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Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?
Edit: gently caress, no, this isn't the Experiences thread, I didn't look hard enough. Sorry, guys.

Redeye Flight fucked around with this message at 06:40 on Oct 19, 2013


Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?
So, everyone remember Feng Shui, from the first iteration of this thread?

Turns out, Atlas Games hasn't been spending the last five years working on new expansions--they've been laying groundwork for a whole new edition! My mis-post earlier was for a session from the very first round of feedback games, to help lay groundwork for the new edition.

It could easily--and probably will--be years before it comes out, but it's not a dead game, at least!

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

FMguru posted:

Wick's "it's about becoming hard as gently caress in world of poo poo - a world that out to ruin you at every opportunity" approach to GMing and design made him pretty much the exact wrong person to design a free-wheeling game of swashbuckling derring-do.

I can't help but think that Feng Shui would be an excellent system to operate this kind of thing in. The whole game is about madcap stunts and abilities that border on superpowers. There's swordfighting, gunfighting, AND magic rules, none of which is necessarily more powerful than the other, there's flash, there's substance, and the system is explicitly designed to keep things moving constantly. There is also, of course, the expectation that all the heroes are going to die horribly coated in glory eventually, but they'll all take a lot of killing first and they'll look damned cool while doing it.

Why the hell not? Either that or a FATE system a la Spirit of the Century.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

Mors Rattus posted:

Giovanni Villanova I don't think had a 'cheat' instruction; that was the Spanish science genius that was also in the evil conspiracy.

The Merlin figure certainly did. The O'Bannon didn't; he was just loving impossible to defeat in combat and could oneshot anyone. The Rasputin figure...I don't think he did? He was just literally unkillable.

Let's be fair, here. If there is a Rasputin character in a game, him being unkillable is not only par for the course but should be actively expected. Wanted, even.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?
I'd like to note, D20 Modern's Allegiance system is its answer to the much-maligned Alignment system from other D20 games, and works about a million times better, allowing for much greater roleplay and customization. It's one of the things the system got very right.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?
Of loving COURSE he loves Diplomacy. The original killer of friendships and progenitor of backstabbing, agreement-breaking fuckery.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?
Man... the only thing worse than seeing someone take an idea you've had and implement it exceptionally, is them doing so after you've been working on that idea on and off for FIVE YEARS.

Northern Cross hurts to see, in that way. I'm hoping I can pull off high fantasy America well, but the bar's been set high.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

Mexcillent posted:

As a historian of the period and region, it's ok.

Way more mileage could be taken out of doing New Spain (the largest and most developed colonial society in North America, in the whole deal. Northern Crown actually looks really funny because you realize slowly that there's three or four different English speaking groups but huge monolithic representation of everyone else.

Well, after giving it some more thought, what I'm doing it a whole lot less accurate, more... I guess stylized? I can't think of a good single word. But it's not a perfect 1:1 comparison, so I don't feel so bad now.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?
Years from now it will be utterly impossible to capture just how these last six years felt on the inside. A feeling of constant, unending crisis as half of the establishment seeks to regain power at the cost of destroying everything, while the other half tries to continue on the compromise ideal without realizing that even half of what the other side is selling is toxic.

We're not out of it yet, either. Cultural artifacts like this help encapsulate jsut how loving frustrating living in this time period is.


Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

Libertad! posted:

Your avatar is prophetic, for I was working on this review before you posted a reply.

Hah! This avatar has been an excellent friend.

I'm always interested in seeing more pony homebrew. It's interesting to me how people take various angles to making the generally upbeat and idealistic setting jibe with tabletops, which are generally combat-based and often have a shades-of-grey flavor. Casting them as fey is a new one for me, though.


Edit: The creator David Silver saw my review when I first posted it on Min-Max Boards, and sought to correct some changes and beef up the underpowered feats. I downloaded the book again, but I didn't see any of the changes implemented aside from a shorter OGL.

Props to him for paying attention to feedback, then. Maybe it'll come out soon. I would offer looks at some of the other stuff I've seen over the last two years or so, but I'm not very mechanically smart, so I don't think I could do a good job of reviewing anything.

And while I'm making this post, I'd like to thank you for doing the Dragonlance setting stuff. I loved the original books when I was a teenager, and I still have The Doom Brigade (in hardcover!) on my bookshelf here at grad school. Draconians rule, Dragonlance in general is pretty great, and I've been really enjoying reading the stuff you've been posting.

Redeye Flight fucked around with this message at 09:37 on Dec 23, 2013

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