Alternity's art being awesome doesn't stop there. Both of the alien guides have covers by Brom and the actual illustrations are top notch. God do I love those books.
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# ¿ Feb 15, 2025 14:46 |
JamieTheD posted:Then get in, dammit! I have no clue how to the mechanics of the system work. I bought those books when I was twelvish and my eyes just kind of glazed over during the rules. So, I found a thing. Seems like it might be worthy of the thread.
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A thing to note about Alternity is that the alien races are really close to core D&D races. At least I felt that way. The Frahl are Elves, T'sa are Halflings, Mechalus are half-Elves, Shesheyans are Wood Elves and Weren Orcs/half-Orcs. Dark*Matter is pretty sweet because they wrap up the core races in a manner that meshes with the whole conspiracy theme of the game.
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It's also an important concept in Paranoia, which is another fantastic game.
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I wonder what the thought process is for writing things such as Fields does. What makes someone look at sex, both the actual act and preconceptions about it, and make them decide that it would totally make a sweet RPG and there should scads of rules involving it? I could see if sex as a mechanism in the game was a supplementary item, like in some Clive Barker stories, but it's center stage and is just handled so poorly.
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Huh... Wuh? I... I don't know what to make of this but I think I am in love.
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Isn't the first Wheel of Time heavily derivative off Lord of the Rings? I remember reading that somewhere, but now is a good time to ask it seems.
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I'm not going to lie, if a story had a sorcerer piss into a body of water to screw with pursuing ships or an enemy fleet by causing a storm to arise from it, that'd be pretty neat.
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Glazius posted:So, uh, how do you get back skills lost to Stress? End of the case? If I remember correctly, you take a vacation/time off at the end of the case with what exactly you do based on how stressed you are. I also think you can still come back with some stress. Been a while since I read the rules.
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Obviously, Argh! because it sounds like it is going to make you want to slit your throat with one of its pages.
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Necroscope had a great premise for an rpg. Secret government agencies fielding Espers and tough as nails agents battle hostile invaders from a parallel dimension ran by the monsters. I even enjoyed the earlier books, but battling the same vampires over and over again would get boring. EDIT: Holy poo poo, I just realized the broken down summary is Don't Rest Your Head with some extra normals thrown in.
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Green Intern posted:Has Don't Rest Your Head been done for this thread? It's a neat little book. I think I even have a copy somewhere, so I could throw something together for it. I was going to post a hack in the homebrew thread that aped Kult and used the rules. I emailed Fred Hicks to see if it was alright if I could do that and he said he would prefer that the rules engine for DRYH not be posted. Modifications to it are cool, but posting how it works is a no go. Does White Wolf cover any of the horrid practices that the Buddhist theocracy in Tibet practiced (and to some extent, still do) or is all "BUDDHISM AM GOOD!" new age crap? Tasoth fucked around with this message at 23:51 on Apr 12, 2013 |
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Ghost Love could be interesting if you changed the requirement to something like having a tea ceremony (since it is Asian) or a dinner for a ghost that reminds them of life for you to gain the effect. It would make exorcist type characters much more interesting at the least. All that other poo poo, I'm actually repulsed that someone spent time thinking it up.
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I have this feeling that if you welded Torg's setting to Fate, you'd get a pretty sweet game to run. And thanks to Dragons of the East, I now know where Kindred of the East's use of Hun and P'o comes from.
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Is Dragons of the East really that well researched or are you adding bits and pieces to the review? Because that's impressive for WoD if it is.
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I know I am supposed to be typing up my review and doing drawings for it, but if you want any monsters drawn for M&OCT, let me know. That was everyone's favorite part when I ran it and they all were excited when I offered to draw their monsters for them as keepsakes.
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Wapole Languray posted:Most rad. If anybody has monster/kid ideas, I'll be making some characters after I do the Monster chapter to show off character creation. Hence, why I wanted some form-fillable character sheets. I'm trying to not make more than one post a page, so forgive if I Monster Spam, as I'm trying for a chapter a day. Remember that there are three other sourcebooks I'm doing after the corebook, Bigger Bads which is new rules and a pseudo-Monster Manual, Curriculum of Conspiracy which is a setting/adventure module type book, and Strange Secrets of Candlewick Manor, which is almost a standalone game on it's own. Oh! Oh! Monster ideas. I will supply them as drawings.
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I'm impressed the author kept the Kamikaze as separate and not caused by the mages.
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And now time for monsters! I can honestly sit there and drawing things for MaOCT all day.![]() ![]() ![]() BEAR SLUG.
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Tatum Girlparts posted:This thread and the old one have produced some great things, be they writing, art, or just reviews of obscure games that got people interested in the line, but I'm pretty sure BEAR SLUG is the current winner for 'best thing in the thread'. I literally walked around chanting 'bear slug' in a sing-song manner after drawing it yesterday at random intervals. Bear Slug is the bee's knees.
