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Trap Star
Jul 21, 2010

Jerusalem posted:

In season 1, the witness (Willie Gant) is murdered presumably on Avon's orders though I don't think that is ever formally admitted to by him.

It's never formally admitted but Wee-Bey takes responsibility for killing Gant when he's copping to all those other murders and it's pretty safe to say he doesn't act without Avon telling him to


Trap Star
Jul 21, 2010

E the Shaggy posted:

Speaking of minor characters re-emerging later on in the series, there's a bearded redhead dock worker who appears as one of the homeless later on in season 5. Re-establishing how crucial Frank was to the survivability of the docks themselves. When he died, it all went to pot.

There's another bearded dock worker who appears as a homeless man under the bridge/by the tracks in season 5. I can't be bothered to go check up on his name but it was the overweight guy who gives the port cops the middle finger in the season 2 ending montage.

Trap Star
Jul 21, 2010

BrBa posted:

'Y'all my niggas, yo. We boys!" :smith:

If you gon' do it then do it goddamnit

Trap Star
Jul 21, 2010

MC Fruit Stripe posted:

The last thing I saw was Wallace coming back from his grandmother's house. I dunno, I just get the sense that this isn't gonna turn out well for him.

Assuming you haven't yet watched the show at least once, you should get out of the thread. This is spoiler city man.

Trap Star
Jul 21, 2010

ChikoDemono posted:

On the drive home, I had a random thought. Prop Joe infuriated me during season 5. He went out of his way to become disposable, how did he not see that? The guy was the only connect to a consistent flow of narcotics and after all those seasons, he decided to give it up to some young punk. I don't get it.

I wouldn't say he willingly gave up anything, he feared for his life after Marlo starting asking questions about security for the shipment and wanted to meet the Greek.


Trap Star
Jul 21, 2010

This particular discussions reminds me how much I love the look on Slim's face when he talks to Avon about avenging Stringer's death and then Avon explains that he died "over some other poo poo". It's pretty close to Wee-Bey's famous .gif's reaction

Trap Star fucked around with this message at 18:25 on Feb 20, 2013

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