ProfessorProf posted:I should clarify that all I have is a barebones google doc with enough translated content to be able to play the game. It's nowhere CLOSE to being a complete or professional translation of the book, a task that is probably beyond my abilities. Again, as previously mentioned, Ryuutama is officially licensed and being actively worked on and it is extremely likely that it'll be available in English by the end of this year. The translation was in a playable state before the Tenra Kickstarter even began, so I can't imagine it'll take too long once all the Tenra books are shipped out. I'm all for getting more foreign games in some kind of English version (and I hadn't even hard of Giant Allege before this thread, so thanks), but I think this one's in the bag. Parkreiner fucked around with this message at 15:33 on May 11, 2013 |
# ¿ May 11, 2013 15:15 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 02:32 |
Evil Mastermind posted:When the Living Land invaded, not only did Core Earth weaponry (tech axiom 23) just flat-out stop working in the Living Land (tech axiom 7), the military units sent in were unable to function because, when the troops entered the Living Land zones, the concepts of modern military stucture stopped existing for them. It wasn't a case of them not being able to communicate with their immediate commander, they actually lost the ability to think "this guy is my military commander, representing a higher chain of command, and I'm supposed to listen to him." The reality mash-up bits of Torg are kind of a pain in the rear end in play, but they lend the game a lot of its character. It was both aggravating and amazing when my Nippon Tech martial artist disconnected in the Living Land and was horrified to discover his nunchucks were too high-tech to function. Not that I had any idea how to visualize that. The party also included a giant flying telepathic starfish that we insisted wear a fez on one of its arms so we'd have a "face" to talk to.
# ¿ May 11, 2013 19:57 |
Evil Mastermind posted:Well, that's really what I've been saying all along; the setting and metaphysics of Torg are insanely awesome, but the system is the clunkiest thing you could every hope to try and run. If you do any of the cosm books, I hope you do Aysle first and post copiously from the insanely convoluted spell creation rules.
# ¿ May 11, 2013 21:10 |
Angrymog posted:The way I'd interpret it is that you are no longer able to understand that your nunchucks are a weapon - at best you could hold both halves in one hand and use them as a club. I asked if I could cut the cord and convert it into two clubs, or maybe just use the bizarrely-immobile contraption itself as a club, but decided to just start punching and kicking fools. Then I got grappled by a cyberdemon, fell into a pool, and started drowning while being choked out. Torg is a hell of a drug.
# ¿ May 12, 2013 02:56 |
I feel I should mention that the one time I ran Ryuutama, one of the PCs gave serious thought to mugging a passerby for his expensive raincoat. He did have the good grace to feel bad about it though.hectorgrey posted:I recall someone asking for a game that emulates jRPGs reasonably well on the what system should I use megathread - looks like Ryuutama would probably do the job. It even has "if everyone in the front row drops, everyone in the rear moves up to the front"-style combat.
# ¿ May 15, 2013 21:53 |
Alien Rope Burn posted:Everything in Rifts makes a lot more sense once you think of every design as a plastic toy. This is an actual piece of character creation advice in the gonzo Rifts-homage game Empire of Dust.
# ¿ Jun 9, 2013 04:52 |
I've always been fond of Wormwood just because of how weird an idea it is even for Rifts (paladins vs demons, set on Venom's home planet), and it was the only Rifts book I bothered keeping after I realized the system was hopelessly borked, but as with most things Rifts basically everything I liked about it is in Tenra Bansho Zero in much more playable form.
# ¿ Sep 7, 2013 01:01 |
Bieeardo posted:That, and there was a stat named Pathos. I thought Banality was as pretentious as they could get, but apparently they were already sliding from their peak when Changeling 1e was printed. Forget Pathos, don't Wraiths have actual numerical ratings in Angst too? I could never get into Wraith, it seemed pretty perverse to design a game about ghosts with emotional and physical ties to the living, in which interacting with the world of the living was considered the ultimate offense, immediately punishable by a literal fate worse than death (soulforging). It's notable that every Wraith campaign and supplement I am aware of was just all-Shadowlands all the time, but isn't haunting people and resolving your unfinished business the entire point of being a ghost? And for that matter I could never buy that Stygia could even be the dysfunctional society it was when literally every single ghost had an insane maniac inside them held barely in check at best. So yeah, intellectually interesting setting, pretty poor implementation as a game.
# ¿ Oct 15, 2013 19:42 |
It was inevitable that a thread (partly) devoted to incredibly lovely games would have a lot of John Wick content. No different from the ongoing Rifts chronicles.
# ¿ Oct 30, 2013 00:04 |
John Wick has never kicked a puppy that I am aware of, but it's pretty hard to criticize his terrible games without also indicting his terrible public persona because he goes to such lengths to identify one with the other. HotB is entirely written from the conceit that John Wick hisownself is sharing his findings about the ven-- how are we supposed to criticize the shortcomings of "John Wick" without it reflecting on John Wick? If he were capable of writing in any kind of authorial voice other than King Smuggo things might be different.
Parkreiner fucked around with this message at 19:38 on Nov 2, 2013 |
# ¿ Nov 2, 2013 19:34 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 02:32 |
Double Cross is laid out incredibly poorly for a first read, yeah. It could have used a better editing pass in general, but I will give them mad props for working hard on that index, referencing the 500-odd powers would be impossible otherwise. It looks like a pretty cool game, but I haven't gotten around to running it yet because I burned out halfway through transcribing all the errataed powers and stuff to make a cheat sheet for my group. I did actually finish a fairly lengthy intro to the Syndromes if you want me to pinch-hit when you get to the powers section.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2013 20:37 |