Alien Rope Burn posted:The revised tribebook honestly isn't bad, I'm just remembering art like this, where every third Silent Strider looks like an extra out of Cleopatra. (And the 1st ed. version of the tribe also continued White Wolf's love affair with magic gypsies.)
# ¿ Apr 11, 2013 06:42 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 23:45 |
Kurieg posted:At first I didn't believe you but.
# ¿ Apr 11, 2013 07:53 |
Fun note: most of the rest of the "Asian shifters" from this book got further support & showed up in Revised form later on, but from what I can recall the Hakken pretty much got "outside the scope of this book, see [future book that says the same thing]" for the rest of WtA.
# ¿ Apr 11, 2013 20:31 |
And here we reach the part that, as a young oWoD player, pissed me off the most. Like any/all of these "actually pretty different from their Western varieties" shifters, like the Kumo or the Same-Bito? Too bad, this is the last place you get any material on them! Including the individual breedbooks, which came out afterwards. I remember getting the Ananasi book, all excited to find out more about the Kumo, only to get a "Kumo are totally different and mostly incompatible with the rules for Western spider-people, gently caress off". Same with the Rokea book, with the bonus of contradictory/imcomplete rules (quick, what stat mods is a goblin shark actually supposed to have?) and even more "the Same-Bito are traitors to everything" (which is funny considering that the Kumo are actually Wyrm-tainted, but got less poo poo from their breedbook).Kurieg posted:They need to pay full out-of-clan XP costs for any Gift not specifically tagged as a Nagah Gift, since they're so tightly tied to the Dragon Princes most other spirits think they can ignore them. Kurieg posted:they can inject venom with a bite. If any damage from the bite gets through, his opponent has to make another soak roll against 7 Aggravated Damage [Edit:]Then again, I remember actually liking the Kitsune, so what the gently caress do I know about anything. Let's see how embarassing that chapter actually is, without my "teenage WoD fan/weeaboo" filter glossing over the bad parts.
# ¿ Apr 14, 2013 01:35 |
Kurieg posted:Yeah, cause there were never any fox myths in Europe. Fox spirits never showed up in Native American myths. Nope, Trickster foxes only exist in Asia. This isn't even getting into the fact that the Korean equivilant to Kitsune want your tasty tasty livers and the Chinese equivilent are out to possess you and steal your penis/nipples. Did Aesop have dick-stealing liver-eating she-foxes?
# ¿ Apr 20, 2013 10:13 |
Bitchtits McGee posted:bonuses to Handle Animal and Survival checks involving "mindless vermin", which I guess would be insects? So why doesn't he just say "insects"?
# ¿ May 2, 2013 16:42 |
JohnOfOrdo3 posted:I found the idea of a personification of the hate of an entire nation and the deaths from world war 2 kind of interesting, and it could be a fantastic final boss.
# ¿ May 8, 2013 01:38 |
My vote goes: Unveiled Threats to give you a bit of a break -> Ancient Enemies because it's kind of my favorite CTech book (for how purestrain anime-RPG/"it works because it's cool" Tager games get) -> Burning Horizons because its metaplot and builds on the first two. AmiYumi fucked around with this message at 15:50 on May 9, 2013 |
# ¿ May 9, 2013 15:31 |
Man, I am loving the art in this. Adventurers who actually look like they're ready to travel, as opposed to dudes in tin cans and waifs in "gently caress-me" robes? Hell yes.
# ¿ May 10, 2013 21:26 |
Leliel the 12th posted:Really, it makes CTech even more sad and despicable. Even the actual mecha anime with eroge elements is better and less skeevy than this game!
# ¿ May 13, 2013 02:10 |
pospysyl posted:Why do the Bone Gnawers recruit so many cubs? Their Rites of Passage are a joke, and many members don’t even go to any tribal events. Many tribes accuse them of just fleshing out their numbers. There is some truth to this. The Bone Gnawers can call upon their rabble in times of need, and they will come. The rabble includes Garou with a variety of talents, most which involve violence and crime. It’s the Bone Gnawer secret weapon. It’s what makes the Bone Gnawers such effective shock troops and what makes them expendable.
