Meinberg posted:I don't know what kids are doing these days. Mindjacking low-tier decker scrubs who wouldn't know a sculp from a roxi.
# ¿ Jan 13, 2014 19:39 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 01:14 |
Well that sort of makes the whole dungeon make sense; the reason everything is so lovely and badly laid out and non-functional is that the Celestials built it expecting a full human army to show up, grind through all the challenges and imprisoned demons and if able to kill the gigantic horde of respawning undead make the choice. Which is still a lethal amount of stupid for anyone int 18 or higher but you work with what you get.
# ¿ Feb 12, 2014 16:16 |
SirPhoebos posted:I suspect that WLD must be part of some sort of celestial Insurance Scam. Nah, they just left construction up to the ghosts of the guys who built Sochi.
# ¿ Feb 13, 2014 00:23 |
Halloween Jack posted:The silly thing about some of the gating (useful term, btw) in Street Fighter is that it doesn't work...you can still create a one-trick-pony starting character who has nothing but Improved Fireball or a Block/Dragon Punch combo and doesn't need anything else to beat most other starting characters. This also applies to Akuma in most versions of the actual game so at least its accurate.
# ¿ Mar 5, 2014 20:46 |
Halloween Jack posted:Since they published those godawfully broken rules for cyborgs, animal hybrids, and elementals in the Player's Guide, they might as well have given us Sumo Cyborg, Karate Dinosaur, and Fire Pro Wrestler. All of whom are eventual Capcom fighting game characters. Sounds like somebody say down at Capcom opened up the players guide and made all my dreams come true.
# ¿ Mar 5, 2014 21:07 |
theironjef posted:By the same token, every time they said "Real Street Fighters don't use weapons" in this book, which is a lot, I would wince and think of Eagle, Maki, Rolento, Sodom, Cody, Ibuki, and I am sure there are more without having to dive into crossover games. Eagle was in Street Fighter* so not even. *The first one. You know, where if you jump kicked your opponent was doomed to die and hadoken was an unlisted move that was like triple secretly hidden.
# ¿ Mar 5, 2014 21:23 |
theironjef posted:Haggar doesn't show up in a Street Fighter-y game til Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I was confused because I could have sworn Sakura was in the first Alpha, and that would have been perfect for White Wolf and their love of upskirt art, but apparently not! Too bad SF3 didn't exist yet because Elena would have been perfect.
# ¿ Mar 7, 2014 21:05 |
InfiniteJesters posted:And did I mention you can make MOTHERFUCKING KENSHIRO using TBZ's rules? You can build him in lots of games. Is he effective is the question. If the answer is yes my group has no hope, they're already playing this game.
# ¿ Mar 27, 2014 15:32 |
Does Rifts write it as Endiku? Its driving me crazy not seeing Enkidu.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2014 15:22 |
occamsnailfile posted:I got really interested in Sumerian/Babylonian myth a while back and had forgotten how weird this rendition is, though the myths themselves are pretty weird already. But I don't think I ever encountered a reference to the scorpion people--I may have to look that one up. This also isn't even remotely the only fictional source that I've seen use Gilgamesh as a living entity who succeeded in his quest for immortality eventually, and remains a dick into the present day. I wonder why that focus is so appealing--and I've even done it myself--when the end futility of his quest was somewhat the point, the story being his legacy. Same reason there was a Don Quixote sequel written by someone else where he is a true noble knight. That one at least was written while Cervantes was alive so he could write Don Quixote II which is basically a steaming dump on such an idea. Its not just Gilgamesh whose been touched up in Summeria; there are tablets found discussing Enkidu living on in the afterlife instead of dying because apparently fan-fiction is what separates man from the animals.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2014 16:07 |
Mr. Maltose posted:They bred themselves to look super nonthreatening to other people. Tleilaxu are scary as hell. It might have been better to at least have two hordes of those things fighting it out instead of waiting for the machines Murabella saw to come from beyond space. Please tell me the Dune Book drops/handles deftly the imprinting idea. Eating worm juice to see beyond space and time was fine with young me, the weird imprinting poo poo lost me.
# ¿ Apr 11, 2014 17:12 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 01:14 |
FMguru posted:What makes a good man go neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality? Some men are born true neutral, others achieve true neutral, and others have true neutralness offered to them as neither the superior nor inferior option of many Somewhere the teenage child of some lawful good parents utters "...whatever" and they can never speak to one another again.
# ¿ Aug 19, 2015 06:07 |