Angry Moo Cow posted:I have to build a dresser for my daughter. It's more of a chore than a project funny carpenter
# ¿ Jul 22, 2013 16:05 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 13:45 |
My hobby is posting
# ¿ Jul 22, 2013 18:51 |
Angry Moo Cow posted:cops raid those places all the loving time in this country weed is apparently bad according to the New Zealand Police sounds like a boring job
# ¿ Jul 23, 2013 01:10 |
802.11weed posted:you guys wanna see some really fuckin janky electronic hack? I don't understand what's happening here.
# ¿ Mar 2, 2014 04:29 |
Valeyard posted:i wrote a python script to crawl through sa and download all the attachments to try to find something i can get an ik to switch to my av, but it takes far too long and multi threading doesnt seem to work too well I don't understand what any of this means.
# ¿ Mar 2, 2014 05:58 |
My dad would have understood. He did all that electronics stuff, and died impoverished at 46.
# ¿ Mar 2, 2014 06:32 |
Doc Block posted:Also, don't dump that poo poo down a stainless steel sink. Oh yeah, that reminds me of high school chemistry when our teacher would tell us to just dump lead chromate down the sink.
# ¿ Mar 3, 2014 01:39 |
Weed: Not even once.
# ¿ Mar 10, 2014 16:11 |
Jonny 290 posted:One thing that you could do would be to pull out the tubes ONE AT A TIME, look them up for pinout and check to make sure you have: I've got one hand in my pocket, and the other one's taking potentially lethal voltage.
# ¿ Mar 11, 2014 14:23 |
Wintering Stinkbug posted:I want to make my own 8 bit mini. I went on a binge and bought a 6502 knock off. I also bought 32kb of ram, and 16kb of rom that should be bus compatible. I have something I think will work for a keyboard controller. What I don't know how to do is provide video out. I've thought about just doing a serial interface at first, but I'd rather just start with video out. I can't find anything that will really work. Monochrome is fine. Anyone have any suggestions?
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 14:25 |
Oh. Minicomputer, like a PDP-8? Those didn't use 6502s and were 12-bit anyway.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 14:27 |
It owns that millions of people who think they're really smart misuse the phrase "8-bit" every day.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 14:30 |
*puts on KNOW YOUR ROOTS NES t-shirt* *was born in 1993*
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 14:31 |
Ignorance owns. I love not knowing what things are. Tone in and drop out.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 14:36 |
I'm curious how much Wintering Stinkbug paid for his $1.26 in obsolete silicon.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 14:38 |
Wintering Stinkbug posted:Shipping and handling was more expensive than the parts. $10 for all the chips together. I think the processor was $6. I had everything else I need. Who owns the rights to the 6502 now or did MOS survive the death of Commodore? It's probably the most influential microprocessor ever made.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 15:40 |
Sweevo posted:the 6502 is a scrub tier processor Get the gently caress outta here.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 15:42 |
Sweevo posted:lmao no The 6502 singlehandedly took microcomputing out of the realm of expensive hobbyist toys and into the average dining room. If you don't recognize the effect that had, you aren't qualified to have an opinion.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 15:52 |
Sweevo posted:not really, the computers it was used in did that sure, but that's not really down to the 6502 itself is it. home adoption of microcomputers was driven by to falling purchase prices and available software libraries, not the cpu those computer happened to contain The 6502 was one-sixth the price of competing CPUs and you're too loving stupid to realize how that was influential even though you cite falling prices as one of the reasons for widespread microcomputer adoption. lmao
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 16:07 |
I'm not angry. I'm really happy when I get to own people for saying stupid poo poo.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 16:36 |
Sweevo posted:please enlighten us what was "influential" about the 6502. not why it was popular, because popular != influential. what specifically about the processor itself was influential? because it wasn't the bus design, or the instruction set, or the programming model, or the hardware design, or the production method, or anything like that. You are an autism victim if you don't understand how popular = influential. The 6502 was cheap enough to put a computer in every house that wanted one. A lot of people cut their teeth on programming with them. More users meant a larger and more diverse software library. Were it not for MOS pushing prices into the basement, the computing landscape would look very different now. What hosed up idiot world do you live in where popular products are not influential? Do you live in a world where everything is judged solely on technical merit?
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:27 |
It's cool to just admit you're wrong and move on, Sweevo. No need to dig yourself into a deeper hole.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:29 |
Sweevo posted:this whole discussion started because a guy wants to build his own computer, now in 2014, not in 1977. and your whole argument is "the 6502 was in a popular product, therefore it is good, therefore the guy building his own computer today should choose it over the cheaper/better alternatives." It's okay to admit you're wrong, you know.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:36 |
Even Walmart has them.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:38 |
There's a reason no one uses right bit computers now: they were really clunky bad poo poo. Nostalgia for stuff like that seems to be limited to people who never actually had to use it.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:41 |
Sweevo posted:i dunno. i think building one can be a good learning exercise. the big plus point to 8-bit stuff is that all the chips are available in DIP packages so it's easy to hand solder everything, and adding memory and peripheral chips is really simple. even just the step up to 16-bit means everything is surface mounted and the bus designs don't really lend themselves to just slapping on more chips and everything just working. plus 8-bit cpus are slow enough that you don't have to worry about all the spergy stuff like track lengths and clock phasing Walmart has computers if you need one that badly.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:51 |
It isn't a joke.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2014 17:55 |
Doc Block posted:some guitar pedal thing the chick from portlandia used back when she was in a band called sleater-kinney I've never heard of Sleater-Kinney.
# ¿ Mar 16, 2014 07:13 |
Werthog 95 posted:*in coach z voice* i had that once lol
# ¿ Mar 20, 2014 14:31 |
Shaggar posted:Edmund scientific was rad as hell http://www.sciplus.com
# ¿ Mar 28, 2014 15:17 |
sports posted:i live next to this That owns. They own.
# ¿ Mar 30, 2014 02:13 |
Sagebrush posted:i calculated it enough to ensure that the resistance + inductance of the coil would be enough that it wouldn't melt in the pulse but haven't really gone beyond that, no. i can never wind coils nicely enough that the calculations would be accurate anyway and i don't have an lcr meter so eh. You're going to electrocute yourself.
# ¿ Mar 30, 2014 03:30 |
Trig Discipline posted:for added safety, the other hand should be making a peace sign or playing the piano lol
# ¿ Mar 30, 2014 04:42 |
Elder Postsman posted:post a video and pics. thx. For Smythe's sake, make sure the video has you launching a stiletto heel into your balls
# ¿ Mar 30, 2014 05:21 |
Doc Block posted:i think it's just the lighting. it's in actuality a brownish color. Much like your posts!
# ¿ Mar 31, 2014 20:09 |
SRQ posted:#1, which is now complete and boring: Build the ultimate computer as of 1999 for video games. I play quake and old dos games on it occasionally, it's fun to have. I wish your project was not posting!! lol
# ¿ Jul 8, 2014 02:31 |
Sagebrush posted:prepare for There is only one fundamental way to store your posts, in the trash. lol
# ¿ Jul 11, 2014 18:53 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 13:45 |
Bloody posted:grolar bears and pizzlies are both reproductively viable I smell a goon project.
# ¿ Jul 1, 2015 19:00 |