(Perfectly angled golden pyramid in place of eyes, drooping snout with rows of sharklike teeth, HUGE peacock-tail wings with expressive eyes, claws and tail spikes, gills pour out hot desert sand at inconvenient times) Djehuty, the Big Wise Canine Entity Hides by transmuting its body into a friendly dog that followed Kid home. Favorite thing: consuming written equations and scientific knowledge (eg, eating one's math homework) Personality: extols on obscure mystical wisdom and the occult geometrical significance of the new cafeteria, encourages Kid to learn as much as possible and attain the Golden Crown of Ultimate Knowledge but is often disappointed with the subjects taught in school, addresses Kid as if they were the heir to the Pharaoh's throne being taught by a learned master scribe, seems to have a bone-deep rivalry with all cats and encourages Kid to stay away and NOT LEARN FROM THEM, becoming very hurt and envious when Kid plays with them or otherwise doesn't listen to its advice. Think the bizarre, questionable knowledge of Coach McGuirk along with his hamfisted, difficult-to-express desire to be a father figure. A Kid with a dad who disdains nerds and doesn't value learning would be a good match. Abilities: shoot burning sand from gills, consume knowledge by sticking tongue into people's ears to lick their brains, teleport by wrapping itself and Kid in massive wings and disappearing in a puff of feathers, hypnotize with ray of golden light from mind-bending pyramid head Wanna play this game now, this is fun!
# ¿ Apr 21, 2013 20:33 |
# ¿ Sep 16, 2024 21:28 |
Bieeardo posted:Those are some seriously awesome-looking monsters. Agreed, your and Tasoth's illustrations are fantastic Wapole. I'm amazed you turned my 10 minutes in MSpaint into a legitimately cool monster. 10 to 1 little(?) Steven Pembly's favorite anime is Yugioh. Kellsterik fucked around with this message at 03:46 on Apr 23, 2013 |
# ¿ Apr 23, 2013 03:42 |
All the Werewolf related writeups so far are making me really sympathetic to Pentex's case.
# ¿ Apr 28, 2013 05:17 |
quote:"There it is! That's the face I wanted to see! Kyahahahahaha! This party's just getting starteeeed!" I love all the oddly-worded but earnest taglines, thank you so much for posting them.
# ¿ May 5, 2013 01:18 |
Hermetic Projects sounds interesting, i'd like to hear about that.
# ¿ May 7, 2013 16:15 |
The Ordo Vagorum intrigue me, I could see using them in a game as low-level antagonists making trouble by just being a poorly informed wrench in the works. I really like how Ars Magica embraces medieval conceptions of sin and turns them into game mechanics with effects on magic, the section on what exactly constitutes being in a state of grace in different religions was great. I followed your last thread on this game where you were selling each individual House as the best one, and this writeup is definitely making me interested in trying the game for the Mythic Europe setting alone. It scratches the same itch that Dark Ages Vampire did for me, the combination of archaic magical stuff and really focusing on the peculiarities of medieval life and culture. With that in mind, I want to hear about City and Guild, but if it's not sexy enough I vote Hermetic Projects instead.
# ¿ May 9, 2013 06:05 |
quote:Ainu Cute Leaf: MP 4, Duration 1 day, Target up to 7 people, Range touch. Ritual. Creates an enormous leaf that can be used as an umbrella for up to seven people. +1 bonus to terrain-based checks in rainy weather, doesn't stack with actual umbrellas. Ainu Cute Leaf got nerfed hard, this makes my entire umbrella-based wet hiking build useless.
# ¿ May 15, 2013 19:07 |
I really like this take on the faeries, temporary shadows who are drawn to the mortal world for a purpose but don't really understand why they're doing it and tend to skip over the unimportant details. I might have to adapt some of this the next time I run Changeling.
# ¿ May 26, 2013 19:54 |
I'm not a Werewolf expert by any stretch, but aren't the Bunyip like, completely extinct? What does their book cover exactly? (please say playing the last one in the whole world )
# ¿ May 27, 2013 13:08 |
Voting for House of Hermes: Mystery Cults, let's talk Merinita baby.Gerund posted:Got it. Gonna make that character. Anyone else while I'm writing? Chatelaine butler with a worrisome facial scar who tries to submerge their lost mortal life and Arcadian trauma by completely immersing themself into the role of the perfect servant and really buying into the whole RenFair magical society of the freehold.
# ¿ Jun 5, 2013 05:58 |
Grab bag of characters from games i've run or played in: A border coyote turned mythical Coyote who specializes in traveling the Hedge looking for recent escapees to guide back into the mortal world, possibly a Blackbird Bishop. Incredibly vain Fairest gangbanger and gender-swapped Dark Queen archetype who uses his glamour to turn the local chapter of the Latin Kings into enforcers for the Summer Court. Former B-movie stuntman who is turning into one of the monstrous urban legends he was once obsessed with, and using his special effects skills to help spread his legend as a Scarecrow Minister. Mall goth and Tim Burton enthusiast who saw Arcadia as a dream come true until it turned into a nightmare, loves speaking in riddles and rhyme and wearing top hats and long coats that look less ridiculous beneath the Mask, generally tries to Ogre who works a frustrating office job to support himself and his family and tries to avoid the unstable elements in the freehold, some days when the cubicle is closing in and bills are due and his wife is distant for some drat reason, he wonders whether this Changeling business is all an elaborate fantasy he's deluded himself into believing- or is his shell of a mortal life the delusion? The wife has a headache tonight but the Hedge pixies beg to dance with him from the bedroom mirror.. Kellsterik fucked around with this message at 06:30 on Jun 5, 2013 |
# ¿ Jun 5, 2013 06:22 |
I like the idea that Merinita was on its way to becoming this Bjornaer-like House studying the mysteries of nature, until their founder suddenly disappeared under mysterious circumstances and an impostor successfully defeated the true lineage and corrupted their magic to focus on the fae instead. All the disastrous mistakes and power grabs in Hermetic history make it feel real, and it raises the importance of the player characters by suggesting the stakes in their current conflicts and how things can go wrong if they don't get involved.
