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Nov 5, 2010

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Oh man Monsters and Other Childish things.

I have been running a campaign of it for roughly two and a bit years now. My god the things you can do with the monster system. It pretty much makes it capable of running anything. Hell I've been using it to run a world ending battle between a small chunk of humanity and an uncaring god. I'll have to see if I can scan their character sheets because my players have come up with some pretty great monsters.


Nov 5, 2010

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I'm just amazed at how fast Mors Rattus is getting each writeup out!

Hey Mors, which of the expansion books would you recommend to a first time Ars Magica player? I've got the core book (because of your write ups), but is there any others in particular you think I should check out?

Nov 5, 2010

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Interesting point, they do offer the idea of a fertile changeling. Although if I recall correctly it's incredibly rare and can attract all the wrong kinds of attention. They recommend having it as an NPC and running the story around keeping the mother and child safe from the True Fay. Which could be pretty fun if you play it right. One of the plots in a Vampire: the Masquerade game (Which has dropped the whole goth "I'm so dark" premise in favour of crazy magical adventures across multiple dimensions) I'm in was about protecting a very powerful NPC and her unborn children from all manner of horrible things from mages to high generation vampires to time paradoxes. Actually turned out to be great fun and at times quite dramatic. Guess it helps our GM was a lass.

Nov 5, 2010

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I love those spells. They've got so much flavour thats it's dripping from them. The world setting, the GM-Player relationship, the charming artwork, the spell lists, the item tags. It's all so lovely. :3:

Nov 5, 2010

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Pththya-lyi posted:

Notice that the PCs are references to the kids from The Breakfast Club. Don't you
Forget about me
Don't don't don't don't

I've never noticed that before... would probably help if I watched The Breakfast Club.

Nov 5, 2010

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I always like the fact that in Ars Magica all the cool stuff you can do alway have so big downsides. Makes you have to consider the downsides of what you're doing before you set off on it.

Nov 5, 2010

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Gerund posted:

What is fear but a realization of greatness?

Onto Autumn Court, one of the more loved groups of C:tL. They go for the Occult-monkey "knows too much, don't you wish you were them" pastiche that White Wolf loves so much, and then adds a big dash of just-this-side-of-twee Tim Burton1 on top. Librarians, Mystics, and damned Wizards go here to research into the depths of the Wyrd. Founded by Clay Ariel through mystic and mysterious means (spooky!), Autumn exists to learn more about Fae magick and turn it against their captors. Without the court of Magic, too many changelings would simply forget that there is a vast mythical land just beyond sight, and waiting to grab them.

Is every Autumn courtier a sorcerer? Probably, as every changeling has some magic. But really, every Autumn courtier is in some way a Wyrd naturalist- attempting to take control of their own life by finding out every nook and cranny of the world they are a part of. Autumn courtiers that fail to take a rationalist stance to their life are eliminated- they are either too crazy or simply incapable of appreciating what the emotion of fear means to them.

This becomes part of the Autumn rituals: the Fallen Fair, a clearinghouse of Wyrd items that acts in contrast to the Goblin Market, where the courtiers put on the mask of being hobgoblins; the "hunt", where autumn courtiers put on the mask of being the Wild Hunt; the scientific affectations, where the changelings pretend to be skeptically-inclined humans and journalists. In each part, the Autumn court is trying to figure out what face is best to put on to get what they want2

Their imagery is harvest-like reds to yellows and grays and browns. Dying and falling objects, scavenger animals, and Victorian naturalist accoutrements- book, magnifying glass, candles. Their mantle is cliche "magical", and gives some of the weakest bonuses of the mantles in the book; a +1 to "Contract activations that use Occult", +1 to "investigation rolls about True Fae and Faeries", and finally a re-roll of an Occult roll that deals with magic that ISN'T using a power. Autumn, for its guise of power and wisdom, are really posers talking a big game.

(next time: Winter)

1 - Spring lives in a Baz Luhrman movie, Summer lives in a Michael Bay movie, and Winter court lives in a David Cronenberg movie in this metaphor.
2 - which reminds me of the Little Albert Experiment using a mask and loud noise to condition a baby to have a phobia.

It always struck me that the Autumn Mantle bonus was pretty weak. Although I always thought of it as a design oversight, never occurred to me that it was there to represent Autumn's bark being worse then their bite.

Nov 5, 2010

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unseenlibrarian posted:

For everyone following the Monsters and Other Childish things reviews, and thinking of picking it up for yourself, well: Now is the time.

First 100 people can buy the entire gameline for 50 bucks.

unseenlibrarian posted:

First 100 people can buy the entire gameline for 50 bucks.

unseenlibrarian posted:

the entire gameline


there are more books for Monsters & Other Childish Things...?
:aaaaa: :aaaaa: :aaaaa:

Nov 5, 2010

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HiKaizer posted:

Given the fangs and the cross on the guys surrounded by Werewolves, I might suggest that they are Vampires and are thus either not an issue or are at least a grey area where upholding the Veil is concerned.

Plus if two vampires are surrounded by that many 'wolves means they've probably walked into somewhere they really shouldn't be. So it's their own fault really.

Nov 5, 2010

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Wapole Languray posted:

The History of Spring Crescent Middle School

Oh I like this. Settings like this are exactly the kinda thing I go in for. I really hope that someone runs a Monsters & Other Childish Things PBP at some point because I would be all over that. :allears:

Nov 5, 2010

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Wapole Languray posted:

I'm currently getting a 2 player game running with my girlfriend and her cousin. Once they've got a handle on the game I might post a recruitment here for a PbP or Roll20 campaign.

