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Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
That McNulty train pissing scene is in the first episode of season 1...I watched it last night thinking about starting my second viewing of the series.

Great thread everyone. It has been very educational.

edit: It's funny how much more sense the first episode makes when you already know who everyone is.


Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
Out of curiosity I just read over the Marlo Wiki article, it touches on the "how did he do that?" aspect and how deep disrespect cuts him.


Marlo's organization starts out small-time, operating in the vacuum left by the Barksdale Organization, and rises to the top of the Baltimore drug trade fairly quickly. A repeated theme in Marlo's characterization is his demand for unconditional respect, which trumps all other concerns. He frequently orders the deaths of those who disrespect him or undermine his name on the streets, however unwittingly. He is arguably the most violent and ruthless of the drug kingpins portrayed in The Wire.


Marlo "Black" Stanfield's background prior to his drug empire is largely unexplored. He was a previous suspect in an unsolved case for Homicide Detective Vernon Holley; Holley believed it was Marlo who killed his only witness as well as the original victims, yet no evidence could be traced back to him. The Barksdale Organization already had prime territory in the form of the towers and Avon expressed little interest in doing business outside them. Marlo's established rule and reputation is only noticed by the returning Barksdale dealers and soldiers when the towers are demolished and Avon wishes to return to their roots, escalating an all-out war over the new best territory of the westside.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I saw this on another site today, there's spoilers if you go to the link.


That Orange Couch
[Vincent] Peranio: The orange couch came from a dumpster, the first day we were scouting up in Marble Hill. It was perfect. We weren’t going to start for another month, so I had them put it in one of the vacant houses to hold. And we used it. It ended up being a central part of the pilot.

The pilot was over and everything was dispersed. And then a month later [The Wire] got picked up. We certainly didn’t expect it to get picked up that fast. So I was talking with my decorator and said, “Well, it’s a good thing we still have that couch.” And he went mute. I said, “Oh no, you didn’t throw that couch away, did you?” It’s like a centerpiece for the show. He said, “Yeah, we did.”

We had to make that couch. Make the frame, send away to Scalamandre in London for the fabric because they were the only place that had crushed orange velvet. It was not popular at the time we were shooting the show. Then we had to age it, split it, pull the stuffing out. It ended up being a $5,000 couch. But we made it as close as possible to the other couch. I don’t think anybody knew. We didn’t even tell the producers.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I believe the most pressing question about "poo poo bird" is: is it a bird that hangs around poo poo or a bird that is just terrible at being a bird?

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

the_american_dream posted:

Lt. Daniels shockingly being built like a Greek God will never not be funny to me

This...For a dude who seems to be so stressed and in the thick of it he certainly seems to have a lot of "me" time.

My immersion!

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
Where's Wallace, Rol?

I ran across The Wire FAQ on IMDB today and it's pretty interseting if you haven't read it:

It explains a few things that were not outright explained in the series.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I think the slow-mo walk thing works, sure it's a bit heavy handed but I think it shows us how the rest of the dudes in the game view their leaders and how the leaders view themselves. It shows Avon as the king walking through his kingdom without fear or doubt.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I highly recommend that you go through the series again if you ever have a chance.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

Gargamel Gibson posted:

Randy's last name is Wagstaff. Was it ever explained if he was related to Cheese (and Prop Joe)?

Another dumb question:
Why do the homicide detectives have to wear suits while the others don't?

Nice catch on Randy's last name. I've never noticed a relation to Cheese or Prop Joe and the Wire Wiki has this to say:


Although he shares the same last name as "Cheese" Wagstaff, it is unclear if he is related to the older Lieutenant. By following that family tree he would then be related to "Prop Joe" who although is often frustrated by his family, seems to take care of them throughout the series.

As for homicide wearing suites, my amateur research tells me that the detective dress code is usually classified as "plain clothes" so they could wear a polo shirt or a suit and tie. A suit would command more respect and look more professional so it would seem to be advantageous to look awesome in a suit. I would assume the others don't wear suits because the their dress code let's them try to blend in for undercover work or because it's a special detail?

