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May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

SpookyLizard posted:

BTW, he's also excellent Generation Kill, which David Simon and Ed Burns are also responsible for. It's probably recommended in here before. It's a short, seven~ hour miniseries about the invasion of Iraq in '03 and it's excellent.

I like Generation Kill more than The Wire even. So, count me in on this recommendation.

I'm up in Season 4 in my rewatch (started from Season 2). Watching Randy's journey is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the series.


May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Fragmented posted:

It would be a lot easier if it was the west coast where pretty much all heroin is brown powder/tar. And while on the subject i thought a g-pack was 1000 vials not $1000? I mean Stringer is surprised when D brings in $23000 or something from one day at the pit. At $10 a vial that would be either 23 g-packs or 2 and change. When they stop Weebay going into the pit and catch the runner it's only for 4 g-packs, that would be like 6 re-ups a day if 4 g-packs is only 400 vials.

Edit: Either way holy poo poo that is a lot of heroin to sell in a day.

IIRC they say "23," which I assumed was $2300. I always got the impression that the high rises were the big money makers, and the pit was just sort of a hanger-on, so not making that much.

EDIT: But that's all totally uninformed speculation, so I could be totally wrong. Typing it out, it doesn't seem like enough.

Grumpwagon fucked around with this message at 05:27 on Mar 13, 2013

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

I like Treme a lot (I'm going to NOLA on Saturday partially because of it), but if you haven't seen The Wire, stick to that first. Treme hit or miss.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Randomly Specific posted:

I'm in the 'best end it when it did' section, though. While the fifth season was still excellent TV, there was a definite drift there. A lot of the stories in the basic guts of the setting had been told- we'd thoroughly explored the cops and robbers. I totally agree that the series as a whole is the tale of Baltimore institutions, the underlying framework was built around the police and criminals. The fake serial killer plot kind of reflects that, because by that point we've already had a major legalizing drugs in a section of the city, how much further can we go with the department and keep it from degenerating into standard police procedural fantasyland?

Maybe this is just me being a David Simon fanboy (I am), but I attribute a lot of the 5th season's problems to HBO cutting the order down from 13 (?) episodes to 10. It just felt rushed. Not enough time to develop the nuance of the "bad guys" (the higher ups in the newspaper), etc.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

geeves posted:

This always bugged me. We were shown in Season 2 that Elena is a real estate agent and presumably successful given the types of homes she was selling. If Elena had said Child Support, I would have no problem. But alimony? Please.

Pretty sure they state earlier on that he agreed to pay that with those papers he signed. He says something like "my attorney says I'd never have to pay anywhere near this amount in court, but I signed it anyway." I don't know anything about family law, but I imagine if a spouse volunteers to pay alimony, a judge would be ok with that.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Chaos Triangle posted:

I could have sworn the Barksdales beat McNulty on a case before the events of season 1, so presumably Stringer would have recognized him from court, unless I'm misremembering.

Also, I feel compelled to point out what a great bit of foreshadowing the liar's poker scene is- it establishes that Carcetti is much, much better at the game than Tony is.

Yeah, when Stringer reports back to Avon, he says something about "that bushy haired white detective was in the courtroom." Then Avon says "who?" and Stringer says "who beat up <someone> on the <something> thing."

I think McNulty mentions to the Judge afterwards that their gang has beaten them (the police) up 7-8 times in court recently, including to one of his cases. It's pretty clear they have some history.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Blind Melon posted:

Hey so apparently Alec Baldwin has a podcast, there's two up and one of them he interviews David Simon. They mostly talk about his career trajectory, but it was really well done, and worth a listen.

It is really worth a listen, but I just wanted to point out that there are many more than just two up. My podcast receiver only saves the last 10 episodes, so I'm not sure how many, but there's at least 10.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Really nice write up! Thanks for the guest spot. The only thing I'd say is, I had some issues with a few of the pictures being very small. timg is your friend.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

escape artist posted:

Sweater vests = unethical.

A good rule for life in general.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Jerusalem posted:

poo poo, I didn't realize Treme had restarted - I know it's not quite hooked people in the way The Wire did but I still find it a really enjoyable series with fascinating characters... as well as being a source for hearing wonderful music and salivating over delicious looking food!

I love it. It's a real shame there are only 5 episodes (4 more) before it is over.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Meltathon posted:

If anyone was going to do a Treme recap, they would almost have to be from New Orleans because there is so much stuff in every episode that is distinctly of/from that city that a stranger would stand no chance at picking it up. I love that show, but only saw seasons 1 and 2 because I cancelled my HBO. Hoping to pick up the DVD's pretty soon though so I can watch season 3. I'm assuming what is airing now is season 4 right?