Well you've got me interested.

I've been running a campaign using the system for the past two years. Admittedly I've not used a bunch of the mechanics nor the settings. But it's been my GMing trial by fire. But I've never actually been a player in a game of it before.

Nov 5, 2010

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Wapole Languray posted:

Monsters and Other Childish Things Announcement

Unless somebody wants me to finish it, I will be skipping the rest of Curriculum of Conspiracy.

I don't find the adventure module very interesting, and it's a pain to write up because it's so short and sparse on details. Instead I'd rather skip it and go to the next real book in the line Bigger Bads, which will be followed by The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor. If anybody else wants to do finish Curriculum, or do the other Monsters adventures, Skymaul and Road Trip, I'm totally cool with it. I own neither books, and as I never play pre-made adventures, have no desire to get them.

But, so that it isn't a dissapointment, I'm going to give you a preview of what to look forward to in Bigger Bads
  • New Rules Both standard Errata and expansions for Grappling, helping other players, new Extras, more abstract enemies in "Threats",rules for "Farness" and "Bigness", and best of all, rules for :siren:GIANT ROBOTS:siren:

  • New Character Type Rules for playing an unnaturally-abled "Wierd Kid!" It's like the X-Men meets the X-Files!

  • New Enemies A royal buttload of brand new baddies to smash, including such foes as The Grumps, Levi A. Than, Killdozer, and Your (Hot) New Stepmom (From California)!

  • New Campaign Setting! Go Go Monster Force Zeta!

I downloaded Bigger Bads recently, it's amazing. So many things I wanna use it for! :allears:

Nov 5, 2010

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clockworkjoe posted:

What did you think of Conspiracy, overall? It was my first published book, so I have to admit I'm fond of it :)

Reading your writeup was quite cool, I have to say. I've tried to keep up with this thread but it goes so fast, I never have time to read much of it. Thanks for giving MAOCT a write up! It's a great game and every game I've ever run with it has been fun.

Wait... your "first published book" as in you wrote it? As in you are the writer? Of the book?

Nov 5, 2010

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House Louse posted:

Is that a grenade? :smith:

Actually I think it's a mortar round. So the Kitten is probably pretty safe.

Nov 5, 2010

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Wapole Languray posted:

Super Special New Rule for Awesome Games That Should Be In Every Game Ever If you strike a dramatic pose and shout the name of your attack, you get to trade dice from the pool you roll into Gnarly levels if the hit connects. Note, YOU have to do it. Not you character, YOU. YOU have to stand up, strike a pose, and shout a nonsensical attack name at the top of your lungs. YOU at the table. Oh, and you can't do the same pose/name twice. You have to come up with a completely new pose and name every time you use this rule.

I love all of the things that Bigger Bads brings to the table, but this right here is my favourite. I can't wait to introduce this to my players. They will LOVE it.

Nov 5, 2010

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Wait, so if I'm reading that correctly, a guy who is semidead could be shived back to healthiness by hitting him again, making him re-roll the death dice and hoping he get's anything lower then a 4 and keep doing that till he ether rolls 1-3 or 6?

Nov 5, 2010

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Down With People posted:

Beorning! That poo poo sounds :black101: as hell.


Nov 5, 2010

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I recently got myself a copy of the Dresden Files RPG. But all the same it would be interesting to see someone's take on it. My only other exposure to the FATE system is FATE Accelerated. So it'd be useful to get my head around some of the mechanics.

Nov 5, 2010

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Rifts just confuses me. It's NYC characters just seem to be all over the place and have some really odd creation choices. Like a super special wizard guy who is totally from another world and knows all this cool stuff and has awesome stats and isn't wearing any loving armour so the first monster which looks his way is going to smear him across the walls.

Or the knights of the round table, who are totally supposed to be able to take that bunch of bad guys. Who they can't even hope to scratch. The writers are too busy throwing numbers around to actually think 'does any of this actually work? Can the players actually hope to deal with this?'

At no point does it even seem like the players are even supposed to be able to interact with any of the pre-established stuff without getting ether stomped or overshadowed. It's a total gm playground nod anyone else sitting at that table just has to sit and sigh as the gm once more saves them once more from certain death through his gmpc. I know a lot of gms do that when they're just starting out. But Rifts almost seems to have been designed with this mindset as a feature!

Nov 5, 2010

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Ah yes, because there needed to be more Pokemon products. Still, is it any good? I've got a couple of friends who'd probably be interested in a Pokemon Role Play game.


Nov 5, 2010

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Cyphoderus posted:

Here's the thing with DX: it is succinct, and dry. It is full of great inspiration and awesome ideas, but they're hidden behind obtuse power descriptions, dry sentences, and non-obvious mechanical interactions. With this writeup, my intention was to cut through all that and present to you all the distilled awesome stuck behind DX's poor presentation of itself. I used a conversational style and let my own voice, my own interpretation of some things in DX, come through. When reading DX, you have to read between the lines and pay a lot of attention at all times, to catch what the game is really about and how great it can be. I hope I have succeeded in showing off the great things about this game for everyone. I'd guess that I did, at least a little bit, seeing how many people have posted about wanting to get and really getting the book after I drew attention to it with the writeup.

That's the end, folks! Hope you enjoyed all the Double Cross! :)

Hell I loved it enough to go an pick up a copy. Your write up has been amazing, I fell in love with the concept of this game from your descriptions, especally the powers. It'll probably take me some time to work my head around the mechanics. But when I do, oh god the things I will do with this game.

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