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Sep 20, 2002

Do you think I posted to this forum because I value your companionship?

banned from Starbucks posted:

Isnt he machine in that weird rear end nic cage movie with tony soprano?
Yes, and he's fantastic.

"What were you expecting? A monster?"


Sep 20, 2002

Do you think I posted to this forum because I value your companionship?

GABA ghoul posted:

I was surprised to find out how Baltimore has only something like 500k inhabitants. That's just a mid-sized city, but Avon/Marlo/Joe are still taking in millions per year. Found some estimates that there are ~60k drug addicts living in/around the city, so that actually makes sense. That would be a market worth several hundred millions of $ per year in revenue. The logistics of distributing drugs to tens of thousands of people per day while under constant surveillance is pretty impressive. You need to be really organized to pull that off.

Also, lmao at D'Angelo taking the bus to work in the first season. Guess only very little of these hundreds of millions makes it down corporate chart. Everyone below Avon/Stringer/Vandapolis/Marlo is living pretty modestly.
I think part of the thing is that D'Angelo in season one doesn't really matter to anyone. Sure, he's Avon's cousin but in terms of what he brings to the organization in the beginning of the show there's not a lot there. If you look at Wee Bay's place when he's showing D how to take care of his fish (or later on when you see the way his son is living compared to his friends) there is clearly money to be made working for the Barksdales; D' doesn't get any in the beginning because he's a screw up who hasn't done anything significant other than being in the family.

Sep 20, 2002

Do you think I posted to this forum because I value your companionship?

algebra testes posted:

God season 5 has such highs for such a not my favorite season.
One of the many things I love about the show on rewatches is how it is 100% obvious that Bill Rawls knows his entire job is just a bunch of useless bullshit and so he just leans right into that for his entire career and is endlessly rewarded.

Sep 20, 2002

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pokeyman posted:

Yep. Except for the 2 hours where he has to be competent and is shockingly so.
Rawls could very easily have been 'good police' but at some point early in his career he must have looked around at where those 'good police' were and decided "Or I could, y'know, not."

Sep 20, 2002

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deep dish peat moss posted:

I saw an interview with him about The Wire and it really threw me off hearing him with an English accent
Conversely, watching The Wire for the first time and being very confused about Scrooge's nephew Fred showing up drunk in Baltimore.

Sep 20, 2002

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I think about the scene where Nick and Amy go house shopping a lot; when his father was a young guy working at at the port, he was able to scrimp and save and get a home near the port where he could raise a family but 'now' (in 2003) that is never going to happen for Nick or anybody else trying to work the port.

Sep 20, 2002

Do you think I posted to this forum because I value your companionship?

escape artist posted:

I just want to come in and say that Michael Kostroff, who plays Maurice Levy, is such a delightful person, that each time I see you guys talk bad about the character, there's a part of me that wants to come in and defend the actor. :lol:
I got to see him as Thénardier in Les Mis and it was amazing. A similarly hideous moral wreck of a character but played so differently (and I got to hear him sing).

Sep 20, 2002

Do you think I posted to this forum because I value your companionship?

I've always thought that one of the reasons so many fans have such a strong negative opinion of Carcetti is because his "world" is only incidentally featured in the show and usually as a direct antagonist for the cops or the union or the schools or really even the street where we as an audience are given characters to feel for and support. Baltimore politics (and really politics in general) is at best an annoying obstruction for the stories that "matter".

Sep 20, 2002

Do you think I posted to this forum because I value your companionship?

FlamingLiberal posted:

My favorite thing is when shows like Law and Order deal with things like video gaming and it's just absolute nonsense
My all-time favorite episode of Law and Order: SVU is the one where the crime is set in the SVU version of Second Life. You can tell that the writers had heard of online multiplayer games but not a single one of them knew anything at all about them.


Sep 20, 2002

Do you think I posted to this forum because I value your companionship?

Ainsley McTree posted:

That was the first one I thought of when this subject came up too lol

That episode also begins with a completely unrelated sleepwalking rapist and includes the NYPDs undoubtedly multi-million dollar anagram generator.

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