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Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Adding some Knacks and names inspired by those nifty pictures, as I'd like to help.

Jacqueline Kennedy
Knacks: Stay Sane+1, Common Sense+1

Devil Girl
Triska Azrael
Knacks: Scary Girl+2, Project Confidence+1, Awesome Speeches+1

Awesome Robit
Knacks: Right Tool For The Job+2, I Can Fix It+2, Good Timing+2

Basically, a straightwoman who can kinda sorta keep her cool when exasperated, a confident, hot-blooded girl who can intimidate and bluster, and a helpful robot who always seems to have the right thing at the right time to get them all out of trouble and into bigger trouble because that's how it goes.


Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Forgive me for being a bit ignorant about older games, as I only started playing RPGs in the early 2000s, but what does TORG stand for? It seems like an acronym.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Robindaybird posted:

can't do it myself, but I second the suggestion. Eberron was a setting that has bits and pieces I like but the whole set didn't appeal for reasons I can't explain.

I'd suggest this is probably, from what little I've played of Eberron, because it's really a relatively random collection of whatever seemed cool thrown together without that much actual concern for how it hangs together. I remember when I was playing in it, as a guest to a friend's RPG group, several of the ideas I was told about the setting sounded like they could be really cool if it focused on them, but it gets bored with, say, the horrible nightmare crabs from beyond reality (I hope those weren't just something my friend made up) and wants to tell you about the robot-men and oh right there was also this nuclear mage war up north (if I remember correctly) and-

You get the picture. It's a bunch of 'that seems cool' thrown together without much real rhyme or reason, so it doesn't hang together that well as a whole.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Hmm. It seems like my impression of Eberron might've been more due to playing it relatively briefly and doing so when my GM and I were still in high school (And with his less, er, attentive group). If it gets written up, I'd be happy to turn out to be wrong about it.

Especially as those crabs were pretty goddamn scary. I wouldn't mind fighting those crabs.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

So, basically, you can play a completely state sanctioned Tzarist Russian imperial Necromancer and just be a military officer who creates his own troops wherever he goes, at the behest of a benevolent but iron-fisted secret vampire emperor who genuinely seeks peace? Well. If I ever get another shot at the setting I know what I'm playing.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Is Necromancy still considered automatically evil in Eberron, since it's negative energy and blah blah blah? That and the whole 'poison is evil because poison!' thing always struck me as pretty stupid in D&D in general, so it'd be nice to have the ability to be a good assassin for whom killing is killing, front or back doesn't make much difference, or a Necromancer who uses the dead as cheap labor to build a series of affordable, reasonable low income housing and improve his community.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

DNA are good people. Aren't they the company that somehow managed to kill a Garou that came in to rip poo poo up, and are now trying to study and understand these insane, murderous creatures and how their regeneration and such can be applied, medically?

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Do it! DOOOO ITTTT! We need as much :godwin: and :moreevil: as possible, man!

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

I'm always surprised when Cthulhutech talks about Cthulhutech going under like it was a bad thing. I mean, sure, probably from the perspective of the guys who make a living on this pile, but for the rest of us, that game line failing would be a victory.

These reviews saved me from buying that game, something I'd considered several times based on the concept, and for that, I am very grateful. Still, how can they gently caress up a gunwank book? How can that possibly get terrible? The worst you usually get in those is some author getting all excited about laser sights and matte black rifles.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

InfiniteJesters posted:

I never thought I'd want to ever read Bliss Stage again, but at least its rules aren't a complicated oldschool mess like this and it doesn't have a loving metaplot.

I bolded the part the C-Tech developers seem to think is most important. I think the most bizarre part is how thoroughly, completely incapable these assholes seem of realizing that this isn't objection to SEX, it is objection to RAPE. They don't seem to get that there's a difference between the two.

Christ, I need a shower.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

I would play a campaign as a lost Knight of Cleansing, wandering this world, doing good deeds and cleaning up messes as he has hilarious misunderstandings about a world not entirely based on washing stuff and good-hearted adventures with his buddies. Goddamnit, I want this game now.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Alright, the Frankweilers sound legitimately cool. I would definitely want to play one of those. A champion of free and universal access to art, education, and learning, fighting for community theater and to bring hope to masses with kickass giant wolf powers?

Bone Gnawers in general sound a lot less insufferable than pretty much everything I've seen from White Wolf.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

God, RIFTs Africa is pretty much a distallation of everything that's wrong with RIFTs, isn't it? I mean, I hated Rifts before, and thought England was stupid as hell, but everything we've seen has just been massive piles of MDC and superattacks and one-note characters combined with uncomfortable racism and othering of cultures because it's written by a dude who doesn't bother to do more research than scribbling something metal-looking down and heading to press.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Spycraft 1.0 is probably the best 'modern' d20 game and is actually really fun, even if it retains some of the classic problems of d20, they're a lot less pronounced without wizards and clerics about.

Spycraft 2.0 ...Well, I guess they fixed the budget and gadget systems, but in return, decided to write an insanely crunchy 400+ page main book. Ugh, Spycraft 2.0. Why are you what you are.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

JohnOfOrdo3 posted:

The Orcus was everything I ever dreamed of and more. I so far haven't seen a syndrome that I dislike or couldn't think of a few cool things to do with. I cannot wait for Christmas to come so I can get my hands on this and start running it till my friends are sick to death of me :v:

Out of interest, what's your preferred syndrome Cyphoderus?

This is pretty much the truth. A buddy of mine picked this up for the holidays from my description of it from the thread, and when I was making my PC it took me awhile to pick just because not only do they all sound fun, but the combos of them sound fun. I ended up Morpheus/Salamandra and I can't wait to play with my summoned fire guns.


Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

You've really got to appreciate that Double Cross really makes sure to remind people that this is a game where a bunch of people are trying to have a good time, and that meta is going to happen and you just need to handle it. I wish more games would be upfront about that part of gaming, because while it usually isn't an issue with a long-established group of close friends, rulebooks are generally written with the hope of introducing new people to the hobby and advice like that would've been loving golden for me when I was first starting to GM games.

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