Something I just picked up on in the very first episode: when McNulty is talking with Phelan he first refers to D'Angelo as Avon's cousin. This is never brought up again after this scene. Also the first episode has flashbacks very similar to the way Oz had flashbacks, I'm personally glad they decided to ditch them.
# ¿ Dec 11, 2012 06:09 |
# ¿ Dec 2, 2024 07:31 |
Kevyn posted:Stringer to Avon, about McNulty: "You remember that cop that tried to pin Gerard on Little Kevin?" I very much doubt it, Little Kevin by season 4 was like Bodie's age right? Season 1 is something like four years prior, that'd make him something like Namond's age. I don't think he'd have been able to pull off a murder and walk away from it so easily. This is probably just a case of the Dinks.
# ¿ Dec 11, 2012 20:02 |
TXT BOOTY7 2 47474 posted:I'm gonna catch up with this thread when I finish Oz, not too worried as I must have seen The Wire five times over by now, but this is my first time through Oz and as of season 4 approximately 99% of the cast was later cast in The Wire. That's one big coincidence I haven't seen addressed in any behind-the-scenes stuff; was someone a big Oz fan, does HBO dip from the same pool of actors a lot, or just a crazy amount of coincidences? HBO actors pop up all over the place. You'll see a lot of them on The Sopranos and Oz and The Wire and The Corner, all playing vastly different roles. It's pretty funny sometimes.
# ¿ Dec 15, 2012 04:22 |
I think it's another way of showing which way the ladder goes. Here you have these hardened criminals, deal drugs all day and on occasion beat down and even murder rival dealers and other inconveniences. Despite that there's still Levy, the go-to lawyer who they all depend on when poo poo gets out of hand. He's their mole in the judicial system essentially, it more or less depends on him who takes how many years and who walks and who pays how much, etc. They answer to Levy when things get out of their control, he's their link to the world outside the drug game and their navigator through the judicial system. It's not unlike the way Bodie scolds Wallace or Avon scolds D, just the top players pulling rank on their subordinates to keep them in their place and keep their head straight.
# ¿ Dec 16, 2012 04:49 |
MC Fruit Stripe posted:I'm always surprised when a politician (Sheila Dixon, Barack Obama) praises The Wire. The show is about how you and people like you have failed those who needed you the most, why would you then release a statement saying "yeah, that's about right." It's even funnier when people like Obama seem to miss the point and praise someone like Omar above all else in the show. Though he was probably just playing it safe, I can't imagine it being beneficial for him to take up with any messages about corruption laden throughout US institutions. If I recall correctly he later had to explain that his liking Omar didn't mean he condoned his behavior.
# ¿ Dec 16, 2012 23:35 |
Jerusalem posted:It's funny, I actually forgot that Gant's murder was solved. I guess I was just remembering the trial itself and not who it was all about. "You need a scorecard to keep up with your lethal rear end." Wee-Bey was a great character, I'm glad he didn't just drop off like Bird did going into prison. It was so good to see him standing up for Namond come season 4, "Man come down here to say my son can be anything he drat please." I mean, here he is in prison and he's already being a better parent than De'Londa could ever hope to be.
# ¿ Dec 17, 2012 09:38 |
He was playing some sports game on an Xbox hooked up to a tiny TV I believe.
# ¿ Dec 17, 2012 20:29 |
MrBling posted:He's a pretty good drug addict on Oz too. "Breakfast of champions" I couldn't stop laughing when I saw him in that role after having watched The Wire.
# ¿ Feb 14, 2013 23:46 |
SlimWhiskey posted:Almost done with my season 4 rewatch. It really struck me this time just how much Herc fucks everything up. He was never good for anything besides busting heads on the corner. And now that he has a little rank he just ruins everything he touches. It's all too fitting that he ends up working on the other side of the law with criminal lawyers like Levy against the very police he started out with, Batman he is not.
# ¿ Feb 27, 2013 23:00 |
I don't remember where I read this but I think it was some chemical on that rag that deterred the other dog from biting. That's why they showed them being washed down with milk or whatever, to clean that type of poo poo off, but you see them rub down the dog and later Cheese's goon finds the rag. I may just have read that elsewhere and it may not have been the case here, but either way it's some shady poo poo on top of already much shadier poo poo. edit: gently caress me
# ¿ Apr 24, 2013 00:52 |
escape artist posted:Where are you from Jerusalem? If it's Israel, I feel like an idiot for asking. I know you're not in the U.S. "The test" was the biggest loving joke to a lot of students taking higher level classes when I went to high school. I remember sitting in a statistics class and having to take some algebra exam for the state because the school needed their funding. So many kids just drew things with the bubbling sheets and the teachers were well aware of it, they couldn't do anything, it's almost embarrassing to be given something so simple when you're well beyond the standards they're trying to test you for. The worst part was how they'd pad out the exam weeks for every single kid to be able to finish, you had to find some way to spend your time between morning and lunch hour because the exams were not anything that required 4 hours to work through. Even our teachers grew tired of it because it disrupted their curriculum, some nosey district worker had to come by and supervise the class or something. tl;dr: Being tested on some irrelevant standard and learning nothing while being lied to that it's important is the biggest joke and everyone hated it, including the teachers. edit: Oh and you better not be late to class or miss a day, they would hunt you down and make you take the test during lunch hours or other downtime.
# ¿ Apr 30, 2013 23:19 |
This is probably my favorite montage in the entire series, the first time around I didn't think much of it, but on the re-watch it kind of hit me full force, a genuine Greek tragedy. It's not often the show does much with music that isn't diegetic but I'm glad they did it here, it works perfectly.
# ¿ May 23, 2013 15:56 |
BattleCake posted:Wait, Nick makes a cameo in season 5? I remember the scene at the homeless areas with Johnny 50 but when did Nick show up? Carcetti's at some public opening of that housing thing they were planning earlier in the series for the pier, the one that would lessen jobs. Nick is in the back of the crowd, drunk I think, he starts yelling about how they're loving him and other dock workers over, I don't remember exactly what he said. I do remember what Carcetti's man said afterwards though, Carcetti asked "Who's that?" to which dude replied "Nobody," which pretty much extends to all blue collar workers. edit: Here you go, Nick wasn't drunk apparently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY38Y0BJ9bc HoneyBoy fucked around with this message at 08:39 on May 24, 2013 |
# ¿ May 24, 2013 08:32 |
# ¿ Dec 2, 2024 07:31 |
The Corner, read it then watch it.
# ¿ Jun 26, 2013 20:17 |