Just wanted to pop my head through the door and say I've been watching this for the first time over the last couple of months and it's loving fantastic in a way that creeps up on you. I really hated the first half of series 1 the first time I tried to watch it, but a year later I tried again and now I'm in love. Just finishing series 4 and that finale was perhaps the most kill-yourself-today depressing things I've ever seen.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2014 18:35 |
# ¿ Sep 14, 2024 11:29 |
Ainsley McTree posted:You're talking about randy probably, right? There's at least one moment in five's finale that competes with that but yeah Randy, Bodie and Bubbles all got me good.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2014 19:39 |
thathonkey posted:Bodie's death caused my gf the most distress of any when we watched it. I liked Bodie a lot too at that point in the show but I never quite forgave him for killing Wallace (even though he was younger and manipulated by Stringer). That throwaway line about how Wallace had to be killed because he snitched made it so much worse. Gonna jump straight into series 5 tonight I think.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2014 22:27 |
Just watched Prop Joe's last episode. Man that hit me harder than you'd expect. The dude still had a sparkle in his eyes making his final proposition.
# ¿ Jul 22, 2014 21:08 |
Blasted through series 5 this week. What a ridiculously satisfying finale that was. They made the most of every second and it was just beautiful. So many callbacks and the cyclical theme was handled perfectly. I wish the closing montage gave a bit more closure on Kima though. I feel like the 'goodnight to everybody' scene from a few episodes back was her 'ending', but it would have been nice to throw a bone to one of the best characters in the whole show. A bit of a redemption/comeuppance for Herc would have been nice too, but I can see why they didn't go that way. At first I was really confused about why they did what they did with Omar, after making so much of his story in the series. At first I thought his list would be the key to solving the whole thing. But Michael's ending makes their intent pretty clear. I'm glad they didn't do the same thing with Bubbles/Dukie. That would have torn my heart open. A loving great show though. loving great. edit: Oh yeah, and I thought the way they handled the Sun story was pretty interesting too. Every other series 'side story' pretty much took centre stage and was completely integral to the plot, but this one was more of a different lens through which to see the events unfold. It was heavily involved in the story too, but in a different way. It felt like it would have worked just as well if the Sun characters never interacted with the other character groups at all. stev fucked around with this message at 15:26 on Jul 27, 2014 |
# ¿ Jul 27, 2014 15:22 |
What the gently caress was Brother Mouzone anyway? He was like a cartoon character that came and went without anyone pointing it out.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2014 06:45 |
thathonkey posted:Edit: speaking of Bubs, is he the only character with an unequivocally happy ending? I think there's an argument to be made for McNulty and Freamon getting happier endings than you could have reasonably expected. Namond and Rhonda too, most certainly.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2014 17:41 |
comes along bort posted:Cutty's redemption is a little off because it implicitly endorses the idea that prison can reform criminals essentially by breaking their spirit. I'd say age and experience did that more than prison.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2014 17:52 |
Daniels is sort of bittersweet, since he'd probably have excelled at the job and done amazingly well for himself in a just world.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2014 18:03 |
Basebf555 posted:I think that's a major part of why Avon reacts so well to Cutty quitting, he can see in his eyes that there's no choice. Cutty has nothing left to give the Game. For all the poo poo Avon pulls, and for as terrible as he generally is, that moment is so drat respectable. Marlo would have put him straight in a vacant for that.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2014 21:26 |
Spoilers Below posted:Well, he's also drinking alcohol in his hotel room, which is strictly forbidden by their tenants. I always assumed that he was a former NoI member who had struck out on his own, but retained many of the trappings of his previous lifestyle. Or he just had a god drat library card and the rest came naturally.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2014 22:28 |
Littlefinger and Carcetti also have completely different motivations and backgrounds. It's just their setting and some of their actions that are similar.
