Pretty sure one of the class/build/archetype things in THE CYBERPAPACY is "You are a Grandpa who wakes up and is suddenly chromed up like a robocop" and why would you want to delay that wonder any longer.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:01 |
# ? Jan 14, 2025 22:14 |
Mr. Maltose posted:Pretty sure one of the class/build/archetype things in THE CYBERPAPACY is "You are a Grandpa who wakes up and is suddenly chromed up like a robocop" and why would you want to delay that wonder any longer. That's a very convincing argument and I change my vote.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:04 |
Mr. Maltose posted:Pretty sure one of the class/build/archetype things in THE CYBERPAPACY is "You are a Grandpa who wakes up and is suddenly chromed up like a robocop" and why would you want to delay that wonder any longer. That is legit my favorite template in the entire game because you're not just a Grandpa, you're a Grandpa who actually fought in the original French Resistance during WWII and now you've got your faculties back, cyberware, and an itchin' need to show these young whippersnappers how you really run a resistance movement.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:12 |
Zereth posted:The Nile Empire, duh. Gotta find out what Dr. Mobius is up to.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:14 |
Zereth posted:The Nile Empire, duh. Gotta find out what Dr. Mobius is up to.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:14 |
Plague of Hats posted:That's a very convincing argument and I change my vote. Yeah okay if The Living Lands actually suck then I'm also changing my vote for this.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:16 |
Evil Mastermind posted:Mobius is the Nile Empire, not Living Land.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:24 |
ascendance posted:If it's not too late, I vote none of the above and Tharkold, which is the most balls to the walls nutty setting of the lot. I'm leaving the post-initial-set cosms until after I deal with the "core" invaders. Because there's two other spoilery realities that show up that haven't even been hinted at yet.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:25 |
Mors Rattus posted:All I know is, two years ago at Origins I saw a book called THE CYBERPAPACY and I had to buy it despite knowing nothing about it because it was a book called THE CYBERPAPACY. One of my favorite things about the Cyberpapacy is the way that it handled cyberspace (the classic c-punk flying-through-holographic-neon-grid-canyons with a wire hooked directly into your brain kind) - it got rid of a lot of the fiddly rules and arguments by flatly asserting that when you jacked in to cyberspace, you were literally projecting your soul into another dimension. Because, in the Cyberpapacy, that's exactly how jacking into the matrix worked.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:38 |
Robo Cyber Grandpa gets my vote.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:46 |
Get the most boring out of the way first: Living Land
# ? Jan 13, 2015 16:57 |
TORG may not have a Space Pope, but it does have a Chrome Pope, and that's good enough for me. Forward the Cyberpapacy!
# ? Jan 13, 2015 17:18 |
I'm with Green Intern - get the most boring out of the way first, so we can finish with the good stuff. Living dud of a Land first, to be followed by Orrorsh, Nippon Tech, Asyle, Nile Empire, and finally Cyberpapacy.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 17:18 |
I was around for the last writeups of Cyberpapacy and Nile Empire, so I also vote Living Land, if only to see how badly they hosed up Dino People who are ruled by a reptilian god-king.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 17:36 |
I've been looking around on DTRPG, and Yeah. A samurai in Cyclops' visor. NipponTech.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 17:41 |
Evil Mastermind posted:That is legit my favorite template in the entire game because you're not just a Grandpa, you're a Grandpa who actually fought in the original French Resistance during WWII and now you've got your faculties back, cyberware, and an itchin' need to show these young whippersnappers how you really run a resistance movement. Well yeah, gotta leave you something to talk about.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 17:47 |
Didn't Cyberpapacy win last time someone did Torg?
# ? Jan 13, 2015 17:57 |
I vote for Orrorsh because it's an anagram for "Horrors" and knowing that I can't help but laugh every time I see the name.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 18:04 |
Lightning Lord posted:I vote for Orrorsh because it's an anagram for "Horrors" and knowing that I can't help but laugh every time I see the name. "I'll take Horrorsh for shix hundred, Trebeck"
# ? Jan 13, 2015 18:09 |
Hypocrisy posted:Didn't Cyberpapacy win last time someone did Torg? I did it the first time around, but I faded after doing the Nile Empire and only getting about 3/4 of the way through Cyberpapacy. This redo is my attempt to redeem myself.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 18:21 |
Baofu posted:I was around for the last writeups of Cyberpapacy and Nile Empire, so I also vote Living Land, if only to see how badly they hosed up Dino People who are ruled by a reptilian god-king. Link me to Cyberpapcy!
