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Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
The only thing I didn't like was Mycroft saying "I'm Sherlock's brother" during his intro. I think everyone could've figured that out when he said "Mycroft Holmes." I did like the way his character was presented, and the interpretation of Lestrade was excellent. Watson seems to have improved her detective skills considerably between seasons. She practically solved the Ginn murder on her own.


Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
That shot of Sherlock standing in the black-lit room with all the formulas on the wall saying "Maths" needs to be subtitled and stored away in the reaction .gif repository.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice

Mu Zeta posted:

I can't recall Sherlock ever sleeping. We always see Joan sleeping and being woken up and he's either watching her like a creep or drops Clyde on her.

In one of the early S1 episodes, one of the plot points was about how he never gets much sleep when working on a case. Joan teaches him the squat technique to stay awake, and the episode ends with him passing out as he's trying to go over old files.

pentyne posted:

The allusion to Snowden wasn't as terrible as I expected. Having Kleinfelter murder someone kept the focus on Sherlock solving a case rather then the merits of leaking classified documents.

I liked how their subtle of way making him unlikeable was writing him as a huge Ayn Rand fan.

Fun episode, and I'm most intrigued by Sherlock and Moriarty's continued correspondence. Also, while the Snowden reference was a bit forced, I have to say between the Anonymous parody, P=NP, and primitive 3D printing, this new season has been pleasantly contemporary.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice

inklesspen posted:

I have to say I was very surprised and a bit disappointed Holmes would use "feminazi" seriously, even metaphorically.

Well, he does have a lot of women issues.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
The reveal of Joan and Mycroft hooking up was out of left field (you'd think Sherlock would've picked up on it sooner), but Sherlock's reaction to whole thing was perfect. Total "nice guy best friend" type all the way.

I'd agree that Ifans and Liu don't have any romantic chemistry on screen, which is fine for a one-night stand, but hopefully they don't drag it out. I am glad they moved Mycroft to NY, though, because Ifans and Miller have excellent chemistry and there's a lot of mileage left in the estranged brothers angle. Their scenes together in this episode were great. Love the way Mycroft portrays being noticeably less smart than Sherlock, but still smart enough to kind of hang in a battle of wits, and his main advantage is being better socially-adjusted as an adult. In that respect I guess, you can see where he'd have a lot in common with Joan. I imagine Moriarty will be involved in the family drama eventually.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice


:10bux: says he was talking to Moriarty.

I'm almost inclined to take you up on that. It seems too obvious for a big swerve like that. My guess is they're sticking closer to the source material and it's British intel. The restaurant gig is his front.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice

pentyne posted:

The whole "I'm a seriously bad person who will hurt someone the moment it gives me an advantage" seemed a little trite. The more they try to emphasize Sherlock's dark side without him doing anything seriously dark the less I believe his claims of being some monster. Outside of him torturing the man he thought killed Irene Sherlock hasn't done anything shocking or repulsive that would make Watson wary of him.

I'm pretty sure that's how you're supposed to feel. Despite thinking of himself as a machine, Sherlock is real person with real emotions. He represses them most of the time thinking that emotions are a weakness, but every now and again he'll let something out. His spiel about making an exception for Watson was some serious mental gymnastics to get around saying that he cares about her. She sees that and that's why she still challenges him to open up on occasion, although she is able to pick her spots a lot better than now than when she first met him.

I did like this weeks episode. It played out like an episode of Lie to Me, and Holmes, Watson, and Gregson all got some new depth. The show does tend to act like Holmes, Watson, Gregson, and Bell are the only people in the NYPD unless there's a corrupt cop who needs to be there for plot advancement, so the angle they took with the side story this week was pretty neat. It does make sense that there'd be a lot of resentment towards Holmes and Watson from some of the veteran detectives, and it tied in nicely to Holmes' and Watson's different views on wanting to be liked.

Blind Pineapple fucked around with this message at 12:26 on Nov 22, 2013

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
I don't think the relationship between Holmes and Bell is irreparably damaged, it's just a rough patch before some real growth. Of course Bell is mad because he's living in horrible pain and his life's work is in jeopardy, but when he regains use of his arm and returns to the force he can have the heart to heart with Holmes where he admits to wanting him to stay and that even if he died, it would've been alright because his job is all about helping people and he did that by saving Holmes (and many others by extension).

At least that's what I hope happens. They could be writing Bell off for all I know, which would suck. He's a perfect complimentary character that I don't think can be replaced. I guess I could just check IMDB for future episodes and see if he's listed, but out of respect for the show, I'll let it play out in real time.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
"And you are?"
"Name or adjective?"

