Euphoriaphone posted:I was wondering if anyone knew more about ad pricing? Is there a generally accepted rule that X rating/Y share is worth $Z per 30 second? How early is ad time bought? Are ratings weighted over the course of a few months, or is ad pricing really volatile, and a week's drop in ratings can hugely hurt how much a network can charge for the same timeslot the next week? I'm interested in this too, especially for shows with wildly changing* ratings like AoS. I'd assume it's volatile until the show stabilizes at its base level, and it's cheapest at the outset of a new show. It also probably depends on day, like Saturday/Sunday rates would be the lowest outside of sports or other major events. *Wildly changing meaning going from near 5 to mid 3, almost a full point drop.
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# ¿ Feb 8, 2025 06:25 |
I understand where the thought process comes from, but I do hope Mindy stays. Even with its low total audience, it still gets good ratings for the crowd it pulls in. I think it is quite possibly the youngest skewing show out there.(When comparing rating to total number of viewers). I know, I know, "don't get your hopes up" but I'll keep it alive until the bitter end. In other news, Fox is really having a bleh season. Sleepy Hollow, which is great, still only gets around mid2s-low3s. This would be fine and dandy if it weren't one of the few shows on the network's weekday schedule that seems to get those ratings. XFactor is a mess, Idol is slipping fast, and a lot of other shows like Glee are ending or like Bones and super old(6+ seasons). Even if Fox has a lot of new programming for next year, I can't see them keeping some of these shows. Dads is also an interesting case. It literally gets similar numbers with the rest of the lineup(+- .1-.3) but it's always been on the "Certain Cancellation" list. I mean, I don't like it, at all, but it does get acceptable ratings. It also probably is more likely than Mindy for renewal if show costs are a factor.
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J-Spot posted:There has to be some unseen advertiser-friendly demographic information at play if Dads or Mindy get renewed. If Fox wants to find something that works they need to free up some time slots. I would like to see New Girl and Brooklyn 99 do a little better. They're easily the best comedies on network TV right now. Wow, Dad's is one of its lower one, but Bob's is its (and the)absolute lowest. Interesting. Although it kind of makes sense from a cinematography view. B99 and Dads visual quality is a bit harsher than Mindy and New Girl*. Like, the two female-skewing shows have a sort of blur applied to them, while B99 and Dads don't have that. I think Modern Family also has this blur. *This is based off of my tv screen, but I'm not saying it's a noticeable, harsh blur, but more of a...softening? Like, they applied a very light bloom onto the video to give it a different feel. Edit:TVBN just posted Thursday ratings Wow, NBC Thursdays make Fox Tuesdays look good. The best was a 1.2? I understand TBBT destroys everything else in its path by a wide margin, which means it is the best of lead-ins, but wow, losing to the CW as well. Isn't Thursday supposed to be the day when most people watch TV? Postal Parcel fucked around with this message at 19:14 on Nov 15, 2013 |
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Occupation posted:I really don't think shield doesn't get a renewal even if the ratings crater. I agree with this whole-heartedly. If SHIELD isn't renewed, it would be one of the biggest embarrassments of any network ever. I mean, it's coming from a multi-billion dollar franchise, a huge supply of diehard fans of the series, well known writers who have rabid fans, and heavy promotion. ABC failing this would also definitely be a huge blow to cross-media franchises.(How many TV shows were born from movies? I know In the heat of the night is one. Anyone know what the others are?) sportsgenius86 posted:you can't sell a show on the back of the Avengers and then have it be about average human secret agents. That's just asking for a revolt.
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Occupation posted:Basically what we're trying to say is is TV series based on movies are extremely common and have been basically since television series were invented. What makes SHIELD unique and notable is is they've never to my knowledge done a television series based on a currently active movie series that ties directly into the movie series' canon aka is a continuation of the movies' universe and presumably has some impact on the movies moving forward. The only other series I know of that has two concurrent active media markets is Defiance TV and video game. But Marvel outclasses that by a long shot, and I'm not sure how much cannon Defiance the game affects Defiance the show. Either way, ABC took a fairly large risk which I hope doesn't fail. It sounds like a pretty interesting future for cross-media development. But at the same time, I want the show to get better.
