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Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

Harold Stassen posted:

What I don't get is in S1, the woman in the whorehouse, presumably a whore, who doesn't do anything sexual just gets to hang around the police station and is not just privy to but is the centerpiece of their elaborate confidential plans?

A strip club is not the same thing as a whorehouse. In the United States it's not legal to have sex for money.

Shardene worked as (only) a stripper at Orlando's, and she was under threat of prosecution if she didn't cooperate. Further, they judged her an innocent who sincerely wanted to help.


Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

Konstantin posted:

If nothing else, that big a stockpile of guns would attract the ATF's attention, and those guys don't gently caress around. Somebody is doing some serious Federal time for that, and it wouldn't be some random kid taking the fall.

Nah, I don't see it that way. Avon has the money to pay for the best criminal defense, and he's got the juice to get any of the guys in that building with him to say the guns were theirs. Avon was only doing 7.

He woulda got out a couple years ago. The core group of people that came up with him and allowed him to become the king of West Balmer are all dead or serving life, so I don't see him trying to reestablish himself in the game afterwards either. His sister took care of at least some of the financial aspect of the operation, and as we saw when she was dealing with Namond's mom, she made sure not to blow it all.

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

Orange Devil posted:

With how big Omar's name and legend ring out, and the fear low level drug dealers had for him, why wouldn't you adapt that persona when you're trying to rob low level drug dealers?

Sticking up the rim shop isn't exactly low level. Dude was a mentor and probably some sort of bank for Marlo, so he was more than a little bit deep in the game.

That said I hate all this bitching about Michael=Omar. Michael was himself acquainted with Omar, having been in on the hit squad that almost took him out in the apartment, and afterwards when Omar walked up on him on his corner. He grew from childhood in the years when Omar's name rang out loudest in the streets, when he was a walking legend. Omar's aura of fear extended all the way to the top of the game. How many fearsome characters did we see him go after by his lonesome? Stinkum, Avon, Stringer, Slim Charles, Fat Face Rick, Cheese, walking into prop Joe's shop in body armor with a clock like it ain't no thing.

Drawing the parallel between himself and Omar as obviously as possible could only be a good thing for Michael.

edit: didn't prop joe specifically say that crossing "that predatory motherfucker" Omar is as good as committing suicide?

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

boner confessor posted:

yeah that's method man, wu-tang clan member who has built an acting career

Uh none of these people are Method Man.

deoju posted:

About the Deuce, here are a couple Wire connections that I noticed...

This actor playing a kinda crooked cop.

I thought this might be the same actor too, but I'm not sure. But in both scenes there's two guys sitting on a bench talking about the crime game they are playing and the nature of America. These are both in the opening few minutes.

None of these people are the same actor...

Suxpool fucked around with this message at 06:32 on Jan 10, 2018

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

Groovelord Neato posted:

how come prop joe and marlo have long nails.

it's a status symbol. an indication of wealth, because they don't do anything resembling labor.

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

deoju posted:

Prez also has a bit part in Band of Brothers. He plays Dick Winters' (Damien Lewis) orderly. Ron Livingston asks him to get some bacon sandwiches.

Edit: This remains the best 'Holy poo poo, they were in the Wire' Moment...

who the gently caress is the 4th guy though? why do you get all the sobotkas and then a random 4th guy? horseface wasn't available?

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

Data Graham posted:

That aging/de-aging CGI in that movie is unreal

Some of it, like what they did with Herc, was very impressive. A couple things had me laughing a lot though. When De Niro beats up the grocer for pushing his daughter, I had a good laugh because he just looked so unsteady on his feet you could have pushed him over with a feather. This man is clearly very old and you can only hide it so well.

That and the contacts he was wearing throughout the movie kept bringing to mind Stevie from Eastbound & Down.

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

BrotherJayne posted:

Come on, buddy. Parris Island takes 13 weeks, and you don't need nearly that quality to hit corners.

Take 100 youths. Perform health and mental aptitude checks, drop the those too fat, blind, deaf, or stupid.

Take the 80 that remain. Start classroom instruction, start mixing in some pugil activity to foster aggression, drop those that can't be instructed and arn't aggressive enough.

Take the 40 that remain. Start firearms training, sandbox and killtown exercises, and comm standards.

Finish with 30 killer cubs. Put 25 on the streets, retain 5 as instructors, start the process again. Periodically perform refresher courses.

The whole cycle can be managed in a month, and the end product obviously won't all be Rambo motherfuckers, but you'll have consistency and quality sufficient to handle street actions.

Edit: Take with a grain of salt. I'm making assumptions based on the general quality of anticipated OPFOR. A specialist (USASF Green Beret types) would probably be able to pin it down better

Edit 2: "Buddy" not intended as insulting, just in case it was taken that way

Edit 3: Edits are fun!

whoa dude

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live
I always assumed it was something along the lines of ipecac. Something to make the dog sick after it gets in its mouth.

Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live
kenard hard like a rock


Nov 20, 2002
I want something good to die make it beautiful to live

Orange Devil posted:

BoB is intentionally ambiguous about whether Spiers actually did that or whether it was just a story everyone told each other.

tldw: Winters says Spiers absolutely did it, and signed a release letter to Simon & Schuster attesting to it

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