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Canned Sunshine
Nov 20, 2005


Looks like some of that Sony and Microsoft money might finally be going to improving FSR’s upscaling:


Aug 13, 2009

repiv posted:

and nvidia could easily burn the whole thing down by just saying their compiler and first party libraries are only licensed for use on their hardware

Subjunctive posted:

I’m actually surprised that this isn’t already the case, like Apple’s toolchain (and parts of Visual Studio were like at some point in the past)

> pretends to be shocked

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy
nvidia can't actually enforce that tho?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

AMD saw the writing on the wall and said good work but we are moving on. What AMD needs to do is work with microsoft and facebook and make an open standard.

Nov 12, 2005

raring to post

Truga posted:

nvidia can't actually enforce that tho?

enforced against you or me running stuff at home? naw. but against the publicly traded companies buying thousands and thousands of GPUs...

Aug 13, 2009

turns out that clause has been there since CUDA 11.5 circa october 2021 and tomshardware didn't think to check

Internet Explorer
Jun 1, 2005

Zedsdeadbaby posted:

Seems to work fine for me

Zedsdeadbaby posted:

Yes, vrr works on performance mode for me. Be less of a oval office, and check your setup

less of this please :pray:

Jun 14, 2008

You have been called out, in the ways of old.
How about that guy be a little less condescending? Why you single me out and not them, eh?

Apr 8, 2003

There really has been an uptick in saltiness on gaming communities as of late.

Jul 15, 2002

Animal posted:

There really has been an uptick in saltiness on gaming communities as of late.

It’s going to get worse when ai replaces rendering completely.

Mar 7, 2013

Is your refrigerator running?

Nfcknblvbl posted:

It’s going to get worse when ai replaces posters completely.

Nov 12, 2005

raring to post

fully automated nvidia vs AMD vs intel vs playstation vs xbox posting wars, wow. thank u Jensen

Canned Sunshine
Nov 20, 2005


Now I’m actually curious about what a forum thread with some topic, featuring only AI posters, would look like, and how interesting/terrifying it would be to read.

Sep 12, 2006

✨sparkle and shine✨


Internet Explorer
Jun 1, 2005

Zedsdeadbaby posted:

How about that guy be a little less condescending? Why you single me out and not them, eh?

Because you chose to respond to them and not the other way around. Because your post crossed the line that made me think "hey I should say something here" and theirs didn't. It was just a note and an ask, not a reprimand. No offense meant by it.


Canned Sunshine
Nov 20, 2005


Holy poo poo, lol, yeah, that’s pretty much true.

Sep 3, 2006

All days are nights to see till I see thee; and nights bright days when dreams do show me thee.

Animal posted:

There really has been an uptick in saltiness on gaming communities as of late.

"As of Late" being sometime in the early 70s.

May 10, 2023

I'm sleep

Canned Sunshine posted:

Now I’m actually curious about what a forum thread with some topic, featuring only AI posters, would look like, and how interesting/terrifying it would be to read.

I feel like I remember there being an entire subreddit that was just this. It was ai bots posting and responding to each other.

Aug 13, 2009

yeah subredditsimulator, each of the accounts posting there is a bot trained on a particular subreddits comments

the early versions pre-date LLMs and used markov chains but i think theres GPT versions of SRS now

Sep 9, 2001

From the hard streets of Moscow
First dog to touch the stars

Plaster Town Cop
there's 4changpt that posts on /pol/ and /b/ and the author noted that while the denizens guessed that the one weird poster from an obscure island (I guess 4chan anonymity still shows the flag of your country?) was a bot, they missed the other dozen instances he had running there 24/7, lol.

May 19, 2014

that's the one place where a llm trained on racism would thrive

Jun 11, 2005

lol i think you'll be hardpressed to find an LLM that wasn't trained on racism

Jun 11, 2005

Dragon's Dogma 2 on console will only have a uncapped 30 fps target mode

It'll be interesting to see whether console games trend in this direction for the rest of the generation

Dr. Video Games 0031
Jul 17, 2004

And i saw someone say that the journalist demo largely hovered around that 30 fps target. I'm guessing the open world in DD2 is pushing the otherwise well-optimized RE engine to its limits, and the bad performance is probably due to a CPU bottleneck. And when there's a CPU bottleneck on consoles, that usually means PC players with older midrange CPUs are in for a rough time.

edit: this also sucks for PS5 players since VRR only goes down to 48hz there. they have to deal with both low frame rates and lovely frame pacing.