# ¿ May 16, 2013 08:32 |
pospysyl posted:Rite of Man Taint Thinking back on old WW stuff, I'm surprised at how easy it was to totally derail games by being the one guy at the table not taking their purple-prose naming schemes seriously (most of Bone Gnawers excepted, of course).
# ¿ May 26, 2013 13:07 |
RE: The Bunyip, I love how the Red Talon tribebook's approach wasn't the "woe, we have slain our brothers and hastened the Apocalypse" you'd expect from a WW book. Instead, it's just a brief "we showed up, some not-wolves were there, we killed the poo poo out of them for being on our turf". Refreshing.
# ¿ May 28, 2013 00:47 |
Druggeddwarf posted:There is one golden rule in every single game of Kagematsu: He must be played by a woman. "Now recruiting female gamers to pretend to be a man being seduced by a table of greasy elfgamin' dudes who are all pretending to be women! Please show up alone, without informing friends or family beforehand."
# ¿ Jun 20, 2013 01:43 |
DAD LOST MY IPOD posted:Return to the TOMB OF HORRORS Part 9: I call it "Lost Wages." (That said, I kind of miss the old days of D&D where adventures would have you run into things like the Moilian woman in the mirror and have the response of "sure, why wouldn't she follow you through the post-apocalyptic ruins of her civilization on the hunt for a demilich?")
# ¿ Aug 12, 2013 02:07 |
DAD LOST MY IPOD posted:These glyphs, when read, unleash a 20th-level dispel magic. Spell, active magic items, potions, and everything else instantly fails.
# ¿ Aug 19, 2013 10:53 |
Hey, Ettin, do you mind if I cover the "Racial Insecurities" mini-supplement for Cthulhutech, or is that line still your horrible rape-baby?
# ¿ Oct 14, 2013 05:11 |
AccidentalHipster posted:I wonder if I should do a write up on that Naruto expansion.
# ¿ Oct 23, 2013 00:46 |
Cythereal posted:While I fully agree with and respect this position, this approach also bugs me some. Supernaturals are responsible for virtually every bad thing (and virtually every thing, period) that happens in the World of Darkness, but the Holocaust? All human, nothing supernatural involved. It's downright egregious when looked at in the context of the rest of the setting for all that I agree with the reasons why they did it.
# ¿ Oct 23, 2013 02:07 |
50 Foot Ant posted:"Real weapon ranges aren't fun because REASONS!"
# ¿ Oct 26, 2013 01:01 |
Kurieg posted:I'm not sure if their level of control within the Sabbat was ever really defined The Nagaraja were pretty cool, though, once they got the Revised treatment and actually became playable*. *IIRC they had the bizarrely-common problem in Vampire of "is supposed to have cool abilities, but they're on page XX and don't actually appear in this book"
# ¿ Oct 29, 2013 08:13 |
AccidentalHipster, how impossible/boned would an attempt to create an actual/historical ninja be in Naruto d20? You know, relies on stealth and poison and distraction, and any "mystical juju" is just sleight-of-hand.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2013 00:19 |
FMguru posted:He published one tepidly-received D20 adventure titled "What's That Smell?" which somehow failed to shatter the granite pillars that D&D3E was erected upon and send it crashing to the ground, and then he dropped it and moved on. It's terribly-written, betrays a complete lack of understanding of even the most basic aspects of 3e*, and is chock-full of character-punishing bullshit**. Also, if I remember right, it justifies being absurdly deadly for no reward with "hey, it's not like you have to keep playing; you can just flee the area like the spineless coward I know you are." *Like most poorly-written early d20 products, it's a mix of badly-designed 3e and badly-designed 2e, with many assumed (but never explained) houserules. **IIRC the only treasure is hidden well out of the way any PC would reasonably go, behind multiple double-bluff false doors and the like, and is trapped to the extent that it is 99% likely kill any PC who tries to take it at the recommended level. And after all that, it's still way under value for the adventure, and belongs to an NPC that will want it back.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2013 15:56 |
Halloween Jack posted:Kingu: Descendants of the Babylonian god, these guys are either grotesque carnival freaks or incredibly beautiful. (Mechanically, they all get a physical deformity or a mental illness.) They’re really good wizards. So beautiful.
