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(Thread IKs: Nuns with Guns)
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Apr 26, 2008

Pierzak posted:

I always saw it as "raise my eyebrow so high that my eye pops out". An "Okaaay... -> WTF?" transitions of sorts.

That's a much better description of what I was going for, yeah. Still doesn't explain the name, though.


Feb 7, 2011

I thought it was a swollen up eye, like someone got pwned in the face or some such neologism.

Feb 17, 2011

Stay low.

Thwomp posted:

Is it wrong that I've always found :catstare: to be not cat ears but a :stare: with a giant, evil, villain-like collar?

See, for the longest time I thought it was Guile from Street Fighter with his crazy haircut.
Never mind the fact that his haircut is super tall..

Oct 30, 2010

Eryxias posted:

See, for the longest time I thought it was Guile from Street Fighter with his crazy haircut.
Or a soldier from the first X-Com. The stare is much more appropriate in this case.

May 6, 2005

friendship is magic

Pierzak posted:

Or a soldier from the first X-Com. The stare is much more appropriate in this case.

If any of them would be the soldiers from X-Com it'd be :suicide:

and yet, committing suicide would probably take longer than it takes for the aliens to kill them.

cock hero flux
Apr 17, 2011

Smelly posted:

If any of them would be the soldiers from X-Com it'd be :suicide:

and yet, committing suicide would probably take longer than it takes for the aliens to kill them.

Has anyone ever made a downs version of :commissar: where he misses and shoots somebody else? Because that would be the X-Com emote.

Alternative pants
Nov 2, 2009


Dauntasa posted:

Has anyone ever made a downs version of :commissar: where he misses and shoots somebody else? Because that would be the X-Com emote.

Or an NYPD emote.

Jun 15, 2007
It's like there's a soup can in front of me!

Alternative pants posted:

Or an NYPD emote.

Sounds versatile to me, let's get on it.

May 17, 2011

by Y Kant Ozma Post


A shameful butte

Robot Randy
Dec 31, 2011

by Lowtax

Ignimbrite posted:

That's an offshoot of :slick:. The original version was called danceman.gif and was bigger:. It was too big to upload as a smilie and the thread was about getting it down to the right size. I don't think the thread was from BYOB. After the guy who made it posted it, people started making versions based off of other smilies. I remember forkbanger did a lot of work in that thread. Also, I think :slick: the smilie that we have now wasn't bought in that thread but later, only a few years ago, after someone found that thread.

Here are some of the variations I have saved. There are many, many more. That was one of the first threads I remember reading.

e: You're probably also thinking of :owned:

Don't know where I found this one.

Oct 30, 2010

SporkTSI posted:

Don't know where I found this one.
Thanks, I needed the laugh.

Factory Factory
Mar 19, 2010

This is what
Arcane Velocity was like.

Hey, that works pretty well.


Cloud Potato
Jan 8, 2011

"I'm... happy!"
Oh goodness, now I have to try it with all the others...











Jul 22, 2007

I haven't been on SA for years but the person who gave me my previous av as a joke felt guilty for doing so and decided to get me a non-shitty av
What's the deal with the various "~*Hello Boys*~" avatars? You know what I mean:

(there used to be more)

Sexy furry animated avatars in SA? I guess they were "awarded" to "lucky" goons by "a certain" forum. What's the story behind them? (and how come are they so well-made?)

Oct 25, 2011


Cloud Potato posted:

Oh goodness, now I have to try it with all the others...






Forgot two more!

Feb 9, 2009

Take Claire Of Yourselves
🥦 ~ Eat Your Greens ~ 🥦

This one is the best

Oct 30, 2010



...not as good as I hoped.

Robot Randy
Dec 31, 2011

by Lowtax


This one is the best.

Five Apples
Mar 11, 2008


Dec 4, 2011

I am the one lascivious
With magic potion niveous

Well, drat.

QuickbreathFinisher posted:

I am still loving wondering what :pwm: is. Does anyone know?

I thought it was a spinosaurus, but that raises more questions than it answers.

hyperhazard fucked around with this message at 05:21 on Sep 16, 2012

Mar 18, 2009

You, McNulty, are a gaping asshole. We both know this.


Jul 8, 2003

hackbunny posted:

What's the deal with the various "~*Hello Boys*~" avatars? You know what I mean:

(there used to be more)

Sexy furry animated avatars in SA? I guess they were "awarded" to "lucky" goons by "a certain" forum. What's the story behind them? (and how come are they so well-made?)
They probably found the gifs elsewhere.

No idea about the rest.

Feb 26, 2007

Dinosaur Gum
Whenever anyone mentions a katana in any capacity, the very next poster will talk about "what you don't know about your thousand-times-folded hanzo steel is..." Since the lines are always the same (or follow the same basic structure), I figure there has to be an origin story. Anyone happen to have a lead on this?

cobalt impurity
Apr 23, 2010

I hope he didn't care about that pizza.

Evilreaver posted:

Whenever anyone mentions a katana in any capacity, the very next poster will talk about "what you don't know about your thousand-times-folded hanzo steel is..." Since the lines are always the same (or follow the same basic structure), I figure there has to be an origin story. Anyone happen to have a lead on this?

