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  • Locked thread
Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

What is this game?

Back in 2012, The 3DS was picking up some momentum and getting games. One game in particular was Resident Evil: Revelations. The game takes place canonically between RE 4 & 5 and covers the escapades of Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield as they uncover the mysteries of the "Terragrigia Panic" and the terrorist group Veltro. The game featured some interesting new mechanics and was built more like its horror-based predecessors, where atmosphere and exploration are the main focus of the game. The game was so popular that Capcom decided it would be a good idea to release this to the modern consoles, and in 2013 they re-released the game in HD for the PS3, 360, Wii-U and PC with a more robust Raid Mode and a harder "infernal" difficulty.

Why are you playing this game?

Aside from the hilarious typo on the 3ds box art, I felt that Revelations did a lot of things right for a Resident Evil game. The atmosphere is oppressive, the environment is open and sprawling, encounters feel far more tense, the new characters are enjoyable, the plot's engrossing and it has gameplay similar to RE4 but with more polish from Capcoms experience with RE5. Fans of the older games will certainly enjoy this game since it stays true to the old game's structures. That and Raid Mode is stupid fun, its like an arcade booth for Resident Evil.

What're your plans for this LP?

Completion. More specifically, I plan to complete the plot and *hopefully* find all the handprints and easter eggs. All posts in SA will have character-specific information and text dumps from in-game. Alongside the LP, I plan to do Raid Mode runs for each level we cover in the story.

Episodes will hopefully be released weekly, with a vid per segment of the chapter and raid mode vids to compliment.

Who's involved?

-Myself (Highwang), a nondescript guy who does videogame vids as a hobby. Player and Main Commentator.
-My friend Jake (videogametalkinghead), expert Australian and huge nerd. Second Commentator.
-Kyle Johnson, another friend & audio wizard. He doesn’t actually appear in the LP, but he makes us sound good so he deserves credit.

Thread Rules

-No Spoilers. I know this game in particular is an isolated story outside of the main series, but its really enjoyable and has many plot points that are ruined by spoilers.
-Keep Capcom/Resident Evil "discussion" (re: bashing) to a civilized state. I'm sure its all been discussed before ad-nauseum.

-Raid Mode note: If you have the PC version of this game, I'm looking for extra players to show off Raid Mode. I don't know if I can receive PMs on a stupid newbie account, but try and contact me and I'll set things up. My only rule however is that you set player level under the recommended setting so we can at least try to get the Trinity Bonus. Game Over!

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Into the Depths
-1-1: The Prologue, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode, Stage 1 Solo)
-1-2: Sexy Beach Parties, (Uncut Commentary)
-1-3: The Blonde Dies, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode Stage 2, 3)

Chapter 2: Double Mystery
-2-1: Thermal Underwear, (Uncut Commentary)
-2-2: Why didn't you DODGE?!, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode Stage 4, 5)

Chapter 3: Ghosts of Veltro
-3-1: The Terragrigia Panic, (Uncut Commentary)
-3-2: M'aiede, (Uncut Commentary) (Raid Mode Stage 6, 7)

Chapter 4: A Nightmare Revisited
-4-1: Untimely Death, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode Stage 8)

Chapter 5: Secrets Uncovered
-5-1: Jackass & Grinder, (Uncut Commentary)
-5-2: Needlessly Stupid Machine, (Uncut Commentary)
-5-3: The Midnight Sun, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode Stage 9, 10)

Chapter 6: Cat & Mouse
-6-1: The Name Game, (Uncut Commentary)
-6-2: Parker's Bad Night, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode Stage 11, 12)

Chapter 7: The Regia Solis
-7-1: Five Minute Metroidvania, (Uncut Commentary)
-7-2: Rocket Jump, (Uncut Commentary),
-Raid Mode DLC "Unboxing vid", Special thanks to this guy for contributing.