Treme explained does a really great job of translating the cultural references for outsiders.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Sneaky Fast posted:

Was that any good?

Pretty decent. Not spectacular, but MBJ was good in it.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Steve2911 posted:

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who digs Boardwalk Empire. It never seems to get mentioned in the great TV show discussions, and it's HBOs biggest current drama other than Game of Thrones.

I love BE, but I wouldn't call it great. It's consistently quite good.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

kaworu posted:

-The closed captioning really loving blows. You'd think they'd get it right on the HBO site, at least? But they even transcribe "narco" as "knocko" which is absurd, and get the street language all wrong half the time. It's sort of funny how you develop the ear for Wire dialogue, whereas the show feels nigh-unintelligible at times if you're new to it.

I can't comment on the captioning as a whole, since I've never used it, but bizarrely, "knocko" is the correct, Baltimore-centric term. I don't have a link handy, but David Simon has said that explicitly, and it is written that way in his books too. See The Corner for more.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

grading essays nude posted:

The best part of this is that, a few episodes later, Stringer again seizes Shamrock's legal pad only to see that he's just drawing naked chicks. It's a very brief, two-second, blink-and-you'll-miss-it joke.

What episode is this? I think I've missed that, and I don't miss many of those.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Grumpwagon posted:

What episode is this? I think I've missed that, and I don't miss many of those.

To answer my own question: Season 3 episode 9, about 7 minutes in.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

snodig posted:

So about Stringer getting caught on the wire in season 3; wouldn't a lawyer be able to find out that local police had the FBI lie about his first name in order to use the patriot act to intercept his calls?

IANAL, but probably. That always seemed like a bit of a throwaway joke for the audience to me. I'd say the way the show does it would leave them exposed to that in discovery.

If they wanted to be super proper, seems like it would be easy enough to just tell the wireless company that Stringer was an alias for a terrorist group's recruit. Remember that the only purpose of lying about his name is getting the company to put their wiretap absolute #1 priority, not justifying the wiretap in general.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

the JJ posted:

Read Fick's autobiography while you're at it, it adds a fair bit of context.

This, and the Generation Kill book itself is also good.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

My favorite Rawls role is still Die Hard 3, because it was so weird to see him play a tiny bit part.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Jeffrey of YOSPOS posted:

That is a pretty hilarious collection of not-useful ways to use fingerprints.

Did they get fingerprints off the can to match little man after he shot kima? Or was it saliva? I'm not sure if they said.

Yeah, I was going to post this. It is prints.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

algebra testes posted:

Someone should make a deuce thread, just do it.

Agreed, and link it here

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Ballz posted:

That'd be awesome, but I didn't see him in the pilot. I could've missed him, but then again he's kind of a tough guy to miss.

Really happy to see these actors again, Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (D'Angelo) especially. They all really deserve to be in more stuff.

He was the waiter in the breakfast restaurant, pretty early on.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Rawls is a construction foreman in die hard with a vengeance.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

I mean, it's mathematically possible. Working for 50 years, investing over the period from 1960-2010, house appreciation. The issue comes in if someone says that's a path to be emulated. It's possible, I'm not disbelieving there is a person who has done that, but it's just not useful career advice.

Also, lol at the idea of banker == McDonald's manager in general esteem, just because in some situations they pay the same. You know that's not what people mean when they say that, right? I'm not saying a banker is better than a McDonald's manager, but plenty of people out there believe that, consciously or not.

Grumpwagon fucked around with this message at 21:37 on Dec 22, 2020

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Generation Kill, the book, is excellent and speaks a lot deeper about the situation they were put in.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Jewmanji posted:

I wasn’t a huge fan of Season 2 when I first saw it way back when, but I rewatched a few years ago and I felt like the docks gave me a much more nuanced insight into the mind of certain MAGA folks. Like, obviously all of the Sobotka’s would’ve voted for Trump.

Nick's Dad wouldn't have.

May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Imagine I found the gif of him standing on top of the orange couch


May 6, 2007
I am a giant assfuck who needs to harden the fuck up.

Apropos of nothing, and having not done a rewatch of the show in a long time, I realized recently that a majority of the time anyone says "It's going to be an XX degree day" that I think of the dumb guy muscle excitedly saying "We'll be on them like a 40 degree day!!"

I had to tell someone how my dumb brain works and I have no one in my life who would understand the reference, so you're welcome I guess.

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