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Dec 9, 2008
My bet is that it's an early mix. The radio station says "the official version will be out tomorrow." We'll see if that's true.


Apr 6, 2009

I agree with it being a pre-master mix, the volume of the track seems to be all over the place.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
That file is also only 128 kbps. It's going to sound muted and poorly mixed.

Apr 6, 2009

Big Mean Jerk posted:

That file is also only 128 kbps. It's going to sound muted and poorly mixed.

128kbps isn't going to make the track volume be all over the place though.

Dec 9, 2008
And now the radio station website just has a youtube link to a fan remix ( I think this is the biggest confirmation yet. They're trying to cover their asses.

Dec 6, 2004

I'll be honest, I don't entirely understand where this leaves us.

the black husserl posted:

Human After All was the opposite of a safe album, you gotta be high to think it was the obvious choice.

The last time Daft Punk will risk alienating their audience with high concept.

Yeah, I did not expect a Videodrome-esque vibe from a Daft Punk video. Though my excitement for this album is still high. I made this in anticipation:

Donovan Trip
Jan 6, 2007
A thread ago people were listening to a ten hour edit of a 16 second loop.

veni veni veni
Jun 5, 2005

Photex posted:

128kbps isn't going to make the track volume be all over the place though.

On the SNL clip the mix sounds really nice so I'm sure it's just not the final version.

the black husserl posted:

I swear to god I said this verbatim about "robot rock" 8 years ago.

Here's a version that goes somewhere for ya.

Dec 24, 2008
The best part of the album so far is the film stock they used for the "Get Lucky" visuals

the black husserl
Feb 25, 2005

I used to open sets on 80s night by fading "raining blood" into this track, big thanks to daft punk for introducing me to it.

Edward Mass
Sep 14, 2011

𝅘𝅥𝅮 I wanna go home with the armadillo
Good country music from Amarillo and Abilene
Friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever seen

JSnake posted:

And now the radio station website just has a youtube link to a fan remix ( I think this is the biggest confirmation yet. They're trying to cover their asses.

As I stated in the OP, any 'leak' is almost definitely fake. I'm not going to trust any source unless Daft Punk and/or Columbia Records puts it on their respective pages.

Jun 12, 2008

CaptainYesterday posted:

As I stated in the OP, any 'leak' is almost definitely fake. I'm not going to trust any source unless Daft Punk and/or Columbia Records puts it on their respective pages.

How the hell do you fake completely new verses by Pharrel? :confused:

I guess they could've gotten an incredibly good impersonator but it's pretty far fetched.

Edward Mass
Sep 14, 2011

𝅘𝅥𝅮 I wanna go home with the armadillo
Good country music from Amarillo and Abilene
Friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever seen
Oh, wait. Nevermind. I thought it was a fake track, and the radio station rescinded it.

May 2, 2002
f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c

JSnake posted:

So either someone has a perfect Pharrell impersonation, came up with lyrics that perfectly go along with the song and added new song elements on top of that or... this is a radio edit leak of Get Lucky.

File not found :(

Anyone have a mirror or would that be considered :filez:?

Jun 3, 2008

quadratic posted:

File not found :(

Anyone have a mirror or would that be considered :filez:?

This showed up in my Facebook feed just now. It's streamed, so hopefully it's not considered filesharing.

Muck and Mire
Dec 9, 2011

CaptainYesterday posted:

As I stated in the OP, any 'leak' is almost definitely fake. I'm not going to trust any source unless Daft Punk and/or Columbia Records puts it on their respective pages.

This might be like the fourth leak in Daft history. Discovery demos leaked, HAA leaked, this unfinished but legit track leaked, and I think tour dates for the 07 tour leaked a bit before they were officially announced. Beyond that the OP is completely correct.

Jun 13, 2003

Professor Gavelsmoke

Muck and Mire posted:

This might be like the fourth leak in Daft history. Discovery demos leaked, HAA leaked, this unfinished but legit track leaked, and I think tour dates for the 07 tour leaked a bit before they were officially announced. Beyond that the OP is completely correct.

How different are the Discovery demos from the album versions?

Apr 5, 2012

Tagging the streets and humming the bassline.
I thought the Discovery "demos" were just fan made deconstructions/remixes of the songs from Discovery with one or two original tracks because you get famous by not having your name on your original works/remixes, I guess

Muck and Mire
Dec 9, 2011

I don't actually know myself, I just recall that in the history of Daft Leaks some tracks from Discovery were among them. I can't find anything googling (the album came out in 2001, remember) but if I remember correctly they were very close to the album versions?

