echinopsis posted:im trying to learn electronics a bit buy an arduino and then call yourself a Hacker/Maker because you flashed that LED using code someone else wrote
# ¿ Jul 22, 2013 11:57 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 03:29 |
i dumped the ROM from my cars ECU, disassembled the code, and have been slowly working through trying to figure out what it does what's weird is that even though it's pure 8052 assembly you can see where different people worked on it because the code is so different
# ¿ Jul 22, 2013 20:19 |
movax posted:dude, share this it's a bosch motronic ml4.1 system from a peugeot 4-cylinder 1.9L, but the same basic system was in a few late 80s cars, and other 80s motronic systems aren't massively dissimilar - porsche, bmw, opel, fiat, alfa, etc http://www.sendspace.com/file/s3oyjg - contains original binary dump, disassembly, and a circuit diagram (which is from a different car, but is 95% identical) 0x0000-3fff is code. engine maps and constant tables start at 0x4000. code is only about 20% commented right now, and only a few tables fully identified Sweevo fucked around with this message at 20:51 on Jul 22, 2013 |
# ¿ Jul 22, 2013 20:48 |
got any links? trying to follow what the hell is going on with the rpm calculations is driving me crazy.
# ¿ Jul 23, 2013 17:44 |
jackdh4x0r posted:here is the wiki site we setup. I had to cancel my vhost so it is hosted by another guy thanks, that gives me some reading material for this evening. i meant how the code actually works out RPM from the flywheel pickup. timing is accurate to 0.75 degrees, but i can't work out how as the timing teeth are 6 degrees apart. i guess it's different on the jetronic because it only does fuel, whereas the motronic does ingition too. the timing code is all interrupt-driven and has multiple tooth counters going on, and can compensate for mis-counted timing teeth. its really hard to follow i figured out the table-reading code a while back. it's not how I would have written it, but it makes sense once you get your head round it. it reads like they were trying to save ROM space. the early motronics only had 8K so that makes sense, but mine has 32K and is 40% empty so they could have done it much more simply. i guess they just stuck with code they knew worked?
# ¿ Jul 23, 2013 19:33 |
"whats's this strange box doing here?" "zomg ur hacking da govment!" "you are sentenced to 80 years in prison for treason"
# ¿ Jul 26, 2013 12:47 |
Jonny 290 posted:whats worse. young sperglords or old ones *rips efi off car and replaces it with a carb that's been sitting in the shed for 40 years* *swears its better despite the car now having 100hp less*
# ¿ Aug 1, 2013 16:30 |
spankmeister posted:uk is 240v so it'll be a bit less amps even. its 230V it's actually 230V +/- 10% so you should make sure your calculations are correct for anything between 207-253V
# ¿ Aug 12, 2013 10:41 |
quazi posted:Everybody is familiar with the concept of a bloated installer. Stuff like iTunes, NVIDIA drivers, the whole OS.. and not just Windows -- Mac users are having to deal with this crap too. Everything is getting too fat, and it's not just the nerd siting in the chair.
# ¿ Aug 12, 2013 18:29 |
and why he posts hour long videos of himself opening his mail "oh look, someone in spain sent me six LEDs, lets talk about them for 15 minutes"
# ¿ Aug 24, 2013 11:00 |
802.11weed posted:gonna buy three electromechanical pinballs from the mid-late 70s. i do not have room for 'em but gently caress it, it's a good deal late 70s is probably the last time any of them didn't have any parts missing
# ¿ Aug 27, 2013 14:19 |
why not make a game people actually want to play? instead of "lovely rougelike #2347"
# ¿ Sep 1, 2013 21:19 |
i honestly wasn't trying to be a jerk (it does read that way though). it just seems sort of pointless that people keep reinventing such a boring type of game.