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The latest TVBN says AH posted 2.2. Not much better, but still a tenth. I think that's respectable considering the back to back showing. Next two weeks will be the predictor for it though. Also, glad Sleepy Hollow stayed stable. TVBN says it dropped a tenth but that's only after the Final Ratings were posted.
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Nystral posted:CoD might be a bad example, but something like the Survival Horror genre like Resident Evil would be a good foundation for a TV show ![]() You take that the gently caress back. ![]()
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:Fox released their midseason schedule and it's a doozy. Among the highlights: To Mindy: ![]() To Enlisted: It's DOA huh? I thought it looked really good from the previews. Definitely able to play off of the workplace antics of B99 or be similar to that too.
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Barry Convex posted:Despite all the talk about SHIELD's ratings plummeting, they've actually gone up two weeks in a row. Which is nice, but last week(2.6) was up against Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer(3.0), not NCIS. Week before that was Thor hype. It's been getting better* and it was always going to be renewed for multiple reasons, but I'm waiting for this week. *Better being relative because I still am not a fan. More than I was at the outset, but still not "Can't miss TV" or even "Pay attention TV" level Also, in Tuesday rating news, Mindy and Dad continued to jockey for last place, as Dads lost again. I really hope Mindy survives because of it's audience skew, but I definitely wouldn't be surprised if they both were cancelled. But in more interesting news, Glee hit a new low this past Thursday, with a 0.9, matching the Lady Gaga and Muppet special. Holy poo poo, if this show wasn't locked in for another season, it would be cancelled immediately. e: Joramun posted:All 16 movies are 100% in continuity with the show. Mewtwo didn't recognize Ash despite meeting in the first movie. My immersion was ruined and they failed at continuity. ![]()
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Astro7x posted:How the hell are all the shows I like certain to be cancelled, but CBS is doing so good on a network that has Zero shows that I like. I don't get it. Broad appeal. Nerds are 'funny' because they're so smart but can't relate to real people and so are multi-cam sitcoms. I think someone here said something similar about 2 1/2 Men being very consistent, even though it was neither groundbreaking nor appealed to their tastes. Almost Human down another .2. ![]() Please stabilize or grow next week. The show is so much fun, I want it to last.
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ToastyPotato posted:Probably. Or it might have enjoyed more success on basic cable. Or equal success/failure. Community is a really weird show though, so its harder to peg how it would have done elsewhere. I think a show like Parks and Rec might perform better on a different network, for example, but then the failure of Happy Endings calls many things into doubt. But was Happy Endings really a good fit for ABC to begin with? Happy Endings was a show about a fairly well off group of friends. So it's basically New Girl with more money/older skewed characters. CBS though is not known(in recent years) for taking risks with programming*. Most of their shows are extremely safe procedurals or multi-cams, so a lot of shows wouldn't cut it on CBS. *This is specifically directed at the network proper, not outside ventures
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Shakugan posted:Surely just comparing the numbers gives completely misleading information. Honestly I don't even understand why people still go by these ratings anyway. Someone said earlier in the thread that these ratings companies have all the online viewing info, it just isn't reflected in the 2.5 etc numbers that people talk about. Just a slight correction, ratings are based of households with tvs, so and 8 back then might only rank a ~3 now due to spread of tvs.(Just a random example pulled from the rear end) Also, there's more choice in what to watch now thanks to cable/dish having over 900+ channels might change the skew. That said, ratings matter because of advertiser space. Sure, the show being well received and purchased by everyone is great, but advertiser revenue is what brings in the big bucks. It's why Nielsen ratings matter so much. It lets networks know how many people are watching and what they can charge the advertisers. Just an edit: I will agree that networks have been extremely slow in catching up with new media viewership and how that translates to ad sales and revenue.
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(This thread should really be merged with couch chat. They go hand in hand) Thursday Ratings NBC's live musical was a smash success, nearly matching TBBT's ratings and causing it to drop from the average 5s to a 4.6. It also held that audience for 3 straight hours. Fox's 'Glee' went up .2 points from last week's .9, but that was a "holiday special" ![]() Scandal also hit above a 3 again, so yay. Everything else mostly stayed the same. This is great news, as it shows NBC that all they need to boost ratings on thursday is a 3hr long woodenly acted but masterfully sung musical that is LIVE. Don't follow Glee's mistake of having pre-recorded musicals or else.
