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Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Green Intern posted:

Check out the actual descriptions of different angels within the heierarchies: Burning wheels, multi-headed monstrosities, exploding suns. They're absolutely terrifying in their majesty.

For fans of angels who are also video-game fans, I highly reccomend Bayonetta. Despite being a silly Japanese action game, Bayonetta is surprisingly lore-accurate with it's depictions of angels. The angels also speak Enochian, which is pretty cool as well.

Torg. Wow, I am impressed with how bloody complicated it is, even just the die mechanic.


Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

I gotta say, half of what sells me on this game is the super-darling art.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

A Huzen 10 that's spent three million years locked in a storage warehouse with only the personal effects of the station's biggest anime fan as entertainment, and considers his obsessively complete robot maid manga collection to be a how-to guide on human-robot relations.

EDIT: In a way that's supposed to come off as extremely creepy for everyone else.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

:allears: This is going to be awesome. Thank you for F&Fing this for us, dude.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Viziers get mobile phones, Priests get liquor, and Servants get a box lunch. I like this game.

What the heck is a 'star fragment'?

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Zereth posted:

... Happymancer?

I have no idea what that is, but I want to be one!

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Traveller posted:

Fun fact: these two might as well be dead. Guess who is the most hosed?

Wait a minute, how the hell can 'complete backstabbing murderous rear end in a top hat' not be the mechanically optimal build for this system? The entire setting is built entirely to be a goddamn playground for Dio Brando! Why isn't he tearing poo poo up with wild abandon?

I know, the answer is Wick. :doom:

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Cythereal posted:

It begs the question, though. What are you, or indeed the empires of the game, supposed to be doing with these ships?

Last I recall from the time Wick spoke about it on, you're supposed to emulate 13th century Chinese river piracy. Seriously, that's what he said.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Wait, does 'Dolt' even work mechanically? It's an aspect with no invoke, and you can only tag or compel it if you've seen it invoked, tagged, or compelled first and win a contest. There's literally no way for anyone to get into a position to actually use this Aspect.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Alien Rope Burn posted:

Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand.

Geez, there's no way to underline that like, three hundred times? Oh well.

For those of us who aren't intimately aware of the horribleness of this book, could we have a quick explaination of what the heck Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand is?

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Alien Rope Burn posted:

Basically, Vampire is this grim urban politic / morality play thing, sometimes good, sometimes bad, with all sorts of weirdo vampires... but mostly stayed at the street level. Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand, on the other hand, introduced a secret vampire society with a secret city in the land of the dead made up of super-powerful vampires who were manipulating all the existing factions like puppets, fighting an extradimensional Lovecraftian disease, had a bunch of secret-supposed-to-be-dead vampires, had allies in all the other supernatural types at the time, etc. Oh and they had special superpowered human servants from super-secret families.

Oh, and they were supposed to be serving the TRUE MASTER DOUBLE-PLUS-PROBATION-SECRET VAMPIRES who were going to kill everybody.

That's incredibly stupid, even for oWoD. How did it even get published?

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Traveller posted:

The following chapter is the Seasons chapter, the longest crunch section in the book.

All of this sounds nearly fun, sort of like a more :smuggo:, landed gentry version of Ryuutama. I think if someone else re-wrote this without the focus on You are always one roll away from death! :black101: and Everything must be regimented! Especially sex! There is no such thing as love!, this could be a pretty fun game.

That's one of the frustrating things about Wick's game design oeuvre. He's got some good game design ideas, but he doesn't give a crap about mechanical balance and he gets :smuggo: all over everything.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Dear god, the 90'sness of it never stops, does it?

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

I'd like to see A-state. I remember seeing ads for that and development logs without ever really getting a good idea of what was going on with it, and Dickensian cyberpunk sounds actually kinda cool (if depressing.)

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Davin Valkri posted:

Just to make it clear for those of us who got into RPGs in the 2000s (like me), what is meant when an RPG is described as "very 80s" or "pretty 90s"? Is it just a theme of general whiny angst, or something else?

Very 80's: Graph paper. D100 random tables. Typesetting is done by physically cutting and pasting bits of type and art onto the page. The game is probably a box-set, and may well include a bunch of dice in the box that you need to draw the pips on yourself. Random chargen is big, much like hair.

Very 90's: The game is a Storytelling Adventure of Magickal Mystery that will change your life. Equipment table has separate entries for 'katana' and 'sword', and rules that encourage owning and wearing a black trench-coat, a pair of katanas and a pair of chrome-plated Desert Eagles all at once. You drive everywhere on your sweet-rear end motorcycle. There's usually some sort of secret supernatural conspiracy. The idea of mechanical rigor in rules-sets has not yet been invented.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Of course Fields was able to gently caress up a vocaloid d20 race.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Bigup DJ posted:

Speaking of '90s game design, would anyone like to me cover Metropolis? It's a supplement for Kult concerning the stuff covered here by Purple.

Totally. That sounds amazing. It sounds like an entire game setting based off of taking brown acid and staring at prog rock album covers.

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Bitchtits McGee posted:

Fat - Don't you call it "portly", "pudgy" or "stout". I won't tell you once again. Lost 1 <HP> every time you Move in Combat. Remove by not eating for one full Turn, or by returning to the Kingdom.

That is so cute. :3:

Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

Traveller posted:

Next: zany adventures!

This game will have to be extremely loving charming to make me not hate it's guts after that introduction. :colbert:


Feb 15, 2012

Now prepare yourselves! You're the guests of honor at the Greatest Kung Fu Cannibal BBQ Ever!

I'm quite impressed with Vornheim. I was surprised to discover that Zak's a actually good writer, because his posting certainly doesn't tell me that. Sure, it's a old-school-as-heck tons-of-random-tables disaster, but that's exactly what he wanted to write and as far as that genre goes this appears to be quite neat. It's very evocative.

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