Chapter 8: All On The Line
-8-1: Waterlogged, (Uncut Commentary)
-8-2: Chris' Shooting Gallery, (Uncut Commentary),
-8-3: Reunion, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode stage 15), Raid Mode Outtakes: Oh god help!

Chapter 9: No Exit
-9-1: The Falcon & The Snowman, (Uncut Commentary)
-9-2: Super Hacker, (Uncut Commentary)

Chapter 10: Tangled Webs
-10-1: Deception, (Uncut Commentary)
-10-2: Wallrunning, (Uncut Commentary)
-Raid Mode, Difficulty Comparisons

Chapter 11: Revelations
-11-1: Malacoda, (Uncut Commentary)
-11-2: The Callback, (Uncut Commentary)

Chapter 12: The Queen is Dead
-12-1: Queen Dido, (Uncut Commentary)
-12-2: The Storm is Gone, (Uncut Commentary)

-Post-Mortem: Things I missed & Hard Mode

-RE:velations Debrief & Teaser

-The Ghost Ship (Warning, long video)

Highwang fucked around with this message at 04:56 on Jul 21, 2014


Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!
-1-1: The Prologue, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode, Stage 1 Solo)


Jill Valentine

-Two-time veteran of Resident Evil games, Jill now returns in order to find the missing Chris Redfield after the terrorist group Veltro provokes the BSAA and FBC into action.

Parker Luciani

-Former FBC operative turned BSAA agent, and Jill’s new partner in the absence of Chris. Deceptively Italian (We call him french for the entirety of chapter 1. Oops.)



Our basic zombie replacement. Strong, lumbering, completely stupid. Shoot his hands to open up a weak-point, or his legs to slow him down considerably. Only a real threat in numbers, which is what zombies always have.

Pincer (Raid mode):

An Ooze variant with more menacing claws, capable of knocking you down. Far more resilient to stuns, it seems like the head is the stun point for this creature.

Highwang fucked around with this message at 06:44 on Nov 19, 2013

Feb 4, 2013

Me llamo Sarah Brandolino, the eighth Castilian of this magnificent marriage.
Hey you really cleaned it up!

I'll be sticking to this of course, let's see how this goes!

Combat Lobster
Feb 18, 2013

I haven't played much of this game outside of the PC demo, and I can't the afford it right now; so I'll be keeping my eye on this thread.

Mar 12, 2007



Highwang posted:

Pincer (Raid mode):

An Ooze variant with more menacing claws, capable of knocking you down. Far more resilient to stuns, it seems like the head is the stun point for this creature.

You shoot both arms like the Ooze to stun them. (spoiler tagging this for safety)

Pneub fucked around with this message at 07:31 on Nov 19, 2013

discworld is all I read
Apr 7, 2009

DAIJOUBU!! ... Daijoubu ?? ?
I wouldn't mind helping out as a coop buddy in Raid mode, but I honestly haven't touched it and I'm only like halfway through the I'm not sure how much help I could be. Would I need to grind much or what do you need?

Feb 21, 2013
Trivia- That 'fan' you mention at the beginning is actually a clear disc that rotates at a high RPM in order to keep clear, an alternative method of maintaining visibility to wiper blades that may not be able to keep up with heavy spray from the sea.

Cars used to have them at one point which was weird...

/Completely unrelated trivia.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

Niggurath posted:

I wouldn't mind helping out as a coop buddy in Raid mode, but I honestly haven't touched it and I'm only like halfway through the I'm not sure how much help I could be. Would I need to grind much or what do you need?

From what I've seen so far of the Raid mode, there isn't much grinding. I ended with a fair amount of BP when I beat the game the first time, and that translated to a decent gun and some spare money. Level progression is also somewhat normal since scaling goes in tandem with your XP gain in a fashion that always puts you one level under. I believe they do this so you'll always get the "Low Level" BP bonus when starting out.

Also, Raid Mode's not about "help." Its about being cool characters, killing zombies and having fun. Don't worry if you fall behind, we aren't trying to MLG that.

