of bookmark tagging/suggestion like in Firefox/Xmarks? That is one thing that is keeping me from switching full time.

May 7, 2008

Is there a recommended flash blocker for use with Chrome? There are quite a few on the chrome store and I'm not sure which is the best.

That extension, mentioned earlier in the thread, which switches to the last viewed tab after you close one is great, thanks!

Cheese Bridge Area
Jan 27, 2008

Tutu posted:

Is there a recommended flash blocker for use with Chrome? There are quite a few on the chrome store and I'm not sure which is the best.

That extension, mentioned earlier in the thread, which switches to the last viewed tab after you close one is great, thanks!
There is a click to play function built into chrome. Go chrome://flags enable the click to play setting then go to chrome://settings/content and you'll find a new option click to play.

Oct 28, 2002

I like the cut of your jib
Anyone else use the Auto-HD extension for youtube and notice with the new format that videos are now playing in low quality?

Jan 8, 2011

hammeritme posted:

Anyone else use the Auto-HD extension for youtube and notice with the new format that videos are now playing in low quality?

Auto-widen works fine, and for my settings (prefer 720p), it only switches to 720p if there's also a 1080p option. If the video only goes up to 720p, it goes to 480p. Weird.

kri kri
Jul 18, 2007

I use Fancytube and it works fine

Oct 28, 2002

I like the cut of your jib

kri kri posted:

I use Fancytube and it works fine

Tried this and it's still messed up for me on 720p videos. I have to manually go to 480 then back to 720 in order to get it to display properly.

kri kri
Jul 18, 2007

hammeritme posted:

Tried this and it's still messed up for me on 720p videos. I have to manually go to 480 then back to 720 in order to get it to display properly.

I installed it weeks ago and it works fine for me. Did you try and create a new chrome profile?

Oct 28, 2002

I like the cut of your jib

kri kri posted:

I installed it weeks ago and it works fine for me. Did you try and create a new chrome profile?

No, I just installed it like a regular extension. I'm not sure what creating a new chrome profile would do.

Jun 15, 2001

Pickle: Inspected.

Fuschia tude posted:

Something like this?
That's not the same thing at all, it's just a pop-up menu. Proper tree/side tabs aren't possible in Chrome right now as far as I know.

Jun 6, 2007


Fun Shoe
God drat, the Chrome spellcheck function is inaccurate as gently caress. It flags "resellers" as being spelled incorrectly, along with some other common words that pass muster in a dictionary. What the hell list of words is it using to check spelling?

May 22, 2004

Tell me about the rabbits, George
One Firefox feature I really like is the live bookmark for following RSS and Atom feeds. I found a few extensions that tries to replicate the behavior but they either don't update the links or don't work at all.

Until I find one that works I'm using SlickRSS. I like it except I can't group up my feeds, I want to keep all my sports feeds in one folder, tech sites in another, etc.

So I guess is there either a live bookmark extension that works, or a reader extension that works totally in the browser and allows custom grouping / folders?

Other than that this has been the best browsing experience I've had in Linux. Chromium loads quickly and renders every site I've been to correctly.

Question Mark Mound
Jun 14, 2006

Tokyo Crystal Mew
Dancing Godzilla

PotatoJudge posted:

One Firefox feature I really like is the live bookmark for following RSS and Atom feeds. I found a few extensions that tries to replicate the behavior but they either don't update the links or don't work at all.

Until I find one that works I'm using SlickRSS. I like it except I can't group up my feeds, I want to keep all my sports feeds in one folder, tech sites in another, etc.

So I guess is there either a live bookmark extension that works, or a reader extension that works totally in the browser and allows custom grouping / folders?

Other than that this has been the best browsing experience I've had in Linux. Chromium loads quickly and renders every site I've been to correctly.
I think you can group by folders in Google Reader, and there's a bookmarklet to let you subscribe in Google Reader straight from the page you're on.

Coughing-up Tweed
Jun 12, 2006

Question Mark Mound posted:

I think you can group by folders in Google Reader, and there's a bookmarklet to let you subscribe in Google Reader straight from the page you're on.

And then you can use Feedly to make it all nice and pretty. Unless "totally in the browser" means not webpage based, as opposed to not being an external application, in which case I have no clue.

Aug 15, 2001

The Greater Goon: Breaking Hearts and Chains since 2006
So am I the only one who can't get pretty much any images to load on the forums?

