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Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

He was a really big deal in black communities for a long time. Before Obama he was the "look what you can grow up to be" guy. You could see his face all over New York City and like a 1/4 of book reports could be his autobiography along with like Malcolm X and Jackie Robinson.

That's why it was such a shock when all of sudden he started screaming insane Conservative poo poo and comparing political correctness to slavery. Its also why Carson has that little pool of passionate support because its people who were fans of him for a long time for his story before the politics came into play.


Sep 22, 2005
Can't post for 4 minutes!
Just started I think my 4th rewatch, this time with my mom. We are staying with my mom for a few weeks while in between houses.

I just sent her episode summaries from this thread for the episodes we've watched so far.
We are up to S1 E8 and I think she is finally able to recognize who Avon is. This was very problematic at first.

I guess my point is that this thread rules and thanks for typing all the words.

Jun 3, 2004

banned from Starbucks posted:

Any reason they never named any of these gangs on the show other than "Barksdale organization" or "Stanfield organization" ect. Seems pretty dumb for the average street lvl guy to go off spouting "im with [head of huge drug empire]s people!"

When Bodie and Poot kill Wallace, he pleads with them and says "Why's it gotta be like this? Y'all my niggas from BC."

I always assumed that was the set they claimed.

Associating with real gangs could have negative consequences for the actors too. I remember hearing the Mexican Mafia killed some actress after American Me came out because they felt like the movie was exposing too much, and this doc starts with one of the other actors getting out of the hospital after being shot up and blinded in a drive-by shooting attempt.

Jul 30, 2008

8-Bit Scholar posted:

I mean, I don't think any of the sex slaves or workers speak a single line of dialogue in any scene where they aren't dead.

I would be concerned if they spoke lines of dialogue in the scenes where they are dead :ghost:

Nov 6, 2009

feedmegin posted:

I would be concerned if they spoke lines of dialogue in the scenes where they are dead :ghost:

"Tater killed me"

Jul 11, 2004

All the pieces matter.
Nap Ghost
There's the scene where McNulty drives to New Jersey to interview another group of foreign sex workers that are being detained there.

Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Dec 22, 2005

Does Shardene not count?

May 20, 2004

Would you be my new best friends?

1-800-DOCTORB posted:

"Tater killed me"


"I'm calling for a Mr. Lyon about the protocols..."

UFOTofuTacoCat posted:

thanks for typing all the words.

I hope all the words don't scare her off!

Sep 29, 2011

"Most mornings I'll apologise in advance to my wife."

UFOTofuTacoCat posted:

Just started I think my 4th rewatch, this time with my mom. We are staying with my mom for a few weeks while in between houses.

I just sent her episode summaries from this thread for the episodes we've watched so far.
We are up to S1 E8 and I think she is finally able to recognize who Avon is. This was very problematic at first.

I guess my point is that this thread rules and thanks for typing all the words.

I tried this with my mum, gave up when I realised she thought bunk was one of the 'bad guys'.

Ainsley McTree
Feb 19, 2004

hiddenmovement posted:

I tried this with my mum, gave up when I realised she thought bunk was one of the 'bad guys'.

Lol oh no :(

Jul 11, 2004

All the pieces matter.
Nap Ghost
My first time through I was super loving confused why Sydnor killed D'Angelo. How did he get into the prison in the first place?

But it's just that the two actors kinda look alike.

Orange Devil
Oct 1, 2010

hiddenmovement posted:

I tried this with my mum, gave up when I realised she thought bunk was one of the 'bad guys'.

TVIV has made me realize people can be bad at watching TV.

Sep 11, 2005

floating 26" off da ground. BURR!

Orange Devil posted:

TVIV has made me realize people can be bad at watching TV.

Honestly, I stopped coming to TVIV in the last year or two for live shows because TVIV viewers miss the most obvious poo poo or come up with some dumb dumb theories. This was one of my favorite threads due to its analysis of the show by people who had watched it a dozen times and could still find something new. Like Chicken/Beef from the first episode or whatever, had me hooked.

It's also why I think the Sopranos thread failed. Because it tried to make it a live thread w no spoilers, etc. Why would I participate when I'm kneecapped about what I want to talk about, ya know?

algebra testes
Mar 5, 2011

Lipstick Apathy

Boywhiz88 posted:

It's also why I think the Sopranos thread failed. Because it tried to make it a live thread w no spoilers, etc. Why would I participate when I'm kneecapped about what I want to talk about, ya know?

I'm not saying you aren't right, but on the other hand the original Wire thread was spoiler free because nobody had watched the show and people got into it and starting watching it.

Sep 11, 2005

floating 26" off da ground. BURR!

algebra testes posted:

I'm not saying you aren't right, but on the other hand the original Wire thread was spoiler free because nobody had watched the show and people got into it and starting watching it.

Sorry, I should be clearer. The Sopranos rewatch thread. I could be off but I didn't think this thread had those rules. It allowed a lot more discussion and I think that's what got people into the thread.

algebra testes
Mar 5, 2011

Lipstick Apathy

Boywhiz88 posted:

Sorry, I should be clearer. The Sopranos rewatch thread. I could be off but I didn't think this thread had those rules. It allowed a lot more discussion and I think that's what got people into the thread.