# ? Jan 13, 2015 18:56 |
NutritiousSnack posted:Link me to Cyberpapcy! http://tradwiki.foxxtrot.net/index.php/FATAL_%26_Friends:_T-U#TORG_.28by_Evil_Mastermind.29 I am going to be using the old reviews as a base, since another reason I'm doing this is because I was reading the old posts and wanted to clean them up.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 19:03 |
Littlefinger posted:
Putting old-fashioned samurai and ninjas in a near-future Japan's kind of like putting old-fashioned armored knights in a near-future Britain, don't you think?
# ? Jan 13, 2015 19:34 |
Libertad! posted:Putting old-fashioned samurai and ninjas in a near-future Japan's kind of like putting old-fashioned armored knights in a near-future Britain, don't you think? Rule one of future Britain is that the Knights Templar come crawling out of wherever and start handing out chainmail. It's like... something the Queen has a madate for. Source: Every single Earth's future RPG ever.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 19:36 |
Libertad! posted:Putting old-fashioned samurai and ninjas in a near-future Japan's kind of like putting old-fashioned armored knights in a near-future Britain, don't you think?
# ? Jan 13, 2015 19:37 |
Spoiler: later on Torg introduces "pocket dimensions", which are basically tiny realms that just show up. One of them is Avalon. e: And don't get me started on the Cartoon Cosm, which has "Acme-ums" instead of axioms. It's the ultimate damning evidence of how badly WEG's writers did NOT understand comedy. Evil Mastermind fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Jan 13, 2015 |
# ? Jan 13, 2015 19:38 |
Libertad! posted:Putting old-fashioned samurai and ninjas in a near-future Japan's kind of like putting old-fashioned armored knights in a near-future Britain, don't you think? I picked it not because I think it's awesome but because it is a literal street ~samurai~ that is so hilariously 80s-90s and a single-picture representation of the whole postmodern orientalism of the time.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 20:12 |
Evil Mastermind posted:It's the ultimate damning evidence of how badly WEG's writers did NOT understand comedy.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 20:41 |
Halloween Jack posted:I'll see you and raise. I own that. I think I still have my copy somewhere. Of course, the reraise is Paranoia 5th Edition. e: Oh my god. OH MY loving GOD. That was written by George Strayton. George "THE SECRET FIRE" Strayton. I think I just pulled something mentally. Evil Mastermind fucked around with this message at 20:49 on Jan 13, 2015 |
# ? Jan 13, 2015 20:46 |
Halloween Jack posted:I'll see you and raise. Guess what else I picked up at Origins two years ago.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 20:47 |
Hold on just a loving second.Kurieg posted:Prestige Classes Kurieg posted:Exotic weapon proficiency: Thorium:(Proficiency with the non-thorium version of the weapon) You already add 2x your strength bonus to attacks with 2 handed weapons just as a general d20 rule, right? These are additional multiplications? I'd like to put in an order for a Thorium Lance, then, please...
# ? Jan 13, 2015 20:53 |
What a choice. All the realms are awesome (except for Living Land of course) I'll vote for Malreaux (will you be handling the GodNet supplement at the same time?)
# ? Jan 13, 2015 20:53 |
Humbug Scoolbus posted:What a choice. All the realms are awesome (except for Living Land of course) I'll vote for Malreaux (will you be handling the GodNet supplement at the same time?) Yeah, which is going to be interesting because the GodNet stuff isn't in the Cyberpapacy book; it's in the Worldbook from the original set and the GodNet sourcebook.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 20:55 |
Crasical posted:Hold on just a loving second. No, you normally ad 1.5x your Strength modifier with two-handed weapons. Red Metal fucked around with this message at 21:22 on Jan 13, 2015 |
# ? Jan 13, 2015 21:05 |
Crasical posted:Hold on just a loving second. IF you took both of those feats you'd add 2.5X your strength bonus to damage rolls with 2h weapons. 3.5 does multipliers weird.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 21:15 |
Voting for Nile Empire because Dr. Mobius is my favorite single thing about Torg so far.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 21:36 |
Here are the votes so far; the Cyberpapacy is barely ahead (assuming I counted right). Cyberpapacy: ...... Nile Empire: ..... Living Land: ... Nippon Tech: . Orrorsh: . I'll close voting when I wake up tomorrow morning.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 21:51 |
Show me Nile Empire.
# ? Jan 13, 2015 21:57 |
Pope Cyberpope XXVII sounds like the most amazing thing. We want cyberpopes which means we want the Cyberpapacy!
# ? Jan 13, 2015 21:58 |
# ? Jan 14, 2025 22:14 |
Evil Mastermind posted:I own that. I think I still have my copy somewhere. Halloween Jack fucked around with this message at 22:02 on Jan 13, 2015 |
# ? Jan 13, 2015 21:59 |