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I was wondering the same thing yesterday. What up with that train?
There's been no news that I know of.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
There's the scene with Jimmy and Bunk where one of them is pissing on the tracks with the train coming and all the other scenes of them drunk by the tracks.
Also Frank Sobatka and Spiros meet at the train tracks.
Otherwise I think it refers to the sounds of the train sprinkled here and there throughout the series.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
It seems like Simon didn't have any intention of the train or tracks symbolizing the inevitable, uncaring, unstopping movement of something. So what's left? I'll I have is that the tracks are parallel and never touch yet they are the foundation for the machine. Two separate entities supporting a lumbering behemoth. Choose what you want the tracks to represent.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I figured it was in regards to using a dead CI for the warrant...if that'a a thing? Otherwise I have no idea.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

bucketybuck posted:

See also the reverent tones whenever anybody referred to William Gant, "a taxpayer","a working man".

I don't disagree but I've always viewed this through the lens of William Gant not being in the Game, thus the police took more offense at his killing.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

wikipedia posted:

Bodie was seen getting into McNulty's car by Monk, one of Marlo's lieutenants, who later relayed this information to Marlo, who swiftly ordered his death. Later that night, Bodie is dealing with Poot and Spider when Chris and Snoop set up an ambush. Bodie decides to take a last stand, causing an unarmed Spider to retreat. Throughout the fourth season, Chris and Snoop murder various people by taking them into abandoned houses. All of the victims put up a minimal fight and are dispatched with ease. Bodie decides to be the sole exception to this and shouts "you ain't putting me in one of them empty rear end houses neither". Poot tries to reason with Bodie but Bodie shakes his head, realizing that he is ready to die for what he believes in. After Poot realizes he cannot convince him otherwise, he retreats. Shortly after Poot's departure, while Bodie is still focused on Chris and Snoop, O-Dog emerges from a doorway behind Bodie and shoots him twice in the head, killing him. When McNulty later asks Poot who had killed Bodie, Poot stated that he held McNulty responsible for his friend's murder since it happened after Marlo's lieutenant saw Bodie and McNulty together.

McNulty, having developed a genuine respect for Bodie throughout the season, is stricken with guilt. Bodie's death is what ultimately convinces McNulty to return to the Major Crime Unit, as he wishes to catch Marlo and end his violent ways.

Judging by his age at the start of the series, Bodie was around 20 years old when he was killed

The scene in question:

edit: beaten like Namond in a fight.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

That was really cool.

Interesting as it is, I couldn't finish it. It is what it is.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

Strawman posted:

Chris Partlow is a cop in a court scene too.


Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

Whiz Palace posted:

In case anyone missed it, Toyota held a Sobotka family reunion for their Super Bowl ad.

Ha, thanks for pointing that out.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I was surprised to see Rowles show up as a priest on House of Cards.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
I went looking for what that actor is up to and found this:

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
In lots of scenes Chris is wearing clothes that resemble fatigues but that aren't actually fatigues. He's definitely a "soldier", but I never remember any specific mention of actual service. It's an interesting idea.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
Bunk doesn't want to feel the Bern:


ATLANTA – Actor Wendell Pierce was arrested over the weekend at an Atlanta hotel after reportedly attacking a woman who professed her support for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders.

Atlanta Police Department spokesman Donald Hannah said in a statement that Pierce, 52, was arrested early Saturday morning at the Loews Atlanta Hotel.

TMZ reported that Pierce, best known for his role as Baltimore Police Detective William "Bunk" Moreland on "The Wire", struck up a conversation with the woman and her boyfriend that eventually turned to politics. When the woman said she was backing the Vermont senator, TMZ claims, Pierce pushed her boyfriend away before grabbing the woman's hair and hitting her in the head.

The woman and her boyfriend reportedly went to their room and alerted hotel security, who called the police. Hannah's statement says the incident was not significant and was treated as "any other arrest." He says Pierce never indicated he was well-known.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

Cartouche posted:

Finally getting around to this show and just finished S3. Good stuff.

Lucky You! You'll probably want to plan on doing at least one re-watch too, it's very rewarding once you are more familiar with the characters. The show is a lot to take in the first time around. "All the pieces matter".

Oh and the episode summaries/discussions in this thread are great and worth checking out.

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!

Aces High posted:

maybe that's what I should ask for Christmas, box set of The Wire

eBay dog, but that blu-ray though.


Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
Just started I think my 4th rewatch, this time with my mom. We are staying with my mom for a few weeks while in between houses.

I just sent her episode summaries from this thread for the episodes we've watched so far.
We are up to S1 E8 and I think she is finally able to recognize who Avon is. This was very problematic at first.

I guess my point is that this thread rules and thanks for typing all the words.

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