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Gucci Loafers
May 20, 2006

Ask yourself, do you really want to talk to pair of really nice gaudy shoes?

Hughmoris posted:

SC-300 might have you're looking for.

Looks like it does... I guess Microsoft has decided to put SSO under Security but things like MFA are under traditional identity?

Has anyone taken this exam? What did you use to study?

Gucci Loafers fucked around with this message at 01:36 on Jan 14, 2024


Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

salartarium posted:

Passed Server+ yesterday. I was bad and only read up to Chapter 3 of the book. I was not expecting so many practical/simulation questions and took up every second that I had.


My Security+ is coming up for renewal in the next few months. Any advice on the easiest way to renew that? First time I've dealt with Comptia renewal shite.

Jul 15, 2006

Hughmoris posted:


My Security+ is coming up for renewal in the next few months. Any advice on the easiest way to renew that? First time I've dealt with Comptia renewal shite.

Get the CYSA or Pentest+. You get a new, higher-level cert and it automatically renews A+/N+/S+

lol I’m not even kidding that’s what I did. CySA+ is basically Sec++ so it’s probably easier than dealing with Education credits or whatever CompTIA makes you do

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
I need mine re-upped as well in the next few months, already took PenTest+ so that's out. I would not suggest taking that one unless you have a decent amount of experience already doing pentesting or have a decent grasp of what it is. All I had was help desk experience and that poo poo sucked

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

navyjack posted:

Get the CYSA or Pentest+. You get a new, higher-level cert and it automatically renews A+/N+/S+

lol I’m not even kidding that’s what I did. CySA+ is basically Sec++ so it’s probably easier than dealing with Education credits or whatever CompTIA makes you do

I've been looking at CYSA or Linux+. I'd rather just toss (company) cash at the problem if there is a way to buy a renewal.

I have some time. I should just study for the CASP+ and meet the requirements for 8140 Level III

May 21, 2006

Hughmoris posted:

I've been looking at CYSA or Linux+. I'd rather just toss (company) cash at the problem if there is a way to buy a renewal.

I have some time. I should just study for the CASP+ and meet the requirements for 8140 Level III

Easiest way is to do the CertMaster course. 8-10 hours and $200. You do the course and just take the tests at the end of each module. Unlimited attempts and it lets you see the wrong answers after each attempt.

Ironically I just renewed my Sec+ cert minutes before typing this. I'm in a graduate program so I could apply all my classes as CE credits and just pay the annual fee.

FCKGW fucked around with this message at 02:23 on Jan 15, 2024

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

FCKGW posted:

Easiest way is to do the CertMaster course. 8-10 hours and $200. You do the course and just take the tests at the end of each module. Unlimited attempts and it lets you see the wrong answers after each attempt.

Ironically I just renewed my Sec+ cert minutes before typing this. I'm in a graduate program so I could apply all my classes as CE credits and just pay the annual fee.

This looks like a winner. Thanks!

Jul 15, 2006

My company is making literally ALL of the low/mid level security computer janitor dorks get the ine CC cert. Since I have my a/n/s/Cysa, can I assume I can proceed directly to the test? It’s like A+ level, right?

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
I have no idea what cert that is so going with maybe

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Not sure if all Azure certifications are like this but I was just able to renew my Azure Data Engineer certification with a free 25-question exam. Non-proctored, and re-take as much as needed (I think).

Hughmoris fucked around with this message at 04:09 on Jan 18, 2024

Feb 8, 2012

You couldn't grok my race car, but you dug the roadside blur.
That's a renewal. If you don't have the cert you have to take the long way

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

skooma512 posted:

That's a renewal. If you don't have the cert you have to take the long way

Yep, the renewal was free and easy. I definitely had to cough up cash and effort for the initial cert.

I was just surprised by how easy the renewal is considering what I'm going to have to do to renew my Security+. :mad:

Feb 8, 2012

You couldn't grok my race car, but you dug the roadside blur.
I'm gonna try and knock out Microsoft AI-900 so I can say I can do AI.

I hear Microsoft requires all employees to have that one now. Hopefully it'll put a little shine on the resume, but I'm sure there's now exactly as many AI professionals as there ever will be and you need to 5 years experience to get a basic job.

Mar 24, 2007
Well I passed my CISSP. My company paid for it and a supervisor is sponsoring me.

That test was extremely annoying. My experience matched everything you'll read saying you think you failed until you get your "Congratulations" paper.

Not sure what to do with myself now. Been dedicating a good portion of my free time to this god drat test for the last 6 months.

Diva Cupcake
Aug 15, 2005

Congrats! It’ll be a worthwhile addition to your resume.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Sacrist65 posted:

Well I passed my CISSP. My company paid for it and a supervisor is sponsoring me.

