What's with the goofy guy with the hair- the cop. You know who I'm talking about.
# ¿ Mar 1, 2016 21:40 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 13:16 |
I finished the second half of S5 the night Templeton won the Oscar which was kind of weirdly serendipitous. I like how everyone knew which guy I was talking about with the vaguest description possible and also that his resume is more impressive than that one character would suggest. I love the names for the product and how they evolve with the times: WMD - 2003 Iraq invasion Swing State - 2004 presidential election Greenhouse Gas - 2006 An Inconvenient Truth (gas up!) Troop Surge - 2007 Iraq troop surge I would have to write a thesis to succinctly explain why I think this is so funny/brilliant
# ¿ Mar 5, 2016 14:09 |
What I don't get is in S1, the woman in the whorehouse, presumably a whore, who doesn't do anything sexual just gets to hang around the police station and is not just privy to but is the centerpiece of their elaborate confidential plans?
# ¿ Jun 11, 2016 02:26 |
All over a fuckin' church window.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2016 13:31 |
I didn't hate Marlo but I didn't find him nearly as compelling as the people he killed/replaced. Until last episode when he starts personally loving people up who think he's gone soft/doesn't want to get his hands dirty.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2016 19:07 |
Jeffrey of YOSPOS posted:Yeah he's a great character who inspires loathing - as an ironically detached goon I have no feelings and so me saying I hate a character is high praise for the writing/acting. Ah yes, we call this the 'Peggy Hill response'.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2016 23:19 |
It was weird that the words "human trafficking" were never really uttered in S2.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2017 08:06 |
Plucky Brit posted:They did use the words "white slavery" though. Significant emphasis on the white Just odd that not only did they not place emphasis on it, they had no apparent interest in prosecuting the crime- just the prostitution aspect. It doesn't matter what you're smuggling a person to do- the fact you're doing it is itself the crime. But it's funnier to have a prostitution sting. Thaaat's McNulty!
# ¿ Jan 9, 2017 21:50 |
A police?!
# ¿ Aug 21, 2017 01:02 |
Glad to see 5 is ranked the lowest, it definitely was for me with McNulty faking murders
# ¿ Feb 7, 2018 05:29 |
banned from Starbucks posted:someone pick eastern european shipping container whore # 5 Nonono see those weren't people, those were corpses. In the show nobody is concerned with the trafficking of humans, they literally just say welp that's sure a lot of dead bodies, possible criminal involvement, wonder what do we charge that as, hmmmmm?
# ¿ Mar 14, 2018 04:08 |
African Americans aren’t really a part of their narrow world- they don’t induct them as members, based on racism and “stick with your own kind” mentality but there are a few instances of savvy black men in the series- the guy who tony goes into the HUD scheme with, Massive Genius from S1, Noah (“Jamaal Ginsburg, the Hasidic Homeboy”) and none of the main characters say the n word (usually “moulignon”, though Richie Aprile says “Nigerian” and if any character would use it remorselessly, I think that’s it). Characters like Paulie and Bobby Bacala are can’t-shoot-straight made men, every character has a little bit of comic relief to them to show the audience that these guys are below average intelligence- see: constant malapropisms (though possessing above average street smarts) and hey don’t idolize these people The Sopranos is to black people as the Wire is to the Greek- you could make a whole other show based on the very separate worlds these people inhabit, and so they do. There’s literally enough material to explore an entire series with every set of players which is something the wire does really well from season to season- we’re looking at something different every time. But I do not understand how any thinking person could actively dislike the sopranos. I can see someone hating sopranos and wire because they’re stupid but not liking one and hating the other
# ¿ Dec 23, 2018 06:19 |
I am so down to talk sopranos in this thread since the old gbs thread is moribund Wire related- I was underwhelmed by the carcetti storyline- I thought he was going to be more littlefinger esque in his rapacious grab for power and consolidation of said power He really does gently caress all
# ¿ Dec 23, 2018 08:13 |
Who has the most depressing arc in the series? For me it’s Dukie
# ¿ Dec 24, 2018 16:13 |
Yeah I forgot about Randy’s that’s really lovely
# ¿ Dec 24, 2018 23:25 |
I was surprised by many of the deaths in The Wire but was confounded most ultimately by Bubbles' continuing to live
# ¿ Feb 20, 2019 00:07 |
Nail Rat posted:I think anybody who paid close enough attention doesn't idolize Bell the way he thinks, though. it's like tony soprano- james gandolfini hated what a piece of poo poo the character he was playing made him feel, and anyone who's reading the subtext can see it's a deeply flawed character and not someone to idolize. that said, most people don't pay close enough attention. the majority of people are there to see a cool guy get one over on entrenched authority t, and consequently they idolize tony soprano/stringer bell the way he fears they do.
# ¿ Mar 6, 2019 23:37 |
I get that the posters who somehow, amazingly, genuinely don't get that the code terminology is deliberately racist are not evil, just ignorant but god drat
# ¿ Oct 18, 2019 22:25 |
But there's a remote possibility it's not racist and I will defend cops for reasons!!!!
# ¿ Oct 23, 2019 22:48 |
None since on the show they never treated them as humans, just corpses. That never sat well with me. It’s like they go out of their way not to acknowledge they were living humans killed in transit as part of a human trafficking organization, just a common ho-hum mysterious shipment of dead bodies.
# ¿ Oct 24, 2019 16:56 |
I get that, that in a real homicide department you'd develop all kinds of coping mechanisms for that kind of stuff. But that's the luxury of a TV show, you could maybe show someone caring, or pretending to care, or wanting to care but acknowledging that the burnout precludes them from being able to. Instead they all just basically Pete Campbell'd and went "Huh! A thing like that! What do you think they wanted to do with all these corpses??"
# ¿ Oct 24, 2019 22:27 |
Like my issue is they treat it solely like a smuggling operation instead of a multiple homicide.
# ¿ Oct 24, 2019 22:29 |
Greenhouse Gas is HOT, yo! Gas up!
# ¿ Dec 13, 2019 20:12 |
Very anti Semitic imo
# ¿ Apr 15, 2020 20:42 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 13:16 |
What was the point of McNulty crashing his car twice?
# ¿ May 8, 2020 05:55 |