# ¿ Jul 29, 2014 17:48 |
Basebf555 posted:Well its possible that Littlefinger was a lot more like Carcetti in his earlier years. The Littlefinger we see is like 8-10 years after The Wire when Carcetti has a cabinet position and is scheming to be President House of Cards style. Wow sorry, this is kind of a dumb post for a new page. Ehhh potentially. Littlefinger's more of a bitter brat who secretly loves to think he knows what he's doing. He does what he does because he was lowborn and hated that people thought nothing of him because of it. He just wants to climb the polital ladder and gently caress over as many powerful people as possible to prove that he can. I don't think he puts an ounce of thought into what he'd actually do if he were king. As far as I can tell, we don't really learn much about where Carcetti came from or why he chose a political career. His story's more about a bright eyed, idealistic young guy who wants to help people, who's slowly ground down by the system and becomes the same dead-eyed, self serving bullshitter as every other politician. He convinces himself that he's still out to help people, and that everything he does is for the greater good, he just never gets around to actually helping anyone. So I'd say Littlefinger's a petulant child who puts on a front of normality (very Frank Underwood-esque) while Carcetti's more of a slow collapse. I don't want to say he's more of a Walter White, but I'm too tired to come up with a better analogy.
# ¿ Jul 29, 2014 19:15 |
MrBling posted:Lester might seem like a nice guy, but he's sort of a dick. I couldn't support him after he encouraged the stupid serial killer plan. Yeah it sort of worked out for the best for some parties, but it was so ridiculously irresponsible and put careers and lives in danger. Men died as a direct result. I basically spent the whole season identifying with Bunk. Constantly murmering 'Jimmy!' to myself. But at least McNulty had the excuse of being drunk out of his mind and clearly mentally unstable. Lester just gave no fucks.
# ¿ Jul 30, 2014 21:56 |
frenton posted:suddenly your hard to move weak product becomes the new poo poo everyone wants to try. I know they're addicts but drat. How stupid do you have to be to buy 5 identical terrible products in a row from the same people on the same corner because they put a different coloured top on it?
# ¿ Aug 2, 2014 12:17 |
Nah I didn't so much get a 'justice' feeling from Omar. More like 'this sort of thing should have happened years ago and he's incredibly lucky to have survived past the age of 20'.
# ¿ Aug 5, 2014 20:47 |
drunken officeparty posted:I don't pay any mind to the addicted or neglectful or absent parents but Namonds mom actively forcing him to sell drugs and go to jail is just making me She is one of the few characters who I'd say is a downright awful person with no caveats or glimpses of humanity. I got so angry whenever she was talking.
# ¿ Aug 6, 2014 06:52 |
RichardDunn posted:I do have a s2 question that I somehow missed. What is with Valchek's big hard-on for catching Frank? The only thing I can remember is the stained glass church window. That would be hilariously ridiculous if all the poo poo that happened in S2 was because Frank got a better window than Valcheck. lol I think there was a bit of an ongoing rivalry/petty war going on between them before that, but the window was the straw that broke the camel's back. And the spy van thing.
# ¿ Aug 6, 2014 20:20 |
I think the newsteam play too small a role in the season to get the chance to develop, and the shorter season length didn't help. Look at seasons 2, 3 and 4. The port plotline in season 2 was pretty much the main storyline, and the drug trade plot was put on the backburner. Carcetti's plot in season 3 didn't get as much screentime, but it was a small enough story (two or three central characters at most) that what was there got developed the gently caress out of. Then the school in season 4 was both integral to the immediate drug trade plot (with most of the characters being heavily involved in both stories) and had a shitload of screentime. The newsteam meanwhile just added a bit of flavour to the serial killer and Marlo stories, and wasn't given all that much prominence. That doesn't necessarily mean it was a bad story or poorly developed, it was just handled in a different way than the sidestories in previous season. I saw it more as a new lens through which to see the story than a major story in and of itself.