# ¿ Jun 7, 2013 20:38 |
Seconding The Church, let's talk monastic orders baby.
# ¿ Jun 9, 2013 02:43 |
Let's hear about the True Lineages
# ¿ Jun 11, 2013 17:45 |
I once flipped through an old copy of Complete Psionics Handbook at a used bookstore I like and thought it looked pretty interesting
# ¿ Jun 13, 2013 08:09 |
quote:a slip of paper that says ‘Indignant woman says “Well! I never!”’ The way this is written makes me think of the actual character writing stage directions and offering them to a god of drama and theater at the start of the day, praying for the perfect setup for a putdown.
# ¿ Jun 14, 2013 20:16 |
Thamyris was a blinded Thracian bard and, according to Greek legend, the first gay man!
# ¿ Jun 19, 2013 18:28 |
This is from back in Mercere, but how do Blood of Heroes characters work as far as their relationship to a specific hero? Is there a template or suggested stats for like, Samson or Gilgamesh descendants? Could you play someone with Odysseus' blood with hyper-cunning and planning skills?
# ¿ Jun 19, 2013 18:58 |
How often do Tremere defeat their parens and get their sigils back? Is it something everyone is expected to do at some point or a rare achievement?
# ¿ Jun 19, 2013 21:48 |
I kind of like this thing where every House writeup has its own brief individual perspective on the war against Diedne, especially since there wasn't extensive info about Diedne itself. I feel like i'm getting a more complete picture of (fictional) history as each House adds something to the story.
# ¿ Jun 20, 2013 06:01 |
Yeah, I always felt like I was missing something with forking in EP and related concepts in other media. Your consciousness still comes to an end, right? How is that not dying?
# ¿ Jun 22, 2013 07:31 |
This last update pretty much sold me on Tytalus. I don't know if I would want to have one as a protagonist necessarily, but I love the idea of a House as a massive dysfunctional family whose drive to conquer is slightly stronger than their self loathing. They're like the Sith of Mythic Europe, but i'd probably play them more like the Monarch.
# ¿ Jun 22, 2013 20:34 |
Grogs! Minions! Rude mechanicals! Carousing and pratfalls!
# ¿ Jun 24, 2013 02:12 |
Or Fiddler on the Roof!
# ¿ Jun 25, 2013 00:11 |
I'm imagining the players crossing the Meridian and the GM immediately pausing the game to write up your characters in like, Legends of the Wulin.
# ¿ Jun 26, 2013 03:32 |
So...what exactly do you roll for childbirth?
# ¿ Jun 27, 2013 18:55 |
So the Children of Gaia invented Confucianism and maybe Christianity, but Islam was created by the spiritual embodiment of evil. Do I have that right?
# ¿ Jun 29, 2013 15:08 |
I know the one you mean, it was a lodge (read: prestige class) for Forsaken though, not Apocalypse. I remember a lot of "being a dog instead of a wolf is weird and devolved", it made you better at staying near mortal families and communities and less so at hunting.
# ¿ Jul 1, 2013 05:18 |
There's a fresh recruitment thread just waiting for your toll-free call! Another vote for Rhine Tribunal, btw.
# ¿ Jul 2, 2013 23:30 |
That last possibility for the Gate of Eurydice has to be the -est thing in this entire gameline.
# ¿ Jul 5, 2013 15:52 |
Cardiovorax posted:Now there's a groaner. Eclipse Phase, you fuckers. You have no idea how gratified I was to scroll down and see someone else quote that before I did. Grav-y :iamafag:
# ¿ Jul 6, 2013 06:36 |
I vote Song of Ice and Fire, I remember seeing a PBP of that game on this forum before I knew anything about that series and not having any idea what was going on.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2013 16:17 |
That might be a more accurate description of what I thought, yeah.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2013 16:23 |
If I understand the rules right: Taste of the Distant Tongue Intellego Imaginem 15 Target: Individual, Range: Arcane Connection, Duration: Sun (Base 1, +4 Arcane Connection, +2 Sun) Taste what someone else tastes for one day, for the low price of a thimble of their saliva.
# ¿ Jul 8, 2013 00:25 |
No, you understand.
# ¿ Jul 12, 2013 19:05 |
quote:Mercury = Ra (god of the sun) Really? Ra isn't just...the sun?
# ¿ Jul 12, 2013 19:45 |
That book has always been hard for me to get a handle on. Everything i've heard is that it's nothing but respectful and the kind of mature take on the subject that White Wolf always claims to have, but...it's still an RPG about ghosts fighting each other. I would read a writeup of it.
# ¿ Oct 22, 2013 01:04 |
I'm remembering this secondhand, but wasn't there an NPC who was depicted as the always prepared, contingency plan for everything type, to the point that his statblock said that if the PCs do manage to outsmart him you should pause for a few minutes to think of a way out?
# ¿ Oct 25, 2013 17:43 |
I had a mild crisis of faith when I realized that the Comte de Saint-Germain (and for that matter, the Freak) in Unknown Armies are cut from that same 90s design cloth. It's not the same, dammit!
# ¿ Oct 25, 2013 18:18 |
# ¿ Sep 16, 2024 21:28 |
Test Pattern posted:you did it Dirk Allen wins again! (that was fantastic and it never occurred to me before. Also, someone run UA)
# ¿ Oct 26, 2013 20:48 |