# ¿ Sep 1, 2013 21:57 |
was he half-deaf and covered in burns
# ¿ Sep 3, 2013 00:28 |
Doc Block posted:Ugh. Looks like I'm gonna have to use two MCUs for my stupid beer temperature logger thing. you can read multiple digital inputs/switches with one pin if you connect the inputs through a resistor ladder to an a/d pin. you can easily get 6 inputs on one pin
# ¿ Jan 11, 2014 18:31 |
I keep meaning to get back to some of my old DOS programming projects. I started making a graphics library that targeted only old cards (Hercules/CGA/MCGA/Plantronics) but got bored with it. I also started writing a TCP library and got as far as setting up an interrupt handler for the packet driver, receiving ethernet packets, and sorting out ARP packets for processing, but then I discovered mTCP already existed.
Sweevo fucked around with this message at 16:07 on Feb 12, 2014 |
# ¿ Feb 12, 2014 11:53 |
change the transistor for a mosfet. there's less voltage drop across them when fully switched on.
# ¿ Feb 14, 2014 12:38 |
"faster" is relative. you're not switching at RF frequencies. even the slowest mosfet is plenty fast enough for pwm voltage control
# ¿ Feb 23, 2014 20:57 |
Doc Block posted:the PCB for my fume extractor came in i see the eagle auto-router hasn't improved "hey lets route traces 0.5mm from solder points even though there's 10mm of space"
# ¿ Mar 11, 2014 15:32 |
it's not like it's moronically stupid. the solder mask will stop you creating shorts 95% of the time. it's just the auto-router doesn't seem to make the best use of space, and will do things like route really close to a component, or between the legs on a chip when there's another route available. its main priority is to reduce the number of vias (the plated holes that join the traces on one side to those on the other). on big densely-routed boards that matters because you often have to pay the PCB manufacturer extra if you exceed a certain number (say 500), but for small boards with 10 components it still assumes routing really close to component pins is better if it reduces the number of vias from 4 to 3. Sweevo fucked around with this message at 15:55 on Mar 11, 2014 |
# ¿ Mar 11, 2014 15:50 |
stick to serial for now. there aren't really any simple ways to do video. it would be great if there was a single chip solution that looked like a ram chip to the cpu so you could just wire it up and anything you wrote to it appeared on the screen, but there's isn't one that i know of. all you can get are either crt controller chips that require their own ram, an external DAC, and 20 ttl glue logic chips, or 90s-era vga/svga chips which are designed to work from an intel style bus and all come in annoying surface-mount packages and are hard to get hold of in single quantities. for a basic system i'd go for the z80 over the 6502 as well. the 6502 is a scrub tier processor with weird bus timing that makes using peripheral chips awkward. whereas a z80 will literally work with anything. z80-compatible peripheral chips are far more common, and cheaper too.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 13:57 |
Citizen Tayne posted:It's probably the most influential microprocessor ever made. lmao no
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 15:48 |
Citizen Tayne posted:The 6502 singlehandedly took microcomputing out of the realm of expensive hobbyist toys and into the average dining room. If you don't recognize the effect that had, you aren't qualified to have an opinion. not really, the computers it was used in did that sure, but that's not really down to the 6502 itself is it. home adoption of microcomputers was driven by falling prices and available software libraries, not the cpu those computer happened to contain the 6502 isn't what made the 2600, c64, or NES a success. Sweevo fucked around with this message at 16:07 on Mar 12, 2014 |
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 16:04 |
please enlighten us what was "influential" about the 6502. not why it was popular, because popular != influential. what specifically about the processor itself was influential? because it wasn't the bus design, or the instruction set, or the programming model, or the hardware design, or the production method, or anything like that.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:22 |
Citizen Tayne posted:You are an autism victim if you don't understand how popular = influential. The 6502 was cheap enough to put a computer in every house that wanted one. A lot of people cut their teeth on programming with them. More users meant a larger and more diverse software library. this whole discussion started because a guy wants to build his own computer, now in 2014, not in 1977. and your whole argument is "the 6502 was in a popular product, therefore it is good, therefore the guy building his own computer today should choose it over the cheaper/better alternatives."
