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The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.
Just noticed about halfway through Season 5 Episode 9 McNulty correctly uses the word evacuated in reference to the homeless guy making GBS threads himself. A nice callback to earlier in the season when Alma uses it incorrectly.


The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.
Wasn't sure if this was posted yet, but the HD re-release is scheduled for January 5, with a marathon streaming starting December 26:

Baltimore Sun posted:

The cable channel announced Tuesday that it is releasing a high-def, remastered version of the series on Jan. 5.

To promote the launch, the HBO Signature channel will air a marathon of all five seasons on "The Wire" starting on Dec. 26.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.
Some click bait for the thread. A Baltimore Reporter Is Taking Photos Of ‘The Wire’ Filming Locations Now Vs. Then:

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

Jerusalem posted:

He can't even remember the time he and Dukie went to 6 Flags

It was the time they threw pee balloons on the other group of kids the previous summer :spergin:

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.
Looks like rewatch 4 begins tonight. Goodbye job hunting for the next 60 hours + minimum amount of sleep.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

drunken officeparty posted:

I just found out that the black friend in the movie Chronicle is Wallace :eyepop:

Where's Wallace string?!?

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

This was my favorite.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

My favorite Kima scene.

Where the viewer is taken on a journey from "oh wow this lady is not happy with the police brutality--maybe this is her 'thing'...wonder what she'll do" all the way to "lol nope".

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

Milo and POTUS posted:

I've watched the wire several times but I haven't done a single rewatch.

(I watched the rentals several times before returning them)

Time for a rewatch, gramps.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

pokeyman posted:

Being the brother of the producer of every David Simon show probably didn't hurt.


The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

Stairmaster posted:

If stringer had read Marx Baltimore would have been his

"Start thinking about this poo poo like grown loving comrades, not some lumpenproletariat off the loving corner, you heard me?"

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

kaworu posted:

There are a number of other things I just... had not lived quite long enough to pick up on the nuance of. Daniels' marriage and wife, at the start of season 1, for example? What we see is that he is living in a very nice house, eating a very luxurious dinner, and that his wife has no compunctions with giving him very frank advice about his job. We learn that Daniels is dirty, and has a few hundred thousand stashed away. The implication, to me, is that Daniels makes far less money than his wife, who is clearly the primary breadwinner in the household, and judging by the money stashed away I would say he has some issues about this.

Am I mis-reading this? I can't really remember whether his wife was in on the dirty money and they had spent it together to achieve that lifestyle. Not entirely sure. Regardless, Daniels psychology makes a lot more sense to me, same with many adult characters I think on this rewatch.

I had always taken her as part of the small black middle class, with a decent education and white collar job, but not exceptionally wealthy. I think the implication is that the dirty money helped pay for the extras. A 2 income family could still get a decent house, but pay for nice furnishings, clothing, expensive dinners, etc, with the stored cash.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

Eifert Posting posted:

The big difference to me in rewatches is that I had had a 60-80 hour job by the most recent time I watched the show and related more with the detectives than I ever thought I would.

This sounds interesting. Could you elaborate? Like the high workloads? Juking the stats? Not answering the phone?

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

God Hole posted:

yeah i was in the middle of season 4 on a rewatch when i got kicked off it on Hulu. luckily you can get a week free of hbogo on Hulu, that should get me through the end.

same yo. one line that hit me like a truck this time that i barely registered the first time: season 3 lester is talking to someone about barnard's weekly 200 mile trip down to west virginia to collect burner phones. he seems really upset, and when questioned about it he laments "i just really appreciate the discipline of it"


Remember when Lester dated a CI? Gooooood times.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

Ainsley McTree posted:

His most sympathetic scene is the scene where he’s coaching herc (a man who’s also horrible) on how to get the most leverage out of blackmailing the mayor. The show never even tries to make him three dimensional and frankly I’m grateful for it, it’s nice to have someone to feel good about hating now and then

It felt like that was the capstone to his career: being considered the go-to for workplace political maneuvering. How did Herc know him again? Was it just his work with Prez?

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.
Fuckboi Stringer Bell is my favorite podcast segment. Thanks for introducing this to me, thread.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.
No, not at all, but it’s enough filler to listen to while I’m at work. Can’t do like History of English or Revolutions when I’m reading something important. Sopranos podcast has the same feel, but at least they have some good behind the scenes trivia and some good guests.

The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.
It’s been a while, but is the Daniels end that he’s going to get investigated for his crimes from before the show started?


The North Tower
Aug 20, 2007

You should throw it in the ocean.

Jerusalem posted:

Nope, Daniels walks free and clear but has to retire. Basically he suffers the same fate as McNulty & Freamon except all he did wrong was do his job extremely well and then refuse to lie about crime statistics. Ironically he ends up doing the same thing his ex always wanted him to do, he uses his law degree and becomes a defense attorney, and Pearlman becomes a judge so they basically get about as happy an ending as they could hope for. Well deserved for both of them.

As he says himself, even if they did investigate him there isn't enough there in the file to actually do more than cause a bit of an embarrassment and maybe muddy the waters somewhat, but certainly not leave him facing any jailtime. The bigger issue is that the stink alone would be enough to ruin his ex-wife's political ambitions just by association with him, and he isn't willing to threaten to reveal the far more illegal and monstrous acts the likes of Burrell, Rawls and Carcetti took part in to hold onto his position.

Okay, so the embarrassed congressman out, I guess? Not bad, all things considered. Do you think it’s implied Naymond becomes another Clay Davis? Able to use his upbringing before Bunny to claim street cred, but brought up in comfort to be able to navigate the system?

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