Oh yeah sure, that makes sense.

Feb 26, 2006

I believe in a universe that doesn't care, and people that do.

Orange Devil posted:

TVIV has made me realize people can be bad at watching TV.

People who can't be bothered to pay attention to the shows they watch make as little sense to me as people who don't listen to the lyrics of music. Yet they're out there, masquerading as human beings.

Harold Stassen
Jan 24, 2016
A police?!

Oct 17, 2008


My mum watches films and TV in an endearingly infuriating way. She will call out what's about to happen seconds before it does to let everyone know she's guessed the plot. Sometimes the show will catch up with her so she's basically just narrating what's on screen for a few seconds. It's maddening. But despite this she can't keep names or events straight even minutes after a show has ended. We're watching The Wire now (me again, her first time) and it's been.... interesting.

Is this a common thing?

May 20, 2004

Would you be my new best friends?

My mother can be a bit like that, but when I showed her Deadwood she got super into it, firstly because she loved the set and costume design, and then because she absolutely loathed Al Swearengen and was rooting for his ultimate defeat. Not because he was a bad guy, but because he swore even more than everybody else and that made her mad :3:

The Wire would be incredibly frustrating though, she's the type to ask a million questions an episode, often missing the explanation she wants because she's talking over the show as they explain it themselves.

Orange Devil
Oct 1, 2010
All y'alls moms are bad at watching TV...

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

How Doers get more done
Fun Shoe
Whenever I've watched a show with my mom she just shouts at the TV about what other films/shows an actor that shows up has been in. Then she passes out like a half hour in to whatever we're watching.

Jun 8, 2012

My mom refused to watch the wire because of all the profanity.

Mar 23, 2007
Can't post for 6 years!
Hair Elf
I probably missed the thread for it, but David Simon has a new series out next month:

algebra testes
Mar 5, 2011

Lipstick Apathy

3Romeo posted:

I probably missed the thread for it, but David Simon has a new series out next month:

Show me a hero was great and there are a bunch of familiar faces so i'm excited!

Dec 26, 2015
My mom really like the wire even if she had some trouble at first keeping track of all the black people, specifically the gang members who mostly dressed similair.

Oct 10, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
To be fair, I don't think any of the gang/criminal actors were challenged by their roles.

New Yorp New Yorp
Jul 18, 2003

Only in Kenya.

R-Type posted:

To be fair, I don't think any of the gang/criminal actors were challenged by their roles.

Yes, like notorious gang member Idris Elba.

May 20, 2004

Would you be my new best friends?

3Romeo posted:

I probably missed the thread for it, but David Simon has a new series out next month:

gently caress yes, this looks great.

algebra testes posted:

Show me a hero was great and there are a bunch of familiar faces so i'm excited!

I hope everybody here has seen Show Me A Hero, it was really goddamn good.

Apr 15, 2003

"...creating a vision of the sort of society you want to have in miniature"
First episode of The Deuce is out on HBO on demand.

It's great

Pump it up! Do it!
Oct 3, 2012
I was a bit worried after Vinyl failed but The Deuce was brilliant. Is there are thread for it yet?

Dec 16, 2003

it's mario time

Stairmaster posted:

My mom refused to watch the wire because of all the profanity.

My mom too, haha. My Dad loved it, though.

Watching The Deuce right now and it's amazing. Anyone planning a thread on it yet?

algebra testes
Mar 5, 2011

Lipstick Apathy
Someone should make a deuce thread, just do it.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

algebra testes posted:

Someone should make a deuce thread, just do it.

Agreed, and link it here

Dec 16, 2003

it's mario time

Both Chris and D'Angelo are in it :neckbeard:

algebra testes
Mar 5, 2011

Lipstick Apathy

Ballz posted:

Both Chris and D'Angelo are in it :neckbeard:

And uhhh.. Slim Charles? Did I read that somewhere?

Dec 16, 2003

it's mario time

algebra testes posted:

And uhhh.. Slim Charles? Did I read that somewhere?

That'd be awesome, but I didn't see him in the pilot. I could've missed him, but then again he's kind of a tough guy to miss.

Really happy to see these actors again, Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (D'Angelo) especially. They all really deserve to be in more stuff.

May 20, 2004

Would you be my new best friends?

Holy poo poo yeah, The Deuce is really loving good. Don't know why I'm surprised, but the 90 minutes just flew by and the recreation of 70s New York and all the squalor and trashiness is pretty amazing.

algebra testes
Mar 5, 2011

Lipstick Apathy

Ballz posted:

That'd be awesome, but I didn't see him in the pilot. I could've missed him, but then again he's kind of a tough guy to miss.

Really happy to see these actors again, Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (D'Angelo) especially. They all really deserve to be in more stuff.

IMDB says he is "Leon", I haven't seen the pilot so I don't know who that is.

Also, Chris Bauer who is crazy nuts talented but doesn't seem to get more than bit parts (Aside from Frank, obviously.).


Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Dec 22, 2005

Also Frank Sobotka and Cheese.

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