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pizzaman5000 posted:Wait, what? Sorry, that was worded a bit...stupidly. I meant that ratings are based of total numbers of tvs in all households in America. Computer Parts explained it. hcreight posted:This is a ratings-specific thread whereas Couch Chat is a general topic thread that happens to discuss ratings a decent amount but usually doesn't go as in-depth. Both threads are fine as they are. I really just say this to bring a bit more life to the thread. Although, I just need to accept, like Mindy Project and Happy Endings, some people just don't -get- this kind of discussion.* ToastyPotato posted:And fewer channels competing for viewers. And fewer alternatives to watching TV. The market is so diluted now that it is kind of preposterous that they have been so slow on monetizing streams. I think it's because executives are still extremely old and resistant to this technological change. Also because the internet brings with it a whole mess of other problems. Not to say I don't agree though, because how many good shows would be saved from the axe if stuff like this mattered. They're getting close to it with the whole Neilsen twitter stuff(where Scandal ranked #1), but that still isn't a really good metric. *Is there a smiley that is appropriately :hipster: enough? I know there's ![]()
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Prediction: The Sing-Off has no effect on XFactor's ratings because the XFactor is already at the bottom of the reality show barrel. Re:Almost Human I hope next week it goes up a little bit more too. Fox's scheduling has messed with both it and Sleepy Hollow, so I hope they give it a bit of leeway since it has to against 2 heavy hitters(Voice and HIMYM) and it's a genre show, which means it's got a mark against it right off the bat.
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:Mostly correct! Their Monday 2.4 shrank to a 1.4 by Thursday but it was still enough to trounce XF's measly 1.2. The lesson here is that it is impossible to counter-program against BBT. I still like this thread ![]() Also, Simon and X-Factor. Ughh, look you tried and failed. You had One Direction on and still couldn't pull above the 1s. Give it up Simon, your glory days are behind you. Also, Sunday night's rating for Fox were great. 3.5 for Simpsons, 3 for FG, and 2.4 for BB and AD. Also, AH dropped which didn't surprise me seeing as it didn't have a new SH tie-in and was on mid-season finale post week. Please stay stable AH ![]()
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Korak posted:Does anyone know why Almost Human is tanking a bit? It's pretty much the only broadcast tv show I'm watching at the moment and that's not just because I really like Karl Urban. It could be any number of reasons, but I'll list the ones I think affect it the most: Genre Show: Sci-fi Irregular Scheduling: While some shows were on repeats, this was new HIMYM and The Voice: 2 heavy hitters in the same slot Replaced Bones Timeslot Still in a somewhat procedural storytelling mode
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:Ratings chat derails every single time in couch chat into the kind of garbage that was on the previous page, without exception. ![]() *Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and Breaking Bad(kind of) excluded That said... Rarity posted:Or maybe it's just no very good? PriorMarcus posted:This. It seems pretty much determined to be bland as gently caress, which given the talent involved and the money that's on display it pretty disappointing. It's basically on the same level as Agents of SHIELD for me. You two can go gently caress yourselves. I've seen AoShield. At least AH has loving chemistry and characters who can hold interest and Minka Kelly. It's getting better too! ![]() Now that I've let that out, sorry Shups for doing what you knew would happen ![]() Edit: Surprisingly, I found a great quote on TVBN about ratings and quality that explains why "bad" shows get good ratings: quote:You get that ratings and quality rarely go hand in hand, right? Postal Parcel fucked around with this message at 14:51 on Dec 19, 2013 |
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![]() So ABC has killed yet another poorly rated show. Great, bets on Killer Women getting the axe by next week? Have any of ABC's new shows done well? This is of course, discounting SHIELD although even that is getting middling ratings and reviews. Also, here's hoping the Enlisted hit above a .8. Hopefully it will survive for at least a week...