# ¿ Nov 9, 2013 10:30 |
Count Chocula posted:Like half of Fields stuff, this starts intriguingly creepy (in a good way) and then gets gross.
# ¿ Nov 10, 2013 19:59 |
This may be the most "RPG!" art I've ever seen. Note: I do not mean this as a compliment.
# ¿ Nov 12, 2013 23:38 |
MonsieurChoc posted:Heck, the Ravnos had already been wiped out when their (average-to-good) clanbook came out! And then, later, the Vampire writing team forgot that Ravnos' death-curse was explicitly an angry curse on his lineage based on his unique discipline clouding their thoughts, and just made it "this is a thing that happens when antediluveans die".
# ¿ Nov 13, 2013 05:03 |
Libertad! posted:He's got a +13 bonus, so he's good at spotting hidden opponents, at least. Shroud's really just a second set of eyes... and a glorified translator for spirits.
# ¿ Nov 13, 2013 08:24 |
Maybe it's weird, but the more JRPGs I read, the more I dig the idea of Replays. It fixes a problem that I shouldn't have but do with way too many games of going "the setting looks neat, but how do they expect me to run this?" and gives some concrete examples of how often they expect you to call all those "at the GM's discretion" rules. Ideally these would be better explained in the rules themselves, but I think we all know at this point how likely that is. Plus, Replays serve an important function more and more Western games seem to lack: showing off the fact that at least one group of gamers playtested this poo poo.
# ¿ Nov 17, 2013 08:04 |
Hey, you know what this thread hasn't had in a while? Apologies to Ettin, hope you don't mind The game line seems to be in a rough place at the moment; the last plot book was PoD-only, everything else is getting delay after delay. Lo and behold, a "book" came out earlier this year! ...with such little fanfare I actually had no idea it was released until weeks later, when someone idly referenced it in a question! ...also it's 16 pages, 4 of which are blank! Let's take a look at: Cthulhutech: Racial Insecurity [Fetch] Spoiler warning: I kind of like it, despite my best efforts. So, after the cover (which is the same Fetch picture as the core book but flipped for some reason), the "book" opens with the Cthulhutech standard short fiction. This one is "Bean Corp", a bit about a Tager pack (and their Fetch companion) stumbling into - ugh - a cult of Horned Ones. You know, the furry rapemonster things from Damnation View? Everything goes to hell when the Fetch decides to derail the Cthulhutech Rapemonster Railroad Experience™ (which is described in-text as "a furry's wet dream") by grabbing a can off a shelf and yelling "I HAVE THE BEANS!" It comes off as an edited transcript of an actual session, because that "breaks the spell" on the rest of the party as they start laughing and making similar declarations of "bring me the beans!" and "impart unto her the beans!" as the Next time: the six pages of actual content!
