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Jun 21, 2004

<humorous/insulting caption>
I created a database/web interface/android app to catalog my movies so I don't have to remember off hand how many copies of Howard the duck I already own the next time I see it for $4.99 at Best Buy (answer? still zero). Tweaked it so my in-laws could have their own database (oddly enough, they don't own Howard the Duck either).

Also re-writing an old C++ game from High School into C#/MonoGame. 8-bit feel with original 1999 graphics (so what if N64 was out by then, gently caress you)!

Sweevo posted:

buy an arduino and then call yourself a Hacker/Maker because you flashed that LED using code someone else wrote

Oh yeah, I did that too, got it up to 32 LEDs + 2 7-segs (that's 48 fuckin LEDs with the decimals!). Blinked some lights with my RaspberryPi too. Trying to figure out how to wire my lights to the thing so I can control them from the intarwebs (by trying to figure out, I mean actual wiring so I don't burn my house down, EE != electrician).


Jun 21, 2004

<humorous/insulting caption>

Werthog 95 posted:

an ee with an arduino

a shameful ee

Me? My Motorolla HC12 is in storage. Sorry.

Jun 21, 2004

<humorous/insulting caption>

DaTroof posted:

how's monogame working for you?

It's going good. But I'm doing really-simple 2D drawing. Only found one function so far without an implementation (something about Texture mipmap-level copying). The old game was based in DOS, so I'm not aiming too high here.

It installed pretty easily and runs with VS Express 2012 (which Microsoft's own XNA does not), so that's a plus.

Jun 21, 2004

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DaTroof posted:

nice. if it can handle sprite animation it might be good enough for me. i've been aiming to make my thing cross-platform and think i'd much rather work in c# than java

There's no inherent sprite/cell sheet support, everything is a texture. If you use an animation sheet, you would load the whole texture and define a draw rectangle within that texture (e.g. if you have 10 50x50 animation frames in a sheet, you might set a draw rectangle to (x=50,y=0,w=50,h=50) to pick the second image). You move the draw rectangle according to the frame you want. If you have individual animation images, you'd load them into an ordered sequence (list, array, whatevs) and index into the array to find the current texture to draw. Basically you'll end up creating your own Sprite class, but it's not difficult.

Jun 21, 2004

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uG posted:

How have you not killed yourself yet?

I gets harder every day man.


Jun 21, 2004

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Werthog 95 posted:

a guy at my last job used to give lectures on good software engineering practices and i'd always stop and chat with him for like a half hour every time i ran into him in the breakroom

then a friend of mine joined his project and discovered the guy was completely full of poo poo, hardly did any work, threw together fake demos for his presentations

Isn't that the definition of teaching? Saying and not doing?

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