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Well...umm... ![]() Maybe final numbers will get it to .8? No it won't
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MJFS has finished its production I've heard, so there's no reason for them not to burn it off until the next show of the season can fill the hole it will make. Rake is dead, even moreso than Almost Human. It got a 1.3 last week. That's pretty bad, even considering it's up against CBS's dominant Thursday schedule. Following dropping suprised no one and shouldn't be seen as a completely bad sign. It had a football lead-in. There is almost literally no better lead to a show. If it's stable next week, it should be fine. Hopefully AH also comes back stable/up
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Ravane posted:In the Darkest timeline, Fox cancels Almost Human and renews Dads for a second season. Don't you dare say that! Don't even think it! SHUPS 4 DETH posted:That's probably the end for Tomorrow People barring a ratings miracle. Also curious as to why there's no announcement about Hart of Dixie. Wasn't HoD pulling in sub-BaTB numbers, or were they equal? Also, surprised about TTP vs Reign stuff. Guess it's TTP, The 100, and...the other one? Also, I'm glad this thread is getting some action. Must be because freshman shows are winding down and getting ready for the final cut.
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Josh Lyman posted:Because the Olympics are the only decent rating that NBC has when Sunday Night Football and The Voice are off the air. Has Blacklist's second half started up yet? That is also pulling in really good ratings, though time will tell if that was because of The Voice lead-in. To the CBS debate, yes, CBS skews SUPEROLD. It's like FOX News. The difference is that CBS gets the best ratings against all the other networks.(Though, FOX News also gets the best cable news ratings so...) There was a story last year sometime where CBS execs were basically talking poo poo about every other network(especially funny was the lambasting of Fox's Masterchef Jr.) and they could back it up because their numbers seriously kill all other networks. Hell, I hate TBBT and even I acknowledge that it is the best lead-in ever, bringing a near constant 5 and 18mil+ viewers. That's why certain shows on CBS, like The Crazy Ones, are listed as "On the Bubble" at TVBN despite getting 1.8+ ratings weekly. Those are ratings most networks(i.e. NBC) would kill for and it doesn't even seem worth the effort for CBS. In other news, AH has been fairly stable against the Olympics, so for all shows that are likely to be cancelled, AH is the most likely to survive.(Of course, that's my opinion) Postal Parcel fucked around with this message at 05:16 on Feb 19, 2014 |
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Rarity posted:It's almost like FOX, NBC and ABC are having a competition to see which network can suck more Suck in ratings, yes In TV show quality, I'd say no. Fox has been my favorite network for shows this season. Glad to see most of the renewed (C'mon Almost Human ![]() In TV ratings though, Mindy getting renewed was surprising as all hell. I mean, I've been a fan from day one and have been hoping for its renewal, but seeing it renewed before its hiatus is over is surprising. Especially considering Mindy was fighting Dads for last place. Also, FOX definitely seems to be in the #4 position this year. I mean, NBC's Thursdays may suck bringing in the low 1s, but at least they have 2-3 show bringing out mid 2s-3s. Sleepy Hollow is probably FOX's highest scripted show and it only brings in mid 2s, while AI brings in high-mid 2s. On the other hand, ABC has cancelled 4+(?) of its new dramas before they even got off their feet, so aside from SHIELD(which has still been dropping), ABC's freshman class is hurting too. * Lucky 7 Assets Killer Women (Any more?) probably Mind Games
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:You missed OUAT in Wonderland, Super Fun Night, Trophy Wife, Back in the Game, and Betrayal. Throw in The Neighbors (which was a strange renewal last season) and the precipitous drop of SHIELD and it's really hard to argue against ABC competing with NBC for the bottom network, with Fox a near second and NBC a distant first. I said dramas ![]() Anyway, it is true that ABC's freshman class has been nearly obliterated, but they have The Bachelor, DWTS, Scandal/Grey's, and Shark Tank, the King of Friday. This isn't saying ABC has been doing well, it's just that outside of their newbie class(which, to be fair, is still a huge chunk), they've still got a pretty good source of ratings. (Seriously, how could I forget so many of those shows? And ABC already canceled SFN and TW? Wow. So what's left? Goldbergs and SHIELD?)
