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Aug 7, 2005

I am offended by your ham, sir.

Lurdiak posted:

How the gently caress would it play?



Jun 27, 2008

Fun Shoe

CzarChasm posted:

Because Capcom is no longer capable of making MegaMan games, because they hate money.

Also Long John Baldry is dead, and that's obviously who they're writing to voice Robotnik.

Megillah Gorilla
Sep 22, 2003

If only all of life's problems could be solved by smoking a professor of ancient evil texts.

Bread Liar

Slashrat posted:

You play as either Eggman or Wily as you try to outdo the other doctor in a friendly competition of who is better at duping their respective nemesis into being an unwitting pawn in their mutual schemes

When was the last time a decent game let you play as the bad guy anyway? Dungeon Keeper?

Mar 31, 2010

Weaving Merry Christmas magic

Gorilla Salad posted:

When was the last time a decent game let you play as the bad guy anyway? Dungeon Keeper?

Dungeon Keeper and the Overlord games, I believe.

Jan 25, 2010

Zu Rodina!

Gorilla Salad posted:

When was the last time a decent game let you play as the bad guy anyway? Dungeon Keeper?

Dark Souls.

Feb 25, 2006

I believe in a universe that doesn't care, and people that do.

Malachite_Dragon posted:

Dungeon Keeper and the Overlord games, I believe.

The Overlord games aren't good, and you're not allowed to actually play the bad guy in the first one anyway.

Oct 10, 2005

Brock! Oh, man, I'm sorry about your...


Gorilla Salad posted:

When was the last time a decent game let you play as the bad guy anyway? Dungeon Keeper?

Injustice: Gods Among Us.

From the same Sonic issue.


That's the problem with this comic. We're supposed to be rooting against these guys and we know they're going to lose.

Dec 26, 2012

Gavok posted:


That's the problem with this comic. We're supposed to be rooting against these guys and we know they're going to lose.
The big hope left is that they'll avoid the traditional Villain Team-Up pitfall and start pointlessly backstabbing one another, thus ensuring their downfall. Such a beautiful friendship should not end in tragedy.

Oct 9, 2012

by R. Guyovich

Drakyn posted:

The big hope left is that they'll avoid the traditional Villain Team-Up pitfall and start pointlessly backstabbing one another, thus ensuring their downfall. Such a beautiful friendship should not end in tragedy.


I would totally read an Evil Friends Forever ongoing :allears:

Sep 13, 2007

by LadyAmbien

Dark_Tzitzimine posted:

I would totally read an Evil Friends Forever ongoing :allears:

Man, if they took out Sonic and Megaman and then started working their way through Bubsy and Aero the Acrobat and Chester Cheetah and suchlike, that would be such a fine comic.

Jan 2, 2008

Why, yes, I do like Kirby games.

Am I the only one who's a little sad that's not a parody of a Sega or Nintendo console? (Or maybe both, like a Dreamcube or something?)

Oct 10, 2005

Brock! Oh, man, I'm sorry about your...


FredMSloniker posted:

Am I the only one who's a little sad that's not a parody of a Sega or Nintendo console? (Or maybe both, like a Dreamcube or something?)

The pun is still worth it.

Wily/Eggman gives me flashbacks to that issue of JLA that gave us Professor Ivo and TO Morrow working together. I have to wonder if Ian Flynn was using that issue as direct inspiration.

Oct 9, 2007


Sizone posted:

Man, if they took out Sonic and Megaman and then started working their way through Bubsy and Aero the Acrobat and Chester Cheetah and suchlike, that would be such a fine comic.

I don't even want them to take out Sonic and Megaman. I'm totally cool with them losing to their heroes, together, and just staying bros. Either still working together, or going their own way and just knocking back drinks together in the wake of defeats.

Sep 13, 2007

by LadyAmbien
Hate #30

Feb 1, 2013

RyuujinBlueZ posted:

I don't even want them to take out Sonic and Megaman. I'm totally cool with them losing to their heroes, together, and just staying bros. Either still working together, or going their own way and just knocking back drinks together in the wake of defeats.

As badly as I want this to be the case, I'm more or less expecting this to end with the two arguin with each other as the plan starts to fall apart. Best case scenario I'm expecting is the two being locked out of the others universes and the two of them acting like they just lost a lover or something.

Nov 3, 2008

Not as strong as you'd expect.

SilverSupernova posted:

As badly as I want this to be the case, I'm more or less expecting this to end with the two arguin with each other as the plan starts to fall apart. Best case scenario I'm expecting is the two being locked out of the others universes and the two of them acting like they just lost a lover or something.

I'm suddenly reminded of the end to Chrono Cross.

"I'll find you! Doesn't matter how many worlds, how long it takes, I'LL FIND YOU!"

"Unless I find you first!"

Senior Woodchuck
Aug 29, 2006

When you're lost out there and you're all alone, a light is waiting to carry you home

Hollis posted:

I think the thing was that the Avengers paid 16,000 dollars a year to members but they told him he had to defeat the Hulk to join so he made knock out gas or something anyway he used it and Hulk turned into Banner and then Spidey was like well poo poo he's just a guy dealing with his problems and didn't join.

i am pretty sure i didn't make that up.

That was in the '60s. Then in the '80s he tried to join (again for the money), but the government wouldn't let him because Henry Gyrich is a dick.