That test was extremely annoying. My experience matched everything you'll read saying you think you failed until you get your "Congratulations" paper.

Not sure what to do with myself now. Been dedicating a good portion of my free time to this god drat test for the last 6 months.


Rotten Cookies
Nov 11, 2008

gosh! i like both the islanders and the rangers!!! :^)

Passed the CCNA an hour ago.

I'd read that if you pass, you get a splash screen saying pass, so when that didn't show up I was pretty drat dejected. Then as I'm signing out of the testing center, the proctor gives me a printout with info and a big ol' PASS on the bottom and I start laughing.

So yeah, I can relate.

The monitor I took the test on was so drat small the CLI was blown way the hell up and made reading it some sort of hell.

Mar 24, 2007

Rotten Cookies posted:

Passed the CCNA an hour ago.

I'd read that if you pass, you get a splash screen saying pass, so when that didn't show up I was pretty drat dejected. Then as I'm signing out of the testing center, the proctor gives me a printout with info and a big ol' PASS on the bottom and I start laughing.

So yeah, I can relate.

The monitor I took the test on was so drat small the CLI was blown way the hell up and made reading it some sort of hell.

Congrats. What are you going for next?

Rotten Cookies
Nov 11, 2008

gosh! i like both the islanders and the rangers!!! :^)

I mean, a job would be nice.

Sep 21, 2004

sting like a byob
When I passed my CCNA there was no splash screen, I hear some certs do it but I think for that one it's standard to not find out until the proctor gives you the report.

Dec 13, 2011

I've moved from an Azure shop to an AWS shop.

I'm so glad to never have to write an Azure cert ever again.

Diva Cupcake
Aug 15, 2005

That’s not how the job market works. Be flexible.

Dec 13, 2011

Diva Cupcake posted:

That’s not how the job market works. Be flexible.

New job is a fully unionized gig at a public university in a developed country. I have won.

Heck Yes! Loam!
Nov 15, 2004

a rich, friable soil containing a relatively equal mixture of sand and silt and a somewhat smaller proportion of clay.

Kazinsal posted:

I've moved from an Azure shop to an AWS shop.

I'm so glad to never have to write an Azure cert ever again.

Kazinsal posted:

New job is a fully unionized gig at a public university in a developed country. I have won.

Oh you sweet summer child

Diva Cupcake
Aug 15, 2005

Kazinsal posted:

New job is a fully unionized gig at a public university in a developed country. I have won.

Do you not ever want to make more money than inflation adjustments will give you?

Diva Cupcake fucked around with this message at 14:09 on Feb 5, 2024

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
Not everyone wants to keep playing the rat race

Weaponized Autism
Mar 26, 2006

All aboard the Gravy train!
Hair Elf
I passed AZ-140, the Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty :toot:

Harder than I anticipated, but I only studied for about three days before I took the exam. I've built and currently manage AVD at my current job so I had a head start with three years of practical experience. The exam had more PowerShell than I anticipated. Definitely familiarized yourself with all the RBAC roles related to AVD, they come up a lot, if you decide to go for this cert.

Edit: I think I'll go for the double cert exams AZ-800 & AZ-801 next for the Windows Server cert. I've been a Windows sysadmin for 15+ years so with the Azure experience I feel like I'd be in a good position to tackle these.

Weaponized Autism fucked around with this message at 03:40 on Feb 5, 2024

Apr 29, 2008

Rotten Cookies posted:

Passed the CCNA an hour ago.

The monitor I took the test on was so drat small the CLI was blown way the hell up and made reading it some sort of hell.


You’d think they’d have sorted out the UI for this stuff by now.

I had the opposite with Palo Alto PCNSA exam, a screenshot of a detailed session output that’d been expanded out which then makes it take up the full screen on a normal res screen, that was the shrunk down on the exam to like 600x600. I had to make an educated guess with all the other info in the question text because when I leaned in to try and see what it was the remote proctor scared the poo poo out of me by yelling at me to sit back.

Gucci Loafers
May 20, 2006

Ask yourself, do you really want to talk to pair of really nice gaudy shoes?

Anyone take the MS-102 or SC-300?

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
What are the threads opinions on WGU’s cloud program? I have gi bill so cost isn’t an issue, I just want a good program that will teach me and hopefully the degree makes it through HR filters.

I’m working on my AZ-900 as a feet wetting exercise, I’ve messed with AWS in the past and find the technology fascinating.

I’ve been a computer geek since the Apple IIE and C64, though my last it job was tech support at a dial up isp in the 90’s.