Jun 28, 2011

Yeah, I say "Shit" a shit-ton of times. What of it, shithead?
Raid mode is also about knifing monsters like crazy. Seriously, melee is really satisfying.

Sep 23, 2012

Somewhere along the line Jill lost a chromosome.

But she kept dat ass.
I could help in Co-op for Raid Mode, I have almost everything unlocked so far.

Toxsyl fucked around with this message at 10:38 on Nov 19, 2013

Kaboom Dragoon
May 7, 2010

The greatest of feasts

Highwang posted:

From what I've seen so far of the Raid mode, there isn't much grinding. I ended with a fair amount of BP when I beat the game the first time, and that translated to a decent gun and some spare money. Level progression is also somewhat normal since scaling goes in tandem with your XP gain in a fashion that always puts you one level under. I believe they do this so you'll always get the "Low Level" BP bonus when starting out.

Also, Raid Mode's not about "help." Its about being cool characters, killing zombies and having fun. Don't worry if you fall behind, we aren't trying to MLG that.

Personally, as much as I liked the core game, I found myself playing it simply to unlock more Raid stages. Can't say I've ever had that happen before.

You'll probably want to start grinding once you hit the mid-teens, simply because there's a fair jump in difficulty at one point. Thankfully, there's a stage perfectly designed for that. On the whole, though, you can just play each stage in turn til you're happy with it and move on to the next. The game's pretty good at not making you grind for hours just to have a fighting chance at the next area.

Feb 4, 2013

Me llamo Sarah Brandolino, the eighth Castilian of this magnificent marriage.

Niggurath posted:

I wouldn't mind helping out as a coop buddy in Raid mode, but I honestly haven't touched it and I'm only like halfway through the I'm not sure how much help I could be. Would I need to grind much or what do you need?

If you were to play anything past normal difficulty you would end up having to grind. But there is a way around that of course.

Jul 22, 2007

Hail all those who are able,
any mouse can,
any mouse will,
but the Guard prevail.

Clapping Larry
Honest question, because I'm curious as to the answer: what's the difference between a Resident Evil zombie and a Dead Space zombie? Animalistic vs. alienistic?

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

Glazius posted:

Honest question, because I'm curious as to the answer: what's the difference between a Resident Evil zombie and a Dead Space zombie? Animalistic vs. alienistic?

From what I've seen in the series, the trademark RE zombie still looks somewhat human. Even in RE5/6 when things started going nuts the zombies still looked human despite having parasites in them. In RE:Rev, the "Zombies" looked far more deformed and mutated, as seen with the Ooze and Pincer looking extremely mutated and weaponized body parts. Dead Space had a similar vibe to it, so that's what I was reminded of.

tl;dr, RE Zombies feel like movie trope zombies, Dead Space zombies felt like mutants.

A Buttery Pastry
Sep 4, 2011

Delicious and Informative!

Highwang posted:

From what I've seen in the series, the trademark RE zombie still looks somewhat human. Even in RE5/6 when things started going nuts the zombies still looked human despite having parasites in them. In RE:Rev, the "Zombies" looked far more deformed and mutated, as seen with the Ooze and Pincer looking extremely mutated and weaponized body parts. Dead Space had a similar vibe to it, so that's what I was reminded of.

tl;dr, RE Zombies feel like movie trope zombies, Dead Space zombies felt like mutants.
I think another dimension to this is the Ooze and Pincer having very focused mutations, where the standard zombie-"evolution" had more general effects. First you got bad skin, then you got flushed while your fingers become more claw-like, while still basically looking human. When you finally start to get into the nasty giant claw territory, that comes with a more muscled body, different coloration, four-legged locomotion, a super-long tongue, and a brain growing out of your skull. Still, even with all that mutation, you're still just a really hosed up person, just extremely disproportioned.