Jun 21, 2011
Welp, it's on beatport now:

Doctor Claw
Dec 25, 2007
I'll get you next time Gadget - next time!
The vocal bridge is the telltale sign here - this track is legitimate. I definitely think it's a premaster - it's barely compressed and there are a lot of weird peaks, but yeah, this is the song. Kinda wish "THE ROBOTS" were in it a little more.

Apr 24, 2004

If this is a fake they did it in no time. Doesn't pharrell l make a phonix refence in the video? Also it has those pharrell space refences.

the black husserl
Feb 25, 2005

If it isn't real then the fakers have synthesized a pharell, which is a much more impressive achievement than faking a daft punk song.

Jul 7, 2009

Let's get drunk and kiss each other all night.
A Pharrell Hologram. Pharrellologram.

May 2, 2002
f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c
Arguing that it's fake is stupid, but I think it's pretty clearly not the final mix.

The Walking Dad
Dec 31, 2012
How would some random radio station get such a lovely version of this song? It didn't even have some of the guitar parts we have heard in the interviews.

Jul 16, 2009
Yeah, this honestly seems pretty fake to me.

Lord Krangdar
Oct 23, 2007

These are the secrets of death we teach.
It's probably compiled from the clips we've heard so far and maybe some that haven't yet made their way to the general public.

Ringo Star Get
Sep 18, 2006

I'm a huge closet Daft Punk fan, to the point when I started sharing it with my friends they were surprised. I love the dance-beat feeling of their songs, especially all of Discovery, I can listen to that whole album over and over.

Surprised there hasn't been any Daft Punk avatars made from the clip from Random Access Memories. If I was any bit of skilled I'd do it myself :( Can anyone make an avatar of the drum hands at :14 and the guitar finger bit at :17? I'll worship you!

Nov 22, 2004


priznat posted:

A Pharrell Hologram. Pharrellologram.

In the shape of a Pharrelelogram.

Mar 27, 2006

quack quack

Am I the only one that doesnt think it even sounds like Pharrell in this "leak"? The volume jumps between the verses and the chorus, and the accent sounds different.

Sharks Eat Bear
Dec 25, 2004

I honestly don't see how anyone can think this 'leak' is real. A good Pharrell impression, yes, but to me it doesn't sound like Pharrell, poor mix/quality aside. Of course, like everyone else I am just speculating and could be wrong, but this smacks of fake to me. If anything the similarities between the lyrics and Pharrell's comments from the Collaborators video make it even more obviously fake to me. AND WHAT'S MORE I doubt that the song just abruptly starts with the groove like that. :colbert:

I'll be damned if it isn't a good fake, and fun to talk about, though! :)

Mar 27, 2006

quack quack

I think what makes it obvious it's fake is that the vocals in the verse and the chorus sound like 2 completely different recordings. Compare the sound, accent, etc. It's not the same person. It's very well made though aside from those glaring flaws.

Apr 24, 2004


Ringo Star Get posted:

Surprised there hasn't been any Daft Punk avatars made from the clip from Random Access Memories. If I was any bit of skilled I'd do it myself :( Can anyone make an avatar of the drum hands at :14 and the guitar finger bit at :17? I'll worship you!

I both love those parts. I'd take a nile rogers avatar just smiling and swaying back and forth.

Nov 14, 2002

A dark black past
is my most valued
So who wants to avatar-toxx themselves on whether this is fake or not :unsmigghh:

edit: actually that's a terrible idea, let's just say if you're convinced it's fake, you can toxx over it

het fucked around with this message at 22:28 on Apr 17, 2013

Riot Bimbo
Dec 28, 2006

Who cares if its fake or not, the quality is kinda rough, but it's a good edit if it is, and it's a far sight better than the fan remixes I've heard so far. I can appreciate Daft Punk fandom, as I think they deserve it, but I can't enjoy most of these fan remixes. If this is fake, it's the best one I've heard musically. Apparent sound/editing issues aside. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that Daft Punk has apparently gone out of their way to use live sound, and it totally defeats the purpose and destroys the feel of it when some wanna-be DJ looking for 15 minutes of fame starts sampling it and turning it into another cliche dance track.

Jan 17, 2006

Yeah, I know it's a drag...
but wastin' pigs is still radical.
Looks like it's real...

Jan 19, 2009

Carpe Noctem
Fake or not, I love it, and I've had it on repeat for the last 30 minutes. Thinking about repeating it all night, staying awake to see if I get lucky. Already preordered the album, can't wait for 21st of May.

I'll put it on my turntable, turn it on, lean back and anjoy. It'll be a great afternoon.

May 2, 2002
f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c
lol at people thinking the new Pharrell vocals are faked


Jun 19, 2004

This sounds like the final mix

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