Petulant, juvenile Sherlock rules.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
I wonder if they're going to rekindle the romance between Holmes and Moriarty, or if she'll just turn on him again. Sure she faked an entire persona for the sole purpose of turning him into a useless drug addict, and he cost her $900 million and got her locked up in an FBI black site, but what relationship doesn't have rough patches?

At least I'd like to see them stay civil. I don't really want season after season of them playing cat and mouse, when there are a lot of other interesting angles the show has to offer like Mycroft and Bell. I don't want this show to fall into the trap of having the main feud run way too long when the characters are interesting enough that they can do other things.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice

jscolon2.0 posted:

Zero lessons learned about humiliating someone at their job to get information out of them.

There weren't any other people in the room this time, and he didn't threaten him by revealing any illegal activity that someone might feel obligated to report. Sherlock's adapting.

I am a little surprised they blew off the demographics angle so quickly, but it was a good episode and the Sherlock/Bell scenes were really well done. I thought with a title like "All in the Family," we would be getting more Mycroft, but Paul Sorvino in a mafia story was an alright consolation prize.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice

Compendium posted:

I really liked the case Joan was working on with the missing veteran. If there's one reason I stick with this show, it's for the character building moments, especially when you see Sherlock and her going out to distribute blankets; I wonder if it implies that he wants to help her find her dad again? It's a nice thought. :unsmith:

Agreed. The main case was just kind of there, and everything seemed more telegraphed than normal. I pegged the lawyer right away, and some of the over-explanation of the clues was driving me nuts. "We couldn't find her new MAN because it was a WOMAN... It was IRIS!" Normally this show is a lot better at avoiding dialogue like that. The B-story was good, though, and did a lot to expand on Joan and Sherlock's relationship. You know it's a good show when a weaker episode still manages to hold your attention all the way through.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
"I don't care which cock I'm holding, I just want to know how it got there" was worth it just for the look on Sherlock's face. In a show where Johnny Lee Miller makes perfect facial expressions regularly, this one stood out. I rewound that 3 or 4 times.

I'm glad we got another Lestrade episode, since I really like this show's take on the character.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
I figured the ears were going to be genetically engineered in some fashion, but that visual was still creepy as gently caress.

Lestrade was great again this week showing a wide range of emotions. Lestrade and Watson really played well off each other. Given how little chemistry Joan and Mycroft showed together, I think it would've been a lot funnier for Lestrade to be the ghost from Sherlock's past that she hooked up with.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
Why did Mycroft shave his awesomely horrible stache?

It'll be interesting to see how the Mycroft/Joan relationship parallels or differs from Holmes/Moriarty from last season.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
Another thing is that Elementary usually does a good enough job of staying away from the usual crime drama tropes that it sticks out like a sore thumb when it falls into one. I think my least favorite episode was early in the first season where the secretary who was killing off her bosses had Sherlock dead to rights, but started monologue-ing for no reason until the cops showed up.

This one had more of a "season 1 finale" feel, where Moriarty had no business getting caught by talking on a wire, but the rest of the episode was so good, I'm willing to forgive it.

Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
Yeah, Mycroft and Joan is the one leg of that triangle that doesn't work. I can buy them as unlikely friends bonded by caring for a genius manchild, but romantic partners? Not so much. Sherlock and Mycroft have been awesome together all season, though. I also like this adaptation of Mycroft that isn't a government Sherlock, but just a moderately smart lackey with conflicted feelings. Definitely fits how he was built up in previous episodes better than if he turned out to be the "real smartest person ever" at the end of this season.

Is next week the finale? If so, any indication if it will be 2 hours like last year?

Blind Pineapple fucked around with this message at 21:52 on May 9, 2014


Blind Pineapple
Oct 27, 2010

For The Perfect Fruit 'n' Kaman

1 part gin
1 part pomegranate syrup
Fill with pineapple juice
Serve over crushed ice

College Slice
I liked the way this episode played out. All the spy stuff and personal drama hit the right notes and didn't feel overdone. Mycroft explaining his fake death was the first time I felt like Joan really cared about him. It was low key, but it might have been the best episode of the season.

Not sure about all the stuff going forward based on the cliff hangers, though. Hopefully the teasers with Sherlock working for MI6 and Joan moving out are just for the first episode or two, and things are back to normal quickly. Bell and Gregson were criminally underused the second half of this season, and I'd hate to see that trend continue.

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