Feb 25, 2006

I believe in a universe that doesn't care, and people that do.

Senior Woodchuck posted:

That was in the '60s. Then in the '80s he tried to join (again for the money), but the government wouldn't let him because Henry Gyrich is a dick.

I remember there was some story in the late 80s/early 90s where Cap was scouting Spider-man as a potential recruit while the Avengers were expanding, and Spidey did a major gently caress-up on the mission and Cap fed him a load of bull about how he's needed on the streets and probably works better alone. It was contrived as hell and it's obvious it didn't work out simply because back then the "Spider-man can't be on a team he just can't" edict was firmly in place.

Feb 1, 2013

M.O.D.O.K. Reign Delay

The entire book was silly, but this is probably my favorite part of it.

Internet Wizard
Aug 9, 2009


I'm pretty this has been posted before, but I'm just now catching up on books from the last year, and just read FF #3 by Fraction. Fraction's humor just really works for me in comic book format.

Aug 5, 2004

Scott is the best Ant-Man :allears:

Jul 19, 2001

Is that everything you have?

Gorilla Salad posted:

When was the last time a decent game let you play as the bad guy anyway? Dungeon Keeper?

Edit: Actually, I won't spoil that video game. Disregard!

Feb 16, 2011

From Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.

Aug 7, 2005

I am offended by your ham, sir.
I feel like posting panels from Nextwave is cheating. You could literally post any page from any issue in this thread.

Then I wonder why I care if it's cheating, when I should be encouraging you to flood this thread with Nextwave.

Feb 16, 2011

Chaos Hippy posted:

Then I wonder why I care if it's cheating, when I should be encouraging you to flood this thread with Nextwave.

Monica Rambeau, she likes to remind you that she was in the Avengers:

Tabby, she really hates cops (also not a great speller):

Elsa Bloodstone, she likes to blow stuff up:

Machine Man, rear end in a top hat:

The Captain, he is the Captain:

Alhazred fucked around with this message at 17:42 on May 7, 2013

Jul 19, 2000
Post the one where "Dread Rorkannu" demands his share of Suicide Girls. Then you won't have to post it all because everyone who hasn't read it already will run out of the house to buy a copy to go read the whole thing anyway :dance:

Jun 6, 2011


PrBacterio posted:

Post the one where "Dread Rorkannu" demands his share of Suicide Girls. Then you won't have to post it all because everyone who hasn't read it already will run out of the house to buy a copy to go read the whole thing anyway :dance:

his excitement over a hundred dollars is what gets me

Slashrat fucked around with this message at 19:13 on May 7, 2013

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.
All of Nextwave is indeed love but damned if that scene with Aaron joining in with the cop beating doesn't kill me every time.

Why can't we have more, drat it! More!

Jewel Repetition
Dec 24, 2012

Ask me about Briar Rose and Chicken Chaser.
What was the Sonic the Hedgehog where he "died" and the cover showed him with his rear end right in front of the girl's face but she couldn't see it because he was a ghost?

May 20, 2004

Would you be my new best friends?

Holy poo poo, are those The Mindless On-

They are! :neckbeard:

Aug 6, 2006

The McRib is back!?!?

Jerusalem posted:

Holy poo poo, are those The Mindless On-

They are! :neckbeard:

...are you seriously saying you've never read Nextwave?


May 20, 2004

Would you be my new best friends?

404GoonNotFound posted:

...are you seriously saying you've never read Nextwave?


Quite honestly most of the panels I've seen have felt a little forced in their humor to me, but maybe it all works better in context. I just love seeing cool old sideline Marvel stuff like The Mindless Ones come out of nowhere.

mind the walrus
Sep 22, 2006

Despite it's sterling reputation a lot of the humor in Nextwave is pretty forced, but more than enough of it lands.

That issue also features Mindless Ones on skateboards with backwards baseball caps. That can forgive a lot.

Open Marriage Night
Sep 18, 2009

"Do you want to talk to a spider, Peter?"

404GoonNotFound posted:

...are you seriously saying you've never read Nextwave?


I take my Devil Dinosaur very seriously.

Ordering the trades this weekend. I keep forgetting that having a new job means I can afford more comics.

Sep 12, 2004

Childs Play Charity 2011 Total: $1755
Injustice 17. Probably the most unintentionally funny art of all time.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Happy Noodle Boy
Jul 3, 2002

Matlock posted:

Injustice 17. Probably the most unintentionally funny art of all time.

Oh my God that face

May 6, 2007


Arn Anderson
Sep 4, 2008

Familiarity doesn't always breed contempt. Sometimes familiarity is just cool.

Matlock posted:

Injustice 17. Probably the most unintentionally funny art of all time.

Oct 22, 2000

Belated Bear Witness
Soiled Meat
Anne Hathaway's put on the wrong outfit there, I see.


Macdeo Lurjtux
Jul 5, 2011


mind the walrus posted:

Despite it's sterling reputation a lot of the humor in Nextwave is pretty forced, but more than enough of it lands.

That issue also features Mindless Ones on skateboards with backwards baseball caps. That can forgive a lot.

Warren Ellis was once described to me as the comic equivalent of your mom forwarding you those "funny internet videos" and I can't see him as anything else when it comes to his humor.

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