Glazius' "animalistic vs. alienistic" dichotomy actually fits pretty well I think, with the standard Resident Evil zombie operating "within nature" so to speak, while the Ooze and the Pincer look more like the creator is deliberately erasing the subject's humanity in the most efficient manner, with the targeting of the head and the hands for mutation while leaving the rest mostly intact. Dead Space is similar in the sense that it doesn't respect the human body, though it just treats it as a collection of parts..

The RE4/5/6 Parasite-"Zombies" kinda don't really fit into either category I feel, being basically people + parasites, not mutated people as such. They're not supposed to look like a whole, but precisely two different elements mashed together. The J'avo's human form is already slightly mutated though, in the face specifically, which puts them closer to the Ooze and the Pincer than the other two. RE6's monsters were just generally weird, mixing all kinds of styles in one. I suppose that's kind of inevitable for a series that is as long-running as Resident Evil though.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!
Chapter 1-2, Sexy Beach Parties, (Uncut Commentary)
Chapter 1-3, The Blonde Dies, (Uncut Commentary), Raid Mode Stage 2, 3


Morgan Lansdale
-Head of the FBC, worked alongside Clive O'Brian and the BSAA during the Terragrigia Panic

Clive O'Brian
-Head of the BSAA and primary handler for the teams investigating the Veltro revival rumors . One Sexy Mofo, right?

-A diamond dog

Jill Valentine
-Has experience putting her arm in giant fleshy maws

Parker Luciani
-Never reads the manual


-He's just really happy to be here. Shoot them in their big dumb mouth for massive damage.

Aculeozzo (Raid Mode only)
-A really tough fish. Most guns do little if any damage, shotguns are especially worthless against them. Finding and killing them in Raid Mode gets you rare weapons.

Text Dump: The Genesis operating manual, v.1.0.9


????? (Female)
-The Resident Evil devs sure love killing off blonde women.

????? (Gas Mask)
-Mysterious character that claims to know the truth about Veltro and Terragrigia.


Chunk (Raid mode vid)
-Seemingly innocuous creatures, these guys explode when they take too much damage or get close to you. Shotguns are ineffective against him, use pistols or rifles to take them out at range.

Raid Mode info

Jill Valentine, Diver Gear skin (Last episode)
-Handgun Mastery 3: Reloads Handguns 100% faster, Fires Handguns 35% faster
-Machine Gun Mastery 3: Reloads MGs 80% faster, Fires MGs 35% faster
-Melee Attack: Knife Stab
-Execution: Roundhouse kick, attacks in an arc.

Chris Redfield, Snow Gear skin
-Shotgun Mastery 3: Reloads Shotguns 80% faster, Fires Shotguns 25% faster
-Rifle Mastery 1: Reloads Rifles 30% faster, Fires Rifles 10% faster
-Melee attack: Horizontal knife slash, some AoE(?)
-Execution: Straight Uppercut, no AoE

Parker Luciani, Diver Gear skin
-Shotgun Mastery 2: Reloads Shotguns 60% faster, Fires Shotguns 18% faster
-Hard Hitter: Melee Weapon (re: his non-QTE melee) does 200% more damage
-Melee attack: Axe Chop, somewhat slow
-Execution: "The People's Elbow," A clothesline with a swing toward his left side.

Parker Luciani, Beach Uniform skin (his chapter 1-2 outfit)
-Handgun Mastery 3: Reloads Handguns 100% faster, Fires Handguns 35% faster
-Shotgun Mastery 3: Reloads Shotguns 80% faster, Fires Shotguns 25% faster
-Melee Attack: Horizontal knife slash
-Execution: "The People's Elbow"

A Curvy Goonette
Jul 3, 2007

"Anyone who enjoys MWO is a shitty player. You have to hate it in order to be pro like me."

I'm actually just very good at curb stomping randoms on a team. :ssh:
Digging the LP, hope you guys keep at it. Its kind of a shame the pistol has like no balls, zombies barely even flinch. At least the RE4 one had some attitude.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

A Curvy Goonette posted:

Digging the LP, hope you guys keep at it. Its kind of a shame the pistol has like no balls, zombies barely even flinch. At least the RE4 one had some attitude.

