AccidentalHipster posted:They're deadly as hell just like in the manga, but expensive. You need to be about level 5 and decently specialized to be able to start semi-reliably making the really good poisons, but there are ones that deal d4's of Con damage and are inhaled. Explosives (the most common trap) are much harder to make but can deal fat fistfuls of d6's with just one bomb tag and they can be stack into bundles. Since you're in a giving mood, I'll drop my own question: do they still have that original Bloodline trait, Red Eye and True Red Eye I think they were? That was my favorite non-canon thing they had back when I read a release of the system a few years ago just because it was equal parts really nifty and insane.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2013 01:30 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 12:59 |
AccidentalHipster posted:Yup. The Mibu Occupation even lets you pick up either the Red Eyes or the Satori. Excellent, I'll eagerly await that portion then. Keep up the good work and thanks for answering.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2013 01:55 |
AccidentalHipster posted:While I'm waiting for Majuju to get to get to d20 Modern's Skills and Feats so that I can continue my Naruto write-up (sorry if I'm putting you on the spot pal) I'm considering doing a write-up of another game. Tenra Bansho Zero (cyberpunk/high fantasy feudal Japan) comes to mind because I love that game and it deserves more attention. I'm also considering Dungeons: The Dragoning (40k+Exalted+D&D+WoD+Mass Effect=) because I love that game and it deserves to have a finished review. Or I could dredge up Strike Legion (super soldiers fighting Imperial hordes IN SPAAAAACE!) from my hard drive and give it a crack (that one would be semi-blind though). If the thread really wants me to (or I get bored enough) I'll start one, but I'd like to know which I should do. I'd love Tenra Bansho Zero myself. I've got the game already but it's always interesting to hear about it all the same. Cyphoderus posted:
You know, awesome as the individual powers sounded I was getting a little bit disappointed there. Right up until you explained the comboing, and that they were sane enough to make it utterly simple while still being crazy awesome. As soon as I have the money for it, I am buying the gently caress out of DX. LornMarkus fucked around with this message at 17:55 on Nov 10, 2013 |
# ¿ Nov 10, 2013 17:36 |
Clanpot Shake posted:I checked on the wiki but didn't see a write-up for the Dragon Age RPG. Is it any good? Worth looking at? The first book gives you rules for playing characters from level 1 to 5. The second book contains the rules for 5 to 10. The third, which only came out at least a year after the first two, contained the remainder of the progression. Other than that I've done nothing but read some basic poo poo off their website (Rogues can actually use a quarterstaff, interestingly enough) but setting your books up like that just seems incredibly stupid and lovely to me.
# ¿ Nov 12, 2013 00:13 |
AccidentalHipster posted:Character creation is a bit of a mess as well since it not only resurrects rolling for attributes in order, but also has you roll for other things like starting skills and features. And it's licensed from a game that doesn't have a random element to character creation. Yeah, I've never liked that. Even setting aside the issue of potentially massive imbalances in party competency, I'm just not a big fan of being told by remorseless dice what I can and can't play. "What's that, you felt like rolling up a kick-rear end front line fighter? Not with that Con of 3 you won't, fucker!"
# ¿ Nov 12, 2013 02:03 |
SynthOrange posted:Hey, that's not a superpower. That's just a regular person power. Depends on what "surpassing human limits and performing amazing feats" means mechanically, really.
# ¿ Nov 15, 2013 01:07 |
You know, I was just thinking of commenting on how you didn't bring up the alternate rules for Atlanteans and Daemonhosts if they're aligned with Khorne. But after a short bit of thinking about all the footnotes and explanations I'd have to include to make the reason for the change and what it actually means clear . . . yeah, I can see why you'd probably leave it for later.
# ¿ Nov 25, 2013 04:44 |
There's some leeway to be had depending on the circumstances described for the destruction of the ancient civilization: if the civilization was isolated/isolationist and the entire population was removed, then the knowledge of how they created their awesome technology could certainly be lost. A lot of the settings that pull it, though, use a world where the ancient civilization was universally dominant and all current peoples are descended from it or at least its slave races. At that point the idea only really works if either all of the technology just stops functioning normally (powered by some esoteric energy source that was also wiped out by the cataclysm) or all left out of reach for five or ten generations. If it's there and people know how to work it, it will get worked and knowledge will be kept up on it though some parts might get twisted up over a long enough period. Another factor would be whether or not new pieces of the technology could be manufactured or not. There's actually another side to the argument as well when you talk about magic. While it's hard to swallow ancient technology being inherently better than current (and still functional even after long periods of total disuse) magic can come from several other angles. One old paradigm I recall was an axis with magic at one end and technology/science on the other, where the power of magic derives from its primal and unrefined nature such that the older the magic the more powerful it is because it's more directly derived from the spark of cosmic genesis or whatnot. While its interesting as a theme though, logic is somewhat hard to apply to that one unless you get really meta because it basically comes down to "magic gets weaker the more sane, rational and thorough we become." If you run with that theme though that could be made to work, I'd imagine. If nothing else it would make for some entertaining stories of fur wearing anarchist shamans dueling with scientists decked out in power armor and wielding laser cannons.
# ¿ Nov 25, 2013 21:13 |
It is an interesting setup but it did annoy me to realize that the Barbarian track is the only one that gives access to Tiger Claw as well as the only one for Desert Wind.
# ¿ Nov 28, 2013 17:03 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 12:59 |
Eh, that's the least of your worries when the armor also exposes flesh both above and below the chest. A boobplate is at least just mechanically unsound, but armor that doesn't even provide proper coverage for the torso is plain useless and stupid.
# ¿ Dec 30, 2013 21:11 |