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
I can’t speak to their cloud computing program but it gives three options on if you want a general track, the AWS track, or the Azure track. So I guess pick one and focus on that infrastructure.

If you want to start out way ahead of the game you can get a bunch of certs done ahead of time. I think all the IT tracks require A+, Sec+, and Net+. There’s also Cloud+ and Project+. If you have your CCAF that should also cover all the gen ed stuff too. I think there’s a few WGU grads here and the working in IT thread. I have three classes left for the networking BS and I feel like I’ve learned a lot from when I started but also a ton of that has been studying for some of these tests. The CCNA and PenTest+ were rough, though that’s not in the cloud program.

Sep 30, 2022
I'm about 90% of the way done with the multi-cloud program. Did the AWS CCP and SAA certs a while ago and have a few Azure certs left to do. I think the program has done a great job at getting me prepped for cloud stuff, although I have yet to land a job that gets to apply that knowledge, I am much more confident with working inside of them with the personal projects I've done (such as the Cloud Resume Challenge, which I also recommend).

Feb 24, 2013

I’m also doing the BS in CC from WGU, haven’t started the Cloud specific stuff yet as I’m about 30% into it ending my first term but overall from what I’ve done so far and can see what the courses ahead are like I expect it to be a pretty solid framework to build off of. And the degree will definitely pass HR checks.

Passing Security+ by the end of February when my term ends is my current goal in fact, then I have Web Dev and Python courses ahead I believe.

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
Python is one of my last three classes. I've tried taking it twice now and got real unmotivated both times. To be fair I haven't given it my full attention and now that I have way more time I think I'll be able to get it done. For a three unit class it's really something

Sep 30, 2022
I'm taking Python right now actually, it's been a tough class for me and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around for and while loops. Hopefully getting it done before my terms ends this month along with the ITIL cert.

Sep 21, 2004

sting like a byob

Blurb3947 posted:

I'm taking Python right now actually, it's been a tough class for me and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around for and while loops. Hopefully getting it done before my terms ends this month along with the ITIL cert.

Do you have any specific questions? The basic structure of both is fairly straightforward.

A for loop just iterates over all the elements in a list, or a range, or whatever. So say you have a list of servers:

servers = ['server1', 'server2', 'server3', 'server4', 'server5']
You can go through each one in order with a for loop and act on it:

for server in servers:
"server" becomes the temporary name for whichever element of the list you're on. You can also do a for loop over, say, a range of numbers.

A while loop executes while a condition is true, and when the condition stops being true, you don't loop when you get to the end.

i = 0

while i < 10:
  i += 1
On the last repetition, i increases from 9 to 10. 10 is not less than 10, so we don't go again.

Sep 30, 2022

guppy posted:

Do you have any specific questions? The basic structure of both is fairly straightforward.

I think the biggest part is just getting reps in with writing code. I can right simple code all day, but once I start implementing loops it just starts to twist my brain trying to dissect a problem and piece a solution together. But I think that's also one of my favorite things about it so far, there's been so many a-ha! moments I've had these last few weeks playing with it.

A major gripe I have is how WGU's usage of Zybooks, which is a pretty clunky platform when it comes to this class and for programming in general. The material is good and solid but the way it autogrades your solutions isn't great and a lot of their challenge problems don't give you enough info to solve.

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum

Hotel Kpro posted:

Python is one of my last three classes. I've tried taking it twice now and got real unmotivated both times. To be fair I haven't given it my full attention and now that I have way more time I think I'll be able to get it done. For a three unit class it's really something

I would love to even get there but right now I’m having the worst run with ansible in our automation class. I’ve spent three days trying to get the most basic playbook to run on an exos switch through SSH and I’m pretty sure I’ve encountered every error there is. I’m positive it’s something dumb and I don’t have the knowledge to suss it out

Real late edit:

After six days of trying I gave up and wrote a python script that gets called by the ansible playbook and it does what I need. What a bunch of bullshit

Hotel Kpro fucked around with this message at 19:53 on Feb 14, 2024

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Has anyone pursued any AI certifications?

I've been around IT for over a decade and am not a huge believer in the business value (yet) but it seems the wind is strongly blowing that direction. I see Azure has a few AI certs. Might try their 900 version.


Jul 15, 2006

Hughmoris posted:

Has anyone pursued any AI certifications?

I've been around IT for over a decade and am not a huge believer in the business value (yet) but it seems the wind is strongly blowing that direction. I see Azure has a few AI certs. Might try their 900 version.

Ugh, I’m in the same boat. I figure having a couple “AI” certs on the resume will baffle the HR dweebs with bullshit and I can talk to the actual team like a human if I get that far.

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