The pistol's always been the general purpose weapon, unlike say shotguns or rifles that have either high damage or good stun rate. There are other pistols in this game with more varying mechanics, but we'll cover that in other updates.

marshmallow creep
Dec 10, 2008

I've been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of a joke to make but I just realised the animators of Mass Effect already did it for me

Do all the characters that can use the Hydra use it one handed like Chris and Parker, or only the beefy dudes? I loved that gun so much, and using it one handed is just so damned stylish compared to using it like a regular shotgun, which is all Sheva or Helena did with it.

I may just have to get this game--the Raid mode looks really fun. Is the story mode co-op at all?

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

Lotish posted:

Do all the characters that can use the Hydra use it one handed like Chris and Parker, or only the beefy dudes? I loved that gun so much, and using it one handed is just so damned stylish compared to using it like a regular shotgun, which is all Sheva or Helena did with it.

I may just have to get this game--the Raid mode looks really fun. Is the story mode co-op at all?

Unfortunately, women use it like a normal shotgun. I did a test run and the only two women I have unlocked both use it normal. Seems like dudes are the only one, and I don't think beefcake-status matters since I use some of the other scrawny characters and they "Road Warrior" it.

Story mode unfortunately isn't co-op. Capcom should really clarify that on the steam page.

Mar 12, 2007


If story mode was co-op with the game as-is, the parts where they split up would have Parker just kinda standing around waiting for Jill to do all the work.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

Pneub posted:

If story mode was co-op with the game as-is, the parts where they split up would have Parker just kinda standing around waiting for Jill to do all the work.

That's actually a good point, but we'll see that later in the LP. Though I can imagine ONE chapter where it felt like it was meant for co-op.

Also, might have to do the next Raid mode solo since I haven't gotten any PMs from prospective players. Just in case, I'm gonna add my Twitter/Steam acct to the OP and pray that doesn't come back to bite me in the rear end.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!
Chapter 2: Double Mystery
2-1, Thermal Underwear, (Uncut Commentary)
2-2, Why didn't you DODGE?!, (Uncut Commentary), (Raid Mode Stage 4, 5)


Chris Redfield
-BSAA Member and suvivor of the first zombie incident. Currently investigating rumors of Veltro's resurrection. Hates sleeves.

Jessica Sherawat
-Chris Redfield's current partner. Doesn't like thermal underwear.


-This game's Dog B.O.W. variant. Has two models, basic grey wolf and the large black pack leader. I'm not sure, but the pack leaders can rally the wolves to themselves by howling. Both are weak to headshots or shooting them in their exposed ribs. They have no stun animation, so you can't QTE melee them.

Text Dump: On Handling the New Prototype
-Or: How to take care of your new rampaging zombie


-Seems to know Parker, but not in a fond way. Looks like The Goblin King.

Racheal Foley (Raid Mode)
-FBC agent, killed in action during the events of the main game. Very energetic and bubbly.
Raid Mode traits
Shotgun Mastery 1: Reload speed +30%, Fire Rate +10%
Magnum Mastery 2: Reload speed +50%, Fire Rate +25%
Regeneration 1: Slight health regen
Melee Attack: Horizontal Knife Swipe
Execution: A Cartwheel Kick. Does 2 hits, first hit does 1/3rd damage of a regular execution, 2nd hit does full damage. No AoE, Doubtful you can miss a kick.


Pincer (Story Mode)
-This is the first time we encounter these guys in the story. They have a basic claw swipe, a knockdown claw swipe and a grab similar to the basic Ooze. Despite what we say in the vids, their hands ARE their weak/exposure points but in story mode they don't have enough health to survive the damage necessary to expose the melee point.

Text Frame: Dodge Mechanics

-Protip: For the PC version, using Space is better since you're always holding W and trying to release it and press it again is finnicky. If you are using a controller, A(360)/X(PS3) is better since the other dodge requires you to pull back on your analog stick as well.

