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Was Taters
Jul 29, 2004

Here comes a regular
Welcome to the latest installment of the Funny Panels thread. Please put here panels which are funny - intentionally, or less intentionally!

RULES FOR THE THREAD: There are only two.
1. Post your source. If you can, ID the book and issue your panels are coming from. If you can't, say so. Either way, address it. Thusly:

Journey into Mystery 634

Don't be one of those idiots, mmmk?

2. FFS post a goddamn panel. Conversation is great. Wonderful. Discussion of comics is definitely something to be encouraged in other threads, but the last thread would go entire pages of discussion with no panels and that is pretty effed up. If the discussion goes to more than two posts, please move it to derailed or Q&A, as appropriate.

And now, PANELS to kick us off!

Journey into Mystery 633

Source: I don't know!

JLA/Hitman #1 (I think)

Source: Detective Comics (somewhere between 27-38)


Nov 3, 2009

Posting this again, I guess!

Here's the list of classes from the Jean Grey school - from the back Wolverine and the X-Men #1.

Vince MechMahon
Jan 1, 2008

Hakkesshu posted:

Posting this again, I guess!

Here's the list of classes from the Jean Grey school - from the back Wolverine and the X-Men #1.

Gambit teaching Sex Ed is the most perfect thing ever, and a sure sign that I would never, ever send my mutant daughter to the Jean Grey School.

Feb 23, 2005

Thrill as the entire Justice League teams up to harass Steve Lombard in Action Comics #443:

Nov 25, 2008

It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.

Hakkesshu posted:

Posting this again, I guess!

Here's the list of classes from the Jean Grey school - from the back Wolverine and the X-Men #1.

"Forgetting everything you learned from Emma Frost" is hilarious.

Captain Capacitor
Jan 20, 2008

The code you say?
Dear god, I can't help but think it hilarious if Gambit mixed up his "Sex Ed" and "Weaponizing Household Products" lessons.

Sep 13, 2007

by LadyAmbien

From Ressentiment, volume 2, page 22, I think.

Because it's what I'm reading. While most anime and manga is pretty terrible, you occasionally get something which, like Animal Farm, dolls a current or extremely prescient theme up in just enough fantasy that you can laugh at it and, at the same time, can't help but think "Oh, wait, that's kind of really happening."

Mar 1, 2009

Shirley, these things happen in video games. We can't get hung up on real-world morality.

Atomic Robo: Why Atomic Robo Hates Dr. Dinosaur

Nov 25, 2008

It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.

smashpro1 posted:

Atomic Robo: Why Atomic Robo Hates Dr. Dinosaur

I feel like I should be reading this comic.

Senior Woodchuck
Aug 29, 2006

When you're lost out there and you're all alone, a light is waiting to carry you home

TheBigBudgetSequel posted:

"Forgetting everything you learned from Emma Frost" is hilarious.

I like how Husk is apparently the entire arts & lit department, and Cannonball is only good for teaching people how to fly into things headfirst.

Nov 24, 2007

Look into my eyes.

TheBigBudgetSequel posted:

I feel like I should be reading this comic.

You really should.

Atomic Robo Vol 3 #4

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

You really really should.

And that particular one you can even read right now for free!

Nov 3, 2009

Does AR actually have any substance to it, though? To be honest, those panels don't really do much for me - on first inspection it seems like it's cribbing way too much from internet-level humour (Raptors! Carl Sagan! Etc.).

Is there more to it than that? And I don't just mean something like those corny panels where he's lamenting the state of 90's comics.

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

It's definitely more about pulp adventures than substance, but it's not just wacky reference humor either. For example in Vol. 3 Carl Sagan doesn't just randomly show up and zap a bitch for the hell of it, he's a major character throughout the chapter and he and Robo have a little talk about the boundaries of science. Within the framework of fighting an extradimensional monstrosity, sure, but it's there.

The Dr. Dinosaur story and the other free ones on are pretty well representative of Robo as a whole. If those don't do it for you you're not going to like the rest of it, but if you find something you like there's going to be more like it in the print issues.

Sep 13, 2011

by VideoGames
There's plenty of substance though. The one where a reporter asks him what's the hardest thing he's had to do in 80 years, and he says he's 83 years old. He does a mean Jack Benny, but nobody really gets it anymore. We the reader have just gotten done watching him write a letter to the granddaughter of a friend of his from WW2 that just died of cancer, so we get what he's really saying. I mean it's funny and sad [The cleanest story he can tell the granddaughter of their time together is the time he convinced his friend that robots can get drunk and challenged him to a drinking contest. And as he reminds the granddaughter he clearly has no mouth and can not in fact drink anything.], and it also involves SCIENCE! adventures fighting giant ants in Nevada.

A lot of Robo is just good clean fun, but it's not afraid to swing away for emotion every so often.

Jan 4, 2008

Daddy Warlord
of the
Children of the Corn

or something...

My Lovely Horse posted:

It's definitely more about pulp adventures than substance, but it's not just wacky reference humor either. For example in Vol. 3 Carl Sagan doesn't just randomly show up and zap a bitch for the hell of it, he's a major character throughout the chapter and he and Robo have a little talk about the boundaries of science. Within the framework of fighting an extradimensional monstrosity, sure, but it's there.

Stephen Hawking though? He's just a bastard.