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:35 |
i dunno. i think building one can be a good learning exercise. the big plus point to 8-bit stuff is that all the chips are available in DIP packages so it's easy to hand solder everything, and adding memory and peripheral chips is really simple. even just the step up to 16-bit means everything is surface mounted and the bus designs don't really lend themselves to just slapping on more chips and everything just working. plus 8-bit cpus are slow enough that you don't have to worry about all the spergy stuff like track lengths and clock phasing
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:49 |
Dr. Honked posted:i've seen a 2N3055 explode in a shower of sparks and a dribble of glowing molten metal. good poo poo 2n3055s are all fake now. an old 70s one would still work fine while glowing red hot
# ¿ Mar 16, 2014 23:54 |
Doc Block posted:looks like UnrealEd supports OS X now. all real game developers already use windows/linux toolchains, so all osx support means is more terrible amateur games, probably about slenderman
# ¿ Mar 19, 2014 21:57 |
Luigi Thirty posted:if i wanted to buy a AY-3-8910 off the internet, how can i reduce my chances of buying a fake chinese knockoff? the chinese knockoffs generally do work. whether they last 20 years of 24/7 use is another thing, but i guess it depends what you want it for. otherwise a lot of the new-old stock chips are real 8910s with the registers at different addresses that were made for OEMs back in the day. if you're modifying/writing your own software then these are perfectly fine. otherwise the yamaha clones like the YM2149F seem to be easier to find Sweevo fucked around with this message at 17:55 on Mar 20, 2014 |
# ¿ Mar 20, 2014 12:58 |
i mean actual games, not fart apps and angry birds knockoff #2957
# ¿ Mar 20, 2014 14:02 |
# ¿ Mar 25, 2014 11:59 |
Mr SuperAwesome posted:bonus points if u can figure out wtf is going on in these functs, double bonus points if you can guess how it relates to crypto bitcoins
# ¿ Mar 29, 2014 19:02 |
everything you bought on aliexpress is guaranteed fake - especially if it was the SCRs
# ¿ Mar 29, 2014 22:55 |
power botton posted:brewing beer is like repairing your own manual car. like yeah its useful i guess but these days i can just pay someone to do it for me and itll be much more reliable. you're one of those people who thinks paying someone to change a light bulb is something to brag about aren't you
# ¿ Mar 30, 2014 15:44 |
N.Z.'s Champion posted:thanks with email couldn't you just stick the uuencoded file in a non-standard header?
# ¿ Apr 5, 2014 21:44 |
computer toucher posted:3D sucks because all 3d films are poo poo and they think gimmicky scenes throwing things out of the screen at you is a substitute for a plot
# ¿ Apr 22, 2014 11:21 |
echinopsis posted:http://www.ebay.com/itm/200958985606?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 they look like JST PH connectors.
# ¿ Apr 26, 2014 22:44 |
Sagebrush posted:seriously. while shilling for arduino at the maker faire i actually encountered a guy who started ranting about "well this is good for CHILDREN *smorgkt* but you know, most people are just blinking an LED, they should get a 555, it's so much more efficient" and so on i thought most people's beef with the arduino crowd was because of the endless stream of 10,000 word blog posts they churn out about "hey check it out i made an LED flash using only a $35 microcontroller board and some code someone else wrote!"?
# ¿ Jul 3, 2014 11:29 |
Luigi Thirty posted:another that increments between one of multiple outputs on each pulse (i don't know what this is called) decade counter?
# ¿ Jul 3, 2014 18:53 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 03:29 |
ol qwerty bastard posted:maybe i'll include an arduino and some blinking LEDs no, you need one arduino per fan, and an ethernet shield for each so that they can communicat with another arduino that blinks the LED
# ¿ Jul 3, 2014 19:04 |