I'd just like to add that the Barksdales closest thing to Mr. Nugget, their chemist, is barely heard from or seen at all in the series. He shows up when the Barksdales get Prop Joe's connect and he tests it for purity and says something like, "we can stomp on this bitch." I think he is in other episodes but he is hardly a player at all, and even if he did invent some new McCrack Nuggets, he wouldn't get a percentage.
deoju fucked around with this message at 21:07 on Feb 1, 2013 |
# ¿ Feb 1, 2013 21:04 |
# ¿ Jan 19, 2025 00:51 |
On the subject of looking out for 'your people,' Daniels explicitly coaches Prez on what to write in his report after he pistol whips the kid. Saying something like, "He proceded to menace you with a broken bottle and you feared for your safety and the safety of your fellow officers." This echoes later when he coaches him again after he shoots the cop in season 3. "Then you shouted, 'Police!' Right?" Carver starts to do the same thing in season 5 after Colicchio pulls the guy out of his car for honking his horn. "You are going to have to be careful about how you write this..." But Carver then decides not to go to bat for Collichio because he was out of control. Notably, the guy he beats up is a teacher, like Prez. Dunno what that means though...
# ¿ Feb 12, 2013 21:18 |
I am pretty sure Jimmy wears a Cladagh ring in some episodes. Lots of Irish people do. Like this... I am not sure if does at this point though.
# ¿ Feb 13, 2013 21:56 |
I've always wondered how Lester picked up that skill. Did he do it in his misspent youth or did he learn it as part of an investigation he did before the 13.33 years in the pawn shop unit?
# ¿ Feb 17, 2013 05:43 |
Tiny Chalupa, don't read this thread! It is filled with spoilers! I'd hate to ruin this show for anybody.
# ¿ Mar 6, 2013 06:13 |
From a thread in D&DSpaced God posted:DOJ releases some stuff about Baltimore PD. Surely it can't be as bad as people are....
# ¿ Aug 10, 2016 05:58 |
Jeffrey of YOSPOS posted:Like, Valchek doesn't care, Burrell doesn't care, but daniels and lester and co clearly do. Burrell also tells them to flush any list of clients they might find, fearing their might be connected people on it. And I want to say he and Valchek chuckle in a sleazy way that suggests they may have been clients in another scene. deoju fucked around with this message at 21:26 on Jan 9, 2017 |
# ¿ Jan 9, 2017 21:23 |
Here's a new NYT article about the inspiration for Cutty and his gym.
# ¿ Feb 24, 2017 20:16 |
NPR had a short piece about dirty plain clothes cops in Baltimore today. It sounds Herc, Carver a Kima are going back to uniform work.
# ¿ Mar 10, 2017 01:18 |
There's the scene where McNulty drives to New Jersey to interview another group of foreign sex workers that are being detained there.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2017 18:46 |
My first time through I was super loving confused why Sydnor killed D'Angelo. How did he get into the prison in the first place? But it's just that the two actors kinda look alike.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2017 16:20 |
Crab chips, and scrapple are some poo poo I can't get in Wisconsin. Also "I want a Shrek Surlpee, Bernard! and some Krispy Kreme" cracks me the gently caress up. About the Deuce, here are a couple Wire connections that I noticed... This actor playing a kinda crooked cop. I thought this might be the same actor too, but I'm not sure. But in both scenes there's two guys sitting on a bench talking about the crime game they are playing and the nature of America. These are both in the opening few minutes. deoju fucked around with this message at 01:47 on Sep 7, 2017 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2017 01:17 |
# ¿ Oct 18, 2017 04:16 |
Bummer about Cathey. Dude was great in House of Cards too. Norris Davis, who played the rim shop owner, tried to stage a a sequel play, but got shot down. As much as I want more, I don't think that's the way to do it. Edit: Just spotted this on Twitter. https://twitter.com/TheAVClub/status/963137903982448641 deoju fucked around with this message at 19:59 on Feb 12, 2018 |
# ¿ Feb 12, 2018 19:33 |
The plural is pussae.
# ¿ Feb 12, 2018 20:50 |
https://twitter.com/WendellPierce/status/971890824802914304 I guess the show has been off the air for 10 years.
# ¿ Mar 9, 2018 00:47 |
I just finished All the Pieces Matter, that oral history of the show. If you crazy enough about the show to still be posting on a dead gay comedy forum 10 years after it ended you should really read it. Tons of interesting insights and anecdotes.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2018 17:52 |
Pretty sure that was Poot. Carletta, Arletta or something like that.
# ¿ Jun 20, 2018 06:27 |
I rewatched the Sopranos recently, Wire alums pop up in bit parts here and there. Bodie jacks a truck in the first episode. Rawls works as a Distract Attorney. Omar shelters Jackie Jr when he has to hide. Detective Crutchfield works as a bookie. Horse Face plays Tony's high school football coach. Business Card Homeless Man (that's really the name of the character) plays another mentally character in season 6. Bonus: Maury Levy voices a beaver in a commercial for an insomnia medication that plays in one scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khY4dAdfDTE
# ¿ Jul 5, 2018 03:17 |
On the subject of Red Dragon... Frankie Faison (Burrell) was in 4 Hannibal Lecture Movies. Three times in the Anthony Hopkins movies, and once in Manhunter, which had Brian Cox in the role. Those Lecter movies also take place in and around Baltimore.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2018 00:59 |
Prez also has a bit part in Band of Brothers. He plays Dick Winters' (Damien Lewis) orderly. Ron Livingston asks him to get some bacon sandwiches. Edit: This remains the best 'Holy poo poo, they were in the Wire' Moment... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EluvJby2baA deoju fucked around with this message at 23:01 on Jul 10, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 10, 2018 22:51 |
Suxpool posted:who the gently caress is the 4th guy though? why do you get all the sobotkas and then a random 4th guy? horseface wasn't available? They shoulda gotten Simon himself to be Guy #4.
