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Mar 13, 2005

You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? Just put your lips together and blow...

DivisionPost posted:

I'm catching up with this episode now. I don't care how dated it is, digging deep for the "shoe on head" reference was inspired.

(This was an actual thing. Because I clearly don't know where I'm posting, I'll reminisce about the time was A Big Deal and pictures of a LiveJasmin camgirl putting a shoe on her head spread like wildfire.)

The "shoe on head" reference got me too and it was made even better by Holmes fancy description of it in his accent.

Man, a few of those cam threads were hilarious. I don't think ones been done in awhile.


Mar 13, 2005

You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? Just put your lips together and blow...

hollylolly posted:

I just love her clothes.

I'm still all about her perfect ponytail. Mine looks like a rats nest when I put it up.

Mar 13, 2005

You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? Just put your lips together and blow...

Blind Pineapple posted:

"And you are?"
"Name or adjective?"

Petulant, juvenile Sherlock rules.

I enjoyed that too. "Um...are you asking me if I'm horny?"

mushroom_spore posted:

Odd question, but does anyone in here also watch Blacklist? We had the two most recent episodes on the other night and I could swear that Blacklist had borrowed Sherlock and Watson's home to film the scenes involving the spies across the street. As much as they love to film that one front door/stairwell shot in Elementary I've practically memorized it, and there was also a hallway and I think one more shot that looked confusingly familiar. Or am I imagining things? :tinfoil:

I'm catching up on the Blacklist and will try to pay attention.

Snipee posted:

I feel like an idiot. I thought the guy Sherlock was sponsering was really nice and cool (especially after seeing how uncomfortable and unawkward Sherlock was), and I was happy for Bell that he is getting a chance to work elsewhere (although I'm not sure if he's actually getting ready to leave the show). Did I completely read these characters wrong?

I didn't read it as him being a mole either so you aren't alone.

Mar 13, 2005

You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? Just put your lips together and blow...

CuwiKhons posted:

It didn't actually bother me while I was watching it, it was only at the very end when they gave Sherlock the remnants that the entire thing suddenly unraveled in my brain.

I believe they said it was literally only dust left. The bones were ground down into nothing.

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