Kaboom Dragoon
May 7, 2010

The greatest of feasts

I don't know why, but our mystery man there reminds me so much of David Lynch, it's unreal.

marshmallow creep
Dec 10, 2008

I've been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of a joke to make but I just realised the animators of Mass Effect already did it for me

Kaboom Dragoon posted:

I don't know why, but our mystery man there reminds me so much of David Lynch, it's unreal.

Ha! I totally see it too.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

Kaboom Dragoon posted:

I don't know why, but our mystery man there reminds me so much of David Lynch, it's unreal.

Lotish posted:

Ha! I totally see it too.

The wavy hair's totally off. Also, Lynch doesn't have red hair. :v:

Nov 4, 2009

Space Cowboy
As to why Chris would carry around a sewing kit, I imagine it's because every time he bends his elbows more than ten degrees, his sleeves burst open Hulk style.

Mar 12, 2007


I just noticed that the blob fishes from raid mode make the same noise as Birkin Monster's big shoulder-eyeball from RE2.

A Buttery Pastry
Sep 4, 2011

Delicious and Informative!
The original Resident Evil has both the dirty water tub, and crushing boulders. Maybe get your facts straight before making an lp! :reject:

More seriously, something I noticed especially in this video is that Jill looks different, again. Everyone else is mostly consistent (Chris obviously transitioned into steroid gorilla-monster after Code Veronica, but otherwise he doesn't really seem to have changed), but Jill basically gets a new face with every game she's in, it's kind of amazing.

Singh Long
Oct 9, 2012

A Buttery Pastry posted:

The original Resident Evil has both the dirty water tub, and crushing boulders. Maybe get your facts straight before making an lp! :reject:

More seriously, something I noticed especially in this video is that Jill looks different, again. Everyone else is mostly consistent (Chris obviously transitioned into steroid gorilla-monster after Code Veronica, but otherwise he doesn't really seem to have changed), but Jill basically gets a new face with every game she's in, it's kind of amazing.

Actually, her face was consistent from REmake till this game and ORC. Hell, some people hated the change because it seemed unnecessary.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

A Buttery Pastry posted:

The original Resident Evil has both the dirty water tub, and crushing boulders. Maybe get your facts straight before making an lp! :reject:

More seriously, something I noticed especially in this video is that Jill looks different, again. Everyone else is mostly consistent (Chris obviously transitioned into steroid gorilla-monster after Code Veronica, but otherwise he doesn't really seem to have changed), but Jill basically gets a new face with every game she's in, it's kind of amazing.

Yeah I found that peculiar as well. In this game she looks somewhat similar to 5 in terms of facial structure, but her eyes are totally different. They look glassed over, you can especially tell this at chapter 2-2. There's also the hair, but that's a given considering the events and time between 3 and 5.

Also, crushing boulders? It's been a LONG time since I played the old REs so my memory's totally fuzzy. Least I remembered the tub kinda.

A Curvy Goonette
Jul 3, 2007

"Anyone who enjoys MWO is a shitty player. You have to hate it in order to be pro like me."

I'm actually just very good at curb stomping randoms on a team. :ssh:
The biggest problem with her eyes so far is that its hard to tell the iris and sclera apart. They're both this kinda weird off-grey color.

A Buttery Pastry
Sep 4, 2011

Delicious and Informative!

Singh Long posted:

Actually, her face was consistent from REmake till this game and ORC. Hell, some people hated the change because it seemed unnecessary.
Hmm, I think maybe the difference in lighting as well as the slightly different texture (paler skin, darker eye sockets) is what confused me, as well as faulty memory, since yeah, it's basically the same facial structure.