Waffles Inc.
Jan 20, 2005

From this week's Hawkeye #2

There was a lot of funny poo poo, but this made me laugh out loud

Was Taters
Jul 29, 2004

Here comes a regular
2nd deck should be serif :colbert:

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
There are so many funny parts in the new Hawkeye but I don't want to spoil it since it's new today.

Oct 10, 2003

Wait, the Daily Bugle doesn't exist anymore in the Marvel universe, at least not in print form. It was The DB, then Electro collapsed it. I know some of the old guard were trying to bring it back, but online only (I thought).

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

enigmahfc posted:

Wait, the Daily Bugle doesn't exist anymore in the Marvel universe, at least not in print form. It was The DB, then Electro collapsed it. I know some of the old guard were trying to bring it back, but online only (I thought).

Jonah gave the name to Robbie and they changed the name of Front Line to that.

Jul 27, 2004

Don't Blink

Was Taters posted:

2nd deck should be serif :colbert:

The 2nd deck is a subset of Everything, so it's understood that it'd be awful.

Apr 8, 2005

Don't you fear the yetis in Rio?

Ensign_Ricky posted:

Stephen Hawking though? He's just a bastard.

You don't need a comic book to tell people that!

to add a funny:

Dr. McNinja "Death Volly"

Jul 13, 2006

Say Watt?

While mine lacks malicious mammals, I like it all the same. I don't think I've ever seen a writer acknowledge lovely exposition in this way.

From Tales of Suspense #80

Edit: Hm, SA's image upload doesn't work.

Jul 9, 2006

Gummy Bear Heaven ... It's where I go when the world is too mean.
There's already been some Wolverine and the X-Men 15 panels posted, but here are some more.

Fingers McLongDong
Nov 30, 2005

not eromenos
Fun Shoe
I haven't kept up with X-comics in a while, is Iceman permanently in ice-mode now or something? Seems like every panel posted he's always iced up.

Mar 28, 2010

Pandamn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta
Grimey Drawer

Rhyno posted:

There are so many funny parts in the new Hawkeye but I don't want to spoil it since it's new today.

Well I have no such qualms! But seriously, everybody should go out and buy this thing, because there's even more funny stuff.

All from Hawkeye #2. Seriously, Amazing Spider-Man's awful and Gambit and Hawkeye have great books out, what mad world is this?

Dec 30, 2010

Another 1? Aww man...

TwoPair posted:

All from Hawkeye #2. Seriously, Amazing Spider-Man's awful and Gambit and Hawkeye have great books out, what mad world is this?

"Aw, coffee, no" might be one of my favorite lines this year. And Gambit's solo is good? Well, there's another thing to be picking up.

One final page from Wolverine and the X-Men #15

Here or in The Defenders, I love Danny Rand. Also, Tony Stark just doesn't care about Missouri or the six million people living there.

Actually, a Phoenix-possessed state would be something to see.

Jul 9, 2006

Gummy Bear Heaven ... It's where I go when the world is too mean.
The next Page with Broo riding off on Tony's shoulders is great, but my friend took his copy back and I can't get a scan.

Exit Strategy
Dec 10, 2010

by sebmojo
Not sure if someone's posted it before, but from Batman, Inc. #7:

Mike From Nowhere
Jan 31, 2007

I guess there has to be one thing I just can't help, Lois.

Exit Strategy posted:

Not sure if someone's posted it before, but from Batman, Inc. #7:

I remember looking forward to that issue so much, and when it arrived, it was like Poser shat poo poo-covered bees.

a pipe smoking dog
Jan 25, 2010

"haha, dogs can't smoke!"

Magic Love Hose posted:

I remember looking forward to that issue so much, and when it arrived, it was like Poser shat poo poo-covered bees.

I never even read it because the art was so eye bleedingly bad. I guess I'll never know what happened to Internet 3.0.

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

Fingers McLongDong posted:

I haven't kept up with X-comics in a while, is Iceman permanently in ice-mode now or something? Seems like every panel posted he's always iced up.
It hasn't been addressed directly (at least not in WATM, but maybe in one of the other books I don't read?), but that seems to be the case.

Sep 2, 2006
Not supposed to be here today

Endless Mike posted:

It hasn't been addressed directly (at least not in WATM, but maybe in one of the other books I don't read?), but that seems to be the case.

I'm pretty sure he's showed up non-iced recently, he's just been hanging out in ice form a lot.

Feb 23, 2005

Do not attempt to flirt with Lois Lane! Action #455:

Mar 28, 2010

Pandamn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta
Grimey Drawer

Sefer posted:

I'm pretty sure he's showed up non-iced recently, he's just been hanging out in ice form a lot.

I mean, he's effectively immortal when iced up, so I'd probably stay that way too if my life was always in danger.

Jun 5, 2005

ask me about oranges

Magic Love Hose posted:

I remember looking forward to that issue so much, and when it arrived, it was like Poser shat poo poo-covered bees.

I surgically removed it from my Batman Inc. OSHC.

Here's a thing:

(Final Crisis 6)


(Superman 706)

Feb 16, 2011

(Final Crisis #7)
God how I miss Renee Montoya as the Question :(

Feb 11, 2008

Calling all spacemen
Fallen Rib
All Star Batman and Robin had so many moments of comedic genius but this was one of my favourites.


What better way to take advantage of Hal's weakness. Have some lemonade.


Rustmouth Chafings
Dec 11, 2008

Rhyno posted:

There are so many funny parts in the new Hawkeye but I don't want to spoil it since it's new today.

That whole issue is outstanding.

Clint does not speak French.

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