It doesn't seem to matter what the host is, only a few avatars will load and that's it. I really don't want to go back to Firefox (it's soooooo slooooooooowwwwwwwww) but if I can't find a fix to this I'll have to :(

Dec 17, 2002

Hello, Ladies

nmfree posted:

So am I the only one who can't get pretty much any images to load on the forums?

It doesn't seem to matter what the host is, only a few avatars will load and that's it. I really don't want to go back to Firefox (it's soooooo slooooooooowwwwwwwww) but if I can't find a fix to this I'll have to :(

What version, have you tried disabling addons, etc etc. You're not doing yourself any favors here. Help us help you.

Aug 15, 2001

The Greater Goon: Breaking Hearts and Chains since 2006

MrHyde posted:

What version, have you tried disabling addons, etc etc. You're not doing yourself any favors here. Help us help you.
I was more looking for if there was some sort of general problem with Chrome that made it not work properly. You're right, though, I didn't give any useful information.

When I looked at my extensions list to see if there was something that could be causing the problem, I decided to go into the settings on Adblock Plus to see if I accidentally set something incorrectly. There was some entry for the forums in there (that I should probably have saved because I don't remember it now) that I didn't recognize which I deleted and now it seems as if images are loading properly again. (My guess is that I probably tried blocking an avatar or something on here and didn't do it right.)


Sep 3, 2007

Fun Shoe

nmfree posted:

I was more looking for if there was some sort of general problem with Chrome that made it not work properly. You're right, though, I didn't give any useful information.

When I looked at my extensions list to see if there was something that could be causing the problem, I decided to go into the settings on Adblock Plus to see if I accidentally set something incorrectly. There was some entry for the forums in there (that I should probably have saved because I don't remember it now) that I didn't recognize which I deleted and now it seems as if images are loading properly again. (My guess is that I probably tried blocking an avatar or something on here and didn't do it right.)


This is probably what happened. There was a creepy avatar I saw earlier today. When I told Adblock Plus to block it, it also blocked all of SA's image server or something like that. I couldn't see avatars for a while until I got rid of that particular filter.

May 20, 2008
I'm coming from FF and wondering if there is a good video downloader extension? Looked through the store but couldn't seem to find a decent one. Could always open FF for when I need it, but it would be nice to have one that worked in Chrome.

Also, I'm using Google Sync, and it's kind of atrocious in regard to syncing bookmarks between two different systems. Sometimes when I get on my secondary machine, it will still have bookmarks that I've deleted on my primary machine (even days past). The secondary machine will then keep those old bookmarks and even propagate them to my primary machine. I've tried reconnecting my accounts and whatnot, and even posted to the help forum to no avail.

It also likes to loving rearrange the physical order of bookmarks I have in folders. Like I said, these issues only occur when I'm using two different machines, but it's almost enough to make me switch back to FF. At least there was a "sync now" option I could force changes with.

Mar 20, 2003

The latest chrome mac dev build has an annoying problem with animated gifs, they sometimes run at normal speed and sometimes run super fast. There's also this annoying white box, much bigger than the size of the gif and flickers constantly at the same rate as the gif.

I've attached a screenshot of a tab I had open with the problem, the banner image on the top right is an animated gif.

Beware updating for now!

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Sep 3, 2007

Fun Shoe
Is this dev v 18.0.1010.0? If so, I'm not getting that problem.

Mar 20, 2003


Montalvo posted:

Is this dev v 18.0.1010.0? If so, I'm not getting that problem.

Yup. Maybe it's just me!

Eugene Jerome
Jun 24, 2005

by angerbeet
Question - I'm using the dev version of Chrome and would love to use Chrome's default "new tab" page, but for me the bottom of it only shows "Most Visited", "Apps" and "Recently Closed".

Didn't that page used to have a link to all your bookmarks called "Bookmarks"? Any way to re-enable that?

baka kaba
Jul 19, 2003


You should have a bookmarks bar at the top, with an "Other Bookmarks" folder that contains them all. Not ideal but hey

Jan 30, 2007
How can I revert to older versions of flash? Full screen flash videos are giving me problems. Youtube will play at like 2 FPS and the controls are missing. Ive been googling this and found a few people with the same issue.

baka kaba
Jul 19, 2003


I'm not sure you can without rolling back to an older version of Chrome, it's built-in. You could always try going to Beta if you're on Dev, or even back to Stable, and have a look in chrome://flags and try disabling anything fancy-schmancy with the graphics (GPU compositing and all that stuff)


myron cope
Apr 21, 2009

You can try following the steps here to go to a different version of flash:

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