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Father Wendigo
Sep 28, 2005
This is, sadly, more important to me than bettering myself.

"Well yeah, it is going to get kind of dull with nothing but wave after wave of goblins... so cheat! BLATANTLY! The party will be so pissed off at you, they won't even remember that they've been doing nothing but roll-to-hit goblins for the past six hours! Did we mention that you can give each goblin +2 to craft: sharpened stick for each fine AEG OGL supplement you own?"

It's like the distilled essence of the OGL, bargain priced at $99.99.


Father Wendigo
Sep 28, 2005
This is, sadly, more important to me than bettering myself.

oriongates posted:

yeah, I love how they somehow think that a "properly run" fight should eat up basically an entire session and how their very first suggestion for "tactics" is to straight up fudge rolls. In fact, I don't believe a single one of the suggestions actually qualifies as tactics or strategy at all. it's all either add more monsters, cheat, or give the goblins permanent spells and special abilities for little or no reason.

I want to thank you and PoptartsNinja for doing AEG's OGL productions. They're not aggressively offensive like CthulhuTech, but the terrible laziness evident throughout was what defined my formative years trying to get into this hobby. It's very cathartic to look back and see that it wasn't me that didn't get the game.

Father Wendigo
Sep 28, 2005
This is, sadly, more important to me than bettering myself.

Alien Rope Burn posted:

So the theme with some of the Japanese monsters is "names you cannot take at all seriously if you have even a passing familiarity with Japanese"?

Given we have the "good afternoon" samurai and the "goodnight" ninja... goddammit Pinnacle, did you learn nothing since Deadlands? :cripes:
Hey, discovering levels of tastelessness usually reserved for Troma movies is technically something new.

The bestiary is fascinating in how 'all over the place with nowhere to go' it is. There's fairly odd but workable stuff like the Osterkov Dragon, ':what:' stuff like the Quisling, and enough gimmick zombies to pad the book out to a respectable length; all running with a tenuous grasp of the d20 system.

Father Wendigo fucked around with this message at 12:56 on May 29, 2013

Father Wendigo
Sep 28, 2005
This is, sadly, more important to me than bettering myself.

I'm torn.

One the one hand, Day After Ragnarok is just wonderful in the most bananas way possible from what I've been told through the FATE kickstarter.

On the other hand, Deadlands Noir has both camp-value through the roof and several painfully awkward laughs thanks to kickstarter's "Pay $XXX, and we use your face as an NPC."

Father Wendigo
Sep 28, 2005
This is, sadly, more important to me than bettering myself.

Alien Rope Burn posted:

Ammit the Beast

Number attack! 5000 M.D.C.! 1000 P.P.E.! 750 I.S.P.! 10th level fighter (this is not a class) and 4th level necromancer! Summon/control 1d4 werebeasts! Where are they summoned from? Who the gently caress knows! Electrokinesis! It's an electric gator! It can turn into any shape, like a gator shirt, and then it eats you from the shirt inside-out! It has Dance at 88%! It's a monster on the ballroom floor!

I don't know why you wouldn't take any people who call themselves "D-Bees" seriously!
This just unintentionally became my favorite write up for any monster in an RPG. It's just so bouncing-off-the-wall silly I can't NOT love it!

Plus, how could you not love someone with a smile like this?

Father Wendigo
Sep 28, 2005
This is, sadly, more important to me than bettering myself.

Alien Rope Burn posted:

All of them have a litany of magic and psionic powers I'm not detailing, because- well, it's boring to read, boring to type, so I just went gonzo and selected out a few to cover. I stop caring later on entirely, because gently caress it.

I mean Ammit can turn invisible, see the invisible, can speak any language, teleport, teleport across dimensions, takes half damage from heat, cold, and fire (does that include plasma), regenerate (including limbs), has all necromancy spells and class abilities, all physical psionic powers (including the ones in Psyscape?), is telepathic and can read minds, has a pounce attack, super-strength, can see in the dark, gets a sneak attack / backstab ability, is a expert in all wilderness skills (plus biology and math, because crocodiles need long division), etc.

And he's an example of a lesser god. Thoth's statblock basically never shuts up.
Oh God, it just hit me that he only has dance at 80% so he can recreate the Thriller music video. :suicide:


Father Wendigo
Sep 28, 2005
This is, sadly, more important to me than bettering myself.

Alien Rope Burn posted:

And since seemingly Kevin convinced himself that the Diabolist stats and magic are in the Rifts® Conversion Book. They're not, just the conversion rules for Rifts, but he refers readers to it for the Diabolist stats mistakenly. Instead, you need to refer to an entirely different game line - The Palladium RPG - to get the rules for the Diabolist. And practically every god listed here has access to Diabolist magic.


I can't wrap my head around this. It has to take effort to gently caress things up that badly.

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