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get that OUT of my face
Feb 10, 2007

To be fair, why would any Houston native watch baseball when their NFL team is on at the same time?

NBC is already getting screwed because their Thursday night "revamped" comedy lineup is already down one show with All in the Family being canceled. There are lots of ads in NYC on buses, subway trains, and the like that have been advertising it before the TV season began, and seeing one of the shows on them that's been canned brings a smile to my face every time.

get that OUT of my face fucked around with this message at 16:35 on Oct 25, 2013


get that OUT of my face
Feb 10, 2007

SHUPS 4 DETH posted:

Oh yeah and the ratings-challenged Totally Biased has been cancelled over on FXX, making it the first casualty of the network. Its ratings struggles have been very well documented and I'm sad to see it go despite not being able to watch it once it switched networks.
Man, I hope that the new season of Legit does reasonably well on FXX. I know it got renewed for a second season but I don't know if they've announced when it starts up again.

get that OUT of my face
Feb 10, 2007

Dads will be renewed because Seth MacFarlene has Fox by the balls.

get that OUT of my face
Feb 10, 2007

WhiteHowler posted:

That really sucks.

Legit is (was) a criminally underrated show, and it didn't deserve to be tossed into the cesspool that is FXX -- where it immediately lost half its viewers.
And not just relegating it to FXX- doing that and denying it of the boost it got from being after Archer. I hate to say it, but I've forgotten that it's been on a few times this season. As good as it was, it didn't have the clout to survive on its own on a new channel.

I've been repeating this in a lot of places, but I'll say it here: Legit season 1 was hilarious but not much more than a vehicle for Jim Jeffries to put his jokes in a sitcom format. This season was a lot more than that, since the actions from the previous season ended up having consequences, it had some really heavy moments, and it made you care more about the characters. Also, Katie was a harbinger of bad things- every time she showed up, you know something heavy was gonna happen.

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