Dr. Video Games 0031 fucked around with this message at 07:21 on Mar 6, 2024

Jack Trades
Nov 30, 2010
Can't post for 11 years!
I don't know if this is the right thread for this but I can't find a more fitting one and I need to rant about it.

I installed the new NVIDIA control panel replacement and one of the new features that they were advertising was "RTX Dynamic Vibrance is an AI-powered Freestyle filter that improves upon the beloved Digital Vibrance feature in the NVIDIA Control Panel. RTX Dynamic Vibrance enhances visual clarity on a per app basis, providing players with a flexible and convenient way to tune their visual settings for each game. Colors pop more on screen, with perfect balance to minimize color crushing, preserving image quality and immersion."

So I tried it out and this is the result.
No filter:

RTX Dynamic Vibrance on with default settings:

Turned down to 20% and with extra saturation down to 0% for most generous comparison:

What the gently caress is that thing supposed to be even? I'm completely baffled at why this poo poo needs to be "AI-powered" to completely wash out the color palette for absolutely no improvement.

Features like RTX Super Resolution at least offer some kind of improvements that have at least some niche uses but this new filter is totally baffling to me.

Sep 12, 2006

✨sparkle and shine✨

RTX HDR is for games that don’t already have HDR support, why would you use it on BG3 that does?

Apr 10, 2012

Subjunctive posted:

RTX HDR is for games that don’t already have HDR support, why would you use it on BG3 that does?

The vibrance feature is not the same as nvidia's auto-HDR.

Mar 27, 2021
it's weird that nvidia say that vibrance improves clarity in games; it really doesn't, and so much so that there are two distinct vibrance and clarity shaders in reshade. (the clarity shader is awesome, and i often enable it when i'm using reshade)

it can improve clarity if you have colour blindness, but it's bit misleading for them to state otherwise

Oct 9, 2012

Digital vibrance is something competitive gamer types use for visibility, primarily in first person shooters, you don't want it for playing BG3.

Mar 27, 2021
it's interesting to see that nvidia's fancy filter applies the effect to interfaces; i'd assume you'd generally want to only apply something like a vibrance effect to the game itself rather than the ui, which is one of the typical headaches of postprocessing shaders

change my name
Aug 27, 2007

Legends die but anime is forever.

RIP The Lost Otakus.

Subjunctive posted:

RTX HDR is for games that don’t already have HDR support, why would you use it on BG3 that does?

BG3's HDR is kind of bad (for some reason it puts every character in heavy shadow when you talk to them even if they have a light source strapped to their back), I wouldn't mind if third-party tools do a better/different job

Jan 13, 2004

After going to my first Microcenter and drooling at their stock of GPUs I didn't know there was a 4090 variant that's "slim" has anyone got one, noticed a significant difference in temp or noise? Would they be a viable candidate for a smaller form factor?

Oct 24, 2010

What I'm getting at is...
Do you feel the same way?

change my name posted:

BG3's HDR is kind of bad (for some reason it puts every character in heavy shadow when you talk to them even if they have a light source strapped to their back), I wouldn't mind if third-party tools do a better/different job

RTX HDR comes with a pretty big performance penalty, though, right?

May 25, 2010

Rinkles posted:

RTX HDR comes with a pretty big performance penalty, though, right?

3-4% I think was the rough number.

Jun 11, 2005

HDR AI tech should be less compute intensive than the super-resolution related stuff

Yaoi Gagarin
Feb 20, 2014

kliras posted:

it's interesting to see that nvidia's fancy filter applies the effect to interfaces; i'd assume you'd generally want to only apply something like a vibrance effect to the game itself rather than the ui, which is one of the typical headaches of postprocessing shaders

drivers dont know what draw call is for UI vs the actual scene

Aug 13, 2009

if AI is so smart it should be able to guess which pixels are UI and which are the viewport :colbert:

Sep 12, 2006

✨sparkle and shine✨

repiv posted:

if AI is so smart it should be able to guess which pixels are UI and which are the viewport :colbert:

that actually seems like a really easy classification problem, honestly. I wonder if they’ll improve there

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy

repiv posted:

if AI is so smart it should be able to guess which pixels are UI and which are the viewport :colbert:

unironically yes


Zero VGS
Aug 16, 2002
Lipstick Apathy
Hey I noticed that OBS doesn't have AV1 or even HEVC available in the settings for my RTX 4080, just h.264. Is that because I'm using NVCleanstall to install the bare minimum drivers? Or do I need some other codec pack?

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