I'm not sure quite what you're asking, but making fun of nerds by calling it "hanzo steel" comes from the phrase being used in Kill Bill when the Bride gets a katana made by a descendant of Hattori Hanzo. She does cartoonishly badass things like slice other swords to pieces. This and the rest of katanas' depictions in Japanese Animes make Japanophiles think they're super-awesome and much better than baka gaijin European weaponry when they're really of equal quality because the extensive folding process has to be done since Japan's iron is so lovely. Goons feel the need to chime in with this little tidbit every time.

Jul 22, 2007

I haven't been on SA for years but the person who gave me my previous av as a joke felt guilty for doing so and decided to get me a non-shitty av

Zereth posted:

They probably found the gifs elsewhere.

Whoa dude, no way :monocle:

Zereth posted:

No idea about the rest.

Enlightening. "Better than a kick in the rear end" as they say around here

Feb 25, 2011

my mum says im cool

Toilet Rascal

hyperhazard posted:

I thought it was a spinosaurus, but that raises more questions than it answers.

PWM is the Ray Parlour's chat thread and it's quite Byob.

Wrestlepig fucked around with this message at 12:00 on Sep 16, 2012

Rap Music and Dope
Dec 25, 2010
For some reason Euros really suck to

I think stymie aka Anime DogTits got rid of his :(.

Sep 6, 2007

the king of the beach

cobalt impurity posted:

I'm not sure quite what you're asking, but making fun of nerds by calling it "hanzo steel" comes from the phrase being used in Kill Bill when the Bride gets a katana made by a descendant of Hattori Hanzo. She does cartoonishly badass things like slice other swords to pieces. This and the rest of katanas' depictions in Japanese Animes make Japanophiles think they're super-awesome and much better than baka gaijin European weaponry when they're really of equal quality because the extensive folding process has to be done since Japan's iron is so lovely. Goons feel the need to chime in with this little tidbit every time.

Nah, I'm pretty sure there was a thread (or at least a video) with a fat, nerdy goon(?) who tried to show off his new, battle-ready katana that everyone made fun of, who called it Hanzo steel.

M as in Mancy
Apr 21, 2011

by Y Kant Ozma Post
And here I thought Hanzo Steel was a brand name and that it was a play on "hands of steel".

May 17, 2011

by Y Kant Ozma Post

Daionus the 23rd posted:

And here I thought Hanzo Steel was a brand name and that it was a play on "hands of steel".

Kill Bill is a pretty cool movie, unless you have a raging hateboner for Tarantino you should watch it.

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

ImPureAwesome posted:

Nah, I'm pretty sure there was a thread (or at least a video) with a fat, nerdy goon(?) who tried to show off his new, battle-ready katana that everyone made fun of, who called it Hanzo steel.

You may both be right. The first Kill Bill movie came out in 2003 so it's likely that thread jokes were inspired by it.

IIRC the anime dogtits avatars came from LF but no one ever figured out who was buying them.

Sep 15, 2009

ImPureAwesome posted:

Nah, I'm pretty sure there was a thread (or at least a video) with a fat, nerdy goon(?) who tried to show off his new, battle-ready katana that everyone made fun of, who called it Hanzo steel.

This one. I don't think he's a goon.

Sep 29, 2009

Rap Music and Dope posted:

I think stymie aka Anime DogTits got rid of his :(.

He got bought a big red title in the Assange thread in GBS for making real weird convoluted arguments.

Mr. Pumroy
May 20, 2001

Babunar posted:

This one. I don't think he's a goon.
I love this video.

I loved this video the first time I saw it, I love it just as much now.

Everything about the video is perfect.

lesbian baphomet
Nov 30, 2011

Babunar posted:

This one. I don't think he's a goon.
It became an SA thing because it was either a weekend web or front page feature, or something like that.

Specifically, the slowbeef version:

Apr 19, 2006


Babunar posted:

This one. I don't think he's a goon.

This video is perfect. You couldn't plan a video like this.

It starts off hilariously enough with the weird mixture of redneck and neckbeard (redneckbeard?) that results in whatever hosed up enunciation that this guy has, but then once you've accepted that, they throw in the little brother that looks like he just got back from playing banjos with Ronny Cox and Burt Reynolds. And after that settles into your mind, just as you think you've gotten all you can out of the video, the camera operator starts talking and you realize it's his mom and the tone of her voice lets you know that she has no loving idea what the internet is and thinks this is just another one for the home video collection that they bust out whenever Uncle Travis comes over and the adults get shitfaced while Evan sits around with the 10-year-olds trying to get them to watch his precious animes. To her, this is going to be the equivalent of the photos of your kids you keep in your wallet. She has no idea what the internet is about to do to her little boy.

EDIT: Holy poo poo, he's a brony, too :lol:

CaptainViolence fucked around with this message at 17:55 on Sep 17, 2012

Admiral Bosch
Apr 19, 2007
Who is Admiral Aken Bosch, and what is that old scoundrel up to?
What the hell is up with :ducksiren: ?

Dr Pepper
Feb 4, 2012

Don't like it? well...

It's an enemy from the video game Earthbound combined with :siren:

Calico Heart
Mar 22, 2012

"wich the worst part was what troll face did to sonic's corpse after words wich was rape it. at that point i looked away"


one day I will find my diamond


Dec 20, 2003

Lovin' every minute of it.

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