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I already submitted my monster drawings earlier in the thread. I even circled some bits for you. As for M&OCT, you could potentially port a setting over to Sorcerer after the kids hit maturity. Since they grew up, their monsters grew up (instead of what the setting has happen) and the tone of the game changes immensely.
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Looking at the general design of the lispsabers and the concept behind their construction, I can only see this as a guide to the jedi art of lightsaber fighting. Written by someone who has watched far too much anime. Do they try to incorporate Japanese sword style later in the book? It seems like it would be a fitting style for foam sword smashing.
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ThisIsNoZaku posted:I should have held off starting Wu Xing, there's just no way to compete with a how-to guide to really fake real sword fight. Do not think of the thread as a competition, think of it as a community project to make a rather strange 'soup' of all the various obscure, weird and awful RPGs that are out there.
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If he didn't spill his perversion over what he writes the way he does his semen on his keyboard, this stuff wouldn't be so bad. The living toy would be an amazing thing to base a campaign around. Also, he must really not know his measurements because inch long spurs at the knees/elbows would look nothing like what they do in the drawing. They'd be tiny.
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I hope you know I have drawn Djehuty and his kid and will do the other pair. They will be posted. Why must you tempt me with monsters?
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Mr. Maltose posted:Thri-Keen wish they could step to the Kch-Thk. It actually happens with all the Lensmen books as the four Arisians tasked with watching over the civilized races kind of coalesce into a single entity when they have to deal with meat-based sapients coming to talk to them. There is also the fact that the Kinnison brood can do the Voltron bit and link up with themselves and every lensmen mentally to make a massive galaxy spanning super intelligence.
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The idea behind Cyre goes further back than China Melville. The Vlad Taltos novels have the Sea of Chaos on the heart of the old Dragaeran Empire which was brought about when one of them was dicking around and punched a hole in space-time. And the Vlad Taltos novels are pulpy as all get out, too.
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Did any authors of the oWerewolf books ever try to introduce the concept that the Wyld can flourish in a city? Or did they really stick to the 'PROGESS = WEAVER/STASIS' component to the mythos?
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See, all that special snowflake crap about the kitsune I don't buy. It comes across as a really clever cover for the foxes to actually be weakly bound to their animal spirit. And, even if that is wrong, it's a great idea and is officially my stance on them. It gives what they've done more character.
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So since daughters belong to the mother's clan and males belong to the father's, does that mean the Dagger and the Jewel have been siblings for a very long time?
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I always liked the feel of the Demonhunter X supplement, especially the Shih. They're martyrs, they know it and they're going to go out on a mountain of bodies that they believe are unjust. And it pulls no punches describing that many of them are just horribly hosed up from what they've seen. Was DHX the basis for what would become Hunter?
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Erinyes fist strikes me as something that would just break the game the moment you took it in a Fields' setting. I assume any villain in the Fieldsverse has countless acts of rape under his belt, so EF just breaks the encounters and brings the player to infinite-damageville. The kid has watched far too much anime and not interacted enough with the world to realize his settings would be worse than a world crawling with Barker's Cenobites. And I think golf clubs is being too nice, sand filled wiffleball bats would be more fulfilling.
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citybeatnik posted:How on earth does that even make sense thematically-wise for the tribe? Hubris. Look at stories like Medea and Oedipus Rex. The parents sin, got their family nailed with a curse and then it all comes back upon their children. It plays right into the Greek aspect of the Furies as it invokes a heavy sense of tragedy.
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An anti-social migou who speaks with a migerman accent and is more focused on his precious bodily fluids and conducting experiments on other migou to care about the plan. Oh, and he carries around a much smaller migou dressed in a terrible cat costume.
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Bitchtits McGee posted:The stars of the popular fifth-column television program, The Mi-Gou Amigos, who got lost on their way to a con and mistakenly believe the adventure setting is just a really elaborate stage set-up. The Three A-Migous?
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GimpInBlack posted:There are definitely a few odd bits I'm not a huge fan of. What in particular do you hate about it? I don't hate it, but the rules for health and damage in GUMSHOE seems a bit contrived. That fact that being at or below zero isn't necessarily a bad thing is kind of off from the way most health systems work and I could see someone who isn't used to it fumbling it.
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A dracula hunter? No, this character specializes in one type of vampire.![]() We're hunting blackulas.
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Hedningen posted:This is just making my day. I'm game for seeing the Mutant RPG given it is supposed to be the precursor of Mutant Chronicles, and that setting has a special place in my heart.
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Can our summoner be an elderly man looking for the ghost of his wife and is being lead astray be a demon in the disguise of another ghost, preferably someone he knew or trusted while they were alive? He means well, but he's being played by the powers of hell for shits and giggles.
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# ¿ Feb 15, 2025 14:46 |
Mors Rattus posted:If by elderly you mean '35', sure. I, at least, never let starting characters go over 35 because at that point the Aging rules get involved, and also you tend to become way more powerful if allowed to be super old. Completely fine. Assuming Ars Magica aging is similar to the time period, that would start to put him at the point where his age would start to catch up to him and he'd have lived a pretty interesting life.
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