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Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Boywhiz88 posted:

I always appreciate the not-so-subtle symbolism of the warehouse belonging to "Pyramid Inc."

capitalism, the ultimate pyramid scheme.

Strawman fucked around with this message at 19:57 on May 6, 2013


Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Unzip and Attack posted:

If you haven't seen True Detective I would put that above anything else. It's the best TV since the Wire in my opinion. I actually think it's the single strongest season of TV I've ever seen.

Better than the second and fourth seasons of The Wire? :colbert:

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

gingerberger posted:

Randy looks so much like R Kelly it freaks me out.

At least Randy used a balloon to spray piss on a bunch of kids.

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Philthy posted:

I'd think anyone who is in the game would fit the definition of a sociopath. Sure, some of them have regrets and morality but not enough to take themselves out of it entirely.

Same, but the army.

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Basebf555 posted:

You aren't condoning the hurting of others but you are saying that peaceful protests don't work. So what are you saying?

infrastructure, duh

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Gargamel Gibson posted:

Oh poo poo! That's Randy's foster mum!

Chris Partlow is a cop in a court scene too.

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

8-Bit Scholar posted:

I do like how Omar becomes more and more unbelievable up into the fifth season. Like, Marlo is a terrifying force of nature in his own right, taking over the streets body by body, vacant by vacant, and the police keep getting schooled each time they try to bring him in. The only problem Marlo has is Omar, who is like the road runner to his coyote. Omar just keeps messing up Marlo's plans, and literally pulls "spiderman poo poo" to evade his clutches.

Worse, Marlo's name is quickly forgotten but Omar's rings out. He's something greater than the king. He's a legend.

Maybe Michael is picking up on that, playing the legend for himself, seeing how he likes what it feels. I suspect if he ever had his own show or story, you could easily chart him breaking out into his own style of stick-up man over the next few years, but him playing homage to Omar is probably intended to reflect just how deeply Omar "won" his battle with Marlo. Michael was Marlo's soldier, trained by his guys, but in the end he'd rather remember Omar, proving again whose legacy and reputation ultimately endured.

And Omar was taken out by the character most likely to become 'the new Marlo', who's take down of Omar is forgotten, as his legend grows greater with every retelling in the wake of his death.

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

cosmically_cosmic posted:

While it is meant to do that, I kind of agree that the way they executed it was a little too heavy handed. I think people would have understood if he was drug ripping like Omar, without also copying his whole aesthetic without establishing why (I don't remember him ever mentioning being a big fan of Omar though I guess a lot of people in the game were).

Look the part be the part, motherfucker.

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

feedmegin posted:

I'm British and I got a watered down glass of wine with Sunday lunch once I hit my teenaged years :britain:

That's called church. More worldly British children drink cheap cider and alcopops in the park with their mates.

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Basebf555 posted:

It was a pretty important flop though because it's the only time he's really been given one of those huge nerd roles that fans obsess over, so he definitely could've put some extra jet fuel into his career had Dark Tower succeeded and if a few sequels had been made. He gets a lot of good roles still(he was the villain in the most recent Star Trek film), but maybe missed his chance at breaking into the true A-List.

Was it actually shite or did it just flop?

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

LadyPictureShow posted:

Speaking of Cheese, was there any mention if/how he was related to Randy?

I know they had the same last name, but I'm starting S4 rewatch, and either it's never mentioned/just implied or I missed it.

Randy is cheese's kid. The writers have mentioned it but it didn't come up in the show.

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Shut up Meg posted:

Maybe it's me, but I am picking up just a hint of subjective opinion in that article.

Code 1 Black
Code 2 White
Code 3 Asian/Pacific
Code 4 Native American
Code 5 Multiracial
Code 6 Hispanic

Why do you think code one is black, what caused the police to list races in that order?

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Stare-Out posted:

Also Poot is a murderer who winds up getting away with it and never shows any remorse.

Poot shoots Wallace because Bodie murders him half-way, can't finish the job, and he doesn't want his friend to die in agony. He's in tears, it's the reason he gets out of the game.

Strawman fucked around with this message at 00:17 on Apr 28, 2020

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

General Battuta posted:

I hate the Greek so much. Not as a character or a part of the show, just as a person. I hate his weird little face and his weird little expressions and the way he gets away with everything. I hate his twee diner and his sipping. I hate him

His weird little face represents the banality of evil

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Solice Kirsk posted:

One of the other bankers I work with has a client that started working at McDonald's when he was like 16, worked at that same location his whole career, and retired a multi-multimillionaire. Didn't do anything crazy or weird either. Just saved and lived within his means. Bartenders and servers at high end restaurants can and do make six figure salaries pretty regularly.

There's bankers at my job that make like $40k a year including their bonuses.

Job titles mean jackshit.

Hedge fund managers or mcdonalds workers, its all about how hard you work really innit

Strawman fucked around with this message at 20:37 on Dec 22, 2020

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

General Battuta posted:

Good post/username combo

Also that McDonalds millionaire story sounds very last millennium.

$40,000 a year from 16 to 65 wouldn't be enough to make someone a multi-millionaire if their expenses were $0. How much do you think McDonald's managers get paid?

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

Philthy posted:

Homicide was "just" an okay book for me, only because it read more like a textbook for police school. It had a lot of dryness to it.

The Corner, on the other hand, was absolutely brilliant. You will see a few characters from The Wire within this book, and I feel it should be on peoples bucketlist. You will be transported to the streets and live the life of a junkie, a corner boy, a person clawing their way out and more. Simon refined his data and presents it in a more digestible way than he did in Homicide. HBO also made The Corner miniseries, which was the proto-Wire and is sorta worth watching as well. It uses some people from the Baltimore streets rather than actors, so it's a bit rough. HBO has never made it available for streaming and I had to get it from the depths of the internet in terrible low-quality presentation. I would read the book first.

As for the show Homicide, is it streaming anywhere yet? I've been wanting to watch that but could never track it down.

My only real complaint with the last season is McNulty acting completely out of character. It was just wrong, and the news reporter story weaving into it made that wrong. Marlo tho, that saved it.

Yeah, McNulty acted completely out of character going along with Lester's crazy bullshit :psyduck:

Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

BiggerBoat posted:

Like if Michael K. WIlliams (RIP) got a chance to play a school teacher or something


Feb 9, 2008

Tortuga means turtle, and that's me. I take my time but I always win.

ruddiger posted:

The Sopranos is painted in acrylic, The Wire is painted in oil.

Wrong, they're both on TV :eng101:

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