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Oct 14, 2011
Just thought I'd point out that actually, the oath rod reduces how long an Aes Sedai will live for rather than increasing it - it causes the agelessness and gives a life span of around two hundred years, while channellers without the oaths can live to nearly five hundred or more. They just age slower.


Oct 14, 2011
Just the monster here - Snuffles the God of Fortune and Happenstance appears to most passers by as an adorable puppy. To Kids and their Monsters, he looks much like the chimera of myth; it has three heads; one a serpent, one a lion and one a goat, has the body and legs of a wolf about three times larger than any wolf has any business being, and the tail of a scorpion, dripping venom. How does it speak, you might wonder? Easy; its goat head is telepathic.

Oct 14, 2011
Is it just me, or is the concept of learning any form of swordplay, including LARP swordplay, from a book, just a little bit daft?

Oct 14, 2011
Yes, but didn't the people involved in translating those books into their current form already have some grounding in other martial arts? I'm talking about completely from scratch...

Oct 14, 2011
Hold on, that's the kind of poo poo you use LARPing in America? drat, here in the UK we use poo poo like this:

Oct 14, 2011

JohnOfOrdo3 posted:

Rule 2: As already mentioned, never stab with a weapon. We're not even particularly fond of "Stab-safe" weapons because all those have are additional foam at the end to make it harder for the core to go through it. Best not to risk it.

The game I go to (Forever's Destiny in Manchester) says no stabbing, even with stab-safe - you might get into the habit of stabbing, then do it with a weapon that isn't stab safe.

Oct 14, 2011
If you went to the December one a couple of years back, we'll have met then; I played a warrior called Hector. As for the weird damage, there's a reason why most starting players are limited to one of four basic classes, and it's not out of a desire to stifle fun.

And yeah, we tend to use thinner foam over here, so full force blows would probably leave a few bruises.

Oct 14, 2011
If they think that weapon's unsafe, they'd have a heart attack at how we deal with archery in FD (I'll give you a clue, it involves a bow and foam tipped arrows)...

Oct 14, 2011
As I understand it, pretty much all UK LARP groups (not counting Minds Eye Theatre, since that's a non-contact LARP) have pulling your blows, no stabs and no headshots as the rule - when everyone is bringing this particular type of weapon, they pretty much have to. As to weapon breakage, that depends on manufacturer. The one I showed the picture of is a Medlock weapon. They're made by one guy in his apartment who only works with one retailer, and they're some of the most well made LARP weapons you'll ever come across (he considers himself very much a craftsman). I don't own one, but a friend of mine does, and they're characterised by being pretty heavy as LARP blades go, yet very well balanced and durable. The friend in question has a Medlock blade that he's been using in a monthly game and in festivals for years, and it's never needed any kind of repair (including repainting) - and he tends to play warrior types. Light Armourers, on the other hand, used to sometimes have problems with the latex peeling off of the weapon after a few hours of serious fighting.

Oct 14, 2011
By the way, since someone's currently doing a write-up of Forgotten Realms, I was wondering if anyone felt like doing one for Eberron. I've heard bits and pieces, and those bits and pieces interest me greatly.

Oct 14, 2011

petrol blue posted:

So, if I'm reading this right, the secret of the Dragon school is to 'twat them with the foam bat'?

I laughed out loud. Also, yeah, that's basically the key to LARP combat ;)

Oct 14, 2011
Hold on, the orcs aren't just rampaging, always chaotic evil barbarians? That's actually rather cool.

Oct 14, 2011

Syrg Sapphire posted:

To the people reading the Wheel of Time writeup: I've got the next update "ready", it's Prestige Classes. This thing's ludicrously long-winded and dry, though. Should I:
- cut it down to just the interesting ones, summing up the others in a brief fashion with perhaps a "class is based on X character from the novels" where needed?
- split it into two updates (5 per update)?
- compare/constrast all the channeler prestige classes as one, do the others in their own second post? (I kind of lean towards this one myself since there's a LOT of overlap in the former)

edit: Hell, while I'm asking questions like this, since it's easier now instead of later: does anyone actually give a drat about the sample adventures/the adventure book? Those are full of a lot of "nope, this is uncanon" moments thanks to later novels but are designed to let a party go through the background of books 1-6 or so. I have no opposition to summing them up when we get to the end, but don't know if there's enough of an interest.

Long winded and dry? Sounds like the books they're based on ;). Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed that series, but it was incredibly long winded... Also, I reckon the third option is probably best.

Oct 14, 2011
Incidentally, a spoiler from either book 13 or 14 of the series that the Wheel of Time RPG is based on (don't read if you're planning to read the books): The only person in the books who ever went insane as a wolf brother actually chose to become feral, because his human life was so utterly poo poo. Naturally, this occurred after the RPG was written, so the people who wrote the RPG had no idea that that would be a thing...

Oct 14, 2011
I recall someone asking for a game that emulates jRPGs reasonably well on the what system should I use megathread - looks like Ryuutama would probably do the job.

hectorgrey fucked around with this message at 19:34 on May 15, 2013

Oct 14, 2011
That looks pretty fun. I'm really hoping for the translation to come out relatively soon - I want to give this company my money...

Oct 14, 2011
Yay for armour that actually guides your sword towards the vulnerable bits... *facepalms*


Oct 14, 2011
Except that the armoured bits actually guide your blade to the unarmoured bits - making it worse than useless...

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