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Dec 19, 2012

ibntumart posted:

If PrincessWuffles posts have piqued your interest in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, you should act on that now. Today is the very last day you can buy the PDFs as the license expires tomorrow. The Premium versions of event supplements have the rulebook as their first half (don't know if that includes all the superhero datafiles from the standalone rulebook, though).

It really is a fun game. I used to be a FASERIP junkie and also loved the MURPG system, but if I were to start a Marvel campaign now, this would be my system of choice.

Besides datafiles and setting fluff, what do the other books add?


Dec 19, 2012
As far as Changeling characters, it is an amusing exercise to recreate preexisting splats using the tools given. A friend of mine basically made a Vampire Changeling (GM was a crazy person and allowed just about anything that look interesting including a "sun elemental" in the same game). Obviously, there's some holes in the construction of said "Vamp-ling," but roleplayed right it would make for a funny wild card

Dec 19, 2012
I played one game of one of the ASoIaF systems (I believe there's actually two, one being Roll-Keep) and because we were dungeon crawling and doing combat rather than playing politics or something not handled better by D&D, one player who dumped the lion's share of their points into ranged combat essentially dominated any combat encounter we had.

Dec 19, 2012

Young Freud posted:

I've always thought this about those long-term space survival scenarios, especially since the new Battlestar Galactica was always keen on spacing folks (and especially after the reveal that the Cylons have evolved into essentially humans) despite the Twelve Colonies survivors having limited resources and a desperate situation. Suck out their water, throw them into the garbage compactor and recycle them as biomass for the agriculture pods, that's what I say. Who gives a poo poo what their origins are and if they're carrying possible bioweapons, the intense heat from thermal depolymerization can destroy even the hardiest prion and cause them to separate into their basic molecular forms.

There's probably some argument about dignity and what have you and most of the biomass will still be there floating anyways. Also, what's stopping someone from coming around and picking up the body later to recycle?

Dec 19, 2012

Bitchtits McGee posted:

It wouldn't be the first WGA game on these forums.

But for now let us change tracks to what will hopefully be considered a happier subject: as of this past Friday, the Meikyuu Kingdom core books have been completely translated. Don't know exactly by whom, though, since they posted it anonymously on 4chan's /tg/ board, but here's a more permanent link to the bare-bones PDF they put together for anyone who's interested. Problem as it pertains to this thread is whether or not I should continue with my write-up (which is still ongoing, yes, I've just been busy) or let you all just read the game itself there and skip ahead to Meikyuu Days.

Keep going. These write ups are like having someone walk through the book explaining things as one goes along as opposed to taking the thing and figuring it out alone. Particularly for more novel RPGs like this one. Also, doing the same thing there incurs more comments from the peanut gallery which range from :science: to :spergin: to :getout:

Dec 19, 2012

AccidentalHipster posted:

EDIT: Super Special Awesome Audience Participation Time! I wanna show off just one of the many kicks to the nuts that this game gave to me. To simulate this, I want anybody in the thread who feels like it to throw out a character concept for me to make BEFORE I hit Character Creation. Nothing too complicated, just a few personality traits and talents with maybe what dorm they're in or a preferred type of magic for your little Harry Potter OC to swing about. Trust me, there's a good reason why I'm asking for this NOW.

Martin Cranston, charismatic with a strong sense of morality. Skilled in Alchemy and "Holy magic." Also a a bit of a jock.

Dec 19, 2012
So how smoothly does this method of organized Social Combat actually work?

Dec 19, 2012
I vote Dungeons: the Dragoning 40K 7th Edition. I believe there was one that was started but never finished. Also the steam for the game ran out after a while and the books were never fully errata'd when they were updated. A second book did come out at least with Spaceship rules, specific classes related to that(there's a truckload of classes in this game and it bothers me a little), extra races (including one that, I believe, fully allows you to get every race in Mass Effect except different) and extra Exaltations.

Dec 19, 2012
I'm sure there are now clear themes to determine what is 00's design. I'm not sure what they are though

Dec 19, 2012

AccidentalHipster posted:

A kender DMPC being trap bait at his best is perfectly in keeping with RPG writers making kender awful. I may sound like a heretic for saying this, but kender can be played in nonawful ways. I actually played a fair number of kender when I first got in to roleplay, and the only person I annoyed was the DM when I mocked his mary sues. The secret is to be Pippen Took instead of a You Testament NPC. I can't understand why so many RPG writers don't get this.

On a happier note, my copy of Double Cross came in today (well, technically yesterday) and I'll begin writing part 2 of my Dungeons: the Dragoning write-up soon. Soon meaning "When I can be pried away from DX" If anyon still wants to suggest Dungeons: the Dragoning characters, go nuts.

A Mithril Promethean Tau Tech Priest of the Omnissiah

Dec 19, 2012
An Orcish jester/clown, trained to beguile or bemuse his opponents while entertaining, invigorating and sometimes enraging his allies

Dec 19, 2012

Transient People posted:

The funny part is, this would be really easy to do in some Rolemaster offshoots (like Anima). I wonder how much of a trap choice it is in the grandaddy game?

I didn't know Anima was an offshoot of Rolemaster. It all makes sense.

Dec 19, 2012

Mr. Maltose posted:

All the premade characters are references to poo poo from anime or other game lines. Some are just more obvious than others.

Given the nature of this game, it's not surprising. One that wasn't pointed out was Marina Phoenix being essentially Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell. I'm sure LawfulNice or some anon has a list of all of the homages.

Dec 19, 2012

Cyphoderus posted:

That's good to know. I bought it ages ago but haven't gotten around to properly reading it yet. At first glance, it seemed to me like one of those crunchy "unending lists of skills and abilities" games, which threw me off a little bit.

Though realizing the stats map perfectly to AW (cool = water, hard = metal, hot = fire, sharp = air, weird = earth) got my head spinning for a hack of that game... Without even having read Qin itself. Which just goes to show how much powered by the apocalypse has taken over the gaming side of the brain...

I'm sure a Kung Fu/Wushu hack of AW could be made with stats like those. Probably crib a little from LotW, but it'd probably turn out pretty good.

Dec 19, 2012

Kurieg posted:

So clerics and Paladins draw power from inside the self, because the divine doesn't exist and they're all about self empowerment and improvement.

Yet druids exist completely unaltered.

The way teamwork feats work is you get a bonus if you fulfill a criteria with a person who also has the feat. The human racial trait just lets you act like your entire party has the feat, it doesn't actually give it to them.

On the note of Teamwork feats, isn't that the same trick Inquisitors get at 2nd or 3rd level? Also, if there's no divines, what is the Inquisitor parallel? An ardent atheist?


Dec 19, 2012

What happened to the Earthsinger dwarves? did they not get a writeup?

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