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banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Phenotype posted:

Wait, what?


banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Bodie deserved a better career so did Poot

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Even with the prints it wouldn't mean poo poo. ("We found the badge in the grass then we threw it back in the grass")

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Any reason they never named any of these gangs on the show other than "Barksdale organization" or "Stanfield organization" ect. Seems pretty dumb for the average street lvl guy to go off spouting "im with [head of huge drug empire]s people!"

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Isnt he machine in that weird rear end nic cage movie with tony soprano?

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

someone pick eastern european shipping container whore # 5

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

You mean....po-lice

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

At about 54 seconds into this video you can see marlos nails

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

D'Angelo is the middle man between street guys and upper management. It's where all the phone traffic is going through and if he's off the street you have to waste time getting a new wire on whoever his replacement is.

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Marlo was in like 10 seconds of that godawful Mark Wahlberg Max Payne movie

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

watching this 13 Hours Benghazi movie and who pops up. Nick Sobotka and the dopey little news paper guy as CIA dudes

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

theCalamity posted:

Ellis is one of the soldiers from Generation Kill and he also played J. Edgar Hoover in Boardwalk Empire, I think.

I dunno who "ellis" is but that actor was never in the wire.

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Poots the best im glad he got out

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

I adore The Shield for how much of a piece of poo poo Vic Mackey is. The fall of the strike team is like the best thing put to screen.

The Shield
The Wire

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Someone explain how the druggie dude dukie ends up with is able to afford feeding a horse and get away with walking it all over the city with noone giving a poo poo.

Like I've never once seen a crack addict with a horse in any city I've ever been in.

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Scott Templeton is a treasure and I loved every minute of his story.

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

cargo cult posted:

why do the plainclothes cops sometimes stick their sidearms in their desk drawers? also what whos plainclothes and who isnt? like herc, collicho and carver before his promotion all wear plainclothes but arent homicide detectives

Because it sucks to have to wear it all day when you're in the office doing office poo poo.

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

david simon posted:

Don’t live in Hollywood. Don’t work there. Never have. Or in Smolensk or my mama’s basement either. And a pro tip: if you need to advertise yourself as a “purveyor of truth” it signals that you couldn’t find truth if you yourself stashed some of it with your favorite child porn.

Holy poo poo lol

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

I KNEW he sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. Thanks

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

I cant stand bubbles after like s2. It's like they just give him plot armor or something. Esp when he gets that fat biker sponsor and every scene is them throwing out these dumb nuggets of wisdom or whatever. Bubbles should have ODed in hamsterdam and Bodie should have gotten the happy ending. The ending montage should have had Bodie banging bubbles sister and eating some dank rear end crab legs.

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

Retcon Bodie back to life and make a show of him and Poot together just doin stuff

banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

deoju posted:

This dude was in the Wire too, as a low level hired gun, IIRC.

gently caress you mean low level? How you gonna disrespect O-Dog like that?


banned from Starbucks
Jul 18, 2004

I love how Scott Templeton is just your average lazy goon you'd find 1000 of in any industry who lies about poo poo like a kid going to a baseball game and gets infinitely more hate that corrupt cops/politicians or literal drug dealing murderers with "codes".

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