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Irish Joe posted:Of course they will. They did for Thor 2 and Thor 2 was an utterly dreadful film. The better question is whether they'll stay higher after the hype for Cap 2 dies down. Considering the effect the movie had on the whole MCU, it should be better than their previous "TIE-IN" with T:DW. What I'm interested in is if they can break a 2.5 by the finale, considering that breaks and general lack of quality have been making the show's ratings crash. Guess there's no s2 of Enlisted ![]() Still holding out for Almost Human (Where hope is equivalent to the ratings of Raising Hope's Finale which got a .6. I've got .6% hope that AH will survive)
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:Shhhhhhhhhhutup. American Idol lead-in vs Voice lead-in FLAWLESS VICTORY
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:Beauty and the Beast is getting a summer burn-off on the CW. It's effectively cancelled. It would be something if Fox cancelled both X-Factor AND Idol this season. They wouldn't, and they shouldn't(not counting X-Factor), but it would really show how Fox crashed this year. I loved the shows this season, but drat if their ratings aren't suffering. At least NBC has The Voice/The Blacklist.
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Astro7x posted:Almost Human canceled Sigh, I'm still heartbroken about that. The Following gets to continue to fall and get stupider and a show that was shown out of order gets reamed. SHUPS 4 DETH posted:RIP Enlisted and Surviving Jack. You deserved much better than you got. Surviving Jack at least got a small(super small) chance. Enlisted was tossed to the Friday slot with no hesitation at all. Still, Mindy's renewal is like, the top surprise of the season. I'd normally say that for About a Boy and Blind Dad, but they get the Voice prop-up so they don't seem to suffer the same fate as Thursday. Also, thanks Glee! You really are showing how worth it was for Fox to give you a 2 year extension. If Fox renews Glee next year(Or is it ending this year?), that will be the biggest surprise ever. That or surprise cancelling Family Guy.
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:I would be very surprised to see a renewal for The Following. Which is to say that it's getting renewed. It usually is. It and The Simpsons actually do still jockey back and forth between top for Sunday. Family Guy might be in the lead, but if it is, it's probably a negligible one. One thing that can be said about Fox is that they are one of the few(only) channels with cartoons on at primetime, and those cartoons are successful. Deadpool posted:CW renewed Beauty and the Beast. There are no words. Teek posted:Yeah, WTF. That's after they pushed it back on the schedule to summer airing. Does it have some insane international love or someting? That B&B keeps trucking is one thing. But Hart of Dixie!? Wasn't it pulling like, .2s? And a cancellation for TTP as well? CW is weird man. Is this the year where the meek inherit the TV?
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Benne posted:Welp http://www.hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching/five-seasons-and-a-movie-nbc-cancels-community No six seasons and a movie for you! So what comedies does NBC have left? P&R, About a Boy, and SVU( ![]()
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Deadpool posted:It's going to be bad. Just try to have some fun with it. You're free to do it in any style or form you want as long as it's basically an episode by episode review and there's some substance to it. Is it possible to add the stipulation that every post must begin with Allen's trademark "hrehrehre" laugh? e:Or at least incorporate it in some way
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Blazing Ownager posted:Just saying with the cancellation of Almost Human (which I intended to watch the first season of before the second season, so dodged that disappointment bullet) I can officially say Karl Urban is cursed. Consistently the most likable part of doomed movies, be it that they're really really C-list bad (Doom, Priest, etc.) or terribly marketed (Dredd), he can now chalk up "doomed TV show" to that list. You say that, but I say Micheal Ealy is cursed. Both buddy cop shows(AH and Common Law) and both times shot down. Not that Common Law was good or anything, but still, he hasn't 'made it' in tv since Sleeper.
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http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/20...-d-flat/263937/ OH GOD Glee has caused Fox to literally hit sub-CW numbers, and Riot is DOA. pre:CW The Originals - Season Finale 0.9/3 2.06 FOX Glee - Season Finale 0.6/2 1.92 CW Supernatural 0.9/3 2.14 FOX Riot - Series Premiere 0.5/1 1.32
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SHUPS 4 DETH posted:ChoZen got axed as well. I gave up on it 2-3 eps in, it just didn't hook me. Guess I wasn't alone. I guess ChoZen just wasn't... Chosen ![]() (Is Sunny back for another season?)
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Shakugan posted:http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/07/01/hieroglyph-cancelled-before-it-premieres DAMNIT! No Almost Human* and Hieroglyph is dead before arrival. Ugh *I know that it was due to cost/licensing with WB
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# ¿ Feb 8, 2025 06:25 |
MrAristocrates posted:Holy poo poo, those are sub-CW numbers. Fixed Seriously, this is my post from one of the season's worst performers: Postal Parcel posted:http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/20...-d-flat/263937/
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