# ¿ Jul 11, 2018 00:59 |
Unzip and Attack posted:Not the same guy. You're right. It's me. I'm the face blind goon people talk about. deoju fucked around with this message at 04:19 on Jul 11, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 11, 2018 04:17 |
Groovelord Neato posted:i enjoy narcos but it's the game of thrones version of the wire. Nah... Oberyn Martell only lasts a couple of episodes. Agent Pena is still going into season 3. Honestly, there's nothing that compares to the Wire imo. Everything falls short in one way or another, characterization, accuracy, social critique...
# ¿ Dec 22, 2018 22:35 |
Ainsley McTree posted:Bodie is in an episode of the sopranos. I think it’s in season one, he fucks up stealing a truck. Pretty sure it is the very first episode. I rewatched the Sopranos recently and there were a bunch of Wire cast members here and there. I posted a list. I'll find it using that "?" button in SALR. Edit: Here it is... deoju posted:I rewatched the Sopranos recently, Wire alums pop up in bit parts here and there. deoju fucked around with this message at 03:08 on Dec 24, 2018 |
# ¿ Dec 24, 2018 03:06 |
Randy and Dukie are heartbreaking in different ways. You think Randy has so much potential, and then the system chews him up, but Dukie never had a chance. And then there's Namond, who you are sure is gonna be gobbled up by the corner, but Bunny takes an interest in him, and he gets a chance. Donut's kinda the foil to all of them. He starts off being interested in nothing but stealing cars. He continues being interested in nothing but cars, and the last thing you see that season is him blowing through a stop sign in a stolen car... His path didn't change at all while the others' did. Edit: Donut's my dude. I love that kid. deoju fucked around with this message at 22:51 on Dec 24, 2018 |
# ¿ Dec 24, 2018 22:48 |
To me his greatest performance will always be as a paparazzo in the timeless classic Spice World.
# ¿ Dec 27, 2018 16:59 |
I'd vote for Carcetti over Trump so loving hard. Edit: My point is this: the candidate put forth by the Democrats will be flawed, but Trump is a loving fascist. Don't lose sight of that.
# ¿ Dec 30, 2018 19:35 |
This conversation is straddling the real and the fictional, so I'm going to state my central point clearly. gently caress Trump. Vote for his democratic opponent in the 2020 presidential campaign.
# ¿ Dec 30, 2018 20:20 |
Hasselblad posted:If we are doing this I would rather people support and vote for a sane 3rd party candidate so we can at least ATTEMPT to kill the 2-party system that is doing us so much good. In bodymore murderland. The Russians leveraged attitudes like this in to a Trump victory. A few thousand votes shifting from Stein to Clinton in a certain states and we wouldn't be in this situation. The time for purity tests or protest votes is the primary.
# ¿ Dec 30, 2018 22:20 |
Yes, but the didn't. And they might not next time, stil vote for them.
# ¿ Dec 30, 2018 22:54 |
Sobotka 2020 Wrong for the right reasons. I'm Frank Sobotka and I approve of this message.
# ¿ Dec 31, 2018 03:17 |
Yeah, the Bawlimer accent is interesting. Also when McNulty follows Stringer to his Community College class the lecture is about price inelasticity and supply and demand, basic Econ 101 stuff. He's thinking about the game as a business but is still learning the fundamentals. To his credit he answers the question correctly though. BTW, drugs are just about the most inelastic product there is. Addicts will buy the roughly same amount no matter how high the price goes.
# ¿ Dec 31, 2018 17:42 |
COMPAGNIE TOMMY posted:I was surprised by many of the deaths in The Wire but was confounded most ultimately by Bubbles' continuing to live If there was a sixth season and Bubs relapsed again I couldn't have taken it.
# ¿ Feb 20, 2019 02:44 |
Just started watching the second season of the Deuce. Spotted Frank Sobotka channeling Jimmy McNulty.
# ¿ Feb 22, 2019 00:57 |
Yeah, but tons of people miss the point. Also somebody said there's no such thing as an anti war movie, because on some level you are glorifying it. Same with a show about drug dealers?
# ¿ Mar 6, 2019 17:08 |
Season 5 didn't work for me the first time through. It's still probably my least favorite. It's definitely worth it though. You gotta watch for how things end for Bubbles and Omar at least.
# ¿ Mar 21, 2019 21:41 |
Season 5 made more sense to me when I realized faking murders was the logical result of "juking the stats" and "cases go from red to black by way of green." When the system has hosed up priorities and incentives, it is vulnerable to poo poo like that.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2019 05:14 |
Between the accents and words I don't know I have a hard time with some UK shows too. I just turn on subtitles.
# ¿ May 3, 2019 02:12 |
# ¿ Jan 19, 2025 00:51 |
# ¿ May 24, 2019 14:26 |