Highwang posted:

Yeah I found that peculiar as well. In this game she looks somewhat similar to 5 in terms of facial structure, but her eyes are totally different. They look glassed over, you can especially tell this at chapter 2-2. There's also the hair, but that's a given considering the events and time between 3 and 5.
Her nose looks slimmer/more defined, and her lips look wider as well, though stuff like lips is obviously something that's extremely vulnerable to looking off in a game. More so in a game where they might not have the freedom to add a ton of polygons (which might also have exaggerated the rest of the changes?) Still, the changes to Jill made me think of Hollywood actresses just on the tipping point before their cosmetic surgery really starts to make them look weird. Not that I'm violently opposed or anything, it was just something I noticed.

Highwang posted:

Also, crushing boulders? It's been a LONG time since I played the old REs so my memory's totally fuzzy. Least I remembered the tub kinda.
Crushing boulders, crushing ceilings. The original RE is great.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

A Buttery Pastry posted:

Her nose looks slimmer/more defined, and her lips look wider as well, though stuff like lips is obviously something that's extremely vulnerable to looking off in a game. More so in a game where they might not have the freedom to add a ton of polygons (which might also have exaggerated the rest of the changes?) Still, the changes to Jill made me think of Hollywood actresses just on the tipping point before their cosmetic surgery really starts to make them look weird. Not that I'm violently opposed or anything, it was just something I noticed.

Yeah RE:Rev HD is a bit strange. I don't think Capcom altered the wireframes all that much from the DS Ver, as seen in some cutscenes. I'd imagine that or just the desire to make Jill more alluring to draw customers is the reason for her model.

Also I am probably gonna point this out in the next Raid Mode vid, but I figured out why some B.O.W's have names. They're apparently psuedo-champions, not like the ones with the icons but they're slightly stronger and always drop a mod part apparently. One of the loading screens tells you this in Raid Mode, but I never saw it until now. I believe they use names of people on your Steam Friends that own the game, so that's pretty funny.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!
Chapter 3: Ghosts of Veltro
3-1, The Terragrigia Panic, (Uncut Commentary)
3-2, M'aiede, (Uncut Commentary)

(No raid mode yet, friends are super busy and no one else has stepped up)


Raymond Vester
-Our mysterious friend, one year ago; A hot-blooded FBC cadet eager to put his life on the line to stop the attack from Il Veltro.

Parker Luciani
-Parker from one year ago; An FBC agent tasked with holding off the B.O.W. horde to help facilitate the escape of fellow FBC/BSAA Members

Jessica Sherawat
-Jessica from one year ago I'm dead serious; A young FBC agent partnered with Parker in order to hold off the B.O.W. menace.

Morgan Lansdale
-Commisioner of the FBC, ordered the orbital Solar Strike in a desperate attempt to end Il Veltro's rampage. More than willing to do what is necessary despite the consequences.

The Federal Bioterrorism Commission (FBC)
-Not so much a character but rather the organization as a whole. Formed after the incidents at Raccoon City and the potential threat of more B.O.W attacks, the FBC is an American government-commissioned organization created to handle bioterrorism incidents. During the events of the main game, the FBC was in its prime while the BSAA was still in its infancy. Both organizations participated in the Terragrigia Panic.


-The RE1/2 menace is back for this flashback. They're focused on constant movement, jumping around until they come in for a strike. They still have their one-hit kill, so if you see them angry then back off or evade if you're daring. The hunter's somewhat de-fanged in this game however, a shotgun will easily keep them knocked down and a MG shot to the face during their leaping attack will stun them long enough for a fully charged melee attack.

Text Dump: The FBC's Charter


Raymond Vester
-FBC Agent. One year later, the events at Terragrigia has turned him into a cold and spiteful fellow. Who knows what his agenda is?

????? (Gas Mask)
-Hey, he now has a face. Leader of Il Veltro and ready to turn a huge chunk of the ocean into a giant zombie soup.

Keith & Quint
-BSAA agents under the command of Clive O'Brien. One likes anime, the other likes ink.


Wall Blister
-An exclusive enemy for the PC version! Uhh...what are they doing?