# ¿ Nov 18, 2013 06:21 |
Ettin posted:Sure, I'm still picking up the series when I have some free time though! Racial Insecurity [Fetch]: Part II: The Entire Rest of the "Book" First things first: There's no "If you downloaded this book..." sidebar! Okay, starting off for real. After the intro fiction, we get a page and change of fluff about what a Fetch is; the money quotes are "like pet monkeys" and "like a permanent five-year old". Superior Fetches, which I forgot existed until now, are instead "like a[sic] permanent teenagers, with the mood swings and cruelty that often go with those years." The physiology section is where things get interesting: Fetch Physiology posted:While they may identify as "he" or "she", they don't actually have the sexual characteristics to support either ... as such, they cannot be influenced in any manner that requires sexuality. This includes the seduction abilities of any creature, whether they be magical or not. The "book" goes on to reiterate that Fetches are pretty much little humaniform balls of otherworldly energy, so of course they can't be Tagers/Engel pilots/para-psychics/anything else that would ruin our precious canon. Instead, it suggests that Fetch PCs pursue that great path to power in Cthulhutech that is Sorcery. Then it points out the "Fetch sorcerers may enjoy the ability to summon more of their own kind" and oh boy I don't see that going anywhere other than the ST flipping a table and storming off. Anyway. Rules! It recommends Fetch PCs be restricted to Arcane Underground or Eldritch Society games, because of course a tiny magical gremlin is balanced alongside a Guyver suit. You are also told to decide if your Fetch is bound to a particular sorcerer or not - of course, being Unbound is presented a page later as an Asset you have to spend points on during character creation, but why bother with those details here? Playing a Fetch is both a racial template and an Asset; you can either take standard Fetch for 1 point or go Superior Fetch for 2 points. What does paying the same price as being double-joined or being friends with a couple mid-level bureaucrats get you? Well, that varies by subtype. Regular Fetches posted:Fanged Dwarf: +1 Agility, +1 Strength, Nightvision, Thermal Vision, 3x Climbing Speed Superior Fetches posted:Vicious Gremlin: +2 Strength, +1 Perception, +1 Tenacity, Acute Smell/Taste, Nightvision, Thermal Vision, 3x Climb Speed Fetches have a big ol' list of Assets and Drawbacks they aren't allowed to take, and Alluring/Sexy Voice only apply to other Fetches (despite them being asexual and immune to seduction ). And, just because, Fetches also get a free point in the Occult skill and can bump it to 4 during chargen (Superior Fetches get 2 points and can bump to 5), 4 free ranks in R'lyehan, 4 free ranks in Tsath-yo, and 4 free ranks in four other languages. Also free natural weapons of pointy teeth (+0/+1) and claws (-1/+0), double Orgone/Ruach (just like having a bad case of tentacle cock), and Fear Factor 12. Game balance! Next up is the Asset section, most of which I've covered already. The only one left is the 4-point "Re-Summonable" Asset; if you take this, it means that you've taught the rest of the party and/or some other sorcerers the specific parts to add to the "Summon Fetch" ritual to bring you back from the outer realms if you get killed in the Real World. So, for 4 points - the same as being a basic Tager or Latent Para-Psychic - your character is a literally immortal magical gremlin. Again, sign me the gently caress up. Now, at this point I was starting to wonder: if Fetch PCs are supposed to be a thing, how are they expected to get through all the NEG checkpoints and vital scans and such? I mean, they're otherworldly monsters summoned by illegal magic, their very existence is illegal. Maybe that's why the "book" has been pushing Fetches toward sorcery - they'll have some kind of disguise spell, or artifact? Hahaha NOPE. Playing Fetches posted:One of the most important parts of playing a fetch is figuring out how to disguise yourself, so that you can maneuver in "polite society." Playing Fetches posted:Learning to say, "That's my dad, right over there," can work wonders when hidden in the folds of a hoodie. And...that's it. The rest of the "book" is just two pages of example stat-blocks (which I'm pretty sure are reprinted from the Core and Vade Mecum), followed by an ad and four pages of blank white. Definitely glad I paid extra for PoD! AmiYumi fucked around with this message at 01:42 on Nov 20, 2013 |
# ¿ Nov 20, 2013 01:39 |
Hipster Elf Scholar, who was into everything you like before you were even born.
# ¿ Nov 21, 2013 10:12 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 23:45 |
Selachian posted:That's a funny-looking P in the title. When I first glanced at the image, I thought it said Gor.
# ¿ Dec 23, 2013 22:54 |