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Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

a kitten posted:

The powers, conspiracies, and weird compulsions really make me think of Darker Than Black, it's kind of awesome.

Oh god. If I ever play this, I am going to have to name my character November 11 now. Chain-smoking James Bond, here we come.

But yeah, you're absolutely right, this does exactly feel like Darker than Black, now I think about it.


Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

Zereth posted:

Pretty sure it's not using that system. Like, at all.

They're 'adapting' it, whatever that means. Monte is helping with that aspect of the design, so it'll probably be relatively close to what was in the corebook. I actually like the Numenera rules, so that's fine with me, but if you don't, they're intending to keep at least the flavour.

Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

Tulul posted:

Usurp Cypher: Choose a single cypher you have that has a duration longer than instant and you destroy that cypher and gain its effects continuously. Guess how many cyphers make no goddamn sense when used with this ability! :v:

Notable stuff you can get that doesn't require a GM ruling: Automatic teleportation whenever you get hit. Make anyone you punch lose their next turn. Armor 10 against fire. +4 Armor. Constant vertical flight. A level 6 companion. +1 Intellect/Might/Speed Edge. Training in any skill. Complete immunity to metal weapons (it can't come within ten feet of you). Constant Adaptation. The ability to be a loving ghost who can still make mental attacks. The constant reduction of the difficulty of a physical task by three steps. A 100-foot radius sphere around you where no one can make any kind of attack without a level 9 Intellect defense roll while they're in there or for 1d6 rounds afterwards. -2 difficulty steps for any defense or attack roll. The ability to breathe water.

The 100-ft radius with no attacking would be hilarious, because, in my reading of it, that particular cypher also applies to you. You'd literally become the love wizard. And any time you ran into a level 10 monster everyone in the area would instantly become totally and utterly screwed. Well, even more screwed than they'd be under those circumstances normally.

Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

MadScientistWorking posted:

The Antikythera mechanism kind of shots a massive hole in your argument though as it was the only device of its complexity known for 1000 years. Admittedly, that does bring up the fact that every single time we loose a piece of technology we'll pretty much reverse engineer it back again.

Which happens in Numenera too, to some extent. But there's a limit to how far something can be beyond your understanding for you to be able reverse engineer it.

Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

Woodmen and Elves, for me.

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