-The final Ooze variant, built for ranged combat. Their giant hand will fire what looks like a human pelvis at you, and if you get in close they have melee options as well. Typically meant to be an annoyance, but they can be a legit threat under the rare circumstances of them being in numbers. They're also pretty good at ruining my loving trinity bonus in Raid mode.

:siren: Slight video spoiler, open after watching the vid :siren:

-The game's first boss! A giant monstrosity with several human-looking parts connected to a giant maw and bulky body. This creature is insanely durable with a giant bone circular saw for an arm and the ability to barf out bear-traps to ensnare Jill. The Scagdead also has an insta-kill if you let it get in close. If you aren't using explosives, the human head is typically considered the critical hit point.

Text Dump: History of the Queen Zenobia
Or: Why this boat exists in the first place

Text Dump: Note found in Room 303
Or: A discontinued guide for fighting Oozes

Text Dump: Cleaning report for next-on-duty
Or: Why janitors are unreliable in the zombie apocalypse

:siren: Slight video spoiler, open after watching the vid :siren:
Text Dump: Communication Officer's Journal
This game's "Four Itchy Tasty"

Dickey Butts
Feb 3, 2008

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
Yes, that VA is totally Colonel Campbell.

Oct 17, 2008
How does the gun modding work? If you put mods on can you take them off again? If you can't take them off can you overwrite them? Do things stack? As in, can you have both a 2-shot burst and a 3-shot burst on the same gun giving a 5-shot burst?

Edit: should have watched farther into the video.

Major_JF fucked around with this message at 02:27 on Dec 11, 2013

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

Major_JF posted:

How does the gun modding work? If you put mods on can you take them off again? If you can't take them off can you overwrite them? Do things stack? As in, can you have both a 2-shot burst and a 3-shot burst on the same gun giving a 5-shot burst?

Edit: should have watched farther into the video.

Nah, things dont stack. If you try to put say a 2nd fire-rate mod on a gun it will replace the one on there already. Its there for balancing so you don't have a rifle or magnum with all damage mods stacked on it and one-shotting bosses.

Jan 3, 2013

You know, I actually agree with you two on the game focusing on Parker and Jessica instead. Or at least, not focus on 2/3 of the RE trinity of Chris/Jill/Leon. I noticed this starting with RE5, but Capcom is hesitant to let go of past characters, to almost an alarming level. RE5 was hyped up as Jill having died, except she's alive and under mind control because of reasons established in RE3 and cemented later on in this game. RE6 felt like it should have been Jake and Sherry's game, yet it had Leon riding shotgun with a pile of dead weight and tits (Helena), Ada hyped up as playing an important role, but then became an exposition source because Capcom made the game and realized they forgot a place to throw in the plot dump, and Chris literally being tacked on at the very end of development to help draw in more people. And even then, (RE6 spoilers)Chris' campaign got rewritten so Chris wouldn't die at the end. Here, we have a similar situation; newer characters (Parker, Raymond, O'Brien, and even Jessica) turning out more entertaining than the previously established characters (Chris and Jill). I just wish that Capcom would let the fresh faces have more importance in this franchise. Instead, we get the fan favorites stealing the spotlight and have the more interesting newer characters relegated to supporting roles.


A Buttery Pastry
Sep 4, 2011

Delicious and Informative!
All the references to RE1 already makes me wonder if we're going to see a full chronological list of references from the first 3 games. They do a pretty good job at being faithful to the old RE games in terms of color and design already, so recurring references might get a bit much, but we know that the RE developers have a hard time letting go so it wouldn't surprise me.

As for the talk about tutorials, I like how RE1 did it if you played as Jill. The very first enemy encounter is in a room that sucks for fighting, against a super-powered zombie, and it's up to the player to figure out that sometimes the best plan is to run away. That's really the only thing you need to understand to grasp the combat in RE1, and everything else you kinda get along the way. Though I suppose it easier to have such a simple tutorial in a game that's as mechanically simple as RE1.

Most importantly though, you definitely pronounced Heckler & Koch wrong. :colbert:

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