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Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

TheRationalRedditor posted:

You said the unwatchable abhorrent diarrhea that is 'Sean Saves the World' was "certain to be cancelled", but I read somewhere that NBC has since ordered new scripts for it. MAKIN' ALL THE RIGHT MOVES, PEACOCK!

Sets are already built, actors hired, etc. It's probably easier for NBC to eat the losses than replace it with something else that they're sure will fail.


Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

Rarity posted:

It's almost like FOX, NBC and ABC are having a competition to see which network can suck more

Broadcast television is essentially a dead medium held up by a few lonely tentpoles like BBT.

Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

PriorMarcus posted:

Why did it fall from grace? I know that after the first block of episodes it was basically poo poo but that never seemed to bother hardcore fans of anything.

I think it's more that it was a solid ratings performer (which is why it got picked up for a few years instead of just one) and then pretty shortly afterward stopped performing. And a main cast member's suicide didn't help.

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