# ¿ Aug 7, 2014 18:59 |
thathonkey posted:I always thought Chris came off as the more terrifying of the 2 by a decent margin. I don't know. Chris is chilling in a way, but when it comes down to it he's little more than a gun. A stoic tool that helps keep the status quo. Namond's mum goes out of her way, many times, to make the situation worse for everyone involved for her own short term gain. What's scarier, a guy who would kill for $100, or a mother who would force her child to kill for $100? (Terrible analogy).
# ¿ Aug 7, 2014 21:43 |
Well now I'm just disappointed in Stephen King more than anything.
# ¿ Aug 7, 2014 21:56 |
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who digs Boardwalk Empire. It never seems to get mentioned in the great TV show discussions, and it's HBOs biggest current drama other than Game of Thrones.
# ¿ Aug 21, 2014 22:10 |
Returning to the Boardwalk Empire discussion (it doesn't seem to have a thread, sue me), I'm just getting into series 3 now and I'm having the same problem with it that I had with Dexter. Both shows have incredibly strong opening seasons, then move into an arguably better second season that completely solves the show's main internal conflict (Dexter's crime's coming to light and the entire Darmody clusterfuck). After that it just feels like 'The Continuing Adventures of...', and it deflates. I couldn't get past Dexter series 3 for this reason, and I really hope the same doesn't happen with Boardwalk Empire, because it's a far better show overall.
# ¿ Aug 24, 2014 18:48 |
I always got the impression that it was filmed with the sort of budget and technology that you'd expect from such a poor city, hense 4:3 of variable quality.
# ¿ Aug 29, 2014 06:59 |
LloydDobler posted:Actually I took that whole cycle the opposite way, his downfall was that he thought it didn't work like the drug world. He wanted to go legit, so he took all his drug money and invested it, only to find that the "real world" was just as corrupt and cruel as the drug world. And to make matters worse, in this world he was the junkie who was losing all his money to the people who knew how to play the game. He might have learned from that and improved his game though if he wasn't shot all over the place for drug related shenanigans.
# ¿ Sep 16, 2014 21:23 |
I've only seen each season once, but I find it impossible to put series 2 next to the others and compare/evaluate it. It's such a different beast. In a lot of ways it feels like the main plot was filler to take up the time Avon spent in prison, but it was still a great plot in its own right. It definitely has the slowest, most gruelling start to any of the seasons though.
# ¿ Nov 20, 2014 19:29 |
Why not just upscale the resolution and crop the edges off?
# ¿ Dec 26, 2014 14:48 |
bucketybuck posted:Little thing about the show I just realised, Micheal doesn't get a happy ending! Neither does Dukie!
# ¿ Dec 31, 2014 19:05 |
So are they actually planning to release the HD versions on Blu Ray? I really really hope that standalone HBO service comes to the UK. I know Sky wont let that happen but please god.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2015 21:11 |
Red Crown posted:The coroner puts him at 34 in S5. And you never know, you know that rough looking dude that works muscle for Butchy? That's the "real" Omar. Andrews, I think his name was, unfortunately dead of natural causes now. A long prison stint got him out of the stick up game and he spent the rest of his life trying to make positive changes in cities stricken with the drug trade. It would've been nice to see Omar get that ending.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2015 22:05 |
Frostwerks posted:What is ARRI? Literally the first Google result for those four letters: "Manufacturer of motion picture studio lighting, projectors and cameras with worldwide distribution."
# ¿ Mar 15, 2015 22:44 |
Man, I'm watching through Hannibal now and it's insane that it's meant to be set in the same city (I know Hannibal isn't shot there, but still). The only similarity is the death rate, really.
# ¿ Jul 26, 2015 21:29 |
Man, advertising is weird these days. 10 years ago that would have been laughed out of any major corporation's boardroom.
# ¿ Feb 8, 2016 20:07 |
# ¿ Sep 14, 2024 11:29 |
UFOTofuTacoCat posted:I was surprised to see Rowles show up as a priest on House of Cards. He was just on his way back from his usual bars.
# ¿ Feb 29, 2016 21:52 |