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Teriyaki Hairpiece
Dec 29, 2006

I'm nae the voice o' the darkened thistle, but th' darkened thistle cannae bear the sight o' our Bonnie Prince Bernie nae mair.
I just got a "joke" today. The fact that they have the guy singing "Jesus on the Main Line" at D'Angelo's funeral. gently caress you, David Simon.


Teriyaki Hairpiece
Dec 29, 2006

I'm nae the voice o' the darkened thistle, but th' darkened thistle cannae bear the sight o' our Bonnie Prince Bernie nae mair.

willemw posted:

It's also a song about telephones :)

That's what I was referring to. It's a song about calling Jesus with lyrics like the one you quoted. No way that wasn't intentional.

Teriyaki Hairpiece
Dec 29, 2006

I'm nae the voice o' the darkened thistle, but th' darkened thistle cannae bear the sight o' our Bonnie Prince Bernie nae mair.

Cartouche posted:

Finally finished S5. Omar getting offed was jarring. Shoehorning old characters got tiresome.

Seeing Bubbles and Omar be "reborn" as the kids was... I dunno how to feel about that.

I could have done without the whacky round about way of getting money for the Marlow investigation.

Best part? Cheese getting offed.

The Police are not the good guys in The Wire.

Also everyone hates Cheese.

They are correct.

Teriyaki Hairpiece
Dec 29, 2006

I'm nae the voice o' the darkened thistle, but th' darkened thistle cannae bear the sight o' our Bonnie Prince Bernie nae mair.
Taking the fall for the people on the detail wasn't a good thing. They should have all been punished. It's bad when police keep secrets.

Teriyaki Hairpiece
Dec 29, 2006

I'm nae the voice o' the darkened thistle, but th' darkened thistle cannae bear the sight o' our Bonnie Prince Bernie nae mair.

MrBling posted:

I think you'll find that Donut is the true hero of the people.

Poot is the true hero, he survives all sorts of shootouts and crazy